Disclaimer: I only own my soul, the rest belongs to J.K.Rowling.

Hey people. READ and REVIEW.

Chapter 10

Harry stumbled dreamily to his secure Gryffindor tower. Everything seemed like a haze to him and he didn't know how he managed to walk so far, so far away from that blond at the other side of the castle. He couldn't believe all the emotions stirring inside of him. Too much information in one night and too much of other things . . . All he remembered was that sudden closeness. Two intense slivery eyes boring into his. A whisper. A kiss. And then his body lost its essence and he remembered a feeling of melting, of heat, of desire. His mind was blank yet his body was registered with all the sensation he wanted to feel. He remembered being pulled out of that pool of warmth. His eyes fluttering open. Draco pulling his invisibility cloak on top of him with a kind warm look and pink bruised lips, covering Harry fully and pushing him to the side. He remembered Slytherins pouring into the bedroom and then noise and crowdedness. He lost track of time, maybe he stood there two minutes just staring at Draco conversing with his housemates or maybe it was an hour, it didn't matter, nothing mattered anymore. And then he finally walked out of the Slytherin dungeons like a drunkard.

Harry wanted to talk to someone. Tell someone anything or something about all the stuff that happened lately. He knew he couldn't. This was not something you talk to Ron or Hermione. Sirius was gone. There was no one else.

Monday morning came. Hogwarts started showing signs of life. People got up and turned to their morning tasks with that usual tiredness and weariness that follows unsatisfying sleep, too short and too early.

Harry was an exception. He seemed to be full of energy. He seemed as if he was ready to wake up about three hours ago and he was the only one ready. He sat patiently or rather patiently with the occasional head twist to see if Ron or Hermione were dressed already, waiting to go to breakfast.

Finally Hermione showed up, her hair a tangle of mess. She seemed to be struggling for her life, the brush stuck in it like an unfortunate gum accident.

"ahh . . . are you okay Hermione?" Harry asked suppressing a giggle.

Hermione noted his tone and raised an annoyed eyebrow. "I'm fine. I'm just finishing fixing my hair"

"Wow there buddy! I think someone needs to call 911, there's a cat stuck in Hermione's hair!" Ron announced, entering the common room.

"Shut up! You don't look any better yourself!" she retorted back.

"Hey . . ."Ron seemed offended "its not my fault you have a cat stuck in your hair . . ."

"I DON'T HAVE A CAT STUCK IN MY HAIR!" she screamed, shooting icy daggers with her look. She then rushed back to her dorms and slammed the door with all her might.

Some guys peeped out of their dormitory wondering what all the fuss was about.

Harry could no longer hold himself and started laughing. Ron joined him.

"I feel kind of bad for her" Ron said "but she knows I'm just kidding with her"

"Haha . . . I'm not so sure Ron . . . I think you better apologize or she'll kick your ass and I don't mean with just a charm . . ."

Ron considered that idea while rubbing his backside. "Ouch...you're right"

Harry smiled at him.

"Why are you so happy, Harry? What's going on? . . . "Ron said, giving him a teasing smile.

"Nothing" Harry answered, suppressing a big smile.

"Is it a ggggggggggirl nothing?" Ron said elbowing Harry in the ribs.

Harry fell dead silent. "No Ron, its nothing" he said, suddenly not as willing to share anything with Ron.

"Oh well . . . you'll tell me when you're ready" Ron said, throwing the subject over his head.

Harry nodded.

People started pouring into the common room. Soon everyone left for breakfast, including the trio.

Breakfast was very . . . enjoyable. Harry would take a bite and then lick his lips slowly, looking at Draco to make sure he caught that. Draco did and returned the favor by taking his drink and gulping it while fully exposing his neck, his Adam apple bobbin up and down, he'd then lick his lips with a teasing smile.

Fortunately no one noticed their ongoing games and it passed as mere eating in their friends' eyes.

Classes resumed and things seemed to be back to normal. The tension was gone and that old familiar rivalry was once again in the air.

Hermione as usual would be the first and only person to know the answer with exquisite detail, causing the other housemates to stare angrily with exasperated countenance.

Potions class was as usual the class where Neville would lose all his points and where Gryffindor would be criticized by their 'benevolent' teacher Snape for all their petty wrong doings, overlooking as usual his own house.

And usual was very usual in all terms and respects in the usual functions of Hogwarts. But the only unusual thing there was, was carefully hidden from the usual day-to-day activities and even though the two boys tried to somehow find time to meet or converse their opportunities were extremely limited, what with homework, friends and Quidditch practices which were at different times and days to ensure secrecy (due to the recent unfortunate loss).

Soon they came to find out that secretive glances, timid smiles and the exceptional accidental bump into each other followed by a fake angry reaction was not enough to drown their needs and the week passed by without the two actually having the chance to pass more than two words to each other especially with the fellowship of friends and watching eyes all around them.

That made Harry exceptionally aggravated and Draco extremely desperate and he decided to take action.

Harry opened his Potions book back in his common room to find a small note with familiar writing.


