The girls are invading the boys' academy

Chapter 29

By Anime-Goddess-Sakura

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing A.C.

First of all thanks to my beta clueless-girl. Thanks to Hana as well who is always ready to help with new ideas and last but not least thanks to all the reviewers.

Hana, kawaiinekochan, Heero-Yuui, AzNAnGeL0, jisAtsU siLENcE, black-gundam-child, Torchured Artist, Raizard333, unknown beedee,Chiban-chan and ODST girl058

Thanks a lot for reviewing, especially those who have stuck with me from the beginning. As I said before the story is coming to an end. Only a few more chapters left until the end.

Ana gazed curiously at Sergey; he seemed rather down. She took a seat next to him on a rock, where he stood gazing at the blue sea. She raised her face to gaze at the slightly darkened sky. It looked as if a storm was heading their way. She pushed that thought aside as she turned to gaze at Sergey. He was looking more serious than usual, while he seemed to contemplate something. She momentarily played with the idea of him contemplating the reason of existence, before quickly wiping that thought away. The blond disaster next to her would probably be thinking of some girl, alcohol, sex or some girl. Yeah, most probably some girl. Such a pervert he was, she thought amusedly.

"So what's up with you? You're awfully quiet." She said nudging him in the ribs. She was such a curious creature, she knew that her curiosity would end her in big trouble some day, but she didn't care.

"Nothing is wrong." He said curtly, causing her to raise an eyebrow at him; he was lying through his teeth.

"You know, you suck at lying." She said grinning. He ignored her.

"Awww…come on, maybe I can help." She whined as she made large puppy eyes at him.

He tried hard to laugh at her stupid expression, yes she never quite perfected the puppy-eyed look, whenever she did try out the look, she ended up looking like she was drunk or had serious mental issues. His lips twitched in a soft smile, which she unfortunately saw.

"Oh my God, he smiled. YAY!" she yelled jumping to her feet and doing a happy dance.

He couldn't help it and laughed. That was what he had always loved in Ana, the way she always seemed to lighten one's mood. She finished her victory dance took a seat next to him as she laughed along with him. He was finally able to take some control of himself as he turned to gaze at her.

"So are you feeling mischievous?" he asked smirking.

He almost chuckled as she watched him suspiciously. She narrowed her eyes, almost as if challenging him to do anything to her.

"Don't worry, I won't be doing anything to you, but I will be glad if you would aid me in my little plan." He said, still smirking.

She let out a relieved sigh, before scrunching her nose. She knew that he was changing the subject; she was going to let it slide for this time. Shaking her head, she pinned him to the spot with narrowed honey-brown eyes.

"Tell me, is there any way I will end getting suspended or anything?" she challenged.

"Not if things go accordingly to plan." He winked at her, causing her to sigh and run a hand through her long hair.

"I know that I'm going to regret this." She said defeated, making him grin.

Treize, Une, Noin and Zechs found themselves sitting behind a long table with six cups filled with some kind of a reddish pink colored juice in front of them.

"Why exactly are we doing this again?" Treize asked shooting Zechs a glare.

Zechs smirked as he sniffed tentatively at juice. Relena had asked him to convince the other teachers to take part in a drinking contest. He had agreed; he couldn't after all deny his little sister anything. Treize was paranoid thinking that the kids wanted to poison him or something. He rolled his eyes as he watched the normally calm and collected headmaster sniffing the cup of juice, making sure that, the liquid wasn't tampered with.

"Hello guys and girls, gather around. Is everybody ready for the world championship juice drinking contest!" Sergey said loudly as he ushered the students forward. The students roared excitedly as they clapped and whistled. Sergey grinned as he made a large bow and motioned to the four contestants sitting at the table.

"Let's introduce our four contestants which you all know. First of all let's give a round of applause for our first contestant, our principal Treize Kushrenada. He has a large mouth, now let's see if he can use it for anything else, besides talking and reprimanding us." Treize shot Sergey a glare which he ignored.

