Disclaimer: I don't own The Rugrats.

A/N: My first Rugrats Fan-Fiction so like I learned from Bambi 'If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all'.

What Are Friends For?

Phil continued to stare at his math homework as he tapped his pencil against the surface of the table. He sat with his friends in Study Hall and has been trying to process the same problem for over five minutes. Glancing up at his friends he watched as they scribbled the answers on their paper. He was never going to catch onto geometry as fast as the rest of them and it frustrated him inside. It wasn't like he didn't listen in class even though some of his friends think that, he just couldn't grasp on to theorems as quickly as his friends.

Letting out a quiet sigh Phil closed his geometry book, deciding to start on English. He pulled out his notebook as he caught Kimi looking at him. He looked up so that their eyes had contact with one another. He watched as she mouthed 'You're done?' Phil just rolled his eyes and shook his head before opening his notebook. He watched from the corner of his eye as Kimi pouted at him. She continued to watch him hoping he would look back up at her but after a few seconds of no response Kimi just returned to her math homework.

English was a subject Phil was actually good at. Unlike the rest of his friends who practically excelled in every subject Phil averaged Bs or Cs in math and science. Phil excelled in creativity and that was one of the reasons why he was such a excellent student in English while most teachers graded on grammar and spelling Miss Diaz graded on creativity even though his grammar and spelling were A standings. But before Phil could even write down a single thought of his frustrations with Geometry the bell rang ending not only Study Hall but the school day as well.

Phil quickly packed his things into his backpack and headed out of the classroom without saying a word to either of his friends. He really didn't feel in the mood to hear what Tommy and Lil had to say about his understanding with Geometry. He wasn't as smart as them when it came to math and problems it wasn't his fault things didn't click as quick as it did for them.

"Phil!" Kimi yelled out as she rushed out of the classroom and into the hallway. Phil shut his eyes as he stopped in the middle of the crowd. Kimi was the only one who didn't lecture him about paying attention in class and she didn't constantly tell him it was easy once he got the hang of it. So he couldn't just ignore her and keep walking. "Are you okay?"

Phil opened his eyes to see Kimi standing in front of him her hands holding her backpack straps. "Yeah I'm okay," Phil lied as Kimi gave him a look. Phil let out a sigh realizing he wasn't about to get away lying to her. "I just don't want to hear Tommy and Lil tell me that I just need to pay attention in class and I'll finally get this stuff because I DO pay attention in class. And I don't want to hear Chuckie ask what's going on only to tell me it's easy once I get the hang of it because I haven't gotten the hang of it. I just don't want to hear it, okay Kimi?"

Kimi stood there a bit speechless as she slowly nodded her head. She didn't know what her friends had to say to him bothered him that much. "I can tutor you if you want. The others don't have to know if you don't want them too. Tommy and Lil are going to the library to start on their science project and I'll just tell Chuckie I'm going to your house to start ours," Kimi quietly offered as she looked at Phil.

"Really?" Phil said as some of his frustrations disappeared.

"Yeah. Really" Kimi reassured with a smile.

As if on cue Chuckie, Tommy, and Lil appeared beside the two. "Hey Phil. You okay? You left study hall pretty quickly," Tommy said as he looked at his friend.

"Yeah. I just left my book in class and I wanted to get it before my teacher left," Phil answered as he pulled his gaze away from Kimi.

"Hey did any of you guys solve number 12?" asked Lil switching the subject.

Phil held back from making a face on the subject. "Whoa. Look at the time. We better go Phil before we miss the bus," Kimi said as she grabbed Phil's wrist. "Chuckie I'm going to Phil's to start on our science fair project. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye," Phil managed to say before Kimi pulled him away. Looking back to make sure his friends couldn't hear he pulled Kimi back to slow down their pace. "Thanks Kimi."

"Any time. What are friends for?" Kimi replied as she gave him of her smiles.

+ + +

Phil sat on his desk as Kimi stood behind him showing him step by step how to solve the problem he was starring at in Study Hall. Phil nodded his head as Kimi wrote down each step not quite understanding how he managed to catch on so quickly when Kimi showed him how.

"Okay now you try," smiled Kimi as she put his pencil down so that he could work on the next problem.

"Alright," Phil said as he took his pencil and started copying the next problem on his paper.

Phil smiled with satisfaction as he completed the problem. He glanced up to Kimi to see if she was watching him only to see her starring out the window. Phil frowned to himself as he leaned back in his chair to see Tommy in his room back from the library. His room wasn't across from Tommy's (Lil's room was) but he could still see Tommy's room from the area around his desk.

"I'm going to get a drink. You want one?" asked Phil as he stood up from his seat nearly startling Kimi.

"What?" Kimi said as she snapped out of her daze. Phil only starred at her. "Hey you finished the problem! Good job!" She looked at Phil's paper as she smiled to see it was correct.

"Yeah," Phil dryly said as he headed towards the door. "You want a drink?"

"Sure," answered Kimi as she weakly smiled at him wondering why Phil's mood seemed to have changed all of a sudden.

Phil nodded his head as he walked out of his bedroom and into the hallway. It was about a couple months back when Kimi told him that she had a crush on Tommy. He didn't know why but it bothered him than and he didn't know why it still bothered him now. He always figured it was because Tommy seemed to be the All Around American Boy. Tommy had nearly everything a guy could ever want and Phil had to work to get where he was. Kimi had been the only one who held no pressures on him and always accepted and liked him for who he was so he figured when she told him that she liked Tommy he felt that it was another area to lose to Tommy. Not like he liked Kimi or well he didn't think he did.

"Hey Phil," Lil said as Phil appeared at the bottom of the staircase.

Phil quickly snapped out of his thoughts, "Hey. You're back from the library early."

"There was a staff meeting so they had to close it early. Kimi still hear?" asked Lil as they passed each other, Lil heading to the staircase and Phil to the kitchen.

"Yup. She's up in my room," Phil answered as Lil yelled out a 'thanks' before jogging upstairs.

Phil went to the fridge and pulled out two cans of juice. Deciding to kill time and let his sister talk to her best friend, Phil grabbed two glasses and filled them with ice. He opened the cans and poured the juice into the glasses. Throwing the cans into the recycling bin, Phil picked up the two glasses and headed back upstairs.

Phil leaned in the doorway to see Kimi in his room alone. He could hear music blasting from Lil's room, which was next door to his. He watched as Kimi starred out the window. Tommy caught a glimpse of her and waved as Kimi smiled and waved back.

"Why don't you just tell him you like him already?" asked Phil as he walked into his room. Figuring he would prefer it better if she just went out with the guy instead of constantly admiring him from afar.

"Tell Tommy? Yeah right," Kimi said as she let out a small laugh as she walked away from the window to join Phil at his desk. "Are you okay?"

"Why do you ask?" Phil questioned as he took a sip of his drink.

Kimi shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. You seemed a little off when you left the room earlier."

"Too much geometry that's all," lied Phil as he continued to drink his juice. Kimi gave him a look not believing a word. "Kimi I'm fine."

"You sure?" Kimi replied as she looked at him.

"Yeah I'm sure," Phil said as he flashed her one of his smiles. "Are you okay?" He let out a short laugh.

"Yeah. I'm okay," giggled Kimi as she looked at him.

Phil finished his geometry while Kimi flipped through some of his old sketchbook. It wasn't long before Phil finished and the two just sat around his room talking. Realizing it was almost dinner time Phil walked Kimi home and the two called it a day.