The Beginning to End All

Chapter 13 (You Said You'd Never Leave Me)

A week had passed since Voldemort's fall; his death eaters were being rounded up and sent to Azkaban while the wizarding world celebrated. There was no longer any need to live in fear, parties were being held in the streets; people danced, sang, drank, you name it they were doing it. For the first time in years the wizarding world was free.

The town of Hogsmead hadn't slept in over 7 days, everyone was enjoying their first taste of freedom, but not too far away in the Castle of Hogwarts things were a different matter. No one sang or danced; if they drank it wasn't out of celebration.

Ron Wesley stood in front of the huge wooden entrance door of the castle, waiting. There was not a sign of happiness in his eyes; no joy shone through like it did with the people a few miles away. Lavender stood by his side and knew that he was dreading what was to come. She gave his hand a squeeze trying to comfort him but it did no good, Ron felt numb, hollow and only one thing could change that feeling.

It wasn't long until the doors opened.  A small plumpish woman shuffled her way inside closely followed by a tall balding man.

"Ron … dear" Molly Wesley squealed as she rushed to her youngest son hugging him with all her might. She pulled back holding her son at arms distanced, he looked pale, underfed and like he hadn't slept in days. "Where is everyone? …Are they ok? Why wouldn't you tell me in your owl?" Molly asked. After the battle Ron had sent her an owl explaining that they had succeeded, Voldemort was dead and that he was ok; but that was all.

They all looked at each other expectantly, Ron and Lavender just waiting for the question they knew was coming.

"Where's Harry? Hermione?" She asked praying that one of them would answer her long awaited question. Ever since receiving Ron's owl she had been worried. He'd told her he was fine, no long term injuries but nothing was said about Hermione or Harry, his two best friends, friends which she had come to love and care for like her own children

Lavender couldn't answer, fresh tears began to fall and straight away she noticed the panic rise up in Molly's eyes. Not wanting to make things harder she pulled her self from Ron's grip excusing herself and left.

"Ron … what's going on? What's wrong with …"

"Mum …" Ron said raising his voice which silenced his mother immediately. "Its' just …" Ron paused not sure where to start or even what to say. Harry was like another son to his parents, Hermione was like a 2nd daughter how were they going to take the news. He suddenly wished that Lavender was by his side or that he'd asked Fred and George to meet their parents and break the terrible news.

"Ron …" Molly looked at her son and could see pain in his eyes. Arthur took a step forward and placed a hand on her shoulder also anxious to hear what had happened. "Is Harry ok? Where's Hermione? What happen out …"?

"Hermione's fine she's in the hospital wing … but she's ok" Ron answered quickly so his mother wouldn't worry.

"And Harry?"

Ron raised his eyes and looked at his parents. Thinking hard he try to break the news to them gentle but nothing came out, he just couldn't bring him self to say the words. "I think you should come with me." Was all he could manage and without another word turned making his way towards the hospital wing; his worrying parents not far behind.


Arthur looked around as his son lead them down the corridor; he could tell where they were heading. Ron hadn't said much about the battle to him or his mother in the past week, even his owls had short and brief.

As they drew closer and closer, Arthur could see his son become more and more tense, like he was waiting for something to happen. Molly was still weeping at his side as they neared the hospital wing's door.

Ron pushed open the door and Molly followed him in, she could feel her husband close behind her, his hand still gripping hers. The ward was dark and gloomy, matching the wet night outside. Further up the ward Molly could see a black figure lying on one of the beds obviously asleep. The closer they got the clearer the figure became until she realized it was Sirius Black.

He lay there as if he'd just collapsed and slept where he'd fallen. His cloths were dirty and torn and he hadn't shaved in what looked to be days.

Her eyes continued upwards and right next to the bed Sirius was asleep on, a small figure of a girl sat slumped over in a chair. Hermione's hair was tangled from not being brushed in days and hung loosely in front of her face as she slept. Black circles could be seen under her eyes and her clothes were in the same state as Sirius. Both of them had been there for days, possible even the whole week and soon Molly saw the reason why.

Ron heard his mother gasp as she turned and buried her face in his father's chest, as the emotions overpowered her and caused the welling tears to flow freely down her cheeks. Harry lay in the bed, cuts and bruises still visible on his face and arms. He was a deathly white colour and the only sign of life was the very small rise and fall of his chest.

