Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. This is just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it.

"Battle Against the Dark Hearts"

By Night Youkai

Chapter 19

What am I suppose to do with this staff?" ask Ron as they walked to down town London.

"I'm not sure but Inuyasha's note said it would help you." Kagome smiled as she followed the pull of the jewel.

"Be thankful Ron I have to carry this huge thing on my back." Hermione complained point6ing to the huge boomerang on her back. They continued to walk until Kagome stopped. "What's wrong kagome?"

"We're here. There was an attack here recently, I can feel the darkness that still lingers."

"You are perceptive my dear." Two-masked death Eaters appeared from the shadows behind the young Gryffindors. The wind blow harshly and in a cloud of dust to unknown youkai appeared.

"Our master would like to meet you hanyou. Their master wants the humans dead." The youkais tried to make a grab for Kagome, but Ron Keeper reflexes were faster and he swung the staff hard knocking the youkai out of his borrowed human skin.

"You shall pay for that human!" a huge insect youkai shouted.

"Demons we ca take car of the brats you take the half breed." That voice was unmistakable. The recently escaped Lucius Malfoy had his wand out along with his companion.

"Yes we can handle the little snots with one curse. Curio!"

"NO!" Hermione swung the large boomerang with all her might. And it not only blocked the curse, but also sent the two death eaters flying. Her weapon returned to her waiting hand. Neither Ron nor Hermione notice the youkai still in human disguise grab Kagome.

"AHHHHHH! INUYASHA! HELP!" the Gryffindors looked back from their battles to be blind by the sheer white light surrounding Kagome and her attacker. When the light cleared Kagome was slightly taller her hair was now silver-white and had two black dog-ears upon her head. She growled showing her new fangs, as her eye changed from Blue to swirling green and amber.

"You will never touch my mate!" the voice Kagome was using was a lot like Inuyasha. " SOUL SHATTERING IRON CLAWS!" and she slashed through her captor. The wizards came running shooting curse at her human friends.

"Expelliamous!" Ron Shouted pointing the staff at the wizards. The wizards were thrown back and seal to the wall.

"Let this be a lesson to you humans come near my mate again and you will die." And as fast as she transformed Kagome was human again with all her strength drain she fell into Ron's arms.

"Ron the aura's will be here soon let's get Kagome out of here!"

"I know but where can we go?"

"I know follow me!"

"Who said that?" The two Gryffindore look around franticly for the voice but saw no one.

"Down here!" looking down at the shredded collar of their passed out friend the saw the talking flea.

"Who the hell are you?" Ron shouted.

"No time to answer now Lady Kagome is in danger we must run I know where she will be safe."

"Hermione what should we do?"

"Well follow him now and if he lies squish him." The flea gulped as the witch picked him up as they began to run.

"Right!" Ron picked up Kagome and was hot on her heels.

This is your family vault?" Harry thought his eye might have been playing tricks in him. This didn't look like a vault It looked like Ali Baba's treasure room. There were gold bricks, gallons, jewels, and chests filled with unknown magic were all in plies surrounding them.

"Get a grip Potter. Youkai live for centuries and are basically immortal. My father and you ancestor set the wards to this place. Once open he moved all his wealth over 10,000 years worth 400 years ago. So it's bound to increase with interest."

"10,000 years? Interest! Well this proves you have everything Malfoy wants to be and more."

"Don't kid yourself potter no one wants to be me. No stop dragging and get your ass over here."

"Oh sorry!" The Gryffindor scrambled up the steps, made of gold bricks, to the alter at the top where Inuyasha was waiting.

"My Son." Boomed a loud voice. Harry looked up to see the voice came from and enormous Wizarding painting. "I see you are now Lord of all lands. You make us very proud my son."

"Thank you Father I will do my best." The hanyou bowed before the extremely large magical painting. Harry was at a lost for words as the painting hat to be at least the size of Hogwarts and the huge Demon Dog that filled its frame was magnificent.

"Who Is this Human? He is quite rude to stand there staring with his mouth open." Gruffed the Former Demon lord.

