Title - Lizzie's Secrets Summary - Elizabeth tells Jason her secrets . Authors Note - There is no real time frame . Disclaimer - I own nothing.

Jason sat on the floor holding Elizabeth in his arms , slowly rocking her back and forth as she continued crying , but he also felt tears making there way down his own face , falling into her hair . He thought back at what had brought them to this, they had been talking, that's all just talking when suddenly she asked him if he wanted to hear a secret, at first he had hesitated he saw the look that she had in her eyes, it was haunting it scared the hell out of him, he wasn't sure that he wanted to know her secret but he said yes anyway, now he wished would have told her no.

Elizabeth's voice was low and steady in a way almost childlike , her eyes devoid of any emotion , and her hands folded in her lap as she began to speak , " Sarah and Steven both have blonde hair and hazel eyes , much like mothers , they look a lot like her . Mother and father would tuck them into bed at night and tell them stories and tell them that they loved them , but they never did that for Lizzie , they never told her those things "

Jason stared at her . It didn't escape his attention that she had begun to refer to herself in the third person , almost as if she were talking about someone else , seperating herself from what had happened . He pushed all of this aside and continued to listen to her story .

" Lizzie started to get sick when she was about four years old , her tummy would hurt really badly and she would cry . There was no one to comfort Lizzie so she cried even more . She told her parents and they made her all better , but she didn't stop getting sick in fact it got worse , and her parents were always there to make her all better . Lizzie thought that this meant that they loved her "

Jason was horrified , he knew how the rest of her story would play out , however he let her continue . He pulled her gently into his lap and began to stroke her hair slowly hoping to sooth her as much as possible .

" When Lizzie was thirteen years old she was standing in the doorway to the kitchen watching her mother serve up dinner , when all of the plates had been set out her mother pulled a small baggy out of her pocket , it had a white , powdery substance in it , her mother sprinkled it onto her food and mixed it around a bit . That night after dinner Lizzie was up in her room when she began to feel sick again , but she didn't tell her parents this time , nope she suffered through it , thats when she finally figured out that her parents had been poisoning her since she was a little girl . This made her cry , she knew then that all of the times that her parents made her feel better wasn't because they loved her , no it was because they wanted to look good "

Jason had begun to cry now , his grip on her tightened ,he wanted to take all of her pain away , to find her parents and make them pay for destroying a sweet , innocent little girl , for causing her so much pain , but all he could do right now was offer her his embrace and hope that she would find comfort in it .

" Lizzie would be a good little girl and eat the food that was given to her , but afterwards she would go to the bathroom and promptly throw it all up again . Lizzie never got sick anymore . Her parents began to wonder why she wasn't getting sick anymore , thats when they found out that Lizzie wasn't eating their poisoned food anymore , they got angry at her and she got angry right back at them and accused them of trying to make her sick . Both mother and father wore guilty looks on their faces when they denied it . They moved away shortly after that , they left her in Colorado . Lizzie followed her sister to Port Charles , thats when she became me , Elizabeth , I never got sick again "

Shortly after she finish her telling him her secret she began to cry , and he cried with her holding her trying to make all her pain go away , he knew that her couldn't but he still tried .

After awile they were both sitting in silence when she lifted her headup to look him in the eyes and asked him if he wanted to hear another secret .

Well what do you think ? Please read and reveiw . If you like it then I might add another chapter . This is my first fic and I would really like some feed back : )