When Magics Collide

A CardCaptor Sakura and Harry Potter Crossover

By: Marie-Claire

Standard Disclaimers Apply

"I cannot believe you dragged me from the tower this early in the morning to get more info about our blessedly wonderful professors who are all currently not HERE!" Harry growled at Ron and Hermione, who at least had the decency to look a little shamed.

"Well.at least for once, we won't be late, eh?" Ron offered.

Harry snorted, "That was not comforting." He rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly, then adjusted his glasses as he took a swig of the frosty goblet of pumpkin juice sitting by his elbow.

"Here's something to cheer you up, Harry. Look at your schedule," Hermione ordered, deeply engrossed in hers as well.

"Yeah?" Picking up his schedule, his eyes widened as he saw the writing on the parchment and a pleased grin made its way across his face.

"Potions time has been reduced because of the new course to be taught by Professor Xiao Lang?!"

"Yeah!" Ron cheered, pumping a fist into the air.

Hermione nodded, "However, I think you should refrain from calling the Professor by his given name. I heard one of the first years addressed him by it and got his head chewed off. He wants everyone calling him by just Professor or Li, since they aren't that much older than us."

"Weird guy," Ron said with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, well, I think you should change your opinion. He's our first subject."

"That's nice." Ron replied absently as he chewed on a mouth full of pancakes.

"And his class starts in about twenty minutes!" Hermione shrieked.

"That's not nice." Ron replied again.

All around them, the Gryffindor sixth years, as well as the Hufflepuffs, Slytherins, and Ravenclaw fifth years who would all be sharing the class with them, another first, hurried up as well.

* ~ ~ *

Standing atop of a cushioned mat wearing black sweatpants and a plain, not extremely tight, but fitting white t-shirt, Syaoran addressed his first class for the day.

"This course was created for the sole purpose of providing all of you ways to defend yourselves against threats when you are wandless or not particularly good in Defense Against Dark Arts. While not really fool proof, physical combat is still effective and is great for raising your capacity and stamina for magical performances."

"And blah blah blah with another blah," one Slytherin boy named Tartarus Leis mock-whispered from the back, earning several snickers from his comrades and a smirk from Malfoy.

".and I will not tolerate disobedience or rudeness in my class, Lei. Perhaps you would want me to make a demonstration out of you?" Syaoran asked, his cold golden gaze cutting through the Slytherin, whose smirk had slightly faltered.

"With all due respect, Professor, that is hardly fair." Pansy Parkinson, another Slytherin, purred maliciously with what she probably hoped was a seductive expression. "You are so obviously trained, while Lei is more proficient with magic than fists. Perhaps if one of your companions, who are not as skilled, could fight in your place?"

"Just what are you suggesting, Parkinson?"

"Why not let Professor Kinimoto fight in your place, Professor Xiao Lang? She seems to be the weakest in your group. I think that would only be fair."

Syaoran's eyes hardened and barely restrained fury glinted in his eyes as he worked hard to stare impassively at the impudently idiotic girl who had managed to insult his love and himself in one breath.

"I do not remember giving you permission to use my given name, Ms. Parkinson. However, if you so want to see Professor Kinimoto fight.as she is a. weakling, as you said earlier." He turned to the blank wall behind him. Lifting one hand, he extended it towards the gray stone wall and pushed, as if pushing open a door. Immediately, the surface of the wall shimmered and appeared the image of the bubbly sorceress appeared. She looked surprised, standing in the doorway of some room, before she smiled, seeing who had called upon her.

"Xiao Lang, what is it?"

Everyone gasped, immediately dreading their professor's probable reaction at someone calling him by his true name, when they were even more shocked when his face softened the slightest bit, the corners of his mouth lifting up just a little.

"Could you please come here for a moment, Ying Fa?"

Harry leaned over to Hermione to ask, "What did he just call her?"

"Ying. Fa?" Hermione repeated. "I wonder what it means."

"How about you, Ron?" Harry turned, only to find his male best friend staring avidly at the image of the female with a very red flush on his ears and cheeks.


"Never mind, Ron. Go back to sleep," Harry said jokingly, making Ron's ears even more red.