"Up next we have our way cooler vice-principal Zechs Marquise, who is of course rumored to be dating Miss Noin. Nice catch Zechs." Sergey said giving Zechs two thumbs up, even though Zechs was glaring murder at him.

"Okay our next contestant is Miss Midii Une. She's the dear sweet headmistress of our 'visiting' school. Isn't she lovely guys? If only she were younger." He said dramatically, making the crowd roar in laughter, while Une blushed.

"And last, but certainly not least, the angel of my heart, Miss Lucrezia Noin. Even her name is beautiful. If only we would have met in different circumstances." He said brokenly.

By now both Treize and Zechs were picturing different ways to kill the young man who was obviously embarrassing them.

"Anyway, the game is simple, the one who drinks the most juice wins. We have four lovely ladies that will be helping with refilling cups. Ladies, please take your places."

Ana, Relena, Samantha and Hilde stepped forward. Ana shot Sergey a glare, but he only winked at her. She resisted the urge to pummel him. He was really enjoying this. She mentally asked herself why she decided to help him. Sergey was mentally doing a victory dance as he watched the teachers take hold of their first cup. This would be very amusing.

"And start!" Sergey yelled, thus signaling the beginning of the contest.

Everyone was up and ready for the big scavenger hunt, even though the teachers looked quite tipsy. Ana glared daggers at Sergey, but he had assured her that the teachers weren't really drunk, just a little tipsy, so that they would loosen up a bit. Ana rolled her eyes as Noin tripped and giggled a bit.

"What's wrong?" Trowa asked leaning down and whispering in her ear.

"Tell you later." She whispered, making him raise an eyebrow at her.

She excused herself and walked towards Sergey intend on pummeling him. Trowa watched her walk away, all the while wondering what was going on. He had noticed how much time those two spend together. He kept telling himself that he trusted her, but he couldn't stop himself from feeling a little jealous. It was just strange he guessed, Sergey had after loved her once and maybe he still did. Trowa shook his head, he was being idiotic, still, a part of him couldn't stop the jealous gleam in his eyes as he watched his girlfriend with the blond guy.

Relena on the other hand was excited, she had always loved scavenger hunts, especially when the clues were hard to find. She loved challenges. It gave her a sense of accomplishment when she was able to surpass these challenges and accomplish the tasks that she needed to do. She grinned excitedly.

It would be very simple. They would be divided in groups of two. Together they had to try and find about fifteen things that were on a list. Some of the things that they needed to find were easy, while others were nothing short from a riddle. The competitive side of Relena was eager to begin and to win. This would take brains, something that she knew that she had.

The only downside to all of this was that the teachers would be making the groups. If she was lucky she would be stuck with someone she liked. She prayed that she would get stuck with Heero, but knowing her luck, she would be probably be stuck with Sylvia, she thought dejectedly.

"Okay, the groups will be as followed…"

Relena bit her lips. She wasn't about to jinx herself. She was going to get someone she liked. Yes, she was. If only she knew how wrong she was.

Relena sneezed. Just great, she was lost with this unbearable oaf, she was soaked, freezing and she was now coming down with a cold. Yes, it had turned out just peachy. For some reason or another, she had been paired up with Ken. Yes, someone up there must really hate her, he thought dejectedly. And things only seemed to get worse after that.

Yeah, they had barely been on their way about half an hour, when it began pouring. The Captain obvious with her didn't have a sense of direction, so that they were probably walking in circles at the moment. Basically they were lost, yeah lost on a small little island. She resisted the urge to curse out loud and oh did she mention that her boyfriend was stuck with Sylvia? Yes, that was just great.

She sighed. Could things get any worse? She looked up as she felt a warm hand enclose hers, raising large azure blue eyes, her breath caught in her throat as Ken looked down at her. He was tall, she had to admit that. He softly brushed away a strand of hair out of her face, making her blush prettily.

"I found a small cave, come." He said turning around and gently dragging her along.

