Counterfeit Love
Chapter 1
In the last story I wrote Kaoru was a little OOC..She played the part of a damsel in distress to much for my tastes, so now I'm gonna bring back to fiery, spirited, low-tempered girl I love! I don't care much if she's your favorite or not because this is MY fanfic, go write your own! Enjoy!
Emily: Is this a K&K thing?
Me: Of course
Sara: What's K&K?
Me&Emily: Don't ask
Emily: Another K&K thing? Is there fighting?
Me: Of course
Emily: Good.
Sara: What's K&K?!
Kaoru practically skipped down the road home, thinking over her plan a hundred times as she did. She had forgotten the tofu, but really she hadn't gone to buy it in the first place. 'This is going to be perfect! All I have to do now is sit back and wait! Haha! Sanosuke, your smarter then everyone gives you credit for! Oh!!! This is going to be so good! And finally...Oh! I can't wait! It is sure to work!' She swung the empty tofu bucket around while breaking into a skip. She could see the dojo gate now. Almost home..
On the other side of the gate Kenshin silently watched her. He saw walking down the road rather fast, with a big grin on her beautiful face. He watched her start to skip swinging the tofu bucket around smiling even more, almost laughing. He wondered what had gotten into her. When she left she had been so sad about something. He had heard Sano and Yahiko try to guess what could be bugging her. Sano had said one thing and left saying he had to meet someone. But that one thing had hit Kenshin hard, "She's tired of waiting for someone Yahiko. That's all." Sano had looked over at Kenshin and Kenshin had Oro-ed back. But he just wanted her to be happy. More then anything he wanted her to be happy, so what ever had gotten her so excited was fine with him as long as it didn't involve breaking the law or anything..He chuckled at the thought of Kaoru as a criminal..that was ridiculous..Kaoru had to kind a heart and to sweet a soul for that. After all she was boarding a wandering idiot, a boy who had an ego to match Japan's army and a lazy teenaged drinker who did nothing but gamble. But he knew that she loved them all dearly and he knew that they loved her like a sister.
"Kenshin..Earth to Kenshin..Kenshin.." Sano had come through the other gate and was standing over Kenshin waving his hand in front of his face. There was no response and Sanosuke looked outside the window at what the daydreaming rurouni was looking at. He saw Kaoru had dropped the empty bucket and which had delayed her. Kenshin was completely not in this world no matter what Sano did. Finally he got an idea
"Kenshin look! Jou-chan's with another man!" This brought Kenshin to his sense rather quickly
"Nani? Where's the no good dog?! If he does anything to her, he'll answer to the flipped blade of my sword!" Sano was surprised to see amber eyes looking up at him. "Nothing's going on Kenshin..Jou-chan's fine so calm down...I had to get you back for daydreaming that's all." Kenshin eyes turned back to a soft shade of purple and looking annoyed at Sano. The ex-gangsters ignored the rurouni's glares and turned to the figure before them.
"I really don't want to know..." Kaoru said before walking inside. Kenshin followed her in and shut the gate in Sano's face.
"Hey come on! I was only playing around!" 'You'll get yours you dumb rurouni! Just'll be living in hell by tonight....Karou's deadly when she's angry and this is an anger I've never seen so watch out!' He smirked and opened the gate to the smell of food.
'When should I say it? When?' Kaoru looked nervously at Sanosuke who nodded. It was the signal she'd been waiting for.
"Everyone I have an announcement.." She said getting the attention of her closest friends. She looked around the table at everyone, Sano, Yahiko, Megumi, Tsubame and of course, Kenshin. 'I'm really sorry to have to tell you guys this..gomen will work in the end..'
"I'm getting engaged!" She said with the biggest fake smile she could muster. Everyone immediately looked at Kenshin, but when his mouth dropped to the floor they turned to Kaoru.
She smiled faintly and continued, "Umm..Well..I've known him for a long time and..." She stopped 'How long had I known Kenshin anyway?' "And he town this week. We had been writing letters back and forth for a"
"Oh Kaoru! This is so exciting!" Tsubame threw her arms around Kaoru's neck. Kaoru laughed and tried to breath through the little ones grip. Megumi was sitting there like a fool with a dumb-founded look on her face.
