The Eggnog

By Petition Moderator

Rating: PG

Summary: Taking on Tempest's challgne to start something with the line "The eggnog had been spiked", I took it a little overboard.

The eggnog had been spiked. This was not unusual, it was quite commen at the so-called 'staff Christmas Parties' that the eggnog got spiked. Not only the eggnog, but the jell-o, the fruitcake, and the 'pasta salad' or, at least something pretending to be a pasta salad that smelt absolutely vile. But that was not the point. The point was the eggnog was spiked. And not just spiked with one alcohol, no they were really pissed off this year, the eggnog was spiked with every and any availiable alcohol that could be found. And they were just guzzling it down. It had been a bad year, and now the eggnog had been spiked.

The eggnog had been spiked. Lots of people were (falling over) drunk. There were people passed out on the floor. People passed out in the closet. People passed out on the chairs and couched and tables. There were a few people still upright, two of them (suprisingly) sober. Having forgone the traditional seasonal beverage and drinking water. For one of them this was unusual, for he was known to consume alcohol regularily. But, supposedly, he had taken one look, or rather, one smell at the eggnog and had opted for water with his...his... mate. The eggnog had been spiked.

The eggnog had been spiked. The upright, conscious peoeple who were drunk were gathers around the buffet, drinking the spiked eggnog, eating the spiked fruitcake and singing traditional songs of the season. The two sobers were nibbling on carrots and trying to ignore them. It's hard to ignore a bunch of drunks singing "Frosty the Snowman" loudly and off-key. Dear gods, the eggnog had been spiked.

The eggnog had been spiked. The sobers had moved off to a corner of the room with their water and their carrots and the drunks had followed them, cornering them unde mistletoe. Demanding they kiss. One had no problem with this. Kissing in public? Bah, no big deal. The other one however, the other one didn't do that whole public displays of affection. Hell, he didn't like the term or idea of affection. He had serious emotional problems, probably relating back to his childhood. His father never approved of him becase he was a halfbreed and not a pureblood. Completely ignoring that it was his own damn faulting for marrying and having sex with his mother, thus making him a halfbreed, but fathers can be stupid that way. For a moment he considered having some eggnog. Then thought of his mate and his general pride and reputation as the chilly ice-man emotionless dude and decided not to ruin that at a Christmas Party. Not that anyone would notice, as the eggnog had been spiked.

The eggnog had been spiked, the crew of the USS Enterprise was almost entirely drunk and now, for some obscure reason (which we will not go into but it must be noted it involved future promises and something to do with whipped cream, dental floss and silk pillows. Dont ask.), the two sober beings, one Spock and one Doctor McCoy had finally conceeded to the small crowd's wishes and were happily snogging under the mistletoe. The small crowd cheered and proceeded to continue their festivities, entirely ignoring the two leaving with a couple canisters of whipped cream in hand. It was a pleasent party, although the eggnog had been spiked.

A/N: I'm sorry if that was OOC, I'm sorry if that sucked. But I feel better and can now go to sleep.