"What?" Relena managed to squeak.

"You're already coming down with a cold, if we stay in this rain, you will only get worse." He said without turning to look at her.

Relena knew what he meant; she could already feel the signs of a cold. And she was sure if she didn't watch out; she would probably end up getting a fever.

Ana was not in a very good mood. Here she was kind of lost with one of her least liked person in the world and not to mention, it was raining. She was soaked to the bone, cold and hungry. Yes, it was such a wonderful day. She couldn't ask for anything else. She turned around when she heard someone mutter a few choice words under her breath.

Sarah lay there with her face covered in mud; apparently she had tripped and ended face first in mud. She rolled her eyes, watching as the girl stood up. The girl had no surviving skills whatsoever. And being stuck with her was getting on her nerves. It wasn't like she hated the girl or anything. It was just that the girl followed Sylvia and Stephanie around like a lost puppy. She didn't even realize that Sylvia and Stephanie didn't really care about her. She sighed; it was rather pitiful the way the girl followed the two other girls like a lapdog.

Ana's eyes went wide when she noticed Sarah sitting up. She had to stop herself from laughing. The girl's whole face was covered in mud, even her hair. She looked like she had decided to take a mud bath. Ana bit her lip in order not to laugh. Shaking her head, she looked at Sarah.

"Need some help?" she asked, not knowing why she was being polite, offering her hand.

"Not from you." Sarah snapped, slapping her hand away.

Ana's eyes instantly narrowed. Okay, so much for being polite. Trying to hold her temper in check, she counted to ten to calm herself. Sarah was really asking for it. She wasn't in the best of moods and the girl was just pushing her.

"Suit yourself." Ana hissed, anger clearly in her voice and she turned around and walked away.

She could stay there if she wanted, she thought angrily, stomping away. Sarah blinked owlishly as she watched her retreating form.

"Where are you going?" Sarah asked, quickly jumping to her feet and following the brunette.

She really didn't want to be left behind and by the looks of it Ana would have no qualms of leaving her behind, especially after the way she had just behaved. Ana whirled around and for only one moment Sarah felt rather plain compared to the Spanish girl as her cinnamon brown hair whipped around her and her honey-brown eyes seemed to glow.

"We must look for some place dry; otherwise we will likely get sick." Ana said coldly.

To prove her point Sarah sneezed, making Ana sigh. Shaking her head, she motioned for Sarah to follow her.

It wasn't that easy walking, seeing that the place was covered in mud and it was slippery. A few very colorful Spanish curses left Ana's mouth as she almost slipped and broke her neck. She was slowly making her way down a small hill now. She tried hard not to slip. She gazed at Sarah behind her, who wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings. The girl was trying to get the mud out of her hair.

"Watch out, it's a bit slippery." Ana said trying to warn the girl, but it fell on deaf ears. Sarah let out a startled scream that made Ana turn to look at her.

Ana's honey brown eyes widened in surprise as Sarah collided with Ana. The Spanish girl let out a startled cry as both of them tumbled down the hill. Sarah was screaming her head off. Ana let out a painful cry a rock bit into her shoulder on the way down. Closing her eyes in pain, she never saw the large rock on the bottom of the hill.

They slammed into the rock, Ana getting most of the damage, considering that Sarah landed on her knocking the air out of her. It took a moment, before both of them reacted. Ana groaned; her whole body felt like it was on fire. Her head was pounding. She looked up as she heard Sarah let out a painful groan.

"Get off!" Ana snarled, her shoulder was aching pretty badly.

She quickly reached for her injured shoulder and wasn't that surprised to see blood. She hissed; it stung pretty badly. Sarah quickly stood up, after hearing the pain in her voice. She gently prodded the bump on head, before turning to Ana. Her eyes widened like saucers as she noticed the blood on her arm.

"Are you okay?" she asked panicking.

"Peachy." Ana muttered sarcastically standing up.

