DISCLAIMER: I'm a poor unknown writer and J.K Rowling is a famous millionaire. I wonder which one of us owns Harry Potter? Just in case you couldn't guess, it's not me! So don't sue! And the song "I'm Too Sexy" belongs to Right Said Fred. Not me.
SUMMARY: It's a side of Snape we've never seen before! OOC-ness and silliness ensues so turn your brain off... NOW! You have been warned!
I'm too sexy for the Dark Lord
Too sexy for the Dark Lord
I'm going to leave him
I'm too sexy to be kind
Too sexy to be kind
So sexy I find
And I'm too sexy for Minerva
Too sexy for Minerva
Filius and Pomona
And I'm too sexy for the Dark Arts
Too sexy for the Dark Arts
The way I'm brewing Potions
I'm a Slytherin you know what I mean
When I do my little smirk in the hallway
Yeah in the hallway in the hallway yeah
I do my little smirk in the hallway
I'm too sexy for shampoo
Too sexy for shampoo
Just look at my hairdo
And I'm too sexy for a smile
Too sexy for a smile
I don't find it worthwhile
I'm a Slytherin you know what I mean
When I do my little smirk in the hallway
Yeah in the hallway in the hallway yeah
I cast my little glares in the hallway
I'm too sexy for my...
I'm too sexy for my...
I'm too sexy for my...
I'm a Slytherin you know what I mean
When I do my little smirk in the hallway
Yeah in the hallway in the hallway yeah
I cast my little glares in the hallway
I'm too sexy for the Dark Side
Too sexy for the Dark Side
Poor Voldie, poor Voldemort
I'm too sexy for the Dark Lord
Too sexy for the Dark Lord
I'm going to leave him
And I'm too sexy for you all
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know song parodies have been done to death and truth be told, I'm not really one for writing humour fics, as it's not exactly my strength, but I couldn't resist after this amusing image came to mind of Snape singing along to "I'm Too Sexy". Should I write some more? Please review and tell me what you thought. Greatly appreciated :)