"No way, tanuki!" She said in disbelief. "But..?" She looked over at Kenshin who was still in shock. Kaoru giggled and winked at Megumi. The Fox Lady understood right away, "I'm so happy for you tanuki! This is very exciting!" Megumi faked. The rest of the dinner went on with the all friends happily chatting. All of them except for Kenshin. He still was a little confused..'You see sessha? See what happens? How could you let this happen? Sessha never told Kaoru-dono..And now sessha never will..damn the man.damn him...And if he does anything to Kaoru I'll bring him to hell with me and let him burn..sessha's to old..Kaoru-dono would never want an old guy whose gone through wars, and has had a wife before...sessha was killing people when she a little girl..sessha no baka!! (Mentally beats himself up) I will have to meet this man..make sure he will be nice to Kaoru.But she hasn't said much about him..I'll find out.'
"So Kaoru did he get you a ring or something?" Yahiko asked from behind a plate of salmon. Kaoru thought about this for a second. 'Yahiko you're gonna blow it...Hmm..Oh! This is perfect..Too good..'
"Well to tell you the truth he hasn't officially proposed but." She sighed and Sano wanted to clap for her performance, "he mentioned something in a letter..And I know he will now that he's 'in town'..." She glanced off dreamily and Sano tried to contain his laughed. Megumi caught his eye and realized that he was helping her. 'He's not the big idiot everyone says he is...'
Kenshin hadn't realized he had been clenching his fist so hard until he felt his skin break. He looked down.
"I'm going now!" Kaoru's cheery voice rang through the dojo. Her tone sent shivers up Kenshin's back. He dried of his hands on a towel and got up from the laundry bucket.
"Kaoru-dono, would you like sessha to escort you to the Akabeko?" Kenshin asked earnestly for the hundredth time. Kaoru glanced back. She had on a dark blue kimono that was patterned with white and baby blue flowers, and reddish pink cherry blossoms that seemed like hey were sprinkled on the dress. She had her hair tied back in a beautiful purple bow that let her hair fall loosely yet gracefully to the sides. She smiled at Kenshin, and he melted.
"No thank you Kenshin I'll be fine. I'm going to be with him you have nothing to worry about." She turned back to the dojo gate and opened it. She looked back at Kenshin, who had turned around, 'Gomen nasai leave me no baka.I do hope you suffer during this...Gomen...gomen, gomen, gomen, gomen, beloved..' She turned back and began to walk down the path to the Akabeko. Kenshin had stopped at the door, feeling her eyes on him. 'Kaoru..what's going on inside that beautiful head of yours? Is it possible you love sessha? The way you look at sessha..I melt...I could've sworn I saw love in your eyes..Maybe it's just what sessha want to see...Oh Kaoru I should've told you...' He untied the cord around his sleeves and walked silently to the gate, 'forgive sessha for this...' And he began to walk down the road
Meanwhile Kaoru was thinking about her whole plan, 'He looked so hurt last night..but even still.What if he never forgives me for this? What if he leaves?! I can't be alone again! *sigh* What is going to happen...Kami, let it turn out good...' She walked on and finally she got to the Akabeko and was greeted by Tae. She asked if she could have a seat in a slightly open room and Tae found one, not asking why. Over time, Tae learned not to ask questions about the Kenshin-gumi's odd requests, because they usually had to do with matters of the sword or matters of the heart. But she always did what she could. She found Kaoru a seat in an open, yet slightly crowed room. Kaoru announced it would be perfect and sat down. Tae brought her some tea and asked if she would be alone this evening. Kaoru shrugged and Tae noted to not ask anything else. 'I'll go find Tsubame and get it out of her.' Tae walked away with a devilish grin.
And hour or two past, Kaoru had had a small meal and some cups of tea. She decided it was time to go and got up to thank and pay Tae.
She was on the road through the woods. It was a bit cold so she quickened until she got to the heart of the forest, then she stopped.
"You can come out now Kenshin."
A glimmer of red-hair shone behind the trees and Kenshin revealed himself.
"How do you do that?" He inquired walking up to her.
"How did you know sessha was there? Sessha have fooled the best of ninja's and spies slipping around like that..How did you know I was there?"
"Hahahah..I know you better then that Kenshin...You think I would be fooled be some Battousai stunt? You've got to be kidding." She walked on then stopped at the bridge and looked over at the water. "Why did you follow me Kenshin?" 'Not that you weren't supposed to though..'
"Sessha wanted to find out who this guy was. And why didn't he show up?" Kenshin starred into her eyes wanting an answer 'Making a lady wait like that..Who is this guy?'
"You could've just asked me to invite him over..why did you follow me?"
