Disclaimers Notice: I do not own any of the characters or any other such part of Spirited Away-But I know that a wonderful ingenious man named Hayoa Miyazaki does and has created that wonderful masterpiece called "Spirited Away"-Go Hayoa!

Author: Storm_Maker Title: Spirited Away 2: For the Love of a Friend Pairings: for the most part-Chihiro and Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi
(Kohaku for short unless he's under Yubaaba's control, than he's Haku)

Summery: "I'll see you again someday."
"You promise?"
"I promise."~~But what if Kohaku couldn't come back for some unknown reason? It will have to be up to Chihiro and her friends to rescue Kohaku!

Spirited Away 2

For the love of a friend


"What!" screamed Yubaaba. Chihiro had just left one month ago and there still wasn't complete order in the bathhouse. Every one was still talking about 'Sen' and her miraculous adventure.
"I have my true name back. I have paid the rest of my debt. I am freed from your contract. You can no longer control me." Kohaku stood in front of Yubaaba's desk, watching a very angry Yubaaba stand up from her seat with the her loose hair swirling around by her. Kohaku didn't even flinch. His fists were clenched. Now instead of cruelty and hate, his eyes were filled with love and determination.

"I made Chihiro a promise. I won't break my promise to her, not now, not ever."

"I raised you to where you are now! How can you do this to me! You stumbled in here.this very bathhouse.alone and afraid. I gave you a job! I gave you power! And this is how you repay me? Why you insolent..egotistical.weakling!" Yubaaba screamed. Fire was burning from her nostrils and her hair was wild, like the serpents that once rested upon Medusa's head so long ago. Her hair was like whips, ready to crack and snap at any one who came to close. Kohaku stared at Yubaaba, with such defiance, she felt like torturing him till no end, or ridding of herself of him by killing him.one or the other.

"How dare he do this to me? I gave him everything! And all of this over a brat.a scrawny human brat." She thought.

"Why, Haku.I don't know what to say.are you sure you thought about this, I mean after all she is just a human, but here you have everything." Said Yubaaba falsely sweet. She sat back down. The fire in her nose was put out and her hair tamed down.

"I have made up my mind." Was all Kohaku said.

"Very well, you may leave." She said and put her right hand over her eyes and started rubbing them. Kohaku turned to leave. "But before you do, will you do one thing for me?" Kohaku turned around, not even dropping his hand from the door handle.

"Will you take this for me?" she said not even waiting for his answer. She threw something at Kohaku.

"What the." was all he had time to say before a blinding blue light engulfed him. The whole room shined with this mysterious light. The light was all that could be seen, and Yubaaba's evil laugh was all that could be heard through out the whole bathhouse. Everyone gave a shudder as they heard that horrific sound and went back to work.