Little Family Get Together
Chapter Three
Written by Lady Nakosha ==================
As Serena pushed the doors open and swiped away a stray tear, she only got as far as getting out her keys before she heard someone call her name out and footsteps hurriedly chase after her.
Serena despised her heart for jumping at the hopeful wish that it was Darien who had come after her. But instead, when she turned around, instead of her dark haired beauty, it was Seiya, another dark haired man who was after her, unknowing to her.
"Seiya," Serena breathed in surprise, wondering what he could possibly need to tell her that had him chasing after her.
"Leaving already?" He asked, watching her fidget with her keys. Her eyes were a bit bloodshot and her cheeks were flushed a deep pinkish color.
"Yeah... yeah, I am. I think that I may have overstayed my visit." Serena muttered, shooting him a wry smile.
Seiya understood where she was coming from, obviously the family wasn't as welcoming to him as they were to any of the other family members because he wasn't directly "blood related". "Really? Why?"
But then again, Seiya wondered who on the planet *couldn't* like Serena. "My sister. No one is acting like it, but trust me, I have a knack for knowing when the party has gotten a bit too dull and it's time for me to make my great escape. My family is used to it though, it's almost normal for me to disappear from their little reunions hours before it's over."
Seiya grinned flirtatiously. "It seems like you'd be the type of girl who everyone would be used to getting all the attention and being in the spotlight all the time. Not that I'd know or anything."
Serena blushed slightly, but gave him a coy smile. Maybe right now Seiya was the type of distraction from her currently mending heart that she needed. "Maybe if you got to know me better, you could find out for yourself."
Seiya's smile widened. She was flirting back! "Maybe I'll take you up on that. Want to get out of here and head out to get a drink or something?"
Serena's heart thumped in her chest as she looked back towards the house and thought of Darien. Nodding her head, Serena banished his smiling face from her mind and focused on Seiya. "That sounds like the best idea I've heard all day."
Darien began to panic when he saw Serena hurriedly leave. But really worried him was that Seiya was up out of his seat in seconds and close behind her. Had she left? With him? The idea struck a blow in his stomach, despite the fact that he was supposed to have eliminated any thought of her from his mind.
Inconspicuously, Darien headed for the door; hope that Serena and Seiya were still there bubbled in his chest. It was only moments ago that Serena had left the party to go outside, right?
But once again, he was detoured. "Honey, where are you going?" A female voice inquired from behind him.
Darien silently cursed and turned around. "Denise, I was going outside to get a bit of fresh air." He saw the look on her face and quickly added, "You want to join me?"
Denise jumped at the chance for some alone time with her fiancée. "Sure! I love fresh air!"
Darien smiled, but inwardly sighed. It's always been her passion, he thought sarcastically.
"Isn't it beautiful here?" Denise asked softly, admiring the late blooming flowers and the beautifully decorated front porch. The stone steps led down to the gravel path which wound around a small fountain, then finally opened up into the driveway, big enough to fit almost three cars in a row.
"Yeah, it is." Darien answered distractedly, disappointed to see that both Serena and Seiya's cars were missing. He had been too late...
Denise grinned slyly. Darien's brow rose when he saw the look on her face. Why did that look so familiar...
"You know, all this scenery is actually"-Denise giggled madly-"a bit of a turn on. It kind of makes me want to, you know, do things... with you."
Darien gulped. She wanted to... make love? Now? But then, suddenly images of Seiya and Serena having wild sex assaulted him from all sides. Jealously and fear rippled through his body.
Denise lost her sly attitude and became concerned and slightly hurt. "Darien? What's wrong? Don't you want to make love with me anymore?"
Darien shook his head ferociously and took her by the hand and pulled her close. "No! Of course I do! I just... I just... I don't know, it just wasn't what I expected you to say after everything. I'm a bit shocked and happy."
A smile of euphoria spread across her face. "I know that there's a room inside of the house that has a fully functional lock and a stereo... to conceal any disturbances..."
Darien nodded in agreement and prayed that any thoughts of Serena and Seiya together would be eliminated from his mind. "What are we waiting for then? Let's go."
Denise hesitated slightly. "Um, Darien?"
"Yes?" Darien wondered if they would ever make it inside the house at this pace.