She ignored the pain in her body as she slowly began walking. Sarah wisely kept silent as she followed her. Her eyes widened as she watched Ana stumble. Instinctively she rushed towards the girl and helped steady her.

Ana was completely surprised. Why would Sarah help her? She didn't question her as she led her to a rock and made her sit down. Taking off the bandana from her head, she wrapped it around Ana's shoulder.

Ana winced as Sarah tightened the makeshift bandage around her shoulder. She couldn't really see the damage, but Sarah assured her that it wasn't that bad.

"Thank you." Ana whispered, making Sarah smile.

She often did things for Sylvia and Stephanie and never had they ever told her thank you. It felt good to be thanked. Shaking her head, she helped Ana stand up.

"Why do you follow Sylvia and Stephanie around?" Ana asked breaking the silence.

Sarah tensed at this.

"They're my friends." She whispered, making Ana snort.

"You know very well that, that isn't true." Ana said softly.

"That's not true!" Sarah yelled.


"It's just complicated. They're the only ones to ever pay attention to me." Sarah said softly, lowering her head, her bangs covering her eyes.

"You shouldn't let them use you. Friends do not do that." Ana whispered.

"I know." Sarah said softly.

Ana didn't say anything anymore after that as they slowly continued on their way. And Sarah was glad for that. She just didn't want to discuss the issue anymore; for what Ana had said was true and it made her wonder if she really could consider Stephanie and Sylvia to be her friends.

Relena shivered violently. She was soaked to the bone. It was still pouring. Fortunately for them, Ken had managed to find a small cave, but with no means to getting dry they were still very cold. Azure blue eyes watched as Ken slowly pulled his shirt off. She instantly felt her face heat up. She avoided further embarrassment by looking away.

Her azure blue eyes were trained at the ground, while she tried to stop blushing. Ken had one of the hottest bodies, she had ever seen. Okay, it wasn't like she had seen many males half-naked before. Yet still her instincts told her that he was a very good male specimen or like Hilde would say 'a hot piece of meat.'

He was very well-build with just the right amount of muscles showing. He wasn't bulky or anything. He was lean. The board short that he wore, hung dangerously low on his hips, making her wonder why it hadn't fallen off yet. She mentally berated herself. It wasn't like she wanted it to fall.

Taking a deep breath she raised her eyes to stare at her companion. She watched mesmerized as he raised his hand and ran it through his pale colored hair. She watched as the water droplets ran long his chest. Her blue eyes followed one droplet in particular that ran from his neck, along his chest, stomach and ended up in his belly button.

"It's not polite to stare." She heard his smooth voice call out to her.

Relena was quickly brought out of her thoughts as she found turquoise eyes staring at her. She could see amusement clearly shining in those beautiful orbs, but there was something else there, something that made a shiver go down her spine.

"I wasn't staring." Relena snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her chin defiantly in the air.

She wasn't going to let him see, how much he was really affecting her. Her ears were met with rich laughter. She turned to gaze at him with large eyes. Damn, that was a sexy laugh. She mentally slapped herself. What was wrong with her? She had Heero. She loved Heero, so why was she thinking such nonsense things? She mentally cursed herself. She refused to acknowledge the effects his rich laughter was having on her.

Ken stopped laughing in favor of studying her. She was very easy to read, her emotions played on her face. He could see that she was quite confused and angry at the moment. He wasn't quite sure why? He let his eyes wander over her form, taking advantage that she seemed preoccupied with her thoughts at the moment.

Her long honey-blond hair was clinging to her face and shoulders. The white tank- top that she had been wearing was now completely transparent and showed the blue swimsuit under it. Her light blue eyes swirled with emotions. Her face was flushed, giving her a very cute look. Her pair of plump pink lips were parted slightly, tempting him to kiss them.

He quickly looked away. He wouldn't entertain such thoughts at the moment, seeing that he would probably follow on his urges. Since the first day he saw her, he wanted her. He had thought she would be easy, but he had been wrong. She was very strong willed and unlike other girls she didn't throw herself at him. It almost appeared that she disliked him. Call him stupid, but that only intensified his attraction to her.

