A/N1: So you've probably noticed the difference in the writing, when I started the story I had an html adaptable word processor that allowed me to use '- better and stars, now I'm using a simple one and have to use / to donate thought. Sorry if this causes any confusion.

A/N2: I know the last couple chapter have been short, and not my favs. to say the least- I just needed everything to be explained so the rest of the story was able to run more fluently.

Chapter 14- You Are My Poison

/I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone
I recommend walking around naked in your living room
Swallow it down (what a jagged little pill)
It feels so good (swimming in your stomach)
Wait until the dust settles

You live you learn
You love you learn
You cry you learn
You lose you learn
You bleed you learn
You scream you learn/- Alanis Morissette

4 suns rose, and 3 moons set and Running Falls was back to itself again. The Scoobies had set up the medical lines and were now actually starting to administer the vaccinations for the Joining Truth. With Willow's brainy tests finally complete they were be to determine that it was not a STD actually, but an allergic reacting of sorts to one of the herbs, couples of the village used to relax- or in non-sexual cases like the deteriating Dawn's used to try to find some inner peace.

"Fucking weeds!" Xander laughed looking over at his newly healed buddy Buff and his favorite 3-some the Willow, Oz, Tara couple-rama.

"See this would never happen in the US because we actually get informed.. " Buffy stated her bitterness for the entire place as evident as it had been on the first day.

"Not true Buffy, I mean come on we have new reactions and problems each day, and at least here it was caused and treated by a natural part of the world, not created by pollution and infection then treated with some chemical."

Buffy, not one to start and intellectual date with the great mind of Willow simply replied, "Ok Slut"

Willow's mouth hung open for a second before she laughed, "Bitch"


"Dirty... cunt"

"You lick you're girlfriend with that mouth?"

.. and with that the whole group erupted in laughter. Angelus had been in his hut for days, with some new piece- as Faith had put it, and Buffy had been happy getting to know their British savior Spike. All around things were looking up, or so they thought.

"mmmmm" Darla moaned, un-sticking her lithe figure from Angelus's heaving chest. "That was... well that was just..."

A sleepy nod was Angelus's only agreement as he nodded off- his mind never wondering to who this mysterious "helper" was, and why if she was here to help his least favorite do-gooders, was she spending all her time in here, having lots and lots of sex with him.

Darla's POV-

What a stupid man. Beautiful yes, talented... god yes. But almost infuriating in his arrogant belief that any women would just be privileged to throw themselves at him, no questions asked. Ridiculous really. Sure I mean I wanted him yes, and he is royalty and if I was some poor village trollop wanting an extra chicken wing at the feast maybe I'd consider a lifetime of freebies, but does this asshole really thing I have no alterative motive to boning his ass for the last 3 days straight. Buffy. The little sunshine inflicted bitch, it was always Buffy. That's the reason Prince Pompous here doesn't give me a second thought after 'thrust, thrust' Really that's no concern to me though, as long as I keep him distracted enough for Spiky boy to fuck the purity right out of my dear girlfriend the plan should be set. Sure Spike didn't know what his enrollment was supposed to be, but he'd never give up his nutbag girl for some damaged sloppy seconds. Damn sun- the darkness is so much more sweet, never did like the sun... there's far too much of it here. -She rolled her eyes as Angelus started to grope her breast- Again? Insatiable as well I see, I bet my little wanna-be virgin couldn't handle him to begin with. Soon she won't be anything though, a body- a shell decaying under this irritating orb. Away from my life. The bitch is going to break, then she's going to die.

Drusilla was moaning, and screaming yelling viciously at Spike../ god damn does the bint ever shut her trap./

"My William... he's leaving me for some body else... somebody... that's not me."

"No princess listen, I'm just showing her around for a while to help a friend..."

"My William doesn't have friends... that he would leave me for, it's cause of daddy isn't it... my luv is still angered with me about the dirty, the man.. daddy, between my legs... I can see it black, dark it's all around you. Jealously... but why my William? I see the light... it's new and shiny... its pierces through your blackness... our blackness... why do you let her light inflict you so William?"

"It's Spike now luv, you know this... you know I would never hurt you." he replied anger seeping through his patience at the sick sexual name she called Angelus. /Princess Angela/ he laughs to himself at the memory of the spitfire girl that had, even if not fully admittingly been getting under his skin.