"The room I'm talking about... it's different."
Darien couldn't imagine what would be so different about a bedroom. "It's fine, Denise. I love unique rooms."
"So it won't be a problem?"
"Of course not."
With that, Denise pulled at his sleeve and they headed upstairs.
"So... this is your old room here?" Darien asked slowly, letting his new surroundings sink in.
"Well... it's more always been more of a guestroom, you see." Denise told him, almost defensively.
He loved unique rooms. Not scary rooms.
How did she live in this room for more than half of her life? The room was absolutely terrifying! The shelves were lined with untouched Barbie dolls, all proudly displayed in little glass boxes. Did they actually tell people this room existed?
The bed, the covers, the pillowcases, the comforter, the sheets, everything was pink and had at least one giant picture of a Barbie character winking or smiling at them. Her dresser was decorated with either stickers of Barbie or stickers of Barbie kissing Ken.
Denise turned towards him, her eyes shining. "This room is, like, the ultimate girl's dream room." "Isn't it just great how my parents preserved my childhood?"
Darien wasn't sure if that was exactly how he would put it. "Maybe we should respect that and leave the room or whatever..."
"No, it's okay. I think that it's so perfect. Plus, the other rooms don't have locks and no one ever comes to this room."
Darien couldn't see why. "Eh..."
"Darien, I'm so happy that you like it here. Because your opinion is really important to me, and if you don't like something, then I really want you to tell me."
It was so... not a room he wanted to have sex in. This was not a place that he would boast about having sex in with his friends.
In fact, he'd never breath to another soul about having seen this room.
But of course, he couldn't tell her that.
"So you're telling me that you went from architecture designer to owning your own business?" Seiya asked, grinning at the blonde.
Serena laughed. "It seems that my occupation seems to be the highlight of the year."
"Oh? And why is this?"
"Everyone has asked me the same exact question you have and I each time I give them a varied answer."
Seiya raised his brow in amusement. "Is your answer for me 'varied' as you say?"
"Nope. It's all true." Serena answered simply, giving him a coy smile. "What about you? What's your pleasure?" Serena asked, her lips curving upward and her eyes suggesting ideas shamelessly.
Seiya grinned. So she was spunky and boldly flirtatious. Ah, she was quite a woman indeed, he thought with delight. "My pleasure is being with you, of course."
"You are a brazen man, Mr. Kou." Serena murmured.
"And you are not?" Seiya challenged, raising his glass to her.
Serena cocked her head to the side thoughtfully. Seiya wasn't like many others... Serena could sense something different about him.
Just as how she had sensed something different about Darien. Serena unconsciously flinched. She hadn't thought about Darien the entire time she was with Seiya, but now, all she could see was his ebony hair, his sensuous lips, and his haunted, icy cobalt depths that met her gaze straightforward.
But it was then when she realized she wasn't seeing Darien. She was seeing Seiya.
Denise smiled serenely as she listened to Darien's slow breathing. He's always been a light sleeper, always awake at the slightest noise. But now he was fast asleep, exhausted by the day... and by their little deed...
Denise was in the mist of repeating their time together in her mind when her ears pricked at the sound of footsteps.
Denise listened as the footsteps became more distinct, and to her horror, they were coming closer!
Scrambling out of the bed, Denise pulled the sheet up to her starch naked body and shook Darien awake.
Hazy with sleep, Darien had barely begun to open his eyes when the doorknob rattled and a deep, male voice began cursing incessantly under his voice. "She tells me to get that damn photo album then she locks the fucking door. Now I've got to get my damn keys and come back upstairs..."
Denise noticed that she had been holding her breath the entire time. Darien, now wide awake, looked at Denise. "I thought that you said no one came up here!" Darien said accusingly.
"Well, I thought they didn't!" Denise argued, tightening her grip on the sheet that was clenched between her fingers.
"Great, now-"
Darien was cut off when the door knob rattled once more, this time harder and more insistently. "Denise?!" A voice called out loudly, "Are you in there?!"
Darien rolled his eyes upward and fell back against the bed, marveling at how his luck had so traitorously turned on him.