She was beautiful, yes, but he had seen and had others that had been much more beautiful than her. And yet he couldn't stop thinking of her. Of course he had been disappointed to learn that she had a boyfriend, but not even that would stop him. At first he had just wanted her as a quick screw, another conquest, but as the days went by, he found that maybe she would be the perfect girlfriend for him. She was such an enticing combination of looks, intelligence, temper and passion.

He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Things weren't supposed to be this complicated, not when it came to girls. And yet here he was like a love-sick puppy. He snorted, drawing the attention of Relena, but he was too far in his thoughts to pay attention to her.

Relena narrowed her eyes at him as she heard him snort. She swore that she would hurt Sergey and Ana when she got back. Thanks to them she was stuck with this prick. What kind of plan was it to get Treize, Une, Milliardo and Noin drunk?

"You need to take those clothes off." Ken said breaking the silence.

Her head snapped up to glare at him. The freaking pervert.

"Excuse me!" Relena exclaimed, making him roll his eyes.

"Look, don't you have a swimsuit under there?" he growled, having about enough of her bitchiness.

Relena snapped her mouth shut and nodded her heart dumbly as she blushed once again. Of course she had a swimsuit under her clothes. She promptly ignored Ken as she stood up and slowly peeled her soaked clothes from he body. She shivered as the cold air hit her skin, giving her goosebumps all over her body. She tried to ignore his stare, although she could practically feel his burning eyes all over her body.

Now clad only in her two piece swimsuit, she took a seat on the ground. She was still shivering, but it was much less now. She tensed as Ken took a seat next to her. His arm lightly brushed her arm, making her blush. She could feel the body heat radiating off him. Fortunately she didn't have to think too much about it as Ken broke the silence once again.

"So how long, do you think we will be stuck in here?" he asked calmly.

"I don't know. I guess that most students must have headed back by now." She answered softly.

It wouldn't hurt to be civil. She pulled her legs up towards herself and rested her chin on her knees and she wrapped her arms around her legs. She let out a tired sigh.

"Wouldn't the teachers come and look for us?" Ken asked.

"Yeah right, Sergey and Ana got them drunk. We will be lucky if they're awake." Relena said wryly.

"Ana and Sergey, why am I not surprised?" Ken said smirking, this of course intrigued Relena.

"How do you know Ana and Sergey?" Relena asked curiously.

"I met them both at fencing tournaments and let's just say that I kind of rubbed them the wrong way, especially Ana."

"Hmm…you were your charming self." Relena said sarcastically, earning a mock glare from Ken.

"So why don't you tell me about yourself." Ken suggested, seeing that they were stuck here; they could as well find something to do.

"What do you want to know?" Relena asked sighing.

"I don't know." Relena sighed and tugged her legs under her.

"Well, my name is Relena Sophia Dorlian. I'm currently seventeen. I'm from the Sanc Kingdom, in Europe. It's a very small country. My parents died when I was very little. I was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Dorlian. I have a brother, who I've been recently reunited with. You know him. He's Zechs Marquise. My best friend is Hilde Schneibeker. I've been living at the Saint Mary's school for about four years now. I have one year to go, before I graduate. I'm thinking about moving to the US, where I hope to study law."

"Wow, short and simple." Ken said chuckling, making Relena grin.

"What about you?" Relena asked curiously turning to gaze at him.

"Well my name is Ken Akira Tanaka. I'm eighteen years old. I'm from Tokyo Japan. Both of my parents are alive. My father is the CEO and owner of Tanaka enterprises, my mother is a very well-known painter. I'm an only child, so yeah I'm spoiled and my father doesn't really know what to do with me anymore. I've switched schools too many times to count. As you can guess I'm kind of a trouble maker. Like you I have one more year to go, I'm not sure what I want to do yet. I was thinking something like a detective or something, although my father is intent on me taking over the company." Ken said grinning.

