Author's note: So here's the start of the sequel to "The Flirt and the Rogue" and you must read that first to understand this story. I'll try to update constantly but I'm starting school again so I'll probably update slower. Sorry. Not too slow but only 2 to 4 chappies a week… I'm not sure yet. Ew, school.
Disclamer: I own nada. Not the X-Men… damn though 'cause I wouldn't have to go school if owned them… Off topic. I. Own. Nothing.
Best Friends?
by, Caliente
Chapter 1 – Two Months Later
Rogue smirked as she lounged across a stuffed chair in the Rec Room. She watched Remy whisper into Lorna's ear and her giggle in response. Alex Summers was glaring at the Cajun man. Rouge hoisted herself up and walked over to Alex who looked about ready to explode. His hands, which emit force beams like Scott's eyes, were starting to glow. Rogue plopped down next to the older boy and put her gloved hand on her shoulder and asked in a soothing voice, "Are ya alright sugah?"
"Yeah, I'm fine Rogue," he answered in a strained voice, through clenched teeth.
"Uh-huh," Rogue responded with a small smile. "Maybe ya should take a deep breath an' relax." She gestured towards his hands and he immediately worked to calm himself. "That's betta."
"Thanks Rogue," Alex told her sincerely. "It just makes me so mad that-"
"Ya were too slow ta ask Lorna out yaself," Rogue supplied for the college senior.
Alex glared at her for a moment before sighing. "You're right." He looked at her for a moment. "You know, for a girl who refuses to date, you sure understand a lot about relationships."
Rogue gave him a small smile. "Yeah, Ah guess." Her eyes were filled with sadness but she pushed it away. "An' don't worry about the Cajun. He's not the boyfriend type. Ya'll have ya chance." Alex merely nodded before turning his attention back to the couple sitting very close together.
Rogue shook her head as she began to walk out of the room. A voice stopped her, "Chere where y' goin'? Remy t'ough' y' were joinin' dis Cajun fo' a movie tonight."
Rogue turned back to face Remy and a frowning Lorna. "Ya seemed awful busy so Ah just assumed we would do it anotha night."
"Y' sure chere?" Remy asked. "Dis is de second time dis movie t'ing been cancelled."
"Not cancelled," Rogue told him, "just postponed." She smiled at him. "Ah'm not gonna be busy any time soon, so why don't ya just come find meh when ya have a few hours ta spare." She smiled at him as she waltzed out of the room.
Remy watched her go. It had been two months since that night on the roof when she offered him friendship. He had accepted and their relationship had grown strong. She had even told him that she considered him one of her best friends. Quite a compliment coming from such an untrusting person. She always encouraged him. She humored him. She put up with him. And he was immensely grateful. Gambit turned back to Lorna and whispered a few choice French words in her ear. Before long she was back to eating out of his hand. Still he felt strangely unsatisfied. He decided to go find Rogue for that movie. "Lorna, petite, Remy's gonna go find de Rogue, d'accord (okay)?" Lorna frowned but conceited. Remy hopped up, gave her a quick kiss on the hand, and strolled out of the room.
Remy stopped short of Rogue and Betsy's room when he heard voices. Betsy and Rogue were gossiping about the something or another. Being the sneaky thief that he was, he snuck up behind the door to hear what they were saying. He strengthened his mental shields to keep Psylock from detecting his presence. He heard Betsy giggle and ask, "So you like him then?"
"Ah guess," Rogue replied in an uncertain voice. "It's just so confusin' ya know? Ah mean he's so…"
"Yeah," Betsy agreed with a smile. "But who really cares. I mean, have you seen his ass?"
"Betsy!" Rogue cried indignantly. "Honestly. What would Warren say?"
Betsy rolled her eyes. "It's not a crime to look you know. Just as long as I don't touch."
Rogue smiled at her friends comment. "So, what do Ah do? Should Ah tell him how Ah feel?"
"I say go for it luv," Betsy told her with an encouraging smile.
"It's just, well, ya know," Rogue said in a concerned tone.
"So what? He's here now isn't he?" Betsy had moved to the vanity and was brushing her hair.
"Yeah, but still," Rogue remained unconvinced. "Ah had a hard enough time accepting Lorna 'cause of her powers. An' afta what happened at the Statue of Liberty… An' Joseph is supposedly a young Magneto with amnesia or a clone or somthin'. Ah mean, can Ah really trust him? Afta our history tagetha an' everythin'."
Remy's heart sunk. Joseph. How he loathed that name. That man. He was supposedly a young Magneto with no memory of his former self. He had joined the Institute about 3 weeks after Remy and immediately took a liking to Rogue. Remy wasn't worried because Rogue never seemed to pay him much mind. But now, Remy suddenly had the urge to go find him and rip his heart out. Remy's empathy was wearing off and he knew that Betsy would be able to detect him soon so he pushed anger and jealousy down before knocking on her door. "Chere?" he called as he pushed open the door. "Dere y' are. Still wanna go see a movie?"
"Sure," Rogue said before her eyes lit up with excitement. "Why don't we go see-"
"Non chere," Remy interrupted shaking his head. "We watched dat one las' week."
"Ah don't care," Rogue argued indignantly. "Ah love that movie. An' it's not a chick flick. There are sword fights an' pirates an' stuff."
"But it's not exactly enjoyable t' watch y' drool over ot'er guys," Gambit remarked dryly.
"But ya get ta look at that blonde girl," Rogue told him.
Gambit please come to my office immediately Professor Xavier's voice invaded his mind.
Rogue looked Gambit questioningly when he didn't continue their playful banter. Remy shrugged at her and said, "De bald man wan's t' see Remy. Sorry petite. We'll see de movie some ot'er time."
"Okay," Rogue nodded as she watched him exit her room.
Okay, Romy fans, no fear! It's still a Romy. I promise!! Stick with me… :) Read and respond plz. That's all I can ask.