"Dear maybe if you were to change your form he would not be so shocked." The Giant dog demon moved his long silver tail to reveal a beautiful petite Japanese Priestess. She had log black hair, violet eyes and a kind loving smile. Harry couldn't believe this kind woman was Inuyasha's mother.

"Hello my pup I have missed you very much. You have grown into a handsome young man. I am sorry I was not there to watch it happen." A tear slipped down her cheek and her smile became sad.

"Mother I Missed you too but it's not your fault it was Naraku And he'll pay I promise." He lowered his head to hide the pain and the anger he was feeling. "Father, Naraku has joined forces with the human wizards of the dark. They are striking at not only magic villages but muggle as well. It won't be long before youkai are Exposed to all humans."

"We feared this might happen one day." The large Demon Lord reverted down to his human form. "I'm sure your brother Sesshomaru left the Testsusaiga with you. It is one of the many items you'll need to face the growing threat. The on of the swords that lies before you is the Tensaiga. It has the power to heal and even revive the dead. The other sword is your brother's sword the Tokijin, take it and return it to you him." Inuyasha was shocked as he took each item and placed it in the fire-rat bag. He hesitated when he reached for the Tokijin, he could not bring himself to take it. He turned to face his father once again.

"Father I can't Sesshomaru…"

"Is still alive had he perished in battle the Tokijin would not have returned to this vault. It would have burned up along with your brother's body." Replied his miko mother as gave his a encouraging smile. "Do not worry my pup. You will find him I know you will. Now the last item we want you to take is my book of potions. It will aid you cause greatly I'm sure Potion's master will make great use of it." The Hanyou gathered the book and wrapped it gently in a silk cloth, before placing it in the bag with the other items. "One Last thing."

"Yes mother?"

"Behind this painting is the gateway to our castle home. To open it you must place the Testsusaiga in the alter and turn it like a key."

"Kaza no kei" Inuyasha had not see his home in 15 years. " But why?" he knew the answer but he had hope that there was another way to get where they were going with out having to go through the castle.

"It's time you faced the past my son and save your future." Growl the mighty lord. "Now move your tail the day's light is fading."

"Yes father." The Hanyou smirked as he ran his sword into the alter. Then he gave one last look to his mother. "I'll miss you mother."

"And I you my pup."

"Hey, wizard!" Roared the Demon Lord of The West.

"Y-y-yes sir?" stammered Harry.

"A gift from your Fore-sires." Suddenly the shield of Slytherin appeared on the alter. "Forged with the Tooth of a Basilisk and coated with the blood of a slayed Snake youkai. It is indestructible."

"I'm the Heir of Slytherin?"

"No. you're not a direct heir but close to it. Your Great Grand mother was Selena Slytherin Salazar's sister and she married Godric Gryffindor." Harry was shocked there was just so much to take in, but the moody Hanyou snapped him out of it.

"Potter let's go you can trace you family tree later!"

"Thank you My Lady and My lord." The young wizard bowed respectfully to the painting then followed his demon friend through the gateway.

"They will make a powerful team, Inuyouki."

"Yes they will my mate. They will save our worlds."

"Kagome are you awake?"

"Huh?" the room was dark and her head was pounding. She felt weak and tired, but she also felt safe here.

"She's not responding I say we squish the bug and head back to the order."

"Ron, give her time that was probably her first transformation. I takes a lot of magic or power to do that."

"You are correct. Full blooded youkai or demons as you call us sustain little power drain during transformations. Hanyou or half breeds get drain quickly because of their human blood."

"M-M-Master Myoga?"

"Lady Kagome you are awake!" the flea leapt to he face and started to suck out her blood from her cheek.


"How many times do I have to tell you I am not a blood Bank!" the flatten flea floated to the ground.

"Kagome you know this insect?"

"Unfortunately, I do. Ron, Hermione, this is master Myoga the flea demon and all around coward!"

"Lady Kagome that was unkind of you. I am the advisor of the great western lord. I am also guardian of Lord Inuyasha." The demon flea return to his un fatten form and sat on the talbe between the Gryffindors.

"Right Myoga and your sudden disappearance before the battle in the dark forest was because you wanted to do early Christmas shopping."

"I resent that Lady Kagome I have always been by my master's side since the day of his birth."

