The Awakening
Disclaimer: I hereby acknowledge that I in no way, shape, or form own anything that has to do with Yu-Gi-Oh or it's characters. Everything in the story that you are about to read is fictional and is written solely for your enjoyment and entertainment. I stand to make no form of profit what so ever. All I ask is that you read and review, both for my personal gratification, and for future reference.
(SC) scene change
The week had passed in a blur, and in no time Friday had arrived. With each day that passed Ishizu felt the knot in her stomach tighten marginally with nervousness and though she dared not admit it, hints of excitement. The life of a tomb keeper was far from glamorous. The whole cloak and dagger routine didn't allow much room for the forming of ones social habits. Anything not required to perform their duties had been deemed unecessary. After an emotionally turbulent weekend with nothing to do except contemplate the events of a week ago, working at the museum had been rather therapeutic in taking her mind of the impending date set for tomorrow night. Though now the museum was closed and the Ishtar maiden found herself at home within her room, attempting to lay out something other then her daily ware With the exception of what Malik proveded prior, her knowledge of fashion extended only as far as the traditional robes of the tomb keepers. Sighing in frustration Ishizu tossed the few articles she held aside before falling back to sit on the edge of her bed. 'What am I doing? What in the name of Ra was I thinking agreeing to this?'
"Sister?" Ishizu turned to see Malik standing in the doorway to her room, a slight of concern and question in his eyes. "Is everything alright?" Nodding in response, she motioned him forward. Complying, he entered the room and sat beside her to the left on the bed. Slipping an arm across her back, the young Ishtar rubbed his sister's shoulders. "You want to talk about it?"
"Talk about what," the priestess inquired. Malik shrugged.
"I don't know; the weather, the latest fashion, an impending date with a certain blond-haired duelist?" The subtle start by his sister informed him he hit the nail on the head. "So that's it. You're worried about tomorrow night."
"And why shouldn't I Malik. I don't even know why I'm doing this."
"You don't want to go out with Joey then?"
"No," the dark-haired woman exclaimed while rising. "Its just, well..."
"What is it Ishizu?"
"I'm scared, alright?" she shouted, rounding on her brother. "The last time I became close to someone like this... Ishizu stopped when Malik gently took her by the shoulders and guided her down to sit next to him.
"Stop it Ishizu, that wasn't you... it was her," Malik sighed. "Please sister, don't let what happened in the past stop you from pursuing future happiness, okay?" he waited till she nodded silently before releasing her. "Good, it's getting late so lets have dinner and then I'll help you pick something out for tomorrow." Sharing a smile between them, both Ishtars left to go downstairs. Malik stared after his sister as she preceded him out of the room. 'Her memories are starting to bleed together. I hope tomorrow goes well, for sister's sake if nothing else.'
"All right, another day another dollar." Joey yawned as he filled out the paperwork for a recent repair. Tristan and his uncle had sent everyone home a couple hours ago before leaving themselves. They tried to convince him to hang it up as well and finish up in the morning, but the blond haired mechanic-in-training had insisted on finishing up his remaining paperwork before departing, doing so would put him ahead of schedule, and with luck he could duck out early enough to to get ready for his date with Ishizu.
Joey leaned back in the swivel armchair and sank into the padded apholstry. Thinking of the dark haired eygptian beauty brought a smile to the young man's face. He couldn't deny she was attractive, extreamely so, but it was more then that. It was no secret, at least to his friends, that he was a little hot-headed, easy to rile, but from the few times he had been around her, he found the woman's presence to be calming. He felt a sense of peace with her that had previously been unknown.
Joey found himself unable to explain the sudden impulse that had compelled him to ask her out, but was now thankful for it. He thought about telling his friends about the upcoming event, but thought it better to see where this led before bringing them into the loop. The events of the Battle City Tournament were almost a year old, but for some of them the part the Ishizu's, and especially Malik played were still fresh in there mind. He trusted the others to be supportive should this go somewhere, but if so he wanted a chance to ease them into the whole situation as gently as possible. "Ah well, I'll worry about that later, time to close up and get out." Springing to his feet, Joey filed his papers and deposited the few receipts he had into the small company combination safe in the corner. Snatching his coat off the rack, he flipped off the switch extinguishing the lights throughout the garage.
Pausing outside he took a minute to secure the door, ignorant of his surrounding as half a dozen silhouettes steadily grew behind him. The blonde froze in surprise as a voice growled lowly off his right ear. "Hello hero..." Spinning around, Joey barely managed to turn and meet the hazy green glare and menacing smile of his attacker before an all too familiar switchblade was buried in his gut, and the following explosion of pain in his abdomen sent Joey to his knees, holding off the invading darkness by pain alone. "...miss me?" Staring up into the grinning mug of the same guy he saved Ishizu from prior, he grimaced at the sight of his remaining five companions beginning to encroach upon him.