Hermione sat at his side with one of her hands tightly holding on to his, Ron sighed as he saw her. She had been there since the end of the battle never once leaving his side no matter how much he begged her to go and eat something, to get some good sleep but still she refused to move. He would bring her food every morning, afternoon and evening and spent most of his time sitting by her side. Sirius was the same, no matter what Poppy or Remus or any of the others told them, they wouldn't move in case something happened.

The sobs of his mother soon brought Ron out of his thoughts.  Slowly and quietly he lead his parents off out of the hospital wing, sending up a small prayer to who ever was listening that his best friend would make it.  Because if he didn't nothing would be the same again.


Hermione woke with a suddenly shock; quickly she turned on her chair looking out over the quiet hospital wing. Seeing that it was empty her nerves slowly began to clam down as the last images from her nightmare disappeared.

It had been the same for the last week; she'd sit by Harry's bed all day; not leaving to eat, drink or bathe. Ron would pop up most days and beg her to at least go a have something to eat but she refused every time, which meant he now came bringing food with him. But every night she would fall asleep and every night she would be woken by the same nightmare. Hermione turned once more in her seat and looked behind her, Sirius was fast asleep on the neighbouring bed. She noticed the pained expression on his face, the dark circles under his eyes. She shivered lightly.

She looked back at Harry and her heart sank when she saw there was no change. His skin had lost every ounce colour it once had and was now a sickening white, very much like the ghosts that roamed the hallways.

Bringing up one hand Hermione placed it gentle on his cheek. There was no warmth there, just coldness.

Hermione just stood there wishing she could do more to help, but there was nothing else she could do. A lone tear trickled down her cheek as she brushed some stray hairs out of his eyes.

Hermione turned suddenly as she heard a sound, relaxing instant as she saw Sirius standing up from the bed. He made his way over towards her and placed both hands on her shoulders as he looked down at his Godson.

"Is there any change?" He asked. Hermione noticed the brief sound of hope in his voice and it broke her heart to be the one that had to disappoint him once again.

What would he do if Harry didn't make it through this? What would she do? How could she move on with her life knowing that the one person she loved, the person she was meant to be with was dead. Where did that leave her? And Sirius … he'd spent so much of his life locked away.  Away from his friends, away from his loved ones. What was he going to do? Over the last few years a bond had formed between Harry and Sirius, a bond so strong it could never be broken. Harry was like a son, brother and best friends all thrown into one. Hermione thought back over all the times they had gotten together just for a laugh, a chance to catch up. There would be Sirius and Remus, jokers as usual. Who would just spend the whole evening teasing Harry in any way they could, Ron and Draco laughing and every now and then joining in giving the other two some more ammunition to use. But Harry always managed to get them back having a few good stories to tell of his own.  Then that would just leave her, Ginny and Lavender to save the poor boy from complete embarrassment. Plus they would have to spend the whole night putting up with 5 guys who showed no signs at all of ever maturing. Oh how she wished that when all of this was over they could do that again. Spend the night laughing, teasing, just relaxing in each other's company. They were all one big happy family. A family that looked like it was about to break apart.

"No … there's no change."


Ron had pushed the doors to the main hall open and ushered his parents inside. They were still a little shocked at seeing Harry that way.

"Mum ….Dad." Ron saw Ginny get up from her seat and make her way towards their parents. Within seconds she was in front of them, tears were falling as she saw Molly. "Its ok Mum, Harry will be ok …" She huge her mother doing the best she could to comfort her. Draco came up behind and shook Arthur's hand before placing his hand on Ginny's shoulder giving her some support.

Ron watched the scene unfold him front of him. So many lives had been lost in this war and even now the war was over it was threatening to take one more from them. The one person that meant so much to everyone, his best friends the person who over the years he had come to trust with he's life and love like a brother.

Ron watched and the rest of the people in the room approached, his brother's, Fred and George who had arrived on Monday. They had been working undercover for the order in America and sadly didn't make it back in time. The same with Tonks (who at the moment had long black hair) and 'Mad Eye' Moody, like the twins had been working undercover abroad, the news just didn't reach them in time.

Ron looked once more at his mother as his father gently lead her forward to take a seat. Following the others Ron made his way over to Lavender; placed a soft kiss on her lips before sitting down. The only other time Ron had seem his mother like this was 2 years ago when Bill was killed. If had really shook up the family and taken a long time to get over. What would happen if Harry didn't make it, how would everyone cope? How would they get through this? Forcing his mind off the subject he turned to get himself a drink willing himself to think positively. 'Harry is going to be fine; he is going to wake up any day now.'