"Really then why didn't I meet you till third year and why aren't you with Inuyasha now?"

"Kagome is right. There is no reason we should trust you." Hermione poked the tiny demon with her wand.

"Yeah let's squish him."

"Now, now Ron he may be a coward but he does bring valuable information sometimes. So how about it flea, are you going to start talking or are we going to start squishing?"

"Alright! I'll talk! I'll talk! I swear you have been spending too much time with Lord Inuyasha." Kagome glared at he flea and poked him hard with the tip of her wand. "Okay I surrender! Lord Inuyasha spoke with me this morning when he visited his family vault."

Flask back

The young lord entered the vault and vanished the darkness with a flick of his wrist. "I know you're here coward this is where you've been hiding off and on for the past 16 years!"

"Lord Inuyasha! Is that really you?"

"No you Moron I'm Naraku come to steal all the treasures of the West." Inuyasha sneered at his supposed guardian.

"Oh My lord how happy am I to see you alive and out of that awful forest." The tiny flea ignored the hanyou's sarcasm and welcomed him.

"Yeah I bet you are. Listen up flea I got new orders for you. I am the Ruling lord of the four lands and I have giving the mark to Kagome. I need you to stay with her until I return tomorrow."

"My lord…" the demon was in shock. He never thought he would see a grand lord ever since the last one died and separated the lands to bring peace to the warring kingdoms. "I understand. I will watch over with my life."

"I doubt that since you run at the first sign of danger. I need you to drain her if the power becomes too much for her to handle. I know that she will use it before I return. The war is raising and we have many enemies. The mark gives her my power for protection and she might transform as she is also Hanyou. She will be with two humans and the a strong but they will be even strong with the items I have left for them. Tell them how to use them and that I will return by tomorrow night."

"If I may ask, my lord, where are you going?"


End flash back

"You mean he went back to the forest?"

"No my lady he has return to the place of his birth. The castle "Kaza no Kei" is hidden deep in the western lands and only Youkai of those with strong magic and power can find it."

"What does Kaza no kei mean?" Ron asked as all this information was straining in his head.

"It means Winds of Fire. The lord had two mates, one was a youkai and the other was human. Lord Sesshomaru's mother was a fire demon and she was killed when he was but a child by Her sister Kikyo in a jealous rage. Kikyo is a powerful youkai and being first born she thought it was her right to marry the Western Lord. My lord made a treaty with the Fire demons and chose the Chief's youngest daughter with his heart. Kaede was a shy beautiful demoness and loved my lord and her son. So to honor her he renamed his castle from the western wins the winds of fire."

"You said Kikyo is powerful. Does that mean she is still alive?" Hermione felt a stab in her soul at the mention of this Kikyo and she didn't know why.

"Yes she is still alive. Demons are immortal till they are killed. I am 2,300 years old. Kikyo is a deadly fighter and there are few who have fought her that lived to tell the tale."

"What about these weapons you said you were going to show us how to use them." Kagome was quick to change the subject. She had a vision of fire and cold dark eyes; there was no doubt that they would meet the fire youkai soon.

"Yes you are right Lady Kagome. The staff has very strong purifying power. It can kill full blooded demons and it can turn Hanyou into humans, but they don't live long after that. Many are not strong enough to survive the change. The Hiraikotsu is made from the bone of a defeated youkai. It was once the weapon of a Slayer during the dark ages in Japan. These weapons hold the memories of their previous owner the more you use them the more you shall remember of their past. Lady Kagome you bare the mark of My Lord and with it come his protection. Your transformation today was a result of that protection. His power runs through you, unfortunately it is not stable as he carries the power of the four lands as Grand Lord. You bother are Hanyou and the power can be too much for you to handle. I was sent to be your ground; if ever you lose control I will drain your power."

"You mean like chanting a spell or something like that?"

"Well no sir Ronald."

"He means he's going to suck my blood like he did today!"

"What!" the Gryffindor shouted as they glared at the tiny demon.

"Just before I passed out I felt a sting on the back of my neck then all the power leaving my body."

"Well we all do what we do best." Myoga started to sweat under the intense glare of all three teenagers.

