
March 13, 2004, Chapter 7--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *^~

In the end Kagome decided against a hunger strike and ate her food.

By that time her fish was cold and her rice stuck together a bit but she didn't complain. She gulped down her warm tea. It was a wander what not eating for two days did to your appetite.

Now she sat quietly on his bed reflecting. She had straitened out the sheets she slept on so it looked more like a bed then dirty laundry thrown about the floor. Among the mess she actually found the small pillow on which she now rested. She had folded the baboon pelt and put it in the corner deciding against using it till the next ice age.

She had also stacked all the empty dished back on the tray and left it next to 'her bed.'

Even with the light from the outside she was reserved about disturbing anything else in the room. Not that there was much to see. The room was bare.

But there was another door. A closed door she hadn't gathered enough will to open, just sit and stare at curiously.

What's the worst that could happed? She doubted Naraku kept his fire breathing pet dragon in the room next door. Besides if he didn't wasn't her to find out what was behind the door he shouldn't have dumped her here. Her eyes narrowed a bit. That could be how the, someone, got in.

She got up quietly and started walking towards it, her hand raised for the handle.

Maybe there were people there.

Maybe it led outside.


It was locked. No not maybe, it was! She pulled at the handle again roughly, well that was a let down.

She turned around and looked at the other door. Should she try going out again? Since she obviously wasn't going to starve that was the only way, except the window, to get out of this room.

Sighing Kagome walked over to it and pulled the door open but surprisingly Naraku's room was starting to look more familiar then the dark hallway. Shaking the ridiculous thought out of her head she started out forward.

She found the split hallway quicker this time. In less then a minute since she left his room she was standing in front of the fork. But when she looked around for her red neck tie it was gone. So either she was lost again or someone had been here too.

"Hello?" she didn't yell, not wanting to attract the wrong attention. "Is anyone there?"

Nothing answered her.

She stared at the two passages before her. Which way should she go now?

'Hah.' She started out into the hall on her right. 'I'm never taking another left turn as long as I live.'


Thankfully this hallway didn't take her back to the split hallway or to Naraku's room. But it didn't take her anyplace better either.

The hallway just kept going and going. She walked but little changed about the walls. Could this place really be a mile long?

"Hello?!!" She didn't bother to lower her voice this time. "Would somebody answer me!!!"

She looked around frustrated at no response what so ever. "I order you to get out here right now!!!"

She heard a door slide open then close. 'Uh.oh I got something's attention now.' She spun around quickly trying to figure out where the sound came from.

Of course it was from behind. A hand fell on her shoulder. "Kagome."

"Ahhh...!" She jumped around. A boy stood there behind her, devoid of any emotion. It didn't even seem he heard her scream.

"Kohaku." Kagome gasped. "What are you doing here?"

Slowly his hand fell from her shoulder and he turned to leave. She quickly caught him and pulled him back to her. Her arms embracing him lovingly. Like she would Souta. Oh, Sango will be so happy to have her beloved little brother back.

"No don't go. That's not what I meant."

Kohaku looked up at her and confusion was briefly visible on his expressionless face.

"Its alright Kohaku. I didn't want you to leave I just wanted to know why you were here."

"You called me, you said..."

"No. I mean why are you in Naraku's castle?"

Something finally registered on his face and he pulled away from her. She thought that he finally remembered who he was but he confused her by bowing before her. "Lord Naraku ordered me to stay behind and obey you, Lady Kagome."

"Lord Naraku?"

Kagome looked down at he young boy. He seemed dazed. So Naraku still held him by a spell. She looked sad for a moment then let it pass. At least he was alive.

"So Kohaku. I'm a little lost do you think you can show me where the bathroom is?" She took one of his hands and pulled him up, smiling warmly. She would find a way to free him.

He looked at his hand surprised then turned away and started walking.

About a meter later they came to a door. Kagome stopped and stared at it. 'No way!' She had been so close to it? Just a few feet away all along?

Kohaku shook the hand she held slightly trying to release it. "This is the bathroom."

She looked down at him and nodded. The looked back up to gape at the door. Suddenly she remembered why she asked to be brought here in the first place. She released Kohaku's hand and opened the door. "I'll just be a second."


When she opened the door again she had a smile on her face, that quickly faded. "Kohaku?"

She stepped out of the bathroom and looked around both ways down the hall. "Kohaku?" she said concerned. 'Oh no.' She lost him. She was alone.

She quickly started down the hallway she remembered coming from. Maybe he went back to the room.

Frantically she started to run down the corridor till she reached the familiar door. She threw it open and walked in. It took her a moment to adjust to the light but she saw there was no one in there.

Slowly she walked in and closed the door behind her then fell onto her bed. She swallowed a lump in her throat and blinked back tears. 'I'm alone again.' She was too distraught to question how she had gotten here so fast or notice the silver tray of food was gone.

The door opened and closed. Kagome turned around shocked and was Kohaku standing by the door. She shot up and walked to him. "Kohaku where did you go? I was so worried?"

About a foot away she noticed the tray of food he held. He looked down at it too. "Dinner." Was all he said.

She stepped back and let him place it by the bed just where she found her breakfast.

"Kohaku did you also bring me food this morning?"



"Lord Naraku—"

"Ordered you?"


She walked over to the food and sat down. When she saw he didn't follow her suit she told him to, and he sat immediately. 'Almost as fast as Inuyasha.'

"Would you like some?" She picked up the plate with fish?


"Did you eat already?"

"I don't need to eat."

She looked up at him confused. "Of course you do or you'll fall over from hunger"

"No, I really—"

"Please Kohaku. I couldn't really eat all this by myself." Of course she was lying but she couldn't just let him sit there and watch as she ate it all up. "Eat."

She held the bowl in front of him and smiled when he took it. He looked uncomfortably but took a few bites. "Some rice?" She asked.

"No!" His eyes widened before he lowered his head and shrank away a bit. "Forgive me Kagome."

"Its alright Kohaku."

She ate the rest of her food in silence.

When she was done she arranged the empty dishes back on the tray and smiled. "Thank you."

Kohaku looked up startled by the break of silence. He got up and walked over to take the tray away but she grabbed his hands. "No, don't go." She said worried, but not for him she realized, she didn't want be alone again.


She turned and looked out the window. He too looked at them a little surprised, he'd never seen them open.

"Its getting dark. I'm going to bed."

He turned his attention back to her.

"Kohaku I don't want you to leave."

"I won't."

She laid down on Naraku's bed and looked up expectantly at him, so he sat next to the bed. When she could see he had settled she closed her eyes relived. She was being selfish but she didn't care.

He stayed seated next to her like that till morning. The hand closest to her reached out and brushed some of her hair from her face. His eyes cleared for a moment. "Sango."

When she finally stirred he got up to leave.

Rime Stone*^

A/N: I realize that these chapters don't have Naraku in them, sorry, but bare with me. These are kind of necessary in between chapters. And I want to thank everyone who reviewed even when I was gone for so long, sorry again. I kind of got lazy and stopped writing but since I was sick this week and had nothing better to do I started again. 'That's really not something to be proud of but heheh...' Se-ya soon.

Oh and pleez point out any spelling mistakes I might have cause when I read it over later I'm embarrassed. And grammar lets not even get into all my grammar mistakes...I have my own grammar.

And lastly does anyone remember the name of that lord. In the episode after Kagome shot Naraku with her arrow and before Naraku got his new body. The servants went out to get Kikyo and brought her back to them to the castle to heal their sick lord who was really Naraku. I don't remember the name I just remember I thought it was really silly. Anyone know who I'm talking about?