"Wake up, big brother."
"Let me sleep!"
"Nope, mom says you have to wake up."
"Go away!"
"Not until you wake up."
"Get out!"
"Want dad to come up, drag you out and put you under a cold shower with your clothes?"
"Ok, ok, I'm up. Happy?"
"Very, happy birthday Harry."
Harry was looking in the eyes of his eight year old brother, Keith. He was, just like all the children of James and Lily Potter, a replica of his father, only with emerald instead of hazel eyes.
"It's the 31st July, stupid."
"Of course, how could I forget. Thanks Keith, now leave. I wanna take a shower."
"Whatever, but mom wants you down within half an hour."
"Just get out."
Keith walked down the winding staircase and left the room of his brother.
Harry looked around taking in his surroundings. He was sitting in his four- poster, witch was placed on a balcony in his room, so that there were to floors. The rooms of his siblings were just like his, only fit up differently, though the balcony was always used for sleeping. The ground floor in Harrys room was dedicated to Quidditch. There were two couches, a radio, a desk and a bookcase, but the rest was Quidditch.
Every bedroom had it's own bathroom and Harry was grateful for that. He took a quick shower, dressed and run down to the living room.
The Potters lived in a rather big house. It was three storeys high, two storeys to live and a loft, that was used as by the owls of the family. On the second floor were ten bedrooms, five were used by the family, the other five were guestrooms. On this floor was also the library, one of the biggest rooms in the house. The library was even bigger than the one in Hogwarts.
The ground floor held the kitchen, dining-room, conservatory, a room of requirement and of course the living room.
When Harry entered he saw his whole family, James and Lily, his parents, Elisabeth, his almost nine year old sister, Keith and Sean, his seven year old brother.
"Happy birthday, Harry." They said at the same time.
"Thanks. Now where are my presents?"
"Harry, you just turned ten, can't you act a little like your ages."
"No mom, he can't. He's a son of his father."
"Thank you, Lissy."
Of all his siblings he got along with his sister the best. Elisabeth had a very nice character. She was as sweet as Lily, a prankster like James, had a common sense like Remus and was as carefree as Sirius, in other words perfect. You couldn't help but love her. She hated Muggle subjects and every year she just barley made the next grade, but she loved magic, you could ask her anything about it and she would most likely answer your question correctly. If you were looking for her, the first place to check was the library and if she wasn't there you should look on the Quidditch pitch in the backyard chasing the Snitch.
Keith also was a prankster, but the difference between him and Elisabeth was, that she was entertaining, he was just annoying. He hated reading and homework and most of his free time he was practising his Beater skills.
Sean was the more of the quite type, loved to read, but also loved to play Quidditch with his elder brothers and sister. He was a great chaser. He could get along with Elisabeth almost as good as Harry. He loved Muggle school and magic, but wasn't quit as good as Liz was.
Harry had opened his presents in record time. He got a glow-in-the-dark Snitch, witch was retrievable with a spell, from his parents, a book about Quidditch from Elisabeth, Wizards Chess from Keith and Chocolate Frogs from Sean.
"Yes Lisa?"
"When are Padfoot and Moony coming?"
"After breakfast, why?"
James didn't get an answer, but watched his four children run to the dining- room. Lily laughed.
"You could have expected that."
"I know, but it still amazes me how much energy those four have."
"Well, we better join them or we won't get anything to eat. You know Elisabeth and Keith can wolf down their foot like Sirius can."
"You sure I'm their father?"
"Of course, why would you doubt that, you were there when they were conceived."
"Well, yeah, but..."
"You don't trust me."
"I do trust you, I-I-I..."
"I'm just teasing you, James. God, you're still as tick as you were at school."
"Not funny."
"I think it was."
They arrived in the dining-room and were surprised to see their children waiting for them, instead of stuffing their mounds full of food.
"What's going on here?"
"Well, mom, we thought we wait for you, else you wouldn't eat real food until lunch."
"Why do I get the feeling that was your idea, Liz, and not of all of you?"
"Because she's the most reasonable of us four?"
Everybody laughed. Harry was right, Elisabeth was the most reasonable, it didn't show in her attitude, but it did in her actions, sometimes.
A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter. Please review.
