A/N=I couldn't really think of much for this chapter so just think of it as a creative waffle lol. Thanks to my two reviewers Nakhti and Nefertirioc :- )

Rick Evie and Daniels ran down to the car, Jonathan was anxiously revving the car his eyebrows creased at each rev of the engine.

"Hurry up we haven't got all day." Daniels looked around anxiously as he sat in the back seat with the canopic jar held tightly to his chest, he had a gun ready in the other hand, but both hands were trembling with fear and anticipation. Evelyn nudged him and smiled before adding:

"Everything will be ok."

As Jonathan drove the car Rick peered out of the side of the car, guns in both hands, Evelyn held on to the front car window as Jonathan put his foot down.

"Jonathan!" Evie had to shout over the sound of the engine.

"Is all that speed REALLY NECCESARY?"

"Yes it bloody is! Unless of course you want to be sacrificed to be Imhoteps love bride?" Jonathan answered sharply and Rick smirked at Evie's angry look.

"You shouldn't frown, gives you wrinkles." Rick smiled as he said it to Evie and she found herself warming to him at this moment.

"And why would you care about my wrinkles O'Connell?"

"Oh believe me Evie I care, but right now we have a mummy on our hands with more than his fair share of wrinkles."

Rick smiled and nodded at his remark before leaping out of the car.

"Wait where are you going?"

"Evie old mum, were at the museum." Jonathan grinned at Evie, ever since O'Connell had been around Evie had lost her sharpness and smartness in one.

Daniels pulled himself out of the car and take Evie's hand when Rick pushed him out of the way.

"Come on Evie!" Rick grabbed Evie's arm and pulled her into the museum, he kept her close and Evelyn smiled, of course she knew Rick liked her, but he had not been as protective as this before.