Finished. How was that? I'm so happy that I finally updated this story! Tell me what you think of it, because we all know how much I love reviews! ^_^
~Lady Nakosha
Chapter Three
Written by Lady Nakosha ==================
As Serena pushed the doors open and swiped away a stray tear, she only got as far as getting out her keys before she heard someone call her name out and footsteps hurriedly chase after her.
Serena despised her heart for jumping at the hopeful wish that it was Darien who had come after her. But instead, when she turned around, instead of her dark haired beauty, it was Seiya, another dark haired man who was after her, unknowing to her.
"Seiya," Serena breathed in surprise, wondering what he could possibly need to tell her that had him chasing after her.
"Leaving already?" He asked, watching her fidget with her keys. Her eyes were a bit bloodshot and her cheeks were flushed a deep pinkish color.
"Yeah... yeah, I am. I think that I may have overstayed my visit." Serena muttered, shooting him a wry smile.
Seiya understood where she was coming from, obviously the family wasn't as welcoming to him as they were to any of the other family members because he wasn't directly "blood related". "Really? Why?"
But then again, Seiya wondered who on the planet *couldn't* like Serena. "My sister. No one is acting like it, but trust me, I have a knack for knowing when the party has gotten a bit too dull and it's time for me to make my great escape. My family is used to it though, it's almost normal for me to disappear from their little reunions hours before it's over."
Seiya grinned flirtatiously. "It seems like you'd be the type of girl who everyone would be used to getting all the attention and being in the spotlight all the time. Not that I'd know or anything."
Serena blushed slightly, but gave him a coy smile. Maybe right now Seiya was the type of distraction from her currently mending heart that she needed. "Maybe if you got to know me better, you could find out for yourself."
Seiya's smile widened. She was flirting back! "Maybe I'll take you up on that. Want to get out of here and head out to get a drink or something?"
Serena's heart thumped in her chest as she looked back towards the house and thought of Darien. Nodding her head, Serena banished his smiling face from her mind and focused on Seiya. "That sounds like the best idea I've heard all day."
Darien began to panic when he saw Serena hurriedly leave. But really worried him was that Seiya was up out of his seat in seconds and close behind her. Had she left? With him? The idea struck a blow in his stomach, despite the fact that he was supposed to have eliminated any thought of her from his mind.
Inconspicuously, Darien headed for the door; hope that Serena and Seiya were still there bubbled in his chest. It was only moments ago that Serena had left the party to go outside, right?
But once again, he was detoured. "Honey, where are you going?" A female voice inquired from behind him.
Darien silently cursed and turned around. "Denise, I was going outside to get a bit of fresh air." He saw the look on her face and quickly added, "You want to join me?"
Denise jumped at the chance for some alone time with her fiancée. "Sure! I love fresh air!"
Darien smiled, but inwardly sighed. It's always been her passion, he thought sarcastically.
"Isn't it beautiful here?" Denise asked softly, admiring the late blooming flowers and the beautifully decorated front porch. The stone steps led down to the gravel path which wound around a small fountain, then finally opened up into the driveway, big enough to fit almost three cars in a row.
"Yeah, it is." Darien answered distractedly, disappointed to see that both Serena and Seiya's cars were missing. He had been too late...
Denise grinned slyly. Darien's brow rose when he saw the look on her face. Why did that look so familiar...
"You know, all this scenery is actually"-Denise giggled madly-"a bit of a turn on. It kind of makes me want to, you know, do things... with you."
Darien gulped. She wanted to... make love? Now? But then, suddenly images of Seiya and Serena having wild sex assaulted him from all sides. Jealously and fear rippled through his body.
Denise lost her sly attitude and became concerned and slightly hurt. "Darien? What's wrong? Don't you want to make love with me anymore?"
Darien shook his head ferociously and took her by the hand and pulled her close. "No! Of course I do! I just... I just... I don't know, it just wasn't what I expected you to say after everything. I'm a bit shocked and happy."
A smile of euphoria spread across her face. "I know that there's a room inside of the house that has a fully functional lock and a stereo... to conceal any disturbances..."
Darien nodded in agreement and prayed that any thoughts of Serena and Seiya together would be eliminated from his mind. "What are we waiting for then? Let's go."
Denise hesitated slightly. "Um, Darien?"
"Yes?" Darien wondered if they would ever make it inside the house at this pace.
