Yo what is up? Yeah long time no read or something like that?... Anyway I'm sorry about taking so long for new chapter. Life and school and all has been eating up my time lately. Anyway on with the new chapter... Oh shit I forgot I don't own Yugi or Milk. Ahhhh don't we feel batter?

The screen fades to a Where House and we see Marik setting next to Bukura. Marik has a glass of Chocolate milk and Bukura has a glass of plain old white milk.

Marik- ... OK lets try this again but with out the Mr. Happy juice... *Turns to Bukura who is fidgeting in his set*

Bukura- OK! Geeeeeee... You act like it wasn't funny? If it was someone else you would be the first person to point and laugh.

Marik- Yes I would but the problem was it was me you fool!

Bukura- Then you can do this damn Ad your self! I got to go anyways! I gota drop a nuclear missile Hehehe...

Camera guy- Gota go make some "Kiss's" Hehehehe...

Bukura- You know it! Hehehe...

*Bukura runs into the bathroom*

Marik- Good now the people can see the real star of this damn show!... Bottoms up!

*takes a big gulp of the glass and you can hear laughter coming out of the bathroom*

Camera guy- Oh what now?

*Marik spits out the milk violently*

Marik- You piece of shit! you took a dump in my milk!

Screen fads to the got milk screen.


So what do you think... Short but sweet right? Hope to hear from yeah R+R Thanks.