This is definitely going to be ending soon.  I might (probably will) do a sequel to this, but there's only going to be a couple chapters after this.  Also, there's a brief reference to Requiem For the Sun, so be prepared for it.

Reviewers!  ^_^

Just2spooky – Ask and ye shall receive.  I'm posting more now.  And it'll be interesting to see how Isis gets out of it…but you don't get to find that out this week. 

Chris steel – I've got a 400 question exam, an 8 page single spaced ½ inch margins paper (evil bat, those are for the same class), some random stupid exam in my computer class, two essays for my Sociology class, and four essays for my Social Problems class.  And yet I still find time to write this week.

Eternity's Voice – I've probably read better from me too, but I thank you for the timing compliment.  And I just realized an annoying typo in that one as well.  But these things happen in books too.  Have you ever read Prince of the Blood by Raymond Feist?  (I'd do a fan fic based on his books, but he won't let me.) Well, it focuses on these two twins Borric and Erland, and when they get separated at some points they keep referring to Erland as Borric on accident.  If you haven't read the books, I recommend you start with The Magician: Apprentice by the same author, as that's the beginning.

Wolfdrifter - Thanks, I really do appreciate the compliments.  I hope you continue to enjoy the story as much as you do.  And I mean this in all sincerity.

Just to let everyone know, this is a filler chapter.  It's one of those things that is sort of boring, but at the same time very necessary for the story.  My apologies in advance. 

Chapter 14: Isis's Arrival and Achmed's Departure

"You can at least let me walk!" Isis yelled. 

"We're under orders Isis.  We can't let you walk.  When you get to your new home we'll put you down."  Isis sighed.  This idiot was at least a polite idiot, and he wasn't trying to grope her like the last moron did.  She had burned him with star fire, but was captured again as she tried to escape.

"I suppose this is because of my burning the pervert to white ash?" she asked with a sigh.

"I'm afraid so."

"Ah, I see."  Isis lapsed into silence as the man took her through an ornately furnished room and put her in a dark room.  The soldier lit the light, and sat Isis down on a couch.  This room consisted of a deep red couch, two matching armchairs, a table, a desk, and a chair that sat at the desk.  Along a wall was a shelf filled with books.

"I know you're perfectly capable of getting out of these ropes, but you're not fast enough to get out the door.  There's a small dumbwaiter over in the other room.  Put the rope in there and lower it down.  When you do, a few minutes later someone will raise up a meal for you, as they will three times per day.  You're expected to keep clean, and change out of those dirty clothes of yours.  If you don't, the master will just burn them off.  You may keep the clothes, but you are not under any circumstances permitted to wear them.  If you do, they'll be burned off.  Do you understand?"

"What about my undergarments?" Isis asked. 

"Everything you need will be in your wardrobe.  The switch to the light is over here, and there's an identical one outside each room along with a lamp inside each room."  With that the soldier turned and left, locking the door behind him.  Isis looked around at the obsidian walls and sighed before loosing the ropes from around her.  She walked inside the room to the right and discovered a bedroom.  It was nicely furnished with a four posted bed with scarlet hangings, a night table with a pitcher and bowl that were carved from a red stone of some sort, and a second night table that matched it.  With the pitcher and bowl were three towels in various sizes, each of them red.  The only other piece of furniture was an armoire.  Isis opened the door and sighed in irritation.  On the doors were two full length mirrors.  As for the inside, it was full of clothing . . . slutty clothing. 

"I've seen a whore wear more modest clothes," she muttered.  After pulling aside most of the clothes, she found clothes that were a bit more modest.  She pulled out a dress, and found that it had a cloth bag hanging from it with accessories and shoes.  She grabbed a set of underwear (if you could call it that) and walked out into the room that adjoined it to discover a bathroom.  It was black and gold with running water, a toilet, a bathtub with all sorts of soaps and shampoos next to it, and a sink.  There were two doors that led into this room, and after leaving her new outfit behind, she walked through the other door only to find herself back in her sitting room.  The third door led to a dining room, with a table and chairs for two.  The furniture was made of black wood, and the only other furnishings in there were a side board, a shelf in the wall that was presumably the dumb waiter, and a vase with roses in it.  Isis sent down the rope, and went to take a bath and get changed before she ate.