"no...NO!" Dru shouted, ranted continuing as if in a physical pain. "you are letter her around you, fluttering in your heart like the butterflies in the sky... the moon, the moon it tells me... whispers that you don't know yet... your heart it's screaming to her... you want to be bathed in it... the energy the light... but no William, not Spike because Spike is mine with me, her with me you see in this dark, a loner... my Spike is not William looking to be surrounded by that... thing... letting her in like she won't see... she'll see it... it's in you my boy... in you, all around you... the night, she'll see through your lies, then you will be all alone... not Spike or William... "

Silence took him then, there was not point with arguing. In Drusilla's madness he was thinking clearly... the last few days with the girl he had been letting her in. Letting her take ways from what he felt for his princess... and it wasn't even her fault. That damn Angelus, had him so stricken with revenge he was willing to damage his love even more, and then some innocent bit he found himself wanting ... /Why though... to destroy him, or is it her/

Later that night Spike was greeted to a barely clothed smiling blonde. "Hey Spike"

"Hello Cutie, I don's see why you insist still on wearing them damn things, nothing we all haven't seen- plus it's blisterin out here."

"I know it's like and episode of survivor I just can't get away from!"


"Ah you left the Real World too soon, we have reality TV now," she replied smiling at the so called 'loner' of the group. At first she had her suspicions about Spike's intentions, but all that had realy been fading away in their last few outings- he genuinely seemed interested in showing her some sort of reason why this place was so wonderful to everyone else.

So that's how the date of the day began. Everything at glance, if you weren't a mind reader seemed reasonably platonic. Buffy knew of the epic love tale between Drusilla and her chiseled abs tour guide, and Spike obviously knew of her short winded, no love affair with the Princess... /so what's with the butterflies/ Buffy though, glancing at Spike's piercing water depths. /piercing water depths?.. I must be losing it... and since when did I just hop off one cattle and right on to the next? It's this damn place is what it is... with all it's romance... like being in Fiji without a date... making a girl lonely./ Still Buffy's mind could not help but wander to Angel, and what had brought about the sudden change back to his first personality. /I bet it was all an act- or a bet- yah a bet- Who can bed the foreigner first? Disgusting... and to think after he knew all about Pike and Darla and Ford... god Ford. Men. Yup they pretty much suck/ With Xander and Willow both pairing up, she was just so lonely... and Spike seemed to want to be her friend, maybe even more, so what could it hurt. She told herself that it had nothing to do with paying Angelus back for his crude letter. She told herself it only had to do with Spike. She told herself.

"Where you at, luv," Spike said suddenly breaking Buffy from her mind-struggle.

"At home I guess... just thinking about the past I suppose."

"And what would that be, this past your always drifting off to?" Buffy looked at Spike then, contemplating whether or not to let another man in. Smiling gently, she led him to a near by rock, and with a few names the tears started to fall...

Spikes Pov:

Shit. The bints going all lifetime on me. What am I supposed to say? Uh, yah about Angelus breaking your heart and shit... I helped with that whole letter thing... and the whole you getting sick and then him boffing the women who set you up to be raped by your best friend and slept with your first love... oh yah sorry had my hand in that to. Oh sorry, you're just here to help us not lose the land... well geesh wonderful, I'm only helping the lawyer who wants to turn this into the next big resort, sabotage your lives so he can fuck said skanky women, and get his precious land. What do I care anyway, not like this has been my home for the last decade or so... yah and that Darla trollop she's here fucking him pretty much just to add insult to injury so that (even though the stupid ho thinks I don't understand her game) when she kills you she can see you broken first, everyone thinking your a slut for fucking me and hurting Angelus (our peachy prince) Then I'll have my revenge and will all be happy. This is what I want okay luv, so if I could just stop feeling bad... ummm yah heart if your listening- we don't care about this bit... we love Drusilla and only her... .so would you please stop bleeding for this girl. Sure I know her life has pretty much sucked full of betrayal and evil men... no I don't really want to be one, damnit I just want to see him pay...

There in the quiet Spike's heart answered back, "I have something to show you."

"Anya why are you naked?" okay Xand stupid question, they're always naked here... I mean. "In my trailer... yah why here- gulp- nakedness..here?"

"You said when I was vaccinated we could get to the part with the sweating and the moaning, and hopefully the orgasms... for me at least!"

"... and I take it you got the shot.. huh." Holy shit. holy shit.

"Yes now please remove those objects that cover your penis and we can begin..."

OhmanOhgodJeeesh... Fumbling clumsily Xander removed his shorts and boxers.. /so what if she sounds like a porn director... I'm ready to... ooooooooh hand on pee pee... now uuh cock... yes dick... LICK IT BITCH! no wait too forward... I'll just settle for.../ "Oh"

Anya smiled then happy with her reaction, she could now get the sex that she had been craving.

/The silence was the most startling,

see you were never one for that.../

"Oh my... " came the painful moan from Buffy's lips, she couldn't believe what Spike had just walked her into. Even in new darkness of the village the two figures writhing against each other were recognizable... "Darla?"