"What in the world," Ishizu asked in shock. The two of them had finally settled down for dinner and were only ten minutes in before being interupted by the bright glow and the loud chime of their respective items activating. Dropping the utensil, she grasped her necklace with both hands and stared into the now glowing eye with worry. Any of the Millennium items could be activated individually by their masters willingly, but for both of theirs, and most likely the remaining items to activate all at once could only mean one thing, that only the most dire of circumstances events was occurring with one of their own. She looked across the table to Malik, his pupils dilating. "Brother?"
Malik quickly stood up, knocking his chair over in the process. The rod calling to him. 'Malik, it's...'
"...the ankh!" Rushing out of the room, the younger Ishtar ascended the stairs in pairs till he reached top, His sister following close behind. Hearing the source before even seeing it he tore open the door and raided the closet. Towels and linens flew everywhere before removing the same velvet-lined box. Unlike last time, upon being opened the hallway was illuminated by a blinding golden flash, followed by a piercing screech.
Ishizu, who had recovered from the initial surprise of the moment, and had follow her brother up to this point, covered her ears and the painful sound. She watched Malik reach into the box and pull out what could best be described as a key in the form of a cross with a large loop on the top. The priestess gasped, she knew what this item was, but never thought she's actually see it. "Malik, is that what I think it is?" Malik nodded.
"Yes, it's the Millennium Key, entrusted to me by Shadi himself to hold until the time came that it was needed, and that time is now." Holding the ankh firmly in his grasp he flew back down the stairs. "We need to leave." Ishizu tailed her brother once more as they shortly left the house.
"Malik, what's the meaning of this, and where are we going?" When they reached the driveway, she watched Malik get in the car, a simple four door navy blue Toyota that served as the family car which was shared between the two of them. She slipped into the passenger seat beside while pulling on her seat belt. She worried as her brother had yet to answer her, "Malik?"
"Joey's in trouble, that's why the key is active. It's time for his awakening, and we need to get to him before it's too late." He ignored the small grasp beside him.
As the revelation of what the connection between the Millennium Key and Joey's immediate peril signified, Ishizu struggled to keep a clear head. Ever since her ordeal outside the museum, her eventual rescue, and the week that that followed, the former tomb keeper found her feelings in flux as her thoughts gradually began gravitating more and more towards the blond in question. Despite the lack of time that past since their initial meeting, she found the idea of getting to know the young duelist further intriguing, but if he was in trouble then time was of the essence, especially if the Millennium items were involved. "How are we going to find him?"
"I've got a pretty good idea." turning the ignition, both siblings shot off into the night.
The young man's head turned sharply to the left as his assailant's fist struck his cheek for the fourth time in less then 10 minutes. Coughing to dispell the small spatter of blood in his mouth, Joey spit it out upon the ground before glaring back up at the man before him through his golden bangs. He was being forced to his knees, not that hard a task when your strength was fading with the loss of blood. Each arm was being held tightly, extended away from his body by one of the five strangers that were accompanying their apparent leader. A third had been standing behind them, holding his head up by his hair as their pale-faced leader continued to attack him, the remaining two goons stood silently behind him. He sneered down at him; "Not so tough now, are ya kid?" Looking up at the smugness in his eyes as he spoke, Joey managed a small, painful smirk in response.
"You always fight your battles behind the hired help?" A strong backhand to the opposite cheek was his answer. Recovering he stared again, smirk remaining firm. "I thought so, do they wipe your ass for you too?" Joey doubled over as much as allowed at the connection of boot meeting gut. Snarling lowly at the wheezing boy in front of him, the man lowered to a knee till he was eye level. He grasped the boy's chin tightly in his hand.
"Listen here kid, you got lucky during our first... encounter, but nobody makes a fool of Damon Kazu and gets away with it. I made a mistake underestimating you." Laying the blade so that it rested against the young duelist's cheek, he tilted it till the point pressed inward ever so slightly. It's a mistake I intend to rectify right now." Noticing the now manic gaze in Damon's eyes, Joey began to feel the slightest tremor of fear run through him. "Goodbye Joey." raising his elbow and locking his arm in a horizontal form, Damon posed to strike.
"Leave him alone." Damon turned to find the two guards flanking him passed out. Beyond them at the entrance of the parking lot stood the two newly arriving Ishtars.
"Who the hell are you?" Lowering her hands from around the eye of her necklace, it's glow faded as Ishizu stepped back to allow her brother the floor. Malik stepped forward, laying the rod before his chest. Dropping the dead weight that was their previous target to his hands and knees, the two remaining goons move between their boss and the two interlopers. The younger Ishtar smirked in amusement at their blatant attempt to appear intimidating. Awakening the power of the rod, Malik swept it an arc across him. Waiting for the optical glazed over effect to take hold of the duo, he gave a command and watched as both of them turned to face each other, before rearing back striking one another with twin haymakers, instantly rendering each other unconscious, much to the shock of Damon, the last thug standing. Malik raised an eyebrow.
"You were saying?" Dumbstruck at such a display of power Damon took a step back, bumping into a slowly recovering Joey. Malik's smirk fell into a scowl. "This is your last warning, step away from him now." Damon looked down at the panting mass of flesh and bone at his feet. Acting in desperation he grasped the young man by the collar, pulling him to his feet. Snarling at the two would be heroes, he brandished the switchblade.