"Whatever for, Xiao Lang?" Sakura asked, brow a little furrowed.

"A couple of my students," here he gave a pause to glare at Lei and Pansy, who both flushed, "seem to doubt what little is there of your abilities in martial arts." The students gasped again as they heard what they thought was an insult directed to the girl. They did not see, however, the faint glint of humor in the Li Clan leader's eyes as he smirked at the girl.

An identical smirk appeared on Sakura's face. "Oh, they do?"

A flash, and suddenly, Sakura was standing right beside Syaoran.

"What the?!"

"How the hog sh*t did she manage to do that?"

"Did she apparate?!" Ron asked, his eyes bulging.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Ron?" Hermione said exasperatedly. "You can't apparate or disapparate in Hogwarts! Besides, she's barely seventeen. She can't be old enough to take the test! That just isn't normal procedure."

"Well, Dumbledore thinks they're old enough to teach. That isn't normal, is it? Apparating must be a piece of cake to them." Harry replied wisely.

"Hell, yeah!" A voice said from behind them.

Harry and his friends whirled around in surprise, to find the three other new professors grinning at them.

Hermione recovered first. Seeming eager to get on the good side of the new teachers, she said smartly, "Professors, what-" But Tomoyo waved her words away with a casual wave of her hand and a soft smile.

"No need for formality when we are not in class, Hermione. You can call me Tomoyo."

"Eriol, and pleased to meet you all."

"Likewise," Harry replied.

"I'm Meilin, and yeah, what Tomoyo said. I'm just your age after all, and Syaoran and Sakura's just seventeen. Tomoyo and Eriol are the old foggies here," she said with a wicked grin, ignoring both Eriol and Tomoyo's glares, "what with them being eighteen and all."

"Really?! And you're all teaching at that age?" Hermione said, disbelief clearly written on her face.

"Everything has a reason, Hermione." Eriol answered with another of his famously patented mysterious smiles. "Same as with our coming here at this time. You'll find out soon, I expect."

"Maybe a whole lot sooner," Meilin muttered. "You three have the rep of nosing in on business that doesn't concern you, unfortunately."

The trio reddened considerably.

"However, we admire you all for trying to do what you can for Hogwarts and the Wizarding World even though it doesn't seem to want your help, so we can let that go." Tomoyo assured them, and then with twinkling eyes looked towards the center of the mats where Sakura and Tartarus were facing each other off.

Syaoran looked highly satisfied with the Slytherin boy's slight shaking. Giving the signal for the match to start, he walked over to where Eriol, Harry and the others were standing.

"My cute little descendant!" Eriol said cutely as he started bouncing forward with arms open wide as if to hug the Li Clan leader.

A nerve popped anime' style on Syaoran's forehead and he held up a fist. "Come closer and I'll make sure that Tomoyo won't have to put armholes on the next batch of costumes that she'll make you!"

Pouting, Eriol went back to his previous place beside Tomoyo, but not before sticking out his tongue at Syaoran.

"O.kay." Ron said, still goggling at Eriol.

"Ignore them," Meilin whispered to the three. "They're all just way weird."

"I heard that, Meilin!"

"Oh, just shut up, you. Sakura's fighting!"

They all turned to look in interest, although they weren't sure if they could properly classify what Sakura was doing as fighting. Even though Tartarus seemed to be throwing every bit of his strength into his punches, Sakura was not responding in kind, instead choosing to just dodge every one of his blows. No one seemed to know what to make of this one-sided match, though it was very fascinating watching Sakura move with almost fluid grace, managing to evade each and every blow at just the right second.

Tartarus finally grew tired, and he propped his hands on his knees and bent over, panting heavily. It was at this moment that Sakura finally chose to strike. With such speed that few saw her

move, she had attacked, dropping low to the ground and stretching out her leg in a sweeping arc that swept at the boy's feet and sent him to the floor.

"Match over." Syaoran announced as he walked briskly to the mats once more. "Are you satisfied now, Lei, Parkinson?"

Pansy didn't even bother to reply, she was seething in anger. Lei slunk off the mats sulkily, his face an embarrassed shade of carrot red, much like Ron's hair.