"Sounds interesting." Relena said smiling calmly, she tried hard not to notice how boyish he looked grinning like that.

"So how long have you and Yuy been going out together?" Ken asked, making Relena blush.

"A few months now." She said smiling happily.

"A shame I didn't get here sooner." Ken whispered, making Relena turn to gaze at him with large confused azure blue eyes.

"What do you mean?" Relena asked, making him chuckle.

She gasped as he gently traced her arm, his fingers gently dancing along her skin, leaving goosebumps in its path. His turquoise eyes bore through her azure once as he gazed at her. Her breath hitched in her throat and she could swear that her heart would jump out of her chest as she noticed how close they were. She could practically feel his hot breath on her face. Their lips were only inches apart and she mentally wondered what it would be like to be kissed by him.

Just as that thought passed her mind, a picture of Heero's face flashed through her mind, making her turn away. Ken tried hard not to show his disappointment as she turned away from him.

"I'm with Heero and I love him." She whispered.

Without looking at him, she stood up and made her way to the opening of the cave. There she stood gazing outside. Ken didn't say anything as he leaned against the cave wall. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. So close, yet so far away, he thought sarcastically as a smirk crossed his lips. He wouldn't just give up yet. She was worth the effort, he thought turning to gaze at her.

Relena could feel his eyes on her. She tried to ignore him as much as she could. She was feeling really bad, for even thinking about kissing him. She was Heero's girlfriend and she loved him and here she was thinking about kissing a total stranger. Was she really that easy? She bit back tears of guilt that wanted to come out and berated herself for being that weak. Sighing softly, she gazed at the dark sky, hoping that the rain would stop soon. She hoped that Heero and the others were okay.

Heero was pissed off. Here he was stuck with the last person he wanted to be stuck with, namely Sylvia. For the past hour and a half he had tried to ignore her, but it was proving futile with her constantly trying to get his attention. He clenched his jaw as he recalled that Sylvia was the least of his problems. Relena was after all somewhere out there with Ken.

His Prussian blue eyes flashed dangerously. He really didn't like the guy. Ken was very blunt about his attraction to Relena. He made no qualms of backing away either. The guy was too conceited for his own good.

"Heero, where are we going?" He heard Sylvia whine.

He ignored her question. He resisted the urge to tell her to fuck off. He had already decided that they were going back to camp. There was no way that the scavenger hunt could continue, bearing in mind that it was pouring. He was sure that all the groups would be turning back as well. He swiped at some of his bangs that were plastered against his forehead.

He really wanted to hurt someone at the moment, preferably Ken. He had never met such an arrogant person before. He didn't want to brag or anything, but most guys at the school knew when to back off. Yet Ken wasn't at all intimidated by him.

He was way too cocky for his own good. And it didn't help that almost all of the girls at their school found him attractive, except Ana that was. The distaste and rivalry between the two was very clear. And it made him wonder what lay between them. Maybe he could ask her or Sergey. Sergey seemed to know something as well.

"Heero, my feet hurt. Can we rest for a moment?" Sylvia whined.

Heero took a deep breath through his nose and he prayed to whatever Gods up there to give him some patience or he would end up tying Sylvia to a tree and leaving her back there.

"If you want to rest, you can. I'm not." He said coldly as he continued to walk.

Sylvia huffed as she watched him walk away and completely ignore her. She had thought that this would be the perfect time to spend some time alone with him. She had tried just about everything to get his attention. The first few minutes she had tried simple flirting. She had stopped when he had sent her a glare that could have frozen hell.

Her last attempt had been playing the damsel in distress. She thought that by complaining about her feet, would made him take pity on her. Yet she was completely wrong. He only ignored her even more.

She mentally cursed Relena. Of course he was anxious to make it back to camp. She wasn't stupid. She was aware that Heero wasn't happy with Relena being paired up with Ken. The tension between the two was as clear as day. It also seemed that Ken was attracted to Relena. She smirked, it seemed that there was a love triangle.

