The Crush – Part Eleven
A/N: After some discussion with my wonderful beta I decided to not make it that easy for Snape. You know him as well and he is a stubborn bastard.
BTW this will have a sequel- yes. I am just saying this now so that nobody will try to attempt any murder at me. I know this not what you expected and maybe I am mean to leave them like this but I just felt that they needed some time to cool down their anger and emotion before they can meet again as equals. I am almost afraid to publsh this. ;)
Most of the rest of the time Severus was alone in his bed and he got bored. After what felt like an eternity he heard tentative steps outside the room and then a chair was scraping over the surface of the floor. When he smelled a faint scent of vanilla he knew who it was. Instantly he tensed up because he knew he could not face her right now.
"How are you feeling?" Her voice sounded calm and collected and he hated her for it. Not when he was feeling so nervous inside.
Turning towards the only emotion that felt right he let his anger bubble up.
"Well thanks to some stubborn know-it-all who couldn't leave me to die I am still blind and can't move a bone in my fingers. But other than that and the continuing nausea I am fine Ms Granger. And you?"
"There is no need to be so mean." Again her voice sounded as she was not feeling any emotion whatsoever. As if she was just stating facts.
The anger rose to unknown heights. How dare she awake such feelings in him and then appear here at his bed like this for- he sneered inside- yes she probably wanted a thank you. Well she would get one.
"Mean? Why would I be mean? You gave my oh so valuable life Ms Granger. I can be now whatever I want to. Oh right not a potion master any longer and since I can't see any longer there is probably no room for me at Hogwarts but then again who need a profession, who needs to do anything during the day. I am sure lying in bed is what every person dreams of especially IF YOU CAN'T SEE ONE FUCKING THING!" His voice raised more and more until he practically screamed the last part in her direction. He knew he was unfair, he knew it wasn't really her fault but right at this point in time he wanted to be dead and she had prevented him from dying last night.
For a minute she didn't say a thing and he heard a soft whisper.
"I am sorry."
He sneered and it felt better than anything had in a long time. He wanted somebody else to hurt like he did right now and if that somebody was Hermione Granger- fine.
"I am sure you are. But guess what? I don't care. And now please leave me alone. I don't think I can stand one more minute of your presence or I might barf."
He heard her standing up and somewhere inside a part of him screamed to not let her go like this, to not ruin this now and for good but he was in no mood to listen.
"I just wanted you to know one thing before I go. I am glad that I saved you because I just know that one day you will see that you are so much more than just an excellent potion master or a valuable spy. That you can be remarkable in somebody else' eyes without being anything other than Severus Snape. Not potion master, not spy and not Head of Slytherin. You don't even have to see for that or use your fingers. I know all that for sure because I feel like that about you. What impressed me the most was your wit, your talent to just know what to say when and your biting sense of humour. It's the part of you I fell in love with so long ago. I have no idea when you will stop being angry at me or if at all one day but I won't bother you with my presence any longer. The finals are in two days and till then I won't come here again. It's my way of showing respect towards you and your feelings. I am leaving the day after tomorrow to start an education at a wizard's university. If you ever want to contact me Dumbledore has my address." She paused and then he felt her standing next to him beside the bed. "I hope that you feel better soon and I think that there is something that can be done about your eyes. And if I have to develop that potions by myself I swear you will see again. I love you Severus. More than you'll ever know." He felt a soft kiss on his lips and then she was gone.
Hold her back!
Shut up!
You don't want her to leave!
Be quiet!
You are one stupid bastard.
I know.
His eyes might be blind and no use for seeing but in this moment he knew there was one thing they were good for at last. Severus felt the hot tears softly falling down into his pillow. Why the hell had he done that? Why had he lashed out like that? And why the hell did it matter so much?
"Hermione." His voice formed her name over and over again.
Wiping a tear from his eyes Albus Dumbledore left the hospital wing and shaking his head he stepped down the stairs into the candle lit hallway towards his office. He had some phone calls to make and then he would try his best to help Severus. Squaring his shoulders he sat down in front of his desk and looked to the corner of the room where the phoenix was. He was still sleeping. He hoped next life he would turn out to be a phoenix. Or an owl. But most importantly he wouldn't know Severus Snape or Hermione Granger. That would save him lots of heartache.
As inside a hospital and in a dormitory two hearts broke the clouds cleared in front of the full moon letting the soft glow of moonlight covering the old walls.
[Okay I got Hagrid to lend me Fluffy just so you know. Don't even try to hurt me! Seriously this is the end of this story but after a short break of course after the university years Hermione will be back and this time things will be completely different. Hope you all enjoyed and if you haven't so far consider making me favourite author so you see when I update. Was a nice ride wasn't it?]