"Kaoru-dono..I.." He hung his head and hid his eyes with his bangs, "Gomen nasai..sessha shouldn't have"
"No it's ok, really don't be sorry." 'Because you're gonna kill me when this is through..' She finished mentally, "Kenshin? Were you..jealous?"
"Kaoru-dono...sessha just wants you to be happy that I do..And if this person makes you happy..then so be it..Shesha can't stop you from loving someone.." 'Even if sessha wanted to kill the bas-'
" always say that..but you don't know do make me happy..By staying at the being around to help and protect me.." She trailed off starring into the river. She knew that he was jealous.she could see it in his eyes..she knew that he would have killed this man if he hadn't taken an oath..'Just a little bit more Kenshin..You're not there yet..' Kaoru mused.
"Kaoru?" Kenshin asked meekly.
'No honorific? Wow.this is working.' "Hai Kenshin?"
"Do you love him?"
"Who?" 'I'm sorry Kenshin, you're just to fun to toy with...'
"The man you wish to be engaged to.." His voice trailed off. Kaoru could tell it pained him to say that. 'Well he did say 'wish to be engaged to'...and I do love that man..heh
"Hai Kenshin.I do love the man wish to be engaged to." Kaoru put emphasis on wish.
"Then what is he's name? Tell me the name of the man you love"
'He's making this to easy..' Kaoru smiled and looked up into his violet eyes...She finally spoke "His name is Himu-"
"He's name is Sakiyurai Reijiro." (A/N: I'm very evil.) Kaoru slowly turned around to be faced with another man. He was tall, taller then Kenshin anyway (A/N: That's not hard to accomplish though.) and he had dark brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a long coat over a simple set of clothing, was very handsome and spoke in a rumbling deep voice. Hearing that voice made Kaoru shiver all over and when she saw where it had came from, she passed out.
That wasn't so bad..right? I hope everyone liked it and I can't wait to hear what you think! R&R please!!
Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin no matter how much I want to heheh..But I do own Sakiyurai Reijiro! Don't you love that name? I do! Hahah, Thank you Jessica!
Now I own 3 people..Muhahaha...well really 6 if you count Sara, Emily and Jonny..(Read Insanity) But Rina still owns me.. ::tries to break leash:: I feel like Inyuasha...::sweat drop::
Chapter 1
In the last story I wrote Kaoru was a little OOC..She played the part of a damsel in distress to much for my tastes, so now I'm gonna bring back to fiery, spirited, low-tempered girl I love! I don't care much if she's your favorite or not because this is MY fanfic, go write your own! Enjoy!
Emily: Is this a K&K thing?
Me: Of course
Sara: What's K&K?
Me&Emily: Don't ask
Emily: Another K&K thing? Is there fighting?
Me: Of course
Emily: Good.
Sara: What's K&K?!
Kaoru practically skipped down the road home, thinking over her plan a hundred times as she did. She had forgotten the tofu, but really she hadn't gone to buy it in the first place. 'This is going to be perfect! All I have to do now is sit back and wait! Haha! Sanosuke, your smarter then everyone gives you credit for! Oh!!! This is going to be so good! And finally...Oh! I can't wait! It is sure to work!' She swung the empty tofu bucket around while breaking into a skip. She could see the dojo gate now. Almost home..
On the other side of the gate Kenshin silently watched her. He saw walking down the road rather fast, with a big grin on her beautiful face. He watched her start to skip swinging the tofu bucket around smiling even more, almost laughing. He wondered what had gotten into her. When she left she had been so sad about something. He had heard Sano and Yahiko try to guess what could be bugging her. Sano had said one thing and left saying he had to meet someone. But that one thing had hit Kenshin hard, "She's tired of waiting for someone Yahiko. That's all." Sano had looked over at Kenshin and Kenshin had Oro-ed back. But he just wanted her to be happy. More then anything he wanted her to be happy, so what ever had gotten her so excited was fine with him as long as it didn't involve breaking the law or anything..He chuckled at the thought of Kaoru as a criminal..that was ridiculous..Kaoru had to kind a heart and to sweet a soul for that. After all she was boarding a wandering idiot, a boy who had an ego to match Japan's army and a lazy teenaged drinker who did nothing but gamble. But he knew that she loved them all dearly and he knew that they loved her like a sister.