"Now Spikey this wasn't part of the plan," came the cruel laugh. /but it works/ Darla removed herself from Angelus's bemused form. /if he only knew.../ Cruel, and shrill the laughter continued, making them all aware of the horror movie climax that was about to take place.

More strongly now, Buffy cut in... "Darla... your in prison!" Buffy couldn't wrap he mind around anything, the shock numbing her brain.

"Well sweetie, you're starting to prove that whole blonde thing- which I just really can't appreciate... now for you're retarded statement, obviously I've currently been released thanks to the help of the villagers favorite lawyers... and well all my other charms.?"

Spike couldn't say anything. He didn't know what had possessed him to bring her here//I'm busted... as well... shit/ His train of thought was cut off my the sharp punch to his face.

"Buffy?" Spike asked surprised at the blonde who had punched him.

"YOU! You knew about this, you led me here, what is this... Angel? What the fuck is al of your problems?" Buffy screamed back.

Angel peaked up, his name finally bringing him out of his stupor. /Darla? Buffy's Darla... than this? Oh. Fuck./ "Buffy... I can..."

"Oh what EXPLAIN? explain to me why you're here fucking the women who destroyed my life... or better yet maybe first you would like to explain the lovely note you left me the night after I finally gave into you, into us... explain that to me... how anyone can be so damn cruel!" Buffy ranted, everyone aware that she was in hysterics.

"Actually, about that pet... " Spike tried to chime in.

"The note I left you? I left you nothing... and as for her maybe I was just looking for some comfort after you're conniving ass left me the little scroll about my "minute man" abilities."

Snapping out of it, Buffy finally seemed to lose the angry conviction, ad look generally confused, "what?"

"Trust me you two that should be the last of you're worries," came Darla's cool voice. "In fact I mostly think you should worry about this."

Wide eyed, the three other people fixated on the gun.

One shot. Two screams. One shot.

"Willow did you hear that?" poked Oz, trying not to wake their other lover.

"Yah it sounded like gun shots, but who would have a gun here?

"Hunters?" Oz questioned in his normal monosyllabic way.

"I don't know, I think this place is pretty remote."

"Should we look, maybe Conner got loose of something," added Tara, announcing her awakening to the pair.

"I'm in," they stated, and so the trio went to look for whatever interruption had woke them.

"Oh wow."


"No problem... just yah, wow." Xander repeated rubbing his stick chest to show the exertion from his first time.

"That was..."

"I get it you know, wow."

"Okay just so you know."

"Trust me I know, most of the people I've exchanged fluids with thought it was quite nice."

"Well that's good..." Xander gulped uncomfortably//gunshot/ "Did you hear...?" he tried to continue but Anya had picked that moment to lose her abilities to talk.

"Oh wow"

"Buffy, Buffy..."


"Shutup William, you shouldn't even be here and I don't want you're annoyingly accented voice not be the first he hears."

"How about you shutup, Princess," he sneered back, throwing Buffy's pet name in his face. "If you hadn't been fucking her arch nemesis or whatnot we wouldn't be here!"

"Well if you hadn't been in line with her arch nemesis's or what ever the fuck you said she wouldn't have been there, and me and Buffy would be lying in bed... hopefully with my cock firmly inside of her."

"Well maybe if you had kept your 'cock' firmly outside of my Drusilla I wouldn't have felt the need to do that, wanker!"

"How about you both shut up," came Buffy's hoarse plea. A series of flashes flooded her mind. 'Darla shooting her in the stomach, Spike tackling her, Angelus grabbing the gun to shoot her... '


"She's dead pet, she won't be causing you anymore problems," Spike replied trying to tenderly reach out to her.

Buffy rejected that. "I get it Spike, why you did it. I get the pain of imagining someone you love with someone you hate... and I appreciate you coming clean... but I don't forgive you, and I don't want you to touch me... please leave."

Not even trying to argue, Spike left. /Back to where I belong, to my heart... black as it may be./

"I... I don't know what to say," Angelus spoke up.

"Well I guess that would be a first," Buffy replied in a playful banter... that quickly turned to tears.

Rushing up to hold her Angelus softly asked what was wrong. "You, you people. Men like you, women like her... why do you so enjoy the pain of other... my pain?"

"Buffy the planted those letters, baby... I was coming back- I promise, and as for Darla I didn't know who she was... "

"It took you one day, one day to fall conveniently into the arms of the person I hate most in life... one day to rid me completely of your mind..." Buffy cried, her voiced pained.

"Buffy baby you're going to make yourself sick... we'll talk after you rest, " Angel tried to reason.

"No!" Buffy screamed, her arms flailing. "No, we will not talk later, and NO I'm not making myself sick Angelus... don't you see it's you."


Buffy began again hoarsely, "...people like you. You are my poison..."

With that Buffy turned to weep silently, and Angelus left her to the night.