Ddg1: O.O PIXY STIX!!!!! CAKE ICEING!!!!! *grabs for them*

Kohaku: OH NO YOU DON'T!!! *snatches them*

Ddg1: *puppy dog eyes* Sugar? Pwease?

Kohaku: *looks away* NO!!

Ddg1: PWEASE?!?! *Bottom lip starts to quiver* pwease Kohaku-kun?


Ddg1: *Suddenly goes into half vampire form* RRRRRR!! THEN I'LL BEAT IT OUTTA YOU!!!!

Kohaku: O.O ....


Ddg1: now, recite the fan list! *sitting on top of Kohaku's back*

Kohaku: ... oww... yes ma'am..



black kaze kitsune


Fox Girl1

Akiko Kimora


... oww....

Ddg1: good... FICCY!! NOW!!

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN YU YU HAKUSHO!! ... But, I do own Kohaku... poor me....


Chapter 8: Really?


"Hey! Urameshi! What took you so long?" Came the unmistakable voice of Kuwabara as they entered the toddler's office. "I've been waiting here for hours!"

"It was only fifteen minutes!" Said an obviously annoyed Koenma. "He's been complaining the whole time!" Koenma said, turning to Yusuke and Hiei. "... Why are you two back yet, anyways?"

Yusuke looked at Hiei. "Ask him, not me...."

Hiei grunted a 'hn,' then told what he had found out. "It's Youko."

Koenma looked at him oddly. "What do you mean by that?" Kuwabara was now complaining again, as usual. "WILL YOU SHUT UP?!?!" Koenma yelled. "I'LL SEND YOU TO THE AFTER LIFE!!!!" He was in the baka's face, some how managing to keep his binky in.

"EEP!!" Kuwabara squeaked, then hid behind Yusuke.

Hiei snickered in the corner. "hn, baka no DEAD ningen."


"I said you were a baka, fool."

Before Kuwabara could argue back, Yusuke intervened. "CHILDREN!! will you two stop fighting?!"

"This DEAD ningen ain't worth my time." Said then he turned back to Koenma. "As I was about to say before I was so rudely interrupted.." shoots a death glare at Kuwabara. "It is Youko doing the killing, Shuuichi has NOT gone crazy."

"I knew that already." said Koenma.

"Then you know that your detective doesn't stand a chance against him?"

"Of course."

"THEN WHY IN THE SEVEN HELLS DID YOU SEND HIM AFTER YOUKO?!?!?!" He grabbed Koenma by the collar of his outfit and pulled him to face level.

Yusuke and Kuwabara watched this. Both snickered.

"WELL?!?!" Hiei yelled into Koenma's ear.


Kohaku: A cliffy?!

Ddg1: YUP! ^^

Kohaku: -.- .... Hey, what are those? *points to a corner of the room*

Ddg1: ...... KURAMA DOLLS!!!!! *leaps onto pile of Kurama dolls*

Kohaku: -.-;;;;; ..... A KUWABARA PUNCHING BAG?!?!? SWEET!!! *Starts

knocking the crap outta the punching bag*

both: ^^ THANKS FANS!!! REVIEW!!! JA NE!!!