In the Name of Love

Disclaimer: Last time I checked my name wasn't Kazuki Takahashi so I guess Yu-gi-oh doesn't belong to me.

Sigh I've decided because I cannot possibly update so frequently I'm making this extra long chapter and this will be the final chapter to In the Name of Love. I'm not making an extra chapter because I'm against the number 13, if you're Chinese or know Chinese people you may know why. ~

The clock down the hall struck midnight as Seto Kaiba sat in his computer room. The sound of the bell annoyed Seto very much, the thoughts of throwing it out the window was very tempting. He sat there in his little room. 'Sigh if only I didn't have to fake most of my injuries to get Serenity away, I wouldn't have to isolate myself in my own home to have some freedom. Damn that accursed Noah.' Seto thought as he slammed his fist onto the desk.

His thoughts were disturbed as the loud ringing from the phone could be heard. What was strange was the line wasn't the home number but in fact his personal line. Only a few knew of this number, and it was only to be used if it was of utter importance. Seto lifted the receiver to his ear, "Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello Seto Kaiba, my name is Bakura, however you may know me more as the spirit whom resides within the millenium ring which Bakura is the holder of."

"First of all I don't believe in all of this spirit hocus pocus junk so would you please get to the point."

"Tsk tsk! Such impatience. Very well, I'd like to let you know, I am currently in possession of something that you may be concerned of."

Alarm bells were going off in Seto's head. "Oh? And what would that be?" he asked maintaining his emotionless voice.

"Perhaps the name Serenity Wheeler might be of interest."

'What? But I can't say anything in case Noah finds out' his mind shouted, "I'm afraid you're asking the wrong person, I'm sure you have that puppy Joey Wheeler's phone number, why are you telling me?"

"Oh don't play stupid Seto Kaiba, it doesn't become you. Anyways even if you really don't care about Serenity, there's always your little brother Mokuba."

Seto leaped up from his chair, "WHAT? How is that possible? I sent Mokuba to Kaiba Island this morning and no one else should have been able to get on that island after today."

"Well that would be because Mokuba never made it that far. If you recall today the person who escorted "Master Mokuba" would be me. It's too bad your injuries prevented you from perceiving that." Seto could have sworn he heard Bakura mutter "However you've had the wool pulled over your eyes when you weren't hurt." But the matter that his brother was in trouble made him forget it.

"Don't you dare hurt one hair on my little brother's head or I swear, even if you died a thousand times you wouldn't be able to make up for it. I will make you regret ever deciding to mess with me." Said Kaiba as he gripped the phone so hard it was on the verge of cracking.

"Tomorrow night same time, come alone to the top of Kaiba corp., bring your god card, Obelisk the torment, that is if you ever want to see your little brother or Serenity Wheeler again. Calling any help will only result in seeing your brother in the newspaper with the headline, "Mokuba Kaiba, Corporate Pancake."" And all Seto heard after that was a click and then the dial tone. Seto slammed the receiver back onto the phone. "Damn!"


Bakura shut off his cell and turned to face Serenity, "What did he say Bakura?" asked Serenity.

"You mean when I told him you were also captured? He told me to call Joey Wheeler."

Serenity bit back her tears; "Maybe I really wasn't lying to myself when I actually thought Seto Kaiba like me. But it doesn't matter, now that I have to betray the one man that stole my heart. ~~

Seto felt his eye twitch; things were just not going well. His eyes were bloodshot and bags resided under them. He hadn't notice it till lately that his hands were tapping and his foot shaking without his knowing. Currently coffee was the only thing keeping him conscious. His hair looked as if he had returned from a safari, all messed up you'd think this man never heard of a comb.

Suddenly the young CEO with a cry of frustration threw the mug across the room and listened to the sound of the mug shattering and falling to the ground in many many pieces.

"Argh! Why is everything against me? Someone up there must really hate me," he looked up "Do you hate me? Do you just love torturing me in particular? Is this your idea of some practical joke? Why did you make my life such a pathetic mess? You know I never really believed in you that's why I took control of my life, only to have you make a mess of it again. Why can't you just let me be happy lord? Or are you even up there? Why don't you just hit me with lightning or something? ANSWER ME DAMN IT!" he screamed the last part.

Nothing but the sound of the silent hum from the computers could be heard. Seto sat down, "I will not be so easily defeated." It had been 22 hours since Bakura's call. Seto slipped on his trademark white trenchcoat and went to the garage. He backed out of his garage and his car went zooming into the night.


"Only two hours till the appointed time." Noted Bakura as he and Serenity stood hidden in the shadows atop Kaiba Corp. The moon was bright but the clouds made it look grey and hazy. Besides for a few lights by the door there were many shadows for them to hide among.

At the stroke of midnight the door to the rooftop of Kaiba Corporation opened and in stepped Seto Kaiba.

"You're very punctual Mr. Kaiba" said Bakura as he emerged from the shadows. Serenity waited along with a blindfolded Mokuba.

"Where's my little brother?"

