Disclaimer: I own a piece of string, that's it, nothing more

"..." talking

'...' thinking


Usagi looked around the crown arcade. Something about it just didn't

feel right, like there was something missing. She decided to take a

mental check list. Motoki? Check. Unazuki? Check. Rei? Ami? Minako?

Makoto? Check. Mamoru-baka? Che... The Baka wasn't there. Usagi found

it weird that she noticed his absence. 'I hope he's alright,' she

thought to herself.

"Usagi!" Rei shouted angrily, "could you do us a favour and pay

attention for once?"

Usagi looked at her friends and apologized.

"You better be sorry," Rei said hotly.

Usagi didn't feel like dealing with Rei at the moment. She looked at

her watch, "oh I have to go," she lied. She said goodbye and headed to

the door. 'Motoki would know about Mamoru.' She turned to the counter

were Motoki was working.

"Hey Usagi, what's up?"

'Motoki's always so nice and so cute. Too bad he has girlfriend.' Usagi

smiled. "I was just wondering if you knew where The Baka is. He's

usually here teasing me by now."

Motoki wasn't surprised by Usagi's curiosity, though she was convinced

she hated Mamoru, Motoki always thought there was something more

between those two. "He's at home sick with the flu."

Usagi's heart dropped, "sick?" She didn't want to think of her poor

Mamo-chan being sick. "Um... Motoki, do you think he would mind if I

went and checked on him?" She spoke softly and blushed slightly.

Motoki grinned, "I don't think he'll mind at all. He's probably going

crazy not being able to make fun of you." Usagi glared at him for that

comment. He laughed. "Just wait a sec and I'll give you some soup to

take over to him, and you'll probably need the address too?"

Usagi blushed again, "that would help."

Usagi followed the directions that Motoki had given her. When arrived

at his door she thought that maybe this was a bad idea. Her and Mamoru

weren't known for who well they got along, it was quite the opposite.

But the thought of her sick helpless Mamo-chan gave her the courage to

knock on the apartment door. She was surprised to see Mamoru-baka open

the door, she was expecting his mom or maybe his dad.

Mamoru blinked a few times to make sure what he was seeing was

Odango-atama and not a fever induced illusion. "Usagi?"

It broke her heart to look at Mamoru-baka. His skin was pale, his hair

was a mess and his eyes weren't the same dark blue. "Motoki said you

were sick," she looked down at the floor and spoke in a voice just

loud enough for Mamoru to hear her. "He said you wouldn't mind if I

came over to check up on you. He gave me this to give to you." She

showed him the container of soup. When she looked up at him she was

surprised to see him smiling.

"Thank you Usagi." Mamoru was surprised with how pleased he was to see

Usagi. He quietly led her into his apartment and sat down on his


Usagi was hesitant to join him, but she was already in the apartment

of her mortal enemy, sitting beside him on his couch shouldn't hurt.

"How are you feeling?" She asked quietly.

Mamoru had never seen Usagi so shy before, almost nervous. 'I guess I

would be nervous too if I went to someone's place if I thought they

hated me.' He felt bad, he didn't really hate Usagi; he wasn't even

sure why he picked on her all the time. If he saw some else picking on

his Usako, he'd kill them. "I've been better," he responded.

Usagi leaned over and gently put her hand on his forehead.

Mamoru closed his eyes. His heart was racing and he momentarily forgot

how to breathe. She gently brushed his hair out of his face then

pulled her hand. He opened his eyes and wished that her soft, gentle

hand was still touching him.

'Roses?' She asked herself, she just realised that Mamoru always

smelled like roses. 'One would think with all the times I crash into

him I would have noticed sooner.' She looked into Mamoru's dark blue

eyes and smiled, "I think you're starting to cool down, so you'll be

better in no time."

Mamoru smiled.

The two sat in silence for a couple of minutes, until Usagi's

curiosity got the better part of her. "So where are your parents? If I

was sick my mom would be right by my side taking care of me."

Mamoru glared at Usagi, "I think you should leave now."

Usagi was confused by Mamoru sudden change in mood. "Mamoru?"

"Get out Odango-atama!" He shouted.

Tears began to fall down Usagi's face, "I don't understand."


"Fine Mamoru-baka, I'm leaving. I'm sorry I ever came in the first

place!" She shouted back then stormed out the door.

Mamoru stared at the door, tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't

believe what he had just down. He wasn't even sure why he did it. She

didn't know about his parents, he never snapped like that at any of

the other people that asked about his parents. What's worse is that he

made her cry. His Usako was crying because of him. 'Usako?' He asked

himself, but he knew that wasn't the first time he referred to her as

Usako. He smiled as he thought of her, he could picture her so

perfectly in his head. Her tiny figure, her golden blond hair, her

beautiful blue eyes. His heart broke when he remembered what he had

just done to Usagi. He wouldn't be surprised if she never talked to

him again. He quickly got up to go after her, but was over come by

dizziness and fell back down.