The Game


Disclaimers: Standard Inuyasha disclaimers apply.

A/N: Konnichiwa! Okay, okay, I know I'm terribly busy and have several fanfictions going on right now but I couldn't help but start on this one. This MS fanfiction is way different from my other stories, early warning to my readers, this is a lemon fic! Not chapter one anyway, but ongoing chapters get hot and ecchi as soon as I find a base for this fic. ( kicks out lemons remember?) So Chapter 1 of this experimental fic will be posted in this site and if you guys want this story to continue, please do review! Or email me at [email protected] if you can suggest a host site for this lemon story. PLEASE REVIEW! This is an experimental fic, if reviews are scarce, I might have to just shelve this fic up.


She was being stalked.

No, Sango corrected herself mentally as she voiced her seething thoughts aloud, "I am being seduced."

And it was bad, really, really bad. It made every female nerve ending she had wake up and yowl in sheer sexual tension! And it was all because of that damn lecher! For her to be so elementally attracted to such a perverted monk—fate was unnecessarily cruel.

Sango pressed her hands against her temples, trying to control herself. She took several deep breaths to ease her pounding heart, cool her heated blood.

It would have been easy if Miroku groped at or made passes at her. It would have been instinctive anger and pride for her to deflect such familiar advances. But she had no defense against his tender persuasion! No willpower against his softly intense caresses, against the hot promise of release she could read so plainly in his eyes.

A whispered kiss against her hair, the subtle pressure of his hand at the small of her back, the almost accidental brushing of his warm lips against her ear, a searing fingertip at the back of her neck. Before Sango could react, Miroku has already pulled away, leaving the taijiya to wonder if the touch was real of imaginary.

And what's more, his strategy is getting under her skin, seeping unknown into her dreams. In dreams! At night, she sometimes feared to close her eyes, not wanting to encounter Miroku the lover in heated, mind-blowing fantasies. Her dreams were strangely graphic, and sometimes she would wake up, a moan coming from her throat.

One time, she woke up from that dream and found Miroku watching her from his watch post. His eyes were darker than the night, sultry, sexy, and more than anything, Sango wanted to throw herself in his arms and let him relieve the tension she felt.

Her gaze traveled lower, over his lips, the hard edge of his jaw, the pulse beating in his neck, the strong and lean fingers of his hand. Her gaze finally settled on the blatant truth of their attraction, for rising proudly up against his robes was the evidence of his desire. It bulged out, huge and exciting yet still terrifying.

She was no idiot, she knew what it meant. They had passed by several towns with houses of prostitutions and one of her lessons as a warrior was knowing that that part of a man's anatomy was very sensitive, because it was what he used to mate and procreate.

She knew that all she had to do was say the word and he would take care if the rest. Sango fled to Shippou's side for safety that night. Kagome, she reflected had more than enough on her hands. Only a month ago Kagome was claimed by Inuyasha as his mate and Sango could more than imagine what went on between the hanyou and the miko.

So when did Miroku start his seduction? It all began little over two weeks ago, when after hunting some food, the two of them walked into Kagome and Inuyasha in a compromising position. With the shikon nearly complete, with the final battle looming closer over their heads, life seemed suddenly sweet. All the more precious with each stolen kiss, a shared caress.

Sango looked at Miroku then, her cheeks flaming red. But the look on his face was somewhat sad and mostly unfathomable, his eyes unreadable even as he looked at her. His eyes suddenly slipped into his carefree happy mask and Sango hated it. It was then when she touched his face and for a reason she didn't know why, touched her lips on his cheek. She sensed the sadness beneath his expression and she chose to give him comfort.

His eyes widened in surprise as she stepped back. And it was then when the expression in his eyes changed. Intense, hot, seductive, the fire in his eyes practically singeing her in its heat. And his expression never changed as he began the game of seduction since that day.

Kami-sama, she was only human! Only a stone woman can be impervious to Miroku's skillfully subtle assault on her senses! Okay, maybe there's no need for an all-out panic. Her response to Miroku is only normal, proving that she is a healthy female with sexual reactions in check.

Sango gave a muted groan as she sneaked a glance at Miroku's slumbering profile. His lips were softly parted in sleep and the firelight gilded his face with fascinating shadows. The collar his robe was loosened a little, revealing a hint of hard, toned flesh that his dark, heavy robes concealed most of the time.

As she looked at him, hot flashes of her dream ran through her mind. Skin against skin, a dark hand caressing her flesh, building a fire that would only begin again once the embers have cooled a fraction.

The night suddenly seemed warmer and Sango found herself loosening the collar of her kimono. The wind seemed paltry in cooling her and in frustration, she ran a hand down her chest, trying to banish the warm feeling. Heat grew and her eyes widened in surprise. Experimentally, her fingers slipped through her collar, caressing the heated skin in a soothing manner.

Her fingertip accidentally brushed against a nipple and it hardened, confusing Sango and making her blush. Is this what some of the other females in my village did when they said didn't need a man to make it good? Sango bit her lip and tried again. It felt good, especially when her whole hand cupped her breast. She looked up in alarm, guilty of being caught in the act. She tried to shrug as she fixed her kimono, her companions would probably think that she was just scratching an itch of something.

She leaned back, waiting for her night watch to end. All this time doing nothing left her thinking too much. She heaved a sigh, not noticing that Miroku was quietly watching her and has in fact been watching her for quite some time.

"Is there something wrong, Sango?" asked Miroku as he levered himself up on his elbow, focusing his dark eyes on Sango, his voice deepening in a way that ruffled Sango's already sensitive nerves.

The taijiya turned red, nearly sputtered as her mouth opened and closed several times. Did he see her?! The mere thought was mortifying! She pressed herself back against the tree. "Ano… iie! I mean, no! There's nothing bothering me! Um, just scratching an itch!" babbled Sango as she held her already scarlet face in her hands.

Moments passed in silence. Sango finally dared to look up, thinking that Miroku believed her explanation. Her skittish brown eyes encountered his intense blue-violet gaze. It was a solid collision that knocked the wind out of her lungs and squeezed her heart.

"Want me to scratch it for you?" asked Miroku quietly, his voice sounding oh-so sexy to Sango's ears.

Curse my weak heart! thought Sango as she gazed deeply into his eyes, unable to look away.

Yes. Her mind whispered. Take the offer and just be done with it! Its just sex!

Yes. Her heart whispered. All I have is yours.

In that moment, Sango made a decision. It's just a game but now she's willing to be a player. Boldly meeting Miroku's eyes, she nervously licked her lips. Her heart began thudding in her ears when she realized that Miroku was intently gazing at her mouth.

"Yes," answered Sango as Miroku's eyes widened in surprise.

The rules of the game have changed.

Sango smiled in satisfaction.



The Game

An Inuyasha Fanfiction by Jo-chan

A Prelude- The Games People Play