Harry's spirits rose immediately. He was so happy to finally receive something from Draco and he couldn't wait for Friday. After all Friday was tomorrow. He resumed his homework high-spirited and complacent oblivious to Draco's note that he just dropped on the floor.

The day passed rather slowly, as any day when the eyes are constantly on the clock and when finally they were dismissed from their last class of the day, Harry didn't even bother waiting for Ron or Hermione and he left for the Great Hall to eat dinner. When Ron and Hermione finally arrived they gave him a puzzled look but Harry dismissed them with a full mouth of food. Two seconds later he bade goodbye to the two and ran back to his dormitory to get showered and dressed.

"Why is he on such a hurry?" asked Hermione back at the Great Hall.

"Beats me" said Ron, "one minute he's sad, the other he's happy, one second he's tired and grumpy the other he's hyper and energetic . . . Its weird"

Hermione gave him a strange look.

"Something is going on that we don't know" Hermione said.

"Well obviously!" Ron retorted, "I even figured that one out, but Harry won't tell me . . . I reckon it's a girl situation"

"Why's that?" Hermione asked doubtfully.

"Well, when I asked him if it was a girl thing he went all quiet and refused to talk"

"Hmmm. . ." Hermione considered it, "I think he would have told us if it was a girl situation, I think its something else"

Ron looked at her with contemplative eyes.

Harry was ready. He showered and dressed as soon as he got back to the tower and he really didn't feel like giving useless explanation for his behavior so he just slipped on his invisibility cloak and went to sit carefully down at the common room.

It was rather fun being unseen by all his housemates. He could easily eavesdrop and find out the deepest secrets of well most if not all of his friends. But Harry knew himself too well and he chose to leave the common room as soon as it started filling with all the satiated Gryffindors. It was twenty minutes to eleven o'clock anyways so he decided to go right up to the astronomy tower and just wait.

He entered the astronomy tower hesitantly, making sure that no one was there, it was sort of a habit these days, a habit that was shaped by past events that made Harry this careful and watchful, this suspicious and cautious.

He went over to the windowsill and sat down staring at the outside grounds. He looked at the clock it was eleven o'clock exactly.

He heard distant footsteps. His heart skipped a beat. He tightened his grip on his invisibility cloak forgetting that he was still wearing it. The noise came closer. Someone was coming. The door opened quietly and a dark figure could be seen peering its head inside. The figure stepped into the room and the moon washed over it to reveal the person standing. It was Draco. Harry sighed with relief.

He smiled at Draco but Draco seemed to be looking right through him. He then looked around the room and then his face gave way to his annoyed glare followed by "why is he late?"

Just then it hit Harry that he was still invisible. He suppressed a giggle.

He stood up quietly and walked toward Draco. This should be fun, he thought to himself.

o o o o

A/N: so . . . long time no see? Huh? wave Sorry for the short/lame chapters and sorry for no commentary on my last chapter. This has been the most hectic time of my life . . .sigh . . I'm going to add a lot more drama plus some hot sauce on the side, so I hope you'll like my next chapters. so anyways I want to thank all the people who reviewed my chapters, I think all of them deserve some recognition, so here we go:

luving-the-darkness- haha I didn't think Draco was such a bastard . . . trust me he can be a lot meaner. . . happy ending? For you? SURE! :) Elebereth – thanks for liking my story!!!! I hope you'll keep on reading! Usually Immaculate Aristocrat – shaking you know your death glares scare me . . . I'm sorry for stopping there . . . it will get much better later on!!! Rupertgrintfan546 – I'm so happy you liked my story!!!!! :p cutiegurly1024 – here, you see I updated because you were begging so good. :) eyes0nme19- thank you thank you!!!!! mateyjen- omg, it gave you goosebumps??? I'm soooo flattered!! Thank you so much! I hope you will like this chapter and many more to come! stardust – okay, as you wish, I'll have mercy on Harry . . . not!!! J/k. Shadafakup- did I tell you how much I love your reviews? No, yes? Well I do! Thank you for your compliments and please keep writing your own fics because you know I'm here to read them!!! Rupertgrintfan546- hahaha yeah Draco saved the day . . . of course! I hope you'll keep on reading my story!! wildvictoria- keep reading and you'll see that everything will be just fine... Aspid- aww thank you! happy new years to you too!! (even though it passed a long time ago) . . . and yeah I agree, HD couples are THE cutest!!! sharonizhere - thank you!!! mroku (JeanSparrowhotmail.com) - hehe yeah sorry about that but things took a different turn . . . its okay were all perverted . . . some more than others . . . haha nope not hinting anything!!! Jazzylady- yeah I am known for my cliffhangers . . . WretchedScar - you have a dirty mouth ya know?? What the BEEP is going on with you? oh well the eggnog explains it all. Emzie - thank you for loving this story! PrincessJCWR- haha I see youre evil!!! Jazzylady- okie dokie here I updated. Romennar- lol sorry for wasting so much precious time but even made up characters gotta sleep some time. frecklesqueen006- different? Hmmm next time explain yourself ms!!! boni (aivyabv.bg) - wow, apparently you like Harry and Draco more than me . . . congratulation!! You obsessive-compulsive person you!!