The Little Mermaid

by: schu-chan

disclaimer: this stuff doesn't belong to me: like Ken, Brad, Schu... etc. although if they did they'd probably just be my harem *wink*

it's been about a year since i've updated this too... sorry everyone enjoy the chapter... review onegai

-dashes indicate thought-

Chapter 5: "My nightmares"

"Wait, Schuldich-san! I can't walk that fast!" Schuldich wheeled around and headed back towards Ken. He reached out and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Ken, this is war." Ken looked confused. It looked like some kind of shopping area to him. "This is war with others to find the better clothes, the better shoes, the better merchandise. If Brad hadn't put a restriction on me a few months ago, I would never have come to a mall like this. But unfortunately, shopping sprees at Prada, Armani, Versace... they are now off-limits to me. So we must wage war against all the other people in this mall by grabbing the best of everything! Lean on Jei if you have to, but keep up!"

Ken nodded, still confused, and followed. When they entered a store, he became more confused. Schuldich had said something about the best merchandise but to Ken, it looked like he was just grabbing almost everything off the racks and shelves. He turned to look at the scarred man standing next to him. Jei gave him a half smile.

"You know, Ken. We do a lot of hard work, sometimes we see a lot of gruesome things. People dying, people getting hurt. That's the kind of things we see almost on a regular basis, but you know what I have nightmares about? This."

Ken tilted his head. "This?"

"Shopping with the redheaded shopaholic. Last time I came out with him I had to fit fifty bags into our tiny sports car. In the end, he stole the car from me and left me behind to fend for myself because it was either me or six more bags."

Ken's eyes became round and he glanced at the redhead who was heading towards them with a pile of clothes in his arms. "Uhm... will we... be okay?"

Jei grinned. "We'll be fine. He'll go easy on you - this time."

Ken gulped and nodded. "Here! Try these on, come on, follow me!" Schuldich grabbed Ken's wrist and dragged him off to the dressing rooms.


"Hey, Ran! These human girls are just as hot as the ones back home! How come no one told me! I would've been more willing to come out here with yah."

Ran sighed. Why he'd had to bring Yohji, he knew. When Yohji was actually serious, he was very strong. The problem was, the boy was rarely serious. Usually he acted like he had the IQ of a teapot and was practically like a cat in heat when females were around.

"Yohji, we are here to find Ken. We're heading out soon."

"Mah, Ran. You know Ken can handle himself! Stop worrying so much!"

"You don't know how humans are, Yohji. Get your ass up and let's go."

Yohji scowled but didn't say anything more. When Ran got that tone of voice... there was no point in arguing with him.


They were finally back to their car. Ken stared as Schuldich and Jei shoved bags and bags into the car. It was amazing how it all fit into the tiny room in the back that they called a 'trunk.'

"Well, let's head home. I'm hungry and I don't eat mall food. Jei, wanna make us some lunchies?" Schuldich bat his eyelashes at Jei, who sighed. "Yes, master. Right away, master."

The sarcasm was not lost on Schuldich but he just said "Thanks!" with a grin as he got into the car, knowing that Ken would now expect to see Jei making lunch and that Jei would have to now - or else Ken would think he was lying. They drove up to their apartment building and climbed out of the car. Ken helped them pull the bags out of the trunk, realizing that it would help him learn some more balance on his newfound legs.

"KEN!" The three of them turned around to see a redhead and blonde running towards them. Ken paled. "Onii-chan..."

"EH?! Onii-chan??" Schuldich nodded at Jei, who grabbed Ken and headed upstairs. Ran's eyes blazed and he ran towards the scarred man when he fell back, as though he'd been pushed. "What...?"

Schuldich stood over him, smirking. "If you want to see little KenKen you'll have to prove yourself to me. We can't have you traumatizing the poor little thing now, can we?"

"Traumatize?! I'm his BROTHER! Let me see him!" Ran was furious. Who was this man? Who was the man who had just taken his brother upstairs? What did they even have to do with Ken, how did Ken know them?

"He turned as white as a ghost when he saw you. I don't care if you're his brother, his father, cousin, friend or whatever. You aren't seeing him until you give me an explanation." Schuldich couldn't hide the cocky smile that was on his face. If he was right, this guy and the blonde who was slowly making his way towards them were mermaids. He, on the other hand, was human. He had the upperhand in this fight (if it came down to one, that is) - he grew up on the land, whereas they grew up in the sea.

"Fine. I'll tell you."


End of Chapter 5.

Well... Hope you enjoyed it. I'm starting to get the hang of writing again (I think). Let me know what you thought! (feel free to yell at me if my writing style's changed too much and you don't like it haha)