"The room I'm talking about... it's different."
Darien couldn't imagine what would be so different about a bedroom. "It's fine, Denise. I love unique rooms."
"So it won't be a problem?"
"Of course not."
With that, Denise pulled at his sleeve and they headed upstairs.
"So... this is your old room here?" Darien asked slowly, letting his new surroundings sink in.
"Well... it's more always been more of a guestroom, you see." Denise told him, almost defensively.
He loved unique rooms. Not scary rooms.
How did she live in this room for more than half of her life? The room was absolutely terrifying! The shelves were lined with untouched Barbie dolls, all proudly displayed in little glass boxes. Did they actually tell people this room existed?
The bed, the covers, the pillowcases, the comforter, the sheets, everything was pink and had at least one giant picture of a Barbie character winking or smiling at them. Her dresser was decorated with either stickers of Barbie or stickers of Barbie kissing Ken.
Denise turned towards him, her eyes shining. "This room is, like, the ultimate girl's dream room." "Isn't it just great how my parents preserved my childhood?"
Darien wasn't sure if that was exactly how he would put it. "Maybe we should respect that and leave the room or whatever..."
"No, it's okay. I think that it's so perfect. Plus, the other rooms don't have locks and no one ever comes to this room."
Darien couldn't see why. "Eh..."
"Darien, I'm so happy that you like it here. Because your opinion is really important to me, and if you don't like something, then I really want you to tell me."
It was so... not a room he wanted to have sex in. This was not a place that he would boast about having sex in with his friends.
In fact, he'd never breath to another soul about having seen this room.
But of course, he couldn't tell her that.
"So you're telling me that you went from architecture designer to owning your own business?" Seiya asked, grinning at the blonde.
Serena laughed. "It seems that my occupation seems to be the highlight of the year."
"Oh? And why is this?"
"Everyone has asked me the same exact question you have and I each time I give them a varied answer."
Seiya raised his brow in amusement. "Is your answer for me 'varied' as you say?"
"Nope. It's all true." Serena answered simply, giving him a coy smile. "What about you? What's your pleasure?" Serena asked, her lips curving upward and her eyes suggesting ideas shamelessly.
Seiya grinned. So she was spunky and boldly flirtatious. Ah, she was quite a woman indeed, he thought with delight. "My pleasure is being with you, of course."
"You are a brazen man, Mr. Kou." Serena murmured.
"And you are not?" Seiya challenged, raising his glass to her.
Serena cocked her head to the side thoughtfully. Seiya wasn't like many others... Serena could sense something different about him.
Just as how she had sensed something different about Darien. Serena unconsciously flinched. She hadn't thought about Darien the entire time she was with Seiya, but now, all she could see was his ebony hair, his sensuous lips, and his haunted, icy cobalt depths that met her gaze straightforward.
But it was then when she realized she wasn't seeing Darien. She was seeing Seiya.
Denise smiled serenely as she listened to Darien's slow breathing. He's always been a light sleeper, always awake at the slightest noise. But now he was fast asleep, exhausted by the day... and by their little deed...
Denise was in the mist of repeating their time together in her mind when her ears pricked at the sound of footsteps.
Denise listened as the footsteps became more distinct, and to her horror, they were coming closer!
Scrambling out of the bed, Denise pulled the sheet up to her starch naked body and shook Darien awake.
Hazy with sleep, Darien had barely begun to open his eyes when the doorknob rattled and a deep, male voice began cursing incessantly under his voice. "She tells me to get that damn photo album then she locks the fucking door. Now I've got to get my damn keys and come back upstairs..."
Denise noticed that she had been holding her breath the entire time. Darien, now wide awake, looked at Denise. "I thought that you said no one came up here!" Darien said accusingly.
"Well, I thought they didn't!" Denise argued, tightening her grip on the sheet that was clenched between her fingers.
"Great, now-"
Darien was cut off when the door knob rattled once more, this time harder and more insistently. "Denise?!" A voice called out loudly, "Are you in there?!"
Darien rolled his eyes upward and fell back against the bed, marveling at how his luck had so traitorously turned on him.
Finished. How was that? I'm so happy that I finally updated this story! Tell me what you think of it, because we all know how much I love reviews! ^_^
~Lady Nakosha