Ron just hoped for sake of everyone here, that he was right!


Poppy walked out of her office to check once again to see how Harry was doing. She was worried, be had been unconscious for over a week now. There was nothing more she could do: all his major wounds had been healed.  There was a bit of bruising left which she just couldn't seem to get rid of but apart from that he was in perfect health; just not awake and in perfect health.

As she rounded the corner and familiar sight greeted her. Sirius and Hermione were still standing by his bedside despite her attempts to get them to sleep and eat.

"I've told you before, go and get some sleep, have some food and a wash … if there is any change I will call you." Poppy begged but the two were just not listening.

"I'm not moving!" Sirius spoke firmly "I wasn't there to help the least I can do is be here when he wakes up."

"But what good will you be to Harry, if you yourself are taken ill." Dumbledore's voice shocked them "Poppy is right you must rest."

"I've slept! I've rested.  I'm staying here."

"Sirius listen to me. Harry will need you once he has woken, and you will no good to him if your in here yourself will you…" He paused and glanced at the still form of Hermione who hadn't said anything since he'd entered. She seemed to be in some sort of daze just staring out in to space one hand still holding on to Harry. "Hermione needs you too, both of you need to rest properly in a bed, and not one of these beds!" Dumbledore told Sirius before he had a chance to say anything.

"But what if he wakes up?"

"Sirius if he wakes up or even shows any signs of waking up you will both be the first ones called." He placed and hand on Sirius shoulder "Please take Hermione down to the Main Hall and have something to eat."

"I'm not leaving his side." Hermione spoke up suddenly breaking out of her gaze. "I did that last time and now look where he is."

"Hermione my dear, it is not your fault what happened to Harry, nor is it Sirius' you couldn't have stopped Voldemort even if you had both been there."

Hermione knew that he was telling the truth but she didn't want to believe it. Shaking her head she couldn't bring herself to look at her old headmaster. "I don't want to move, I want to stay with him …please"

"I will send word if there is any change I promise, please Hermione go and get some sleep." Poppy begged but still Hermione just shook her head franticly.

Sirius knew that Dumbledore was right, even though he didn't really want to admit it. The last thing he wanted to do was leave his Godson's side but he knew that staying like this was only going to make him and Hermione ill. He looked up at her; she had over the years become like a daughter to him and now seeing her standing there; it almost broke his heart.

"You're right …" he suddenly spoke breaking the silence that had formed. Still Hermione shook her head tears falling. Sirius walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders gently lifting her from the seat. "We need sleep … proper sleep and some descent, hot food." Slowly as not to rush her he guided her to the door; she had lost weight and her body was willing to let him lead the way although her heart wanted to stay.

"Tomorrow morning I promise we will come back ok." He put his arms around her shoulder and gave Dumbledore one final look before pushing the door open and walking through.

Dumbledore stood there watching as they disappeared out of sight.


Everyone watched as Sirius and Hermione walking in to the main hall. He had his arm around her waist as if to hold her up, as they walked slowly towards the table, everyone waiting; expecting bad news.

Sirius walked Hermione over towards the bench where he could see Ron and Lavender. Slowly and gentle he helped her sit down as Ron put his arm around her pulling her closer. All the way from the hospital wing she had been in some kind of trance: not talking or even blinking.

"Is everything ok?" Ginny asked not sure if she wanted to hear the answer.

"Dumbledore told us to leave … get some food, try and sleep." He reached out for the jug of pumpkin juice and poured himself a glass.

"Oh" was Ginny's only reply.

"How's Harry doing …any change?" Tonks spoke up from across the table voicing the question everyone had been wanting to ask.

Sirius looked down at Hermione, noticing fresh tears filling her eyes he decided he'd better do the talking.

"Nothing … Poppy said she's done everything she can do." Sirius paused "There's nothing wrong with him."

"Except he won't wake up." Hermione stated coldly

"Except for that …" he glanced at Hermione the look which had come over her face was something Sirius had never seem before. "She's done everything she can; it's up to him to wake up."

Hermione suddenly stood up shocking everyone. She started to climb over the bench trying to get out. Before she had a chance to get too far Ron had reached out and grabbed hold of her arm.

