Disclaimer: (insert disclaimer here)

Notes: Well, this isn't my first fic, just the first one I've posted. ^_^ The idea for this story plot came one day when my friends and I were dubbing the movie of Metropolis. Okay, it's this weird thing we do every now and then where we mute the movie and record it with us dubbing in the voices of the characters. Chaos ensues. Actually, it's rather fun. Try it sometime with your favorite anime. ^_^ I'll take this time to mention that this fan fiction is supposed to be HUMOROUS. That means many of these characters are going to be completely out of their original personality and will do many, MANY, stupid things. If you are tempted to send flames, go right ahead, but be aware they will have NO effect. This was written for the people who would like to see their favorite characters of Metropolis in very kinky and ridiculous situations, which I guarantee you, they will get. With that said, let's get on with it.

Flames will be used to roast the Epumus.

Epumu: ........(sweat drop)


Kenichi: A very sensitive bishonen who is constantly being sexually harassed by Astro Boy...(don't ask)

Tima: An android replica after Duke Red's dead daughter who can only speak French.

Rock: A young man who is having a lot of trouble with his sexual identity. He is on a mission to win the love of Kenichi and is jealous of Tima. He also has an obsession with singing. ^_^

Duke Red: A rare breed of cockatoo known to breed in sewers with there ghastly mating call. They are also known to be a menace to mankind and will easily devourer small children and pets. Usually travel in flocks. Sometimes swoops from its perch to attack and kill its prey. Know to carry very dangerous cases of rabies. This particular Duke Red has rabies, ADHD, and an obsession with very shiny objects. USE CAUTION WHILE APPROACHING. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

Shunsaku Ban: Just being himself

Pero: A hooker, punk, beeeoooch, with a horrible attitude.

Atlas: An anti war rebellious young man, who tends to sometimes over do it with alcohol. Oh yeah, he's also very cannibalistic.

Dr. Laughton: Has a rare type of cancer in his ass that causes him to disintegrate at random times.

President Boon: Trying to hide the fact that he has two husbands......or wives....hell it's all good.....

Skunk: Boon's first husband...or wife....whichever way you wanna look at the situation...^_^ Does not know about Lamp...

Lamp: Boon's second husband/wife... Does not know about Skunk...

Ham Eggs: Constantly thinks people are having an affair with his wife.

Well, now that we've gotten to know some of the characters, lets get on with the story! ^_^