While Isis bathed, thoughts began floating through her mind.  Why are they making it so comfortable in here for me?  Why not just throw me into a cell?  Unless that bastard Sean is expecting something . . . yes, that's it.  He wants me to be his little whore.  He's a patient bastard too, so he'll wait months, even years.  He'll wait for me.

Isis began washing her hair, and her thoughts turned to Achmed.  She was worried about him and the after effects of the poison.  She was also worried that he would come and save her, she couldn't bear it if he died.  Eventually she was done, and dressed herself in the black dress.  It was black velvet, tight fitting on top with a scooped neck that showed a lot of cleavage.  It had long sleeves that fit tightly over her arms.  These ended just above her elbows, and a bit of pointed fabric fell to the floor.  The dress continued to hug her body until it reached her hips, after hugging her hips it fell straight to the floor.  There were matching slippers, and a gold necklace with black obsidian on it.  She ignored the necklace, preferring her own bit of a star.  She put her hair into a braid and tied it with a black ribbon. 

When Isis arrived in the dining room, she saw that her food had already arrived.  A slice of beef, with lightly buttered vegetables covered the plate, along with a baked potato.  On the side were two goblets, one holding clear water and the other holding a red wine.  Isis shook her head, and had to admit to herself that at least the food was good.  After she was done eating, she lowered the dishes back to the cooks.  She walked back into the sitting room in time to see her door open, and watch Sean step into the room.

"What do you want?" Isis hissed.

"Why, I want you, love," he replied.

"You are evil and twisted.  You are incapable of love."

"Perhaps you're right.  Perhaps not.  Regardless, one of these days I expect you to thank me for all this luxury," he sneered.

"I could do without it," Isis replied dryly.

"Yes, I know.  But it's safer for you up here.  Your little Dhracin can't rescue you here like he could in the dungeons."  Sean sat down on the couch and put his feet up.  "If you want, you can start thanking me now, I've had a rough day."

"If you want, I can castrate you right now.  I've had a rough day myself," Isis spit back.  Sean chuckled and eyed Isis up and down. 

"I think I'll let you keep your little star, after all you can't use it to get out of here.  Besides, I like it where it is.  Perhaps when we make love I'll let you leave it on. Yes, I think I will."

"Pity I wouldn't be caught dead in a bed with you."  Isis stood with her arms crossed, and glared at Sean.

"Not now, no.  But soon your need will be great."  Sean got up and opened the door to leave.  "Yes.  Soon.  All you women whores are alike."  With that he shut the door behind him and locked it.


Darkness.  Spinning.  Light?  No…wait.  Yes.  Light!  Come on, open your eyes . . .

Achmed groaned to himself as he woke up, and found his bed surrounded by Rhapsody and Grunthor.  Rhapsody's face was stained with tears, and Grunthor had a grim look on his face.

"Rhapsody?  Grunthor?  What happened?"  Achmed groaned as he looked around the room.

"Oh!  Achmed!"  Rhapsody grabbed the king in her arms and started sobbing.  Achmed's eyebrows crinkled. 

"Rhapsody?  Where's Isis?"

"Isis . . . 'er Majesty had te go wit' te assassins for te F'dor yesterday to save 'er Ladyship," Grunthor replied, his accent heavier then usual.

It all came crashing back for Achmed.  Rhapsody got off him finally and nodded her head, but Achmed didn't notice.  He was too busy reliving yesterday's memories.

"If the Lady Isis wants us to leave her friends alive at this moment, all she needs to do is come with us. We leave with her, and we return her to our master. Otherwise." the assassin started to press his dagger into Rhapsody's throat.