"Herms where are you going."

"Back to the Hospital wing …" she began to walk but Ron wouldn't let her. "Ron let go of me will you … I can't leave Harry there ...I have to go back... RON!" She shouted but still he didn't budge.

"Herms you need some rest … if you're going to go anywhere go back to your room and sleep."

"I don't want to sleep."

"Herms it for the best." Ginny piped up

Hermione turned to face her, she couldn't believe everyone was against her couldn't they see she need to be with Harry, she had to be there.

"Fine!" and pulling her arm out of Ron grip set off out of the Hall.

"I'm going to check on her." Ron told the others lifting himself from his seat and making a quick exit to see which way Hermione had actually gone.


After finally convincing Sirius and Hermione to go and get some proper sleep Dumbledore was able to relax a little bit. Slowly he walked up to the sleeping figure of the boy he'd come to care for, over the years, as a son. Although Harry was hardly a boy anymore: he had grown into a brave, kind young man and Dumbledore couldn't be any prouder of him.

"If only your parents could still be with us, you would have made them so proud" He spoke to Harry taking the seat that Hermione was in only seconds before.

Dumbledore sensed a presence behind and without even turning around he knew who was there. "Is there any change in his condition Poppy?" finally turning when no answer came.

There stood Poppy and Minerva both looking on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry but …" Poppy began but she just wasn't able to find the words. Quickly and quietly she turned and made her way back to her office leaving the two professors standing there.

"Do you think he'll pull through Albus?"

Dumbledore stood from his chair and with one final look at the young man in front of him he sighed. "I hope so Minerva … after what he has been through he deserves a chance to live a happy and normal life, without worrying about Voldemort and dark magic."

"How is Hermione?" Minerva asked him as they both turned and started to make their way out of the hospital wing. "And Sirius? Are …"

"They are coping the best they can in a situation like this. They all are; Hermione, Sirius, the Weasleys, Malfoys, and Remus all are coping as best they can.

Slowly they continued their walk down the dark corridors neither one saying another word.


"Ron go away!  I want to be alone." Hermione screamed at the top of her lungs as she walked into her room. Ron had followed her out and still, despite her screams and insults hadn't left.

"Herms I'm not leaving you like this you're…"

"I'm what?" she shouted, "I'm angry, upset, too emotional?  What the hell am I Ron?"

"Herms please, calm down." He did his best to head Hermione over to the sofa to get her to sit but she pushed pass him.

"Calm down, how can you say that … calm down, Harry is living in that hospital wing close to death and …"

"I KNOW" Ron yelled back. This took Hermione by surprised. "You don't think I know where Harry is and what state he's in. Do you think you are the only person this is affecting, well let me tell you something Hermione you aren't."

Hermione began to say something but Ron stopped her, pushing her with some force over to the sofa and backwards onto it.

"Harry is my best friend too you know, and this is just as hard for me as it is for you." He paused but still didn't let her speak. "I would give my life if I could to get him to wake up but I can't and standing around here screaming isn't going to help him either."

Ron let out a frustrated breath as he looked at Hermione. She looked lost, scared! Calming himself after his outburst he went and sat next to her on the sofa.

"Making your self ill, Hermione, isn't going to help Harry, he needs you! I need you." Ron told her placing his arm tenderly around her shoulders holding her close to him as the tears began to fall.

"I'm sorry I didn't…"

"Shh … don't worry. We are all going through a tough time at the moment, emotions are out of control." Ron told her as he wiped away the tears on his cheek. "Try and get some sleep … thats the best thing any of us can do right now." Slowly standing he watched as Hermione slumped further into the sofa like she was wishing it would swallow her whole. Leaning down and kissing her lightly on the forehead he began to make his way to the door.

"Ron.." her voice was quiet and weak. Turning he watched as his one of his best friends of 9 years couldn't bring her self to make eye contact with him.

"What are we going to do …" Hermione paused not knowing if she'd actually be able to say what she was trying to say. "What are we going to do … if … if he doesn't make it?"

The room was silent and for a brief second she'd thought Ron had left.

"That's not going to happen." He was trying to be confident and to anyone else they might have believed what he said. But Hermione knew him too well; she heard the shaking of his voice.

His heart wanted to believe it … but his head wouldn't let him.


