
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: Hey, minna! It's me again. I don't know why I'm posting this story, but I am. This may take longer to update because I still have to finish In a World of Fear and Shadows. Although, this fic might surpass Shadows. One may never be too sure. Well, on with the show. Hope you like it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~I Linger in the Doorway~

Pan stands in the doorway of the Capsule Corp. Dome. She takes one step toward the door and turns to get one more glance at her second home. Once again, tears begin erupting from her eyes.

'I can't stay. Not after what happened...' Pan thought. She looks up the stairs. 'I love you guys very much. You've always been there for me through thick and thin. Especially Trunks.' Thinking of Trunks brings more tears to her eyes. 'I'm sorry. I can't stay.'

Pan turns around and walks through the door into the pouring rain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A/N: Short, I know. But, that was only the prologue. Believe me, the chapters get longer than that. I promise. Hope it caught your attention. Please review. Ja!!!