"Wake up, big brother."
"Let me sleep!"
"Nope, mom says you have to wake up."
"Go away!"
"Not until you wake up."
"Get out!"
"Want dad to come up, drag you out and put you under a cold shower with your clothes?"
"Ok, ok, I'm up. Happy?"
"Very, happy birthday Harry."
Harry was looking in the eyes of his eight year old brother, Keith. He was, just like all the children of James and Lily Potter, a replica of his father, only with emerald instead of hazel eyes.
"It's the 31st July, stupid."
"Of course, how could I forget. Thanks Keith, now leave. I wanna take a shower."
"Whatever, but mom wants you down within half an hour."
"Just get out."
Keith walked down the winding staircase and left the room of his brother.
Harry looked around taking in his surroundings. He was sitting in his four- poster, witch was placed on a balcony in his room, so that there were to floors. The rooms of his siblings were just like his, only fit up differently, though the balcony was always used for sleeping. The ground floor in Harrys room was dedicated to Quidditch. There were two couches, a radio, a desk and a bookcase, but the rest was Quidditch.
Every bedroom had it's own bathroom and Harry was grateful for that. He took a quick shower, dressed and run down to the living room.
The Potters lived in a rather big house. It was three storeys high, two storeys to live and a loft, that was used as by the owls of the family. On the second floor were ten bedrooms, five were used by the family, the other five were guestrooms. On this floor was also the library, one of the biggest rooms in the house. The library was even bigger than the one in Hogwarts.
The ground floor held the kitchen, dining-room, conservatory, a room of requirement and of course the living room.
When Harry entered he saw his whole family, James and Lily, his parents, Elisabeth, his almost nine year old sister, Keith and Sean, his seven year old brother.
"Happy birthday, Harry." They said at the same time.
"Thanks. Now where are my presents?"
"Harry, you just turned ten, can't you act a little like your ages."
"No mom, he can't. He's a son of his father."
"Thank you, Lissy."
Of all his siblings he got along with his sister the best. Elisabeth had a very nice character. She was as sweet as Lily, a prankster like James, had a common sense like Remus and was as carefree as Sirius, in other words perfect. You couldn't help but love her. She hated Muggle subjects and every year she just barley made the next grade, but she loved magic, you could ask her anything about it and she would most likely answer your question correctly. If you were looking for her, the first place to check was the library and if she wasn't there you should look on the Quidditch pitch in the backyard chasing the Snitch.
Keith also was a prankster, but the difference between him and Elisabeth was, that she was entertaining, he was just annoying. He hated reading and homework and most of his free time he was practising his Beater skills.
Sean was the more of the quite type, loved to read, but also loved to play Quidditch with his elder brothers and sister. He was a great chaser. He could get along with Elisabeth almost as good as Harry. He loved Muggle school and magic, but wasn't quit as good as Liz was.
Harry had opened his presents in record time. He got a glow-in-the-dark Snitch, witch was retrievable with a spell, from his parents, a book about Quidditch from Elisabeth, Wizards Chess from Keith and Chocolate Frogs from Sean.
"Yes Lisa?"
"When are Padfoot and Moony coming?"
"After breakfast, why?"
James didn't get an answer, but watched his four children run to the dining- room. Lily laughed.
"You could have expected that."
"I know, but it still amazes me how much energy those four have."
"Well, we better join them or we won't get anything to eat. You know Elisabeth and Keith can wolf down their foot like Sirius can."
"You sure I'm their father?"
"Of course, why would you doubt that, you were there when they were conceived."
"Well, yeah, but..."
"You don't trust me."
"I do trust you, I-I-I..."
"I'm just teasing you, James. God, you're still as tick as you were at school."
"Not funny."
"I think it was."
They arrived in the dining-room and were surprised to see their children waiting for them, instead of stuffing their mounds full of food.
"What's going on here?"
"Well, mom, we thought we wait for you, else you wouldn't eat real food until lunch."
"Why do I get the feeling that was your idea, Liz, and not of all of you?"
"Because she's the most reasonable of us four?"
Everybody laughed. Harry was right, Elisabeth was the most reasonable, it didn't show in her attitude, but it did in her actions, sometimes.
A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter. Please review.