Bakura motioned for Serenity to bring out Mokuba. Seto gasped as he realized who was Bakura's accomplis

"Serenity!" he couldn't believe his eyes, "I always knew you had a lousy career but I thought."

"It doesn't matter what you think anymore Seto. Just hand over the card so that we can get this over with."

Seto took out his most powerful card Obelisk the Tormentor, "I have what you want right here, perhaps you'd like to duel me for it?"

Bakura laughed, "What do you take us for? We told you the card for your brother's life. I am not risking anything with Master Marik just because you want a fair duel. Now hand over the stupid thing."

"Fine but release my brother first."

"Seto Kaiba do you think us stupid? As soon as you hand over the card we will no longer have any use for your little brother and I will gladly hand you the kid. You have my word. However if you don't hand it over, I am perfectly glad to take Mokuba down with me."

"Stop!" Seto reluctlently took out his card and handed it to Serenity. She gave it to Bakura who examined it to be real and Serenity shoved Mokuba back to Seto.

Suddenly clapping could be heard from behind. "Well done you two. Finally two people who work for me who aren't actual morons." Said Marik as he emerged from the shadows

"Marik I wasn't aware that you would be here tonight" said Bakura

"You're Marik?" exclaimed Seto as he lay the unconcious Mokuba aside.

"Yes, glad you've heard of me. Thanks to your lovely contribution I am another step closer to becoming the pharaoh and taking what is rightfully mine." Marik turned to leave.

"Damn you Marik. You're the worse coward I've ever met."

Marik turned, "Perhaps, but then again, I'm still powerful enough to make you think that your little step brother was actually back again. Oh by the way, I wasn't joking when I told you I'd make Serenity my slave." With that Marik grabbed Serenity by her face and forced a rough kiss on her.

"Keep your hands off of her you bastard," shouted Seto, "Or I'll."

"You'll what? You'll come and hit me? I dare you to try it."

"Fine" with that Seto gripped his hand in a death grip and striked Marik in the face.

Suddenly Serenity cried out in pain as they noticed a bruise forming on her white skin. "You see Seto Kaiba, wherever you decide to hit me, the pain will be transferred over to Serenity. If you wish to see her suffer then you may continue, I feel absolutely nothing." Marik chuckled

"You son of a." said Serenity through clenched teeth, "After all I've done for you."

"Whatever suits you little dear. I don't really need you. I just thought it'd be interesting to take Joey Wheeler's little non duelist sister as one of my minions."

"You mean." Serenity's eyes widened.

"Yes you are indeed the real sister of Joey Wheeler, I simply locked up all your memories so that you would be able to work for me undercover and help me retrieve some items among your brother's group of friends."

"You jackass!" she cried as she lunged at Marik.

He simply sidestepped. "My dear you've lost your touch. When I first met you, you were quite the lil assassin."

Serenity fell onto the ground, Seto rushed to her side. She flung his supporting hand. "I don't need you."

"Well it's been fun watching your progress Serenity and thanks for the card." And Marik simply merged with the darkness and disappeared.

Bakura approached Serenity, "I'm sorry" he said and with that he too disappeared into the shadows.

"I can't believe my life has been nothing but something Marik made up. I can't believe it." She kept muttering, suddenly she collapsed into Seto's arms.

~~ In the hospital a week later (current date, dec 24th)

Seto walked into the dreary building and proceeded to room 325, as he walked he listened to his steps as they clicked upon the floor of the hospital. The room that he insisted doctors put her in was a single bedroom with top class service. He didn't know why he did it, normally he wouldn't care if someone whom had just betrayed him had fainted dead away and had been unconcious for a week already. However at the thought of her sleeping a low quality bed with a dozen other people, the thought made him feel guilty for some odd reason.

As he slowly approached his destination he noticed that there seemed to be a commotion up ahead. Although he didn't notice it, his feet began to move at a slightly faster rate. As he got nearer it was obvious is from Serenity's room Seto was already at a full sprint. Upon arriving in room 325 Seto opened the door to find Joey Wheeler holding up the doctor by this collar and saying, "What do you mean she just dissappeared?"

"What's going on?" demanded Seto as he entered the room.

The doctor noticed that Joey's grip was looser when he noticed Seto's presence and he quickly ran behind Seto. "Mr. Kaiba I was simply telling Mr. Wheeler that his sister had woken up this morning. She was perfectly fine and healthy, but later when the nurse had returned with her lunch she told me that Miss Wheeler had dissappeared."

Seto's eyes widened as he turned on the doctor, "What? What do you mean she dissappeared? What am I paying you for if you're going to let your patients just walk out of here unstopped?"

The doctor cowered in fear as he tried to find a safe place away from the glare he was receiving from Seto. If looks could kill the doctor would be on the floor, dead a thousand times before he reached the ground. "Mr. Kaiba, we had given her a sedative, we didn't know she'd overcome the effects of the drug before the nurse would return to her."

"WHAT? You gave my sister drugs? What are you some kind of quack?" shouted Joey "I demand an explanation doctor. Serenity Wheeler had simply passed out why did she need to take a sedative?" asked Seto

"Well you see sir, when she woke up she seemed to be having a few seizures, and her body was going into convulsion. For her own safety we had to give her a sedative.

