Welcome to the sequel of Bullying to the limits!


Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Sailor Moon!


Summary: As you read at the end of the last story, Sakyuo was killed by Sailor Cosmos! But he had a successor! Barton. No relation. Just a close friend. He's also a trillionaire as I said he is Sakyo's successor. But..he's a tuffle. A most skilled tuffle in a shape of a human form. He has a plan for Serena and the other Sailor Scouts. He wants to test their strength again in another dark tournament! Or else..he'll kill the ones they love and to prove it, Reenie get's hurt from protecting Sammy from a demon! So they are yet forced to fight in the dark tournament again! But here's the catch. In one of the fighters in every match, Barton is possessing them and comes out and attacks the scouts which soon leads to madness after the tournament. Then it's up to Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama and friends to stop the madness because the scouts will be out of action!


More info: It's been 3 months after the last dark tournament. All is well. Yusuke and Serena have been going out for the past 3 months and they seem more happier. Sure they argue most of the time...alot..but they changed each other. Serena even changed some of her outfits for him! Could you believe that? As for Reenie and Hiei. Everyone's assuming they're a couple because she always hangs out with him sometimes and he get's jealous when other guys talk to her but who know? Mina and Kurama. Oh yeah. They're a couple. Remember? Duh. As for Kuwabara? He still doesn't know what's going on. Lita or Yukina? He's a helpless boy in love with 2 girls!


Chapter 1- Serena and Yusuke up to now.


Serena: *walking down the street with a new school uniform in her hands* *thinking* "I can't believe this. New school because of gangs. What's her problem? Well..on the brighter side. Reenie has to go too." *senses* Hm? *stops* *turns*

*3 guys standing there*

Guy #1: Why hello there cutie. What's a cute girl like yourself doing in a dumpie neighborhood like this?

Serena: Going home. Now leave.

*guys walk in front of her*

Guy #2: Not so fast! You pay us and you can pass.

Serena: Oh pah-lease.

Guy #3: How 'bout a kiss, huh?

Serena: For ugly guys like you? Ew!

Guy #2: Huh?! That was rough lady!

*all take pocket knifes out*

Guy #1: you're going to pay for hurting our feelings!

*all guys lunge*

Serena: *looks around* *jumps and flips onto the stone fence*

*guys run into each other*

Serena: First lesson on getting a girlfriend. Try watching where you're going and what you're doing. Sets off a bad example.

Guy #2: Why you!- Get down here, you tramp!

Serena: *grunts*

Yusuke: Another lesson on getting a girlfriend, fellas.

Guys: *all look*

Yusuke: *arms crossed* Use correct manners when speaking to a nice girl.

Guy #1: *scared* It's Yusuke Urameshi! Run for it!

*guys run away scared*

Serena: *smiles* *jumps down* *looking at them running away* Class dismissed.

Yusuke: Are you alright?

Serena: I'm fine. I'm a big girl you know.

*both walking*

Yusuke: Usually you would be scared.

Serena: I am more aware of my surroundings and how people are.

Yusuke: What's that you're holding?

Serena: A new uniform. Mom's making me and Reenie move to another school.

Yusuke: Why?

Serena: Hence what just happened back there.

Yusuke: She should know you have protection. *all arrogant* Your cute ol' boyfriend comes and saves your day!

Serena: Oh please. I am so stronger than you and I can handle myself even with out your help. Mom, doesn't even know you have such a bad reputation for being such a punk. Every being is afraid of you but then again, they love me because I can control their fate as we speak.

Yusuke: *annoyed* Oh yeah, you're everyone's favorite! Right, right!

Serena: *starts walking back wards* Oh come on! You'll soon be their favorite!

Yusuke: Not assuming every demon in the world may want my head right now?

Serena: *laughs*

Kayko & Ami: *both walking*

Kayko: It's amazing how we're the smartest ones in our schools, huh?

Ami: *embarrassed* Oh stop! I don't usually brag about it!

Kayko: *stops* huh?

Ami: *stops* What are you staring at? *looks*

*Yusuke and Serena walking together*

*Yusuke puts a arm around Serena*

Kayko: They look happy together, don't they?

Ami: I'm sure you'll find a decent guy better than him any day! Now come on! We're late for that computer class!

*both start walking*

Kayko: *thinking* "Of course he's decent. They're both decent. They're destined to be together."


Aw..poor Kayko! I'm sure she'll meet a new guy! Sorry this chapter's so short but the brother wants to use the computer so I gotta skiddadle!