Slowly the hospital wings door opened, only a inch or so at first but once the person behind the door was sure no one was there they pushed a little further and further until a bushy haired Hermione Granger silently slipped into the room. If Poppy caught her here before dawn there would be hell to pay. Hermione had tried to listen to what Dumbledore, Ron and all the others had say but it was no use. How was she supposed to sleep if Harry was alone down here?

Hermione saw that no one was sitting by Harry's bed so she made her way over hoping Poppy had already done her rounds for the evening. After Ron had left her, Hermione had had a cold shower trying to wipe away the week's grime and make herself feel a little more human.

As she looked down at Harry's sleeping form still pale and motionless the images from her nightmare played in her head. Every night she would relive that night again and again. How she watched as Harry feel to his knees, blood all over her hands as she held him and watched him slip slowly away from her, to a place she couldn't seem to bring him back from.

"Miss Granger." The voice startled her. Hermione turned to see professor Dumbledore slowly walking towards her. "I thought Poppy said not to come back till after dawn."

"I know I know …" Hermione began "But I couldn't stay up there and just leave him … I should be here by his side, I mean I know I shouldn't but …"

"Hermione" Dumbledore spoke gentle. "It is ok … Poppy has done her rounds you are welcome to stay."

Hermione didn't know what to say; instead she walked over to Harry's side and took her earlier place in the chair next to him, holding tightly to his hand. Here was where she was meant to be, next to him.

"Are you not staying?" Hermione asked as she noticed her old headmaster walking towards the door. Gracefully he turned and gave her the little smile that she knew so well. The one he gave when there was something he knew which no one else did.

"I will leave you alone …I believe you have a few thing's you'd like to say. Good night Hermione." And then he was gone.

A few minutes passed and it was clear that they were alone. The only sound to be heard was the beating of rain on the windows and the howl of the wind.

"Harry …" Hermione whispered softly into his ear. "Can you hear me?" but Harry didn't move and Hermione's spirit sunk even lower than it already was, willing her self to not start crying again.

"Harry" she tried again but still nothing.

"Please Harry … open your eyes." Nothing.

"Harry I can't do this without you … I need you." Still Harry remained still.

"Harry you can't leave me … not like this, not now." Silence.

"Harry" Hermione cried her head falling on to his chest. She wanted nothing more than to hear his voice, see those amazing emerald eyes, and feel his touch. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest and the beat of his heart from within.

"Harry … you have to wake up, can you hear me. How would we cope if you died? Me, Ron and Sirius. The Weasleys have already lost Bill because of Voldemort, you're like a son to them, don't let them loose you too." Still Harry didn't move.

"And Sirius he's just got you back, you're his Godson it would destroy him to lose you, the same with Remus." Silence.

"Harry you said you'd never leave me … well this looks like leaving to me." She was beginning to get angry. Feeling stupid with herself because it wasn't Harry's fault he was here like this.

"Harry I need you …I love you!" she cried. Her tears now soaked Harry's shirt as she continued to cry.

"You can't leave me Harry." And there she stayed crying her self to sleep next to the man she loved.


The sun was rising and it covered the Hogwarts grounds in a beautiful golden glow. Hermione awoke to the sweet sound of birds singing and raised her head to look out of the window. The dark clouds had gone and the sun was just peeking its head up over the hills. Hermione couldn't help but smile; there hadn't been any sunshine since the final battle. The rain that had started that fateful night hadn't let up at all until now.

All of a sudden Hermione felt something move on her hands. Jumping in shocked she turned, Harry's hand was still resting in hers. She glanced up at his face but there was no change and the hope that had begun to well up inside her dropped just as quickly as it had came.

Hermione dropped her head down and rested it on hers and Harry's hands and tried to calm her ragged breathing, begging herself not to start crying again. "Your just imagining things Hermione pull … your self together." She told herself although she wasn't planning on taking her own advice.

There it was again, movement this time on her cheek. Something had touched her cheek and she knew this time she was not imagining it. Quickly sitting up she leaned forward and cupped Harry's face with one of her hands.

"Harry … can you hear me?" She whispered, "Please God let him hear me."

Once again Harry's hand moved his time squeezing her own. A huge smile appeared on Hermione's face as this happened. "Harry …" she whispered again. "It's me  ... open your eyes." When Harry didn't move again she began to panic "Please Harry open your eyes."