"Kenshin..Earth to Kenshin..Kenshin.." Sano had come through the other gate and was standing over Kenshin waving his hand in front of his face. There was no response and Sanosuke looked outside the window at what the daydreaming rurouni was looking at. He saw Kaoru had dropped the empty bucket and which had delayed her. Kenshin was completely not in this world no matter what Sano did. Finally he got an idea
"Kenshin look! Jou-chan's with another man!" This brought Kenshin to his sense rather quickly
"Nani? Where's the no good dog?! If he does anything to her, he'll answer to the flipped blade of my sword!" Sano was surprised to see amber eyes looking up at him. "Nothing's going on Kenshin..Jou-chan's fine so calm down...I had to get you back for daydreaming that's all." Kenshin eyes turned back to a soft shade of purple and looking annoyed at Sano. The ex-gangsters ignored the rurouni's glares and turned to the figure before them.
"I really don't want to know..." Kaoru said before walking inside. Kenshin followed her in and shut the gate in Sano's face.
"Hey come on! I was only playing around!" 'You'll get yours you dumb rurouni! Just'll be living in hell by tonight....Karou's deadly when she's angry and this is an anger I've never seen so watch out!' He smirked and opened the gate to the smell of food.
'When should I say it? When?' Kaoru looked nervously at Sanosuke who nodded. It was the signal she'd been waiting for.
"Everyone I have an announcement.." She said getting the attention of her closest friends. She looked around the table at everyone, Sano, Yahiko, Megumi, Tsubame and of course, Kenshin. 'I'm really sorry to have to tell you guys this..gomen will work in the end..'
"I'm getting engaged!" She said with the biggest fake smile she could muster. Everyone immediately looked at Kenshin, but when his mouth dropped to the floor they turned to Kaoru.
She smiled faintly and continued, "Umm..Well..I've known him for a long time and..." She stopped 'How long had I known Kenshin anyway?' "And he town this week. We had been writing letters back and forth for a"
"Oh Kaoru! This is so exciting!" Tsubame threw her arms around Kaoru's neck. Kaoru laughed and tried to breath through the little ones grip. Megumi was sitting there like a fool with a dumb-founded look on her face.
"No way, tanuki!" She said in disbelief. "But..?" She looked over at Kenshin who was still in shock. Kaoru giggled and winked at Megumi. The Fox Lady understood right away, "I'm so happy for you tanuki! This is very exciting!" Megumi faked. The rest of the dinner went on with the all friends happily chatting. All of them except for Kenshin. He still was a little confused..'You see sessha? See what happens? How could you let this happen? Sessha never told Kaoru-dono..And now sessha never will..damn the man.damn him...And if he does anything to Kaoru I'll bring him to hell with me and let him burn..sessha's to old..Kaoru-dono would never want an old guy whose gone through wars, and has had a wife before...sessha was killing people when she a little girl..sessha no baka!! (Mentally beats himself up) I will have to meet this man..make sure he will be nice to Kaoru.But she hasn't said much about him..I'll find out.'
"So Kaoru did he get you a ring or something?" Yahiko asked from behind a plate of salmon. Kaoru thought about this for a second. 'Yahiko you're gonna blow it...Hmm..Oh! This is perfect..Too good..'
"Well to tell you the truth he hasn't officially proposed but." She sighed and Sano wanted to clap for her performance, "he mentioned something in a letter..And I know he will now that he's 'in town'..." She glanced off dreamily and Sano tried to contain his laughed. Megumi caught his eye and realized that he was helping her. 'He's not the big idiot everyone says he is...'
Kenshin hadn't realized he had been clenching his fist so hard until he felt his skin break. He looked down.
"I'm going now!" Kaoru's cheery voice rang through the dojo. Her tone sent shivers up Kenshin's back. He dried of his hands on a towel and got up from the laundry bucket.
"Kaoru-dono, would you like sessha to escort you to the Akabeko?" Kenshin asked earnestly for the hundredth time. Kaoru glanced back. She had on a dark blue kimono that was patterned with white and baby blue flowers, and reddish pink cherry blossoms that seemed like hey were sprinkled on the dress. She had her hair tied back in a beautiful purple bow that let her hair fall loosely yet gracefully to the sides. She smiled at Kenshin, and he melted.
