Title: 'Ello Luv!

Author: WindCherry

Genre: Action/Adventure/Romance?

Disclaimer: A muse walks out, carrying a cardboard sign. Written in sharpie markers are the words: She doesn't own anything. Although it is an aspiration…

We'll have to work on that....

Chapter 1

You enter your house quietly as always, not wanting to disturb anyone - they were all asleep. Setting down your things on a table in your bedroom, you make yourself comfortable on your bed and stare at the ceiling. Or at least it looked like that was what you were doing. You were in fact hazily recalling the details of the movie you just went to see in theaters, again.

You muse that for a Disney movie, it was rather impressive. Then again, so were the actors, you think to yourself and smile. You reminisce for a while longer and then start to grow tired.

Sitting up, you yawn and look at your clock. It was definitely late; nearing 12:30. Deciding that you are tired enough to turn in for the night, you make your way to the bathroom and brush your teeth, all the while imagining yourself on a Caribbean island far away, with a devilishly handsome pirate by your side. Now there's something I wouldn't object to, you think. With a contented sigh, you practically waltz back into your room, where you change into your favorite pajamas and climb into bed. Turning off the light, you lay back on your pillows and fall asleep muttering something about really bad eggs....


The noise awakens you - but only slightly. Hovering somewhere in that pleasant space between sleep and awareness, you rationalize that it was just the family cat chasing something. That thought gets you going a little; it's never had to chase anything in this house in all the years that you lived here. But you're tired and groggy and so you roll over and try to go back to sleep. Just a mouse maybe... While not comforting in the least, your curiosity is partially sated and you begin to drift off again...



The sound is a little more profound this time, and a bit heavier. You find yourself wide-eyed and blinking into the darkness. You wonder just what kind of mouse it is, to sound so...big. Your sadistic imagination is all too happy to run away with that thought and images of six-legged frogs and two-headed turtles pops into your head. Mutations...


Your heartbeat quickens and you desperately peer into the darkness surrounding you. Pulling the blankets even closer in a feeble reach for comfort, you begin to make out a silhouette on your floor the size of a very large dog. You gasp and whisper..."godzilla mouse!"

You could have sworn you just heard a "Beg pardon?" from the floor but giant mice don't talk, right? Another part of your brain chimes in that mice really don't grow to such proportions either. You ignore that though as the creature on your floor moves around a bit more and bumps into your dresser, *thump*. It appears to not have noticed you. Gathering all your remaining courage and your sadly frayed nerves, you reach out and click on the light. You gasp again as you take in the sight...you're speechless....

The mouse greets you. "Why 'ello, luv. Have ye seen me hat?"

To Be Continued...

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Constructive criticism and other such feedback is heartily welcome. So are suggestions...^_~