You are now the proud owner of a Fujimiya Ran assassin!


When you receive your RAN, remove him from his trench coat by undoing all snaps, buckles, and buttons. All other garments may be left on at this time.

Your RAN should be delivered fully assembled and charged. Check that he has all of his accessories (see ACCESSORIES below). Please check to make sure you have received the model you have requested.

FUJIMIYA RAN (copyright Koyasu Takehito, 1998)


Name: Fujimiya Ran (aka Fujimiya Aya, Abyssinian)

Type: Human (male)

Site of Manufacture: Koneko no Sumi Ie, Tokyo

Height: 178cm (5'9")

Color: Red hair, Violet eyes


Your RAN has been created to be helpful and efficient. He is voice activated by use of clear English or Japanese.

Please remember that you RAN has many uses around the home and garden. For example:


Tell your RAN that your children are his younger siblings, and he will protect them with his life.


Your RAN's favorite hobby is to read, so leave him with a book and tell him to read to your children. It will keep them all busy for hours. (Or until your children get bored)


The RAN comes with a vast knowledge and skill in flower arrangements and care. Let him lose in your garden and watch it grow.

Task Giving/Taking:

Due to his training as an assassin, your RAN is able to give and receive orders without questioning. Beware of politicians with white side-burns. Your RAN may try to kill him.


Your RAN is a FULLY functional male and is therefore capable of providing you with other services. He may argue with you, but if you bribe him with money, he will do anything. However, you may become low on funds, and your married may be ruined. Use with caution.


Your RAN has three settings of interaction with other models:




Your Ran's default setting is Hostile, but he will gradually warm up to other models in the Weiss line. He will eventually accept the NAGI model from the Schwarz line, but that will take time.

*** WARNING ***

It is imperative that both of your models be set to the same interaction mode. If your RAN is set to 'Hostile' or 'Friendly' and any other Weiss model is set to 'Slash', your other model will be fatally damaged. If the model set to 'Slash' is Schwarz, your RAN may try to mortally wound himself.


The items with which your RAN comes with are as follows:

Assassin Gear: Black trench coat, Black, sleeveless turtleneck, black pants, black boots

Everyday Wear: Orange turtleneck, jeans, black boots

Always: Gold earring in his left ear

Weapon: Katana

To make your RAN more portable, you may allow him to purchase a silver Porsche.


To clean your RAN, point him to the nearest bathroom with a shower. You may wish to, but it is not necessary to join and 'help' him get clean.


You must feed and water your RAN every day. He will eat anything you are eating, so this makes the task easier.


The RAN may be reprogrammed with the 'Weiss Kreuz Gluhen' program. Please note that not long after he is reprogrammed, your RAN will revert back to his normal self.


Due to the popularity of the RAN, it is necessary for you to take notice of the following security procedures for the protection of your assassin.

~ Have your RAN micro-chipped. Choose a service engineer who is experienced in the handling of assassins to undertake this procedure.

~ Do not leave your RAN unattended in public.

~ Do not lend your RAN to ** anyone **, even for a day.

~ Do not leave your RAN in the car in view of passers by.


Q: Can I take my RAN on vacation with me?

A: Of course, but keep a close eye on him in political settings, Germany, Ireland, or (if you are not from there) America, as he will try to run off and kill 'Takatori' or SCHWARZ models.

Q: Can I purchase a second RAN?

A: Unfortunately, no. There is a strict ration of one RAN per household. That ration goes for all of the Weiss and Schwarz models: One per customer.

Q: Where should I keep my RAN when he is not in use? A: If your RAN does not have a Weiss or Schwarz companion, store him in the hospital room of a comatose young girl in his Everyday clothes. If he does have a Weiss or Schwarz companion, store them both (all) in a room.


Problem: Your RAN attacks any and all politicians, and is intent on killing them.

Solution: This is called 'Takatori Syndrome'. The best cure is to purchase a TAKATORI REIJI model and let your RAN attack him.

Problem: Your RAN is moody, unresponsive, and ignores everyone around him.

Solution: This is typical behavior of a RAN set to 'Hostile'. Adjust his setting to the mode you prefer.

Problem: Your RAN has a tendency to throw his katana at helicopters.

Solution: This is another symptom of 'Takatori Syndrome'. See above.

Problem: Your RAN is very out-going, smiles flirtatiously, and tires to get a date with all of you pretty female friends over the age of eighteen.

Solution: You have been accidentally issued a KUDOU YOHJI instead of a FUJIMIYA RAN. If you still have the receipt you can trade him in. If not, the only hope is to buy a RAN and try to keep them from attacking each other.

Problem: Your spouse has become unnaturally quiet and withdrawn. He or she may have even threatened your RAN's life.

Solution: Ask yourself if you have been spending too much time with your RAN. Have you been forgetting your spouse? If not, you may need to have a talk with your spouse about his or her feelings toward your RAN, and tell your RAN that it is not acceptable to scream "SHI-NE (enter spouse's name here)"


For the best results with your RAN, you may feel the need to purchase a FUJIMIYA AYA. Please note that it will only cause confusion to upgrade your RAN to Gluhen, and not your AYA. However, upgrading the AYA and not the RAN might make him more willing to open up and become almost sociable.