Slowly Harry's eyes began to flicker open, it took him a while to bring anything into focus. It was very bright in the room and Harry couldn't stand it, quickly closing his eyes again to protect them from the sun. Suddenly he felt a warm hand on his cheek and the sweet sound of Hermione's voice filled his ear. After a few second he opened his eyes once more and a slight smile touched his lips as he saw the most beautiful woman ever staring down at him, tears making her cinnamon eyes shine even brighter. "Hermione?"

Hermione had to hold back her tears of joy at the sound of his voice, it was very weak but it was Harry.

"Poppy …" she shouted out trying to get the mediwitchs attention with out leaving Harry's side. "Poppy!" she shouted once more. This time she saw her coming out of the office.

"Hermione I told you yesterday not to come back so early, how long have you been …"

"He's awake," She shouted cutting her off, the older witched just stood and stared while her brain tried to process the information "Poppy he's awake."

The second time work and Poppy snapped back to reality and hurried over to the bed to see if it was true, and with her own eyes she was that Harry Potter as waking up.

"Hermione dear … I need you to stand back a little please." Poppy watched as worry began to replace the happiness and joyful shine in Hermione's eyes. "Nothing to worry about dear I just need to check him over."

Hermione backed up giving her all the room she needed and just watched on. As Poppy checked all of Harry's injury's she heard the door opening and Ron and Lavender walked in noticing straight away something was going and expected the worst.

"Hermione what's going on? Is he … what happened?" Ron asked rushing over to his best friends side. He saw tears falling down her face and she just kept shaking her head.

"Hermione what happened? Is he.."

"Awake" she shouted with a smile

Ron and Lavender just stared at her, with the same expressions Poppy had had only moments before.

"He's awake Ron …" She scream grabbing hold of his arms and bouncing up and down like a little school girl. "He's awake … quick go get Sirius tell the others …" but before Hermione could finish her sentence Ron and Lavender were off out of the door.


Ron rushed through the corridors of Hogwarts his destination clear in his mind. After what seemed like hours but what was really only a few minutes he reached the door which lead in the great hall. Lavender was going to get Dumbledore while he was here to mainly get Sirius.

As he entered the hall all eyes fell on him as he almost double over from lack of breath. Sirius and Remus where the first up quickly making there way over to see what the panic was. Fred, George and the rest of the Wesley's with Tonks and Moody weren't too far behind.

"Ron what it is … what's happened?" Sirius asked hastily. Ron grabbed hold of his shirt trying desperately to get the words out but at that precise moment his body was more interested in oxygen.

"Ron …"Sirius shouted at him beginning to get impatient. "Is it Harry?" Ron could see the panic come over his face and he feared the worst. But still the need for air stopped Ron from being able to tell them.

Nodding his head "Harry …he's …he's" before Ron was able to get the last two words out of his mouth Sirius started to push his way through the crowd franticly trying to get to his Godson. Ron once again grabbed hold of his shirt, stopping him dead.

"He's … he's awake Sirius" Ron paused still breathing heavily. "Harry's awake"


"God Harry you had me so scared." Hermione was now lying on the bed with Harry her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as she cried into his shoulder.

"Shhh…" Harry tried to calm her. "I told you I'd never leave." Pulling her back slightly he took hold of her face in both of his hands, looking deep into her eyes. "It's going to take more than Voldemort to keep me away from you."

Hermione couldn't help but smile as Harry gentle pulled her face closer to his. As their lips met, all their love, lust, passion for each other was poured out into that simplest of kisses. It wasn't long before Hermione felt Harry's tongue begging for entrance and she surrendered without a fight. As the two young lovers were locked together in a passionate kiss they didn't even hear the Hospital Wing door bang open and Sirius, Ron and Remus all rushing in, being closely followed by everyone else.

"Well I'd say he was feeling better, wouldn't you Remus?" Sirius jokingly asked his friend, a mix of happiness and pure joy sketched across his face. Harry and Hermione upon hearing this pulled away from each other and suddenly realized that they had a rather large audience.

"Definitely feeling a lot better." Remus agreed not knowing whether to laugh or cry at the situation. Harry was finally awake, their minds and hearts could now be put to rest.

Hermione's face blushed a beautiful crimson colour as she tried to hide in Harry's shoulder.

"I've decided, …" she heard him say and slowly she removed her head and their eyes locked. "We don't have much luck when it comes to private moments do we." Hermione just chuckled and once again leaned forward capturing his lips in one unforgettable kiss, and as their lips meet a cheer ran throughout the room.