"No thank you Kenshin I'll be fine. I'm going to be with him you have nothing to worry about." She turned back to the dojo gate and opened it. She looked back at Kenshin, who had turned around, 'Gomen nasai leave me no baka.I do hope you suffer during this...Gomen...gomen, gomen, gomen, gomen, beloved..' She turned back and began to walk down the path to the Akabeko. Kenshin had stopped at the door, feeling her eyes on him. 'Kaoru..what's going on inside that beautiful head of yours? Is it possible you love sessha? The way you look at sessha..I melt...I could've sworn I saw love in your eyes..Maybe it's just what sessha want to see...Oh Kaoru I should've told you...' He untied the cord around his sleeves and walked silently to the gate, 'forgive sessha for this...' And he began to walk down the road
Meanwhile Kaoru was thinking about her whole plan, 'He looked so hurt last night..but even still.What if he never forgives me for this? What if he leaves?! I can't be alone again! *sigh* What is going to happen...Kami, let it turn out good...' She walked on and finally she got to the Akabeko and was greeted by Tae. She asked if she could have a seat in a slightly open room and Tae found one, not asking why. Over time, Tae learned not to ask questions about the Kenshin-gumi's odd requests, because they usually had to do with matters of the sword or matters of the heart. But she always did what she could. She found Kaoru a seat in an open, yet slightly crowed room. Kaoru announced it would be perfect and sat down. Tae brought her some tea and asked if she would be alone this evening. Kaoru shrugged and Tae noted to not ask anything else. 'I'll go find Tsubame and get it out of her.' Tae walked away with a devilish grin.
And hour or two past, Kaoru had had a small meal and some cups of tea. She decided it was time to go and got up to thank and pay Tae.
She was on the road through the woods. It was a bit cold so she quickened until she got to the heart of the forest, then she stopped.
"You can come out now Kenshin."
A glimmer of red-hair shone behind the trees and Kenshin revealed himself.
"How do you do that?" He inquired walking up to her.
"How did you know sessha was there? Sessha have fooled the best of ninja's and spies slipping around like that..How did you know I was there?"
"Hahahah..I know you better then that Kenshin...You think I would be fooled be some Battousai stunt? You've got to be kidding." She walked on then stopped at the bridge and looked over at the water. "Why did you follow me Kenshin?" 'Not that you weren't supposed to though..'
"Sessha wanted to find out who this guy was. And why didn't he show up?" Kenshin starred into her eyes wanting an answer 'Making a lady wait like that..Who is this guy?'
"You could've just asked me to invite him over..why did you follow me?"
"Kaoru-dono..I.." He hung his head and hid his eyes with his bangs, "Gomen nasai..sessha shouldn't have"
"No it's ok, really don't be sorry." 'Because you're gonna kill me when this is through..' She finished mentally, "Kenshin? Were you..jealous?"
"Kaoru-dono...sessha just wants you to be happy that I do..And if this person makes you happy..then so be it..Shesha can't stop you from loving someone.." 'Even if sessha wanted to kill the bas-'
" always say that..but you don't know do make me happy..By staying at the being around to help and protect me.." She trailed off starring into the river. She knew that he was jealous.she could see it in his eyes..she knew that he would have killed this man if he hadn't taken an oath..'Just a little bit more Kenshin..You're not there yet..' Kaoru mused.
"Kaoru?" Kenshin asked meekly.
'No honorific? Wow.this is working.' "Hai Kenshin?"
"Do you love him?"
"Who?" 'I'm sorry Kenshin, you're just to fun to toy with...'
"The man you wish to be engaged to.." His voice trailed off. Kaoru could tell it pained him to say that. 'Well he did say 'wish to be engaged to'...and I do love that man..heh
"Hai Kenshin.I do love the man wish to be engaged to." Kaoru put emphasis on wish.
"Then what is he's name? Tell me the name of the man you love"
'He's making this to easy..' Kaoru smiled and looked up into his violet eyes...She finally spoke "His name is Himu-"
"He's name is Sakiyurai Reijiro." (A/N: I'm very evil.) Kaoru slowly turned around to be faced with another man. He was tall, taller then Kenshin anyway (A/N: That's not hard to accomplish though.) and he had dark brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a long coat over a simple set of clothing, was very handsome and spoke in a rumbling deep voice. Hearing that voice made Kaoru shiver all over and when she saw where it had came from, she passed out.
That wasn't so bad..right? I hope everyone liked it and I can't wait to hear what you think! R&R please!!
Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin no matter how much I want to heheh..But I do own Sakiyurai Reijiro! Don't you love that name? I do! Hahah, Thank you Jessica!
Now I own 3 people..Muhahaha...well really 6 if you count Sara, Emily and Jonny..(Read Insanity) But Rina still owns me.. ::tries to break leash:: I feel like Inyuasha...::sweat drop::