Hello! This is my first published fanfic/lemon on the internet! I've written others, but have only shared them with friends and whoever.

So I decided to post some stuff on FF.net and I'll later be adding some to my site.

So the only places that have permission to display my fic is:



please report if this pic is somewhere else :D

Well the thing that inspired me the most for this fic was the episode where Tohru visits Hatori on sunday

(can't remember the # I think it was 4, oh and by the way im talking about the anime, the manga will come out in english soon, so WEE!).

The way he looked at her and how he saved her from falling made him a perfect candidate to be a pair-ee for Tohru.

Plus the dude is lonely! He needs some action in his life. So here it goes, this all played out in my head before I typed it down (?).

Oh and one more thing, PLEASE LEAVE REVIEWS! GOOD OR BAD, I'LL TAKE IT ALL! Oh and expect more chapters to this VERY soon.

Ah! I know I can't stop talking! One last thing,





"Moshi Moshi!" Answered Tohru to the abrupt phone call. She had just done the dishes and was wiping her hands off on her apron.

"Tohru," came a male voice from the other end, "this is Hatori."

"Neh!? Hatori!" she replied excitedly.

"Yes. Listen Tohru, Yuki and Kyo have been worried about your health lately and have asked me to see you."

"They are!?" Her hand absently went to her heart as he explained their worries.

"They feel that you have been pushing yourself too far with chores, work, and school." Tohru's eyes sparkled with emotion,

"They are so kind to think about me." she thought to herself.

"When will you be available to be seen?" Hatori asked.

"Um.." Tohru mentally checked the things that had to be done; Kyo's pants needed to be stitched from the ripped hole in the knee,

Shigure was all out of his favorite tea, and Yuki's bedroll needed to be changed...

"I have many things to do Hatori, maybe next week?" She asked hesitantly.

"That's not good enough, come see me tomorrow. Worry more about Tohru than about chores."

"Uh.. Hai!" She said with a cheerful nod.

With that she hung up the phone and thought nothing of it until dinner. Tonight she had prepared a yummy curry for them all and some other tasty dishes.

She sat in pure happiness from the wonderful comments they gave her on the meal.

"Ah Tohru, you really have out done yourself!" Shigure said with a huge, satisfied smile.

Yuki looked at her from the corner of his eye, taking what Shigure said with a deeper meaning.

Kyo said nothing while he finished the last of his rice with an indifferent stare at his bowl.

But deep down he was really worried for Tohru; she never thought of herself.

She might get lost in all the worries of everyone else that she could get hurt in the process.

"Who was that who called earlier?" Yuki inquired. He rested his chin on his hand as he waited for a response.

"Oh!" Tohru blushed, "It was Hatori. He called to ask if he could examine me."

She looked down at her lap slightly embarrassed, but for what, she wasn't sure of.

"Ah, Hatori, always the faithful doctor. Did he say why he was concerned?" Shigure asked.

Now Kyo turned his attention towards her to see what she would say. As if everything was meant to be kept a secret she replied;

"Uh..Just th-that the weather is so cold a-and he said also because I work h-hard." She stammered out. Kyo turned back to his bowl.

"Let me help you with cleaning up." Yuki offered. They both stood and began clearing away the plates.

When in the privacy of the kitchen Yuki apologized.

"Im sorry to have put you in a bad position Tohru-kun, but Kyo and I agree on only one thing;

you need to take better care of your health and not strain yourself." Tohru blushed, pleased to know that they thought of her.

"Arigato, Yuki-kun, I will try harder." They looked at each other and smiled.


The next day after school Tohru arrived at the Sohma estate. The front gate was open so she let herself in and found her way to Hatori's quarters.

"Come in." He called from behind the paper screen. When Tohru slid it back she found him putting away some books on a top shelf.

He stood balanced on a high stool and looked about ready to fall.

"Eh!? Watch out Hatori!"

"Wha-!?" Before he could stop her she threw her arms around his waist in alarm.