This could be used to her advantage, she thought wickedly as she stared at Heero's retreating back.

Jealously blinded people and made them see things that weren't there. It could be entertaining to see how far Heero could be pushed. She silently wondered how much trust he actually had in Relena. She smiled evilly. Oh she would really enjoy this. She stared at Heero's back, who simply oblivious to her plans.

Yes, she would really enjoy this, she thought satisfied.

Relena wanted nothing more than to make it back to camp, she just didn't think it would be a wise choice to be left alone with Ken for much longer. She couldn't understand what had just transpired between them; one thing was certain though she was afraid of the feelings he invoked in her.

She bit her lower-lip in anger and distress as she recalled the urge she had felt to kiss him. Her cheeks heated up as she recalled how close his lips had been to hers, if one of them had only leaned in a bit they would have kissed. And strangely enough she would have allowed it. She bit her lip even harder as she fisted her hands at her side.

No, she shouldn't be thinking about it, but she knew that she could not let it go without analyzing the situation. She cursed herself for having to analyze everything, even though she hoped that maybe by doing so she would be able to explain her lapse in mental stability. Well at least that's what she could call it considering that she would have to be crazy to want to kiss Ken.

She raised her face, her azure blue eyes running over his form. He was walking a good few feet in front of her; it seemed that he had noticed that she needed her space and she was secretly glad of this.

She watched in fascination as the muscles in his back rippled as he raised a hand to run though his spiky hair. She unconsciously licked her lips, her nervousness getting the best of her. Her eyes widened as she realized that she might be attracted to him; she knew that it would be a normal thing, he was after all gorgeous.

She had been unable to see this in the beginning, because she had been too intend on biting his head off with her snide remarks, but now that she got to know the more gentle and friendly side of him she didn't have anything to stop her from really seeing him. She groaned and slapped her forehead.

This was not good.

She wrapped her arms around her body as she tried to shake those disturbing thoughts from her head. She was Heero's girlfriend and she loved him. How could she be thinking of someone else like that, especially Ken, someone that Heero absolutely loathed? She wasn't blind, she could clearly see the distaste in Heero's eyes every time he gazed at the blond young man in front of her. Heero would hate her if he ever found out about this whole mess. She felt fear and despair creeping on her as that specific thought crossed her mind. She would not be able to bear Heero hating her.

She was so caught in her thoughts that she didn't see the root, her feet getting caught in it. A startled cry left her lips as she stumbled forward, closing her eyes and bracing herself, she expected to hit the hard ground, but it never happened as she felt strong arms wrap around her and catch her.

Opening one eye she made sure that she wasn't imagining things. Her other eye snapped open as she noticed the hard chest which she was pressed against. Her face heated up instantly as she heard the familiar voice.

"Are you okay?" Ken asked as he steadied her.

He had just stopped to ask her if she needed to rest when he saw her trip. He had instinctively reached for her and caught her. He raised an eyebrow at her when he felt her tense, before she quickly pushed herself away from him.

"I'm fine. Thanks for catching me." She said curtly, avoiding his gaze.

He was perturbed by her distant attitude, but he decided not to ask, even if he suspected why she acted the way she did. He bit back a sigh as he motioned for her to follow him. He didn't wait for an answer as he continued walking; her soft footsteps behind him assured him that she was following.

Relena was glad that he didn't ask her anything else. She once again wished to be back at camp, anything to be away from him. She knew that it was childish and cowardly, but at the moment she didn't care. She just wanted to relax and hopefully banish those foolish thoughts in her head.


Yeah, that's it for now. I'm sorry for the long wait, but things are really hectic, I'm also trying to revise the old chapters of this fic. I've been reading the old chapters and I must say they're HORRIBLE! There are so many mistakes!

So hopefully the next chapter will be out sooner, for sneak peeks or info about updates, just check out my livejournal, you can find the link on my profile, feel free to leave comments or add me as a friend if you want to. Anyways until next time.