"RHAPSODY!" yelled Ashe.

"STOP!" The cry came from behind Ashe, as a glowing person stepped out in front of him. "Release them."

"I see you have come to your senses," he said. Isis walked over next to him, glaring.

"Release them NOW!" she snapped.

"Why you still haven't changed. Sean will be looking forward to seeing you again," he said with a grin.

"Sean? I'm surprised that idiot isn't killed yet," spat

"Sean is now our Domestic Security head. And he's going to guard you personally . . . in his room." Isis didn't say anything, but Ashe did. He ran over to the nearest assassin with a yell. The assassin casually took out a small crossbow with his other hand, and shot a small bolt into Achmed's shoulder.

"You think one small bolt can stop me from tearing your limbs off?" Achmed cried. Suddenly his legs stopped working, and he fell.

"ACHMED!" Isis cried. She ran over to his side and knelt beside him with tears in her eyes. She turned to glare hatefully at the assassin.

"The bolt can't. But the paralyzing poison on it can. Now, Isis. Come with me, or your friends die."

"Make your groupies go, then I'll go with you," she said quietly.

"I'm glad you agreed before I had to kill her. She's quite pretty you know. She even rivals you."

"Isis! Don't! Get out of here!" Rhapsody finally said.

"No Rhapsody. The world here needs you more than it needs me."

"Isis . . . but I need you," Achmed said slowly. He tried to move, but found he could only move a tiny bit at a time. Isis turned with a sad smile, and blinked away her tears.

"Achmed, you need to get better now. Don't worry about me. I escaped from the bastards once, and I'll do it again. I'll be back."

"I'll bring you back."  With that, Achmed strode purposefully out of the room.  Grunthor nodded, and knew what he was about to do. 

"Yer Ladyship, Oi'm going to have to ask tha' you stay 'ere and keep an eye on Ylorc.  'is Majesty's goin' after Miss Isis, an' Oi need to go with 'im.  Oi need to make sure 'e doesn't get 'imself killed."  Rhapsody nodded, determined to keep from crying.  Grunthor gave her a brief hug, and ran into the hallway where guards were standing. 

"You and you!  Go get a month's worth of provisions ready for me and 'is majesty.  I need it ready NOW!"  The two guards saluted and took off running, one for the kitchens and one for the medicine ward.  "An' don' bother with the 'orses!" Grunthor called after them.  They each called back to him with a grunt to show that they heard him.  With that, Grunthor strode outside to find Achmed sitting cross legged on a patch of grass.  Grunthor didn't say anything until Achmed spoke first, which was an hour later.

"I have her heartbeat Grunthor.  I'm leaving."

"Oi know.  An' Oi'm goin' with ye."

"Someone needs to stay back and watch Ylorc."  Achmed opened his eyes and looked at Grunthor.

" 'er Ladyship's in charge.  An' the staff knows not to listen to Ashe, so don't worry about it.  Provisions are on the way."

"Thanks Grunthor."  With that, Achmed strode down to the gates to see how long until he could leave . . . and ran into Ashe.

"Yes?" Achmed asked, annoyed.

"Look, I remember how I felt when Michael kidnapped Rhapsody, and you helped me get her back.  I can't go with you, but I can at least lend you this.  Good luck."  With that, Ashe shoved his cloak in Achmed's arms, and walked away.  Achmed stared at it; it was a mist cloak that made it so he couldn't be detected.  The F'dor would probably be looking for him not Grunthor.  He put on the cloak and realized that for some reason his gift still worked when he was inside it. 

"Ashe," he called.  The dragon turned and stared at his longtime rival.


"Thank you."  Ashe nodded and continued to leave just as the provisions were delivered.  Achmed turned to look at Grunthor, who had witnessed the entire exchange, and nodded.

"We leave now.  It'll take us two weeks to get where we're traveling if we travel like we used to."

"I wouldn' 'ave it any other way Yer Majesty."