"You want him, he's yours." Flipping the blade into a reverse grip he buried it to the hilt in the teen's chest. Ignoring the sudden gasp from his victim, Damon threw him unceremoniously to the ground before taking off into the night.
"Joey!" Coming to his aide, Ishizu managed to catch him before he could fall to the ground completely. Holding him under his arms she lowered the teen to the pavement before cradling his head and neck in her lap. Malik made to pursue the retreating criminal before thinking better of it and returning to Joey and Ishizu's side, The former tomb keeper's heart was breaking at the sight of his sister holding their friend's hand in one hers while the other gently supported the side of his head, ignoring the thin trail of crimson sliding down from the corner of his mouth. kneeling down beside them, he released the dagger on the end of the rod. Cutting what parts he could of Joey's jacket, Malik swiftly pulled the knife from his chest before pressing the salvaged fabrics onto the wound and applying pressure. Noticing the young duelist's eyes starting to drift shut he lightly slapped him awake.
"Hey, stay with us Joey. You can't fall asleep." The teen gave his rescurers a small grin.
"I think that's going to be easier said then done." Feeling the small tremor around his head, he looked up to see twin sapphires staring down at him with worry before settling on determination, despite the unshed tears wanting to fall.
"Now you listen to me Joseph Wheeler, you are not allowed to die here. Have you forgotten are plans for tomorrow. You still need to take me out remember?" She tried to maintain a firm tone, though it waivered towards the end. His eyes softened at the strong front she tried displaying for him.
"Me too doll, but unless you've got a miracle in your pocket I don't think I'll be walking away from this one.
"As a matter of fact we do." The gathered trio looked around, searching for the disembodied voice before focusing on a patch of pavement beside them. Watching a circle close to five feet in diameter begin to ripple and shimmer, a form began to slowly rise from below, a swirling mist covering his entrance. Fully emerging, the ground solidified beneath him as he touched down. The stranger could pass for another Ishtar, the golden brown complexion, and the dark blue eyes. A tan long-sleeved robe adorned his frame. The cape that fell down his back and the turban resting upon his head shined a bright white. The twin gold hoop earrings completed the outfit, Shadi had arrived.
"What are you doing here," Ishizu asked. Neither she nor Malik had seen their fellow egyptian since before they left for Japan. 'What would the keeper of the millennium items be doing here? The only time he shows... the key!' Ishizu stared down at Joey in shock. 'Does that mean... could it be possible?' Her musing was cut short by her brother's voice.
"Answers will have to wait, there's no time to waste!" Leaning backwards the platinum blond retrieved the Millennium Key from his vest before holding it out for the approaching keeper. "Shadi, do it." Shadi took the ankh from him before loosely straddling the dying blond.
"Sleep now Joseph, I promise that when you next awaken you'll feel like a new man." Raising the key in front of him, Shadi held the bottom of the ankh above the teen's chest. Closing his eyes in concentration, he began to softly chant as the key started to glow. Finishing, Shadi reopened his eyes as he released the ankh. Dropping the short couple of feet below, the golden treasure made contact with Joey's chest before starting to sink into him. Stopping at the crosspiece, a blinding gold light pulsed wildly as it engulfed the teen, receding as the young man's world faded to black.
End Chapter 5
Author Notes: Happy New Year everyone. Well suffice to say I've been rather inactive with my writing, blame it on events of everyday life. Oh, I'm also on a happy pill as well too, so no more dark thoughts, lol. Alright, now that's done with; I was intending to post this earlier, but unfortunately wordpad doesn't have spell check so I apologize for any spelling errors. I'm sure most of you can probably guess where I'm starting to go with the story at this point, and for those who don't, you'll just have to wait and see, I hope not to disappoint.
As for the changes made to the Millennium Key, first of all I began this story during the Battle City Tournament so the effects of the key were unknown to me at the time. Since learning of it's power I've been trying to think of ways to incorporating it with my own change to it. The key bears a striking resemblance to an ankh, which in Egyptian mythology served as a symbol of life, and was wielded by Anubis, the jackal-headed god of death. This combination of the life and death aspects served as my inspiration for the alterations made to it.
I wish I could say the updates for all my stories will be coming fast and frequently, but with so much going on it might not be possible. I've got a couple new ideas in mind that I hope to try, if there's anyone who still remembers Rainy Day Lover & Lovers Revealed; I have the plot line and general layout of the third installment of the five story series complete, it just needs to be type, revised, re-typed, (rinse and repeat, lol). As for Love and War, sad to say the poor thing is on line support, but I won't abandon it, no story will be left behind. I may simply revert to posting numerous short, two to three page chapters till the action and adventure aspects begin to pick up steam again. That's about it for this round of author's notes. Once again, let me know what you think, of this, and other stories of mine by taking a minute to write a small review once finished, any words of praise, constructive criticism, and question are always welcomed and appreciated, take care and goodbye.