Draco however, seemed to think the brief show was not enough. "I want to show what real fighting looks like, professor," he said in a challenging voice. "Certainly, that's not all there is to it. If it is, then I don't see the point of taking this class."

"Why that no good, stinking ugly ferret!" Meilin whispered furiously. She waved off Harry and the other's incredulous looks at her. "Yeah, yeah, we know all about what happened during your fourth year. Really kinda lame, if you ask me. Imagine, just a bouncing ferret?! I would have turned him into a toadstool allergic to toads, freaky little thing that he is."

"Don't worry, Meilin." Eriol said, although he was also sending Malfoy a disapproving frown. "Sakura and my cute little descendant will work it out."

Sakura, who, instead of becoming annoyed, seemed to have become even more amused. "They want to see a real fight, Xiao Lang. Let's show them, then."

"You challenge me, Ying Fa?" Syaoran asked with hardly any emotion, though the glint of amusement in his eyes was visible to Sakura.

"I dare, Li." Sakura answered, deliberately using Syaoran's last name.

"Fine, then, Kinimoto." Syaoran growled out, catching on. He raised his hand to his throat, and then flung it downwards. A flash of white light pulsed in his hand, and they suddenly saw him holding a sword with a heavy- looking blade, its edge reflecting the light from the candles. He bent his knees slightly and raised his sword above his head horizontally, the point facing Sakura, the tassel tangled in his hands.

In response, Sakura threw her hand out sidewards. This time, blue light exploded in her hands, and when it faded, she was suddenly holding a staff only a little shorter than her. It was silver, with a smooth polished surface, although ornate carvings were done at the top in blue. It had a slightly curved blade at the top, with a blue and black tassel below it the swished as she brought the point of the staff down. She also bent down and changed grips, clutching at the staff tightly with both hands.

"Where did those weapons come from?" Seamus Finnigan asked his friend.

"Dunno and don't care. They just look amazing though, don't they?" Lavendor Brown replied, gazing avidly at Sakura's deadly beautiful staff.

"Yeah, well, I'm sure that Prof. Li will probably win this match. He's the male, after all." Somebody from Ravenclaw said very loudly."

Apparently, a girl from Hufflepuff saw it fit to defend her own gender. "That's the most chauvinistic, stupid male thing I have ever heard, McMillan! Prof. Kinimoto will win for sure!"

"What are they doing?! They could get hurt!" Hermione said, ringing her hands nervously.

"Mione's right. Shouldn't you guys be doing something to stop them?"

Eriol sighed dramatically. "Harry, Harry, Harry. There's certainly a lot you don't understand about us if you even think that we could ever, ever hurt any of our friends. We certainly may not be the most normal bunch of people you could ever hope to meet, but we are friends first and foremost."

"We are not traitors, Harry." Tomoyo said firmly.

"Yeah, and anybody who betrays us will pay a high price." Meilin said viciously. "A very high price."

While Hermione looked slightly unnerved by the declaration of the three, Harry was impressed by their testimonials. He almost felt envious!

Simultaneous battle cries attracted their attention, and they turned back to the match just in time to see Sakura and Syaoran charge at each other with speed equal to each other. Sakura brought her staff swinging into a full downward arc, in an attempt to knock Syaoran's sword off his hands. Knowing that to counter the powerful attack would be fruitless, Syaoran opted for bringing the flat of his blade against Sakura's staff, effectively pushing it to the side, and then twisting to aim for a kick at Sakura. Accurately reading what Syaoran was about to do, the cherry blossom backflipped away, then twirled her staff with one hand before sweeping at little wolf's knees. He, however, merely somersaulted over her head, then pushed the hilt of the sword forward. The Card Mistress was not there anymore, however. She had managed to roll away, springing up to her feet once more with a handspring as they both sank once again into offensive stances, casually staring at each other with slight smiles at each other from opposite ends of the mat.

For once, Hermione seemed to have ran out of words to say. "That was-that was-"

"Bloody Hell! That was amazing!" Ron supplied. This woke up the crowd from its awed silence, and suddenly, the air was ringing with the cheers and claps of the students, except for the Slytherins who were all either gaping in disbelief or frowning at the fighters in annoyance.

"Now that, my dears, is a fight."