"We'll see about that you coward. Anyway Ron, Hermione, we should be return to the order they must be worried."

"Do we have to take the flea?"



"Here we are Potter." Inuyasha and Harry had stepped out of the cave and walk through the forest to reach daylight. The sun was setting and the wind was picking up. "Welcome to Kaza no Kei in Japan."

"Japan!" The Gryffindor was beyond shocked at this. 'How did we get from England to Japan? All we did was walked through a door and came out a cave.' "Why are we here Inuyasha?"

"We are here to train in side that castle is a chamber of time it works like a time turner but the whole chamber disappears once it's activated. We'll be going back one year ago today."

"One year ago then that means we can save Sirius! I can stop him from going through the veil."

"No you can't."

"What do you mean I can't you just said it works like a time turner I can go to him and keep him alive. He's my godfather and the only family I had left."

"You think I don't what to use the chamber to save my family? To go back to that battle and change things?"

"Why haven't you?"

"Because Potter that is what makes us who we are. I would not be as strong as I am or have the knowledge of Hogwarts. I also would have never have met Kagome and she is the best part of me. Things happen for a reason Potter and how you deal with it makes you who you are. If you saved your godfather would it change the fact that he is a convict would it change you living with your muggle keepers? Would you still have a strong reason to fight?"

The Hanyou was staring straight in to the young wizard's eyes as if he was reading his soul. Harry stared back in to the amber eyes and realized that Inuyasha was right. Everything that has happen in his life had made him who he was. True things might have been different if he never went to the Dursleys but he wouldn't be the same and Sirius' death made him want to fight harder to rid the world of that snake faced bastard. In the end Harry's answer to the Hanyou's Question was a quite "No."

"Then Let us not waste any more time. Enter the chamber." Inuyasha place an empty hourglass in the stone door then pour the sand in to equal one year. "Once the door closes we will be sent back one year. And it will not open until the year is up. The wooden door on the other side of the room will allow us to the outside past. Are you ready to go back in time?"

"I…" Harry knew it was a big step he wanted save Sirius but he knew Inuyasha was right you can't change the past, but that didn't stop the hurting.

"Feh. You're still thinking about Black." Inuyasha glared at the wizard. "If I tell you he's not dead will you get in the chamber?"

"What? That's not true I saw him die myself."

"No you saw him disappear behind a veil. The Celestial Maiden's Veil he is in an enchanted sleep. Only a Priest, Miko or another Celestial maiden can retrieve him."

"A miko? Does that mean …"

"Yes I can retrieve him because I have miko blood on the night of the new moon. Now will get the fuck into the chamber!"

"Yes sir!" Harry ran in to the chamber with a new hope and even more reason to destroy the monster that ruined his life. He would make sure that threat was gone before he brought his godfather home.

"Feh." Inuyasha followed the hyper wizard in said a silent goodbye to Kagome. The door slid in to place locking them in.

"Good luck Lord Inuyasha the worst is yet to come."

A/N: I am so sorry I took so long to get this chapter up

Inuyasha: You took two Years!

Kagome: Inuyasha she has good reason. Don't you night.

N Y: Well I ah…………

Inuyasha: see she doesn't

N Y: Not true I just have other project going on and I'm moving to Hawaii in April I wanted to update before I left.

Kagome: We're moving to Hawaii! I need to go shopping!

Inuyasha: What's A-why-ee?

N Y: Hawaii it's an island in the Pacific Ocean. Anyways I have also have been writing under a different penname. For a different writing style if you like slash and yaoi you are welcome to read the works of Angelwings Sorrow.

Inuyasha: Feh. Your wings are more like bat wings

Kagome: leave her alone or she won't finish our stories.

N Y: I'll finish don't worry I plan on complete each story I start but I work better when I get reviews good and bad. I'll do my best to get more chapters out but know how I want it to end.

Inuyasha: than end it!

N Y: glare: I also work better without a loud annoying Hanyou breathing down my neck. But anyways I promise to try hard thanks for waiting reading and reviewing.

Inuyasha: You better I don't want to be stuck in the past.

N Y: Ignore him. See you when the sun goes down