Spirited Away Again.
Hi people! I suppose you guys don't know me at all, and I'm sorry if there is any mistakes in my work. I am also new, and I would love it if you guys help me with some writing tips!!!! ^-^
Almost 5 years have past since Chihiro saw Haku, and entered the realm of the Gods, but she still remembers, still waiting for the promise to be fulfilled. And grown taller, more beautiful, with long brown hair and chocolate coloured eyes and slim figure. Haku, on the other hand, had also grown taller, more muscular, and with shorter hair.
15 year-old Chihiro was late for class, and she ran hard out. She was going to be in big trouble. She burst into class, received a glare from Mr. Sodaka, and carried on explaining something. Chihiro went to her seat and flopped down; she took out her books and started to pay attention. Mr. Sodaka was saying something about a new student, and then invited him in. "Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi, welcome to class 1-A" Chihiro sat bolt up right, her eyes wide, and the boy that came into the class, with deep mysterious emerald eyes, and the same coloured hair, was Haku, and he was staring straight at her. All the girls in the classroom were positively swooning, the boys rolling their eyes, but Haku was still staring at Chihiro, a strange look in his eyes. "I am from Tokyo, and my name is Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi, but you can just call me Haku." "Now, Haku, I think you will do nicely sitting beside Chihiro," said Mr. Sodaka, " Chihiro, will you show Haku around the school?" "Uh. Sure," said Chihiro who was still goggling at Haku, who gave her a wink as he sat down.
"Haku! I can't believe it! You really did come back!" Chihiro flung herself on Haku at lunch time in the cafeteria, and Haku hugged her back, smiling. "It wasn't easy, I had to go through a lot you know," Haku said as he grabbed some fried rice. "Like what?" asked Chihiro, "Oh, I had a deal with Yubaba, that's all, mind you, she wasn't keen to let me go." Replied Haku, "Yeah well, you still made it!" Chihiro replied happily. Meanwhile, she was oblivious to the enraged glare she got from a particular jealous classmate.
Hehe, can you guess who was jealous? No! Because she is another sinisterly maniacally evil other character. She is SOOOOOOOOO evil!!!!!! Mwahahahahhahahahahahah!!!!!!! ^-^
Earth Borne
Hi people! I suppose you guys don't know me at all, and I'm sorry if there is any mistakes in my work. I am also new, and I would love it if you guys help me with some writing tips!!!! ^-^
Almost 5 years have past since Chihiro saw Haku, and entered the realm of the Gods, but she still remembers, still waiting for the promise to be fulfilled. And grown taller, more beautiful, with long brown hair and chocolate coloured eyes and slim figure. Haku, on the other hand, had also grown taller, more muscular, and with shorter hair.
15 year-old Chihiro was late for class, and she ran hard out. She was going to be in big trouble. She burst into class, received a glare from Mr. Sodaka, and carried on explaining something. Chihiro went to her seat and flopped down; she took out her books and started to pay attention. Mr. Sodaka was saying something about a new student, and then invited him in. "Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi, welcome to class 1-A" Chihiro sat bolt up right, her eyes wide, and the boy that came into the class, with deep mysterious emerald eyes, and the same coloured hair, was Haku, and he was staring straight at her. All the girls in the classroom were positively swooning, the boys rolling their eyes, but Haku was still staring at Chihiro, a strange look in his eyes. "I am from Tokyo, and my name is Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi, but you can just call me Haku." "Now, Haku, I think you will do nicely sitting beside Chihiro," said Mr. Sodaka, " Chihiro, will you show Haku around the school?" "Uh. Sure," said Chihiro who was still goggling at Haku, who gave her a wink as he sat down.
"Haku! I can't believe it! You really did come back!" Chihiro flung herself on Haku at lunch time in the cafeteria, and Haku hugged her back, smiling. "It wasn't easy, I had to go through a lot you know," Haku said as he grabbed some fried rice. "Like what?" asked Chihiro, "Oh, I had a deal with Yubaba, that's all, mind you, she wasn't keen to let me go." Replied Haku, "Yeah well, you still made it!" Chihiro replied happily. Meanwhile, she was oblivious to the enraged glare she got from a particular jealous classmate.
Hehe, can you guess who was jealous? No! Because she is another sinisterly maniacally evil other character. She is SOOOOOOOOO evil!!!!!! Mwahahahahhahahahahahah!!!!!!! ^-^
Earth Borne