The next half an hour Harry spent answering the same question one after the other, 'Are you ok?' 'Does it hurt?' 'Would you like me to get Poppy?' 'Are you sure your ok?' It wasn't until Poppy informed them all that he was going to fine that they began to relax.

Harry looked around the room at the people he cared for, the people he loved; his family. They all looked so happy; so relaxed. The threat of Voldemort was gone; their lives were now free of danger and suffering.

As people talked and laughed Hermione once again made her way over to Harry's bed and silently without saying a word he pulled back the covers so she could get in.

"Everyone …" Ron shouted over the noise "Can I have everyone's attention." Harry pulled up the blankets so they were covering Hermione as well and turned to face his best friend. When Ron was sure everyone was watching him he continued.

"I have been meaning to do this for some time now and as everyone that I care about is here …"he paused and turned to smile at Harry "… and they're all awake… I would like to ask a question. As I said … I've been meaning to do …"

"Wesley get a move on will you, we've got some celebrating to do." Draco shouted from across the room where he stood with his arms around Ginny.

With out saying a word he marched confidently over to Lavender. Every one watched as he began to move their faces showing confused expressions.

Lavender watched as Ron approached her, she was a little scared at what he was doing. "Ron what are you doi …" She began to ask but before she's had a chance to finish, Ron and dropped down to one knee and in his hand was a small blue velvet box, housing a beautiful diamond ring. Tears began to fill her eyes; she didn't know what to say what to feel.

"Lavender Brown … I love you with all my heart. We have been through so much together over the last few years and I don't want that to stop. Would you do me the greatest honour by making me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?"

Standing there, shell shocked, Lavender just stared in to the eyes of the man she loved, the man she would always love. "Yes!"

Ron quickly got back to his feet, while a cheer and clapping rang out as he kissed his, now, future wife. Slowly he took the ring from the box and placed it gently on her finger.

"And Harry you will be my best man won't …" Ron turned around towards his best friends only the words got stuck in his throat.

Harry lay in the bed Hermione next to him, with her head resting on his chest while their arms where around each other. Their eyes were closed as they slept with the look of peace on their faces.

"Maybe we should leave … let them sleep" Dumbledore announced as he began to usher people out.

"How can he be asleep … he's been sleeping the past week." Ron questioned his voice rising a little more then he intended. Lavender put her arms around his waist and placed a small chaste kiss on his lips.

"You can ask him tomorrow honey." She whispered in his ear as she slowly lead him towards the door.

"Oh he's awake … I know him too well …" Ron rambled on as Lavender pushed him once again towards the door.

Just as the last few people where leaving Ron stuck his head back in through calling out to Harry, "I'm taking that as a yes!" and then he was gone.

Without even opening his eyes Harry smiled. He should have known he couldn't have fooled Ron. Just then Harry felt something shift by his side, finally opening his eyes he looked down to see Hermione's head resting on his chest. He could see her hair, shining a beautiful bronze colour light from the open windows. As gentle as he could so as not to wake her he brushed a few of those stray hairs away from her eyes and tucked them carefully behind her ear.

Harry knew instantly that no matter what happened Hermione would always be by his side. Leaning forward he placed a feather light kiss on her forehead. "I love you Hermione …" He whispered "I always will" and with that he laid his head back down on the pillow thinking to himself that when he woke things were going to be different; very different. It was the end on his life, as he knew it, and the begging of something so much better. With these thoughts in his mind, it wasn't long until he was sleep.


Authors notes

Well I'm sorry to tell you but that is the end! But don't fear I will be writing a sequel if enough people want  me too.

I'll like to thank Julie and Alexis for all the help they have given me over the last month while I've been writing this story wouldn't of been able to with without you.

As I'm starting Uni on Saturday I won't have access to the internet so I won't be posting anymore stories included the sequel until Christmas. I just don't want to post one chapter and then make you wait months for the next. I'd rather write them all when I'm away and then posted them all in a few days.

Well that's my plan any way, so hopefully by Christmas the sequel will be writing my other story '2 minutes' will be finished and I also have a few more idea's in my head,

I want it thank everyone who had read and review my story it means so much to me and I hoped you really like it. Please review and tell me what you'd like to see in the sequel … I'll put as many of the idea's in as I can.

Thank you again

Keep any eye out for me
