Hey, everyone! I dont own Yu-Gi-Oh or anything else I use...
Hello, my minions to be.
Hmmm... I'm not liking the way Bakura is speaking to me... I must get him under control before he tries to upsurp me as the leader..
Yeah, I did it. I used an important sounding grownup word. Because I am NOT stupid.
"why do I have detention?" Yugi whined. "I didn't even do anything wrong!"
Mr Blowwhater rolled his eyes. "I knew I should have become a used car salesman like mother said." He walked off, muttering to himself.
Bakura narrowed his eyes at me. "Marik, we need to get back on track with our evil plans to take over the world." He crossed his arms. "I mean, we aren't getting anywhere!"
I puffed my lower lip out, "I think someone owes someone else an apology for calling them retarded and whatever else you... I mean, that person, said about the other person."
"Huh?" Kaiba looked puzzled. "That confused me. And I'm the smart one here."
"Yeah!" Bakura yelped. "I mean, hey! I'm smart too! Marik is the dumbass!"
I flipped him off "Fuck you Bakura! Besides, that didn't confuse me, so I guess I am the master of smartness!"
"You're just an assmaster, Marik! Thats it! I am taking over as the evil master!" Bakura screamed. "On your knees bow to me!"
"NO ASSHOLE I AM THE EVIL ONE NOT YOU BUTTFUCK MUNCHER! YOU DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO!" I screamed back. "Besides... that sounds kind of weird."
Yugi gasped "MARIK! BAKURA!"
"Yeah!" Duke shoved Yugi out of the way to stand with us. "There will be no fucking without me!"
Yugi stood up. "Duke are we supposed to be talking like this? I feel naughty"
Duke patted him on the head, "Remember Yugi, I said sometimes the word fuck is a sign of affection."
"Oh, thats right," Yugi nodded eagerly. He turned to Kaiba. "Hey, Kaiba, guess what? FUCK YOU!" He grandly stuck both of his middle fingers up in Kaiba's face.
Kaiba spit in his eye.
"OW!" Yugi whined. "That hurt, Seto! I thought we loved each other."
Kaiba wrinkled his nose. "Ew."
Bakura narrowed his eyes. "We will have a duel, Marik. To see who is truly evil."
I rolled my eyes "What the fuck ever, Bakura. You are not eviler than me."
Yugi's eyes brightened. "A card match? I love card matches!"
Well, my little minions-in-training, here I am in the evil man's plaground. Again.
I arrived fifteen mintues after I was supposed to. I didnt really give a shit as long as I didnt have to sit next to Dukey Asshole.
I peeked in the detention room.
"MARIK! OVER HERE!" Yugi jumped up and waved at me "WE SAVED YOU A SEAT! NEXT TO US!"
I looked and Duke seductively patted the seat between him and Yugi.
Bakura smirked at me
"Dont give me that look asshole," I sneered at him.
"You deserve it for being a shithead sometimes," Bakura smiled and blew a kiss.
"Gross, Bakura. Where's Ryou? He needs to replace you permanently. He's not a super ass dick like you," I pursed my lips in anger.
"Ryou wishes he had a dick like me," Bakura grinned.
"Whats a dick?" Yugi asked. "Do I have one?"
Bakura looked at him. "Why dont you ask Kaiba to show you?"
"Why dont you and Duke show him how to buttfuck with them?" Kaiba snapped.
"Ooooh, a touchy subject, Kaiba?" Bakura mock pouted. "A little close to home? Besides, thats Marik's department."
"What the fuck Bakura? Did you drink some asshole potion when I wasnt looking or some shit?" I glared at him.
" I think Kaiba is embarrassed. Maybe he has a small dick." Kaiba threw a pencil at him.
"Oh!" Yugi exclaimed. "You mean my pee pee tube!"
"MARIK!" Mr. Blowwhatevers voice boomed out of nowhere. "I noticed you were 15 minutes late!" He sat at his desk reading a book.
"Yeah, and that was about 20 minutes ago," Bakura piped up.
"Where were you?" Mr. Blowwhatever demanded.
"I was taking a huge dump," I grinned, trying not to laugh. So sue me, I think poop is funny.
"It took you 15 minutes to defecate?"
"Well, I dont know about that D word, but yeah, I was on the shitter for fifteen minutes," I shrugged and plopped into the seat next to Kaiba, ignoring Duke and Yugi.
"I don't believe you," Mr. Blowwhatever snapped.
"Well, why dont you just go to the shitter and take a whiff? Then you'll believe me."
"Yugi, go smell the bathroom," Mr Blowwhatever commanded. "Tell me if you smell dooky."
Bakura snickered, "Dooky."
"What? Why do I have to go?" Yugi's eyes grew wide. "I dont want to stick my head in any toilets."
"Yugi, aren't you used to having your head stuck in toilets?" I asked sweetly.
"Fine, Tea go smell the bathroom."
"What? That is so gross!" Tea squealed. "Plus I'm a girl. Why do I have to go?"
"Because you annoy me. Go." He waved her off.
Duke slid in the other seat next to me. Aw fuck.
"Hey, babe. Didnt you hear Yugi say we saved you a seat?"
"Yes," I replied. "And I ignored him. I hate you."
Duke touched my arm. I jerked it away. "I think I understand. Its hard to get alone time and it drives you nuts."
Bakura made loud kissy noises that everyone could hear. Mr. Blowwhatever looked around, confused.
"No kissing, you weirdos. Its detention. God, dont you people get tired of all that friendship touchy feely crap?" Mr. Blowwhatever slammed his book down, exasperated.
"No!" Yugi piped up gleefully. "We love each other!"