Seto threw the doctor a look of pure hatred, "If anything happens to Serenity, I am telling you right now, prepare to receive a letter from my lawyer." With that he proceeded to leave the room.

About halfway down the hallway, Seto heard someone call after him, he turned to see no other then Joey Wheeler.

"Yo Kaiba! Why are you so concerned about my sister? I thought you hated me."

Seto raised an eyebrow with lack of interest, "What makes you think I don't hate you?"

"I just thought if you hated me, you wouldn't be this nice to my family as well."

"Look Wheeler, if it makes you happy, yes I do still hate you. However your sister is something else. I don't know what it is but when I'm with her I feel like a different person. A person with no cares no worries and reservations or anything. She makes me feel free. You on the other hand just irritate me with your presence."

"Hey!" growled Joey

Seto merely raised his hand to prevent Joey from going, "I'm not sure of the feelings I have for Serenity but if you're going to get in the way of me finding her, I suggest you get out of my way before I hurt you." Then he added, "again."

Joey was ready to pounce on Seto had Yugi and the gang not jumped on him preventing him from attacking the tall handsome CEO. Tea looked up at Seto and said, "Go find her Kaiba, we'll handle Joey."

They were almost expecting Seto to say something like, "Thanks but I don't need your help." Instead his eyes looked grateful, and without a word he left.


Seto paced around the city in hopes of finding the red head with her beautiful green eyes as he waited for any news from his satellites. Suddenly, "Mr. Kaiba" he heard from his little microphone on his jacket.

"Have you found Serenity?"

"Yes sir Mr. Kaiba. We've located her to the train station about not far from where you are. She just recently purchased a ticket. Should we send you a limo to get there?"

"No I'll get there on my own." He said and turned off the microphone. 'She bought a ticket? What for? She couldn't be leaving could she?' he got a taxi and told the drivers the direction, "And please hurry" the world outside passed by quickly as the car zoomed towards it's destination 'please don't leave Serenity.'


Serenity stood on platform 9 under the sign, "Waterfront" as the wind blew lightly across her face. It was beginning to snow; there was already a light layer of snow upon the floor. She looked out before her and remembered when she had first came back. She didn't know whom she was, just someone who worked for Marik.

The sun was slowly setting and it would soon be time for Serenity to board the night express. It slowly reminded her of the day she met Seto Kaiba, the man of her greatest dreams and also the man of her greatest nightmares. Had it not been for him, she would never have found out who she was, never would have had to suffer for her thoughts of betraying him, never would have had her heart broken, but if it wasn't for Seto Kaiba, she never would felt the longing, never would have realized what she would do for him, what his rejection did to her.


Seto arrived at the train station, he scanned among the crowd of people waiting for their train but he didn't see Serenity. 'This would be so much easier if I knew where she was going.' He thought as he ran past the sign "Waterfront"


"This is the last call for passengers leaving for waterfront. Please board the train immediately. Calling all passengers leaving for waterfrong this is your last chance to board the train." Announced the P.A. system (public announcement)

Serenity sighed as she tucked in a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She took one last look of the place where so much had happened to her. She made her way towards the train when someone from behind bumped into her causing her to drop her ticket. "Watch it jackass! Are you blind?" she said as she bent down to pick of her fallen ticket.

Someone had also bent down to retrieve her ticket for her, "Thanks!" she said with a smile but when she looked up her smile became an expression of surprise. No words passed between them. Time seemed to have stopped as the stood in absolute silence.

Finally Seto decided to ask, "I don't suppose you're simply holding this stuff for a friend would you?"

Serenity remained silent as a portrait. Her eyes although looked as if she was looking at him but he could see they were cold and distant. She managed a polite smile, took her ticket from Seto, and turned to leave. Seto looked at her retreating back in hopes that she would change her mind. Serenity stopped, without turning she said, "Forget me Seto. I was the one whom betrayed you. I'm the one who caused so much trouble for everyone. It would have been better if I had never came back, never met Marik and never loved you." With that Serenity took off

Seto chased after her, he grabbed her arm and pulled her back into his embrace. "What did you just say?" Serenity felt as if his eyes were looking straight into her soul. "It would have been better if I had never come back, never met Marik," she hesitated, "and never loved you." Two teardrops fell from her eyes falling slowly down her cheek

"You're wrong." He said, "If you had never came back, we would never have met, and I never would have fallen in love with you." Wiping the tears from her face, "I could never forget you Serenity. Do you remember that day when I met you, you told me to never forget your name, and I never will."

"You're a fool you know? You're a real fool Seto Kaiba." Serenity said

"Only a fool for you." He said as he leaned in for a kiss.

~~ The End

And after our long journey, Seto finally winds up with Serenity. I had fun writing this story although I guess due to the delays caused by school and stress; I simply had to end it here. (That's why I resulted in monthly updates)

I must say this story really surprised me, I never thought it would go over 100 reviews, I'd like to take the chance to thank you all for doing so, it really helped inspired me.