Title: In The Darkness We Meet

Written By: Astaldothôlwen

Point Of View: Kairi

Chapter Ten: Concluded Chronicles

Disclaimer: If I ever come to own the game Kingdom Hearts, its characters or even maybe some action figures that belong with the game I'll let you know. Until this date; I own nothing.

Dedicated to: Black-Rose72, PipHobbit, Anna-me-nuss, Ms. Anii, Ari Powwel, Shive/Brody, Anonymous, - - - - -, Blade Cyberstrike, Lyphe, JennJenn, K.P., Layna, Kahlia, Lvkishugs, Da UnDeRsIgNeD (Yeah, this is dedicated to you even though you made me and almost everybody else angry; but you still were a reviewer nonetheless), Madcow863, HisLight, and last but certainly not least, SilentChill13.

I can't even express how much you have all shaped me as a person. If it weren't for you, chances are I'd never update this story or make one-shots. Thank you all so much! Every person listed above is someone who has reviewed this story. Maybe you only reviewed once, or maybe you reviewed every chapter, the point is, I'm grateful.

I could hear the soft murmurs of voices in the room. Opening my eyes slightly I realized it was now morning; and I was still in the lap of the one I loved. Sighing to myself, I knew this is how I could spend the rest of my life. The voices stopped when they realized I had awoken.

Looking up at Sora, he had the same goofy smile on his face that I've always loved; however it was different this time, it was filled with emotion and love. Glancing over to his left was Riku sitting cross-legged on the floor looking rather content at the two of us.

'So he feels no remorse? Riku, are you sure that you are happy? I know this pains you; I can still see your feelings in your eyes. Within your eyes I can see happiness and sorrow mixed into one, yet I also see acceptance.' Still focusing on Riku, I honestly believed he know what I was thinking because he gave a slight nod and then looked back towards Sora.

The silence within the room was, well, quiet; but not in the least awkward. I think the three of us were just happy enough to be in each others company. Three long lost friends reunited by destiny.

Although reluctantly, I lifted myself out of Sora's lap where I had apparently slept all night, 'I'm so happy that we are all back with each other. Nothing bad can happen, we've experienced it all. But, how are we going to get back home? Is this home now?'

Standing up, my knees made a rather dissatisfying sounding crack. Yet I found myself staring out the window in awe. Looking towards my two friends who were staring at me strangely for my odd behaviour I couldn't help but laugh.

Grinning slightly at the funny looks gracing my friends' faces I stated it simply to them, "It's sunny out!"

Their faces softened and smiled; they were happy, I could read it all over their faces.

Walking back towards them I sat down in the same position they were both sitting in; cross-legged. I could feel the air slowly growing tense and I knew exactly what they wanted to ask me, the main question being 'why?' but I knew they wouldn't ever ask me, until I brought it up myself.

That is the one thing I admire in my two friends more than anything, the fact that they won't ask me anything for the sake of my feelings, despite the curious nature I know they both still have.

Clearing my throat a bit, to ease the tension, both Sora and Riku looked up at me expectantly. Blushing in response as I hadn't anything to say necessarily, I said the first thing which came to my mind, "So, who wants breakfast?"

'Breakfast? Who wants breakfast?! What the hell kind of question was that. I'm hopeless!'

My thoughts were interrupted by a deep growling from someone's stomach. No, correction, my stomach. I wasn't sure if my blush could have depended anymore; but judging by the look on my two friends' faces my face was probably a deep crimson.

Riku always being the smug one couldn't leave this as an opportunity to stay quiet, "Kairi, why don't we get you some breakfast before your stomach starts doing all the talking for you. What do you say?"

I could feel my deepening blush creeping down to my neck and I nodded in response not wanting to make any more stupid comments towards my friends.

'Any more stupid comments towards my friends? Why should I have to impress them? They like me for who I am don't they?'

The two boys got up, and Sora came towards me offering his hand to help me up. I accepted his hand and marveled silently at the speed he picked me up, 'he's become so strong!'

As always, I managed to get caught up in my thoughts when I tripped over my feet falling directly into Sora's chest; a very muscular chest which has probably seen a lot of work over the past few years. Looking up towards him, he had a slightly sheepish look on his face; I could see that his cheeks were turning slightly pink.

Looking towards the door I saw Riku with a very amused look on his face, a smug grin adorned helped this look.

Gasping slightly realizing the rather romantic looking stance we were in, I cleared my throat, and although this embrace was wonderfully warm, I knew I had to find my way to the kitchen and feed my friends; and save myself from any further embarrassment.

Turning away from Sora and walking towards Riku and the door I was convinced there was no other way I could embarrass myself in front of my two friends.

'But it felt so right, being in his arms, I could stay there forever.'

"All right, so onwards to the kitchen!" Pointing ahead in a straight direction, in reality, I had no idea where I was going as when I was like that, I never ate anything.

We walked and we walked until I came to a rather obvious statement, 'I can't tell them I don't know where we are, that we're lost, they'll just think of me as a bigger fool. Sora looked so embarrassed when I was in his arms; if that's not a hint, I don't know what is.'

Turning around to my friends I admitted to them I had no idea where I was going and they just laughed. We continued walking down the corridors we somehow managed to make our way to the darkened doorway with the large statues.

Sighing to myself rather loudly I mused my thoughts out loud, not exactly wanting to, "why is it when I'm always hopelessly lost, I always manage to arrive at these doors! It never fails!"

Opening the old doors, the large room was still in a dismantled state and the smell of moth balls and musk entered my nostrils.

'Yuck! It smells dreadful in here, as though there hasn't been anyone living in here for hundreds of years.'

I turned around to face both Sora and Riku only to be surprised. Their faces were filled with undeniable amounts of glee and happiness. Sora's eyes were dancing around the room trying to absorb all of the sites all at once whereas Riku's eyes trailed each and every pillar until I saw his eyes find my very favourite edition within the room; the fountain.

I watched him walk towards the fountain, his eyes filled with mirth and wonder.

"Sora! Hey Sora! Come look at this fountain, it's beautiful!" And as you may have guessed, Sora as always trailed behind Riku's words like the two boys I fondly remember within the Destiny Islands.

I walked over towards the fountain to meet my two favored people in the world. They were leaning over the basin's edge trying to clear away the ivy and plant growth from its form.

"Kairi, have you seen this fountain before! It's extravagant; it's even prettier than the waterfall at home!" Sora chattered excitedly.

Almost rolling my eyes towards this comment; although it was true; in spite of the ivy and newly decaying marble, it was incredibly beautiful fountain, even now.

'You're beautiful too. Your eyes are the depths of your soul and I just want to plunge within them and learn everything you know. I want to soak up every miniscule detail about your features. I want to know everything that has happened.'

I watched my two friends intently as they uncovered the solemn looking angels fighting from the freedom of their unseen perils. When they looked upon the Paopu Fruit the two of them went silent and barely said anything for a rather long time. It was confusing at first, however their excited chatter continued like two hyper school boys gushing over the newest wooden sword.

I loved my friends and I always would; no matter what could happen. We have been through the worst; nothing can harm us. He can't harm us.

I watched them circle the fountain; they inspected it for a long time – but I didn't mind; I was with them again and the whole world could stop if it wanted. Frankly, I could care less; I was with my friends once more.

"Sora, Riku?" They both looked up at me; Sora had pieces of leaves stuck in his hair and Riku was completely covered in dirt and grime, "what do you say we head back towards my room, it's a little late for breakfast or even lunch, but we can all catch up. I've missed you two."

Their faces lit up at the proclamation of going back to the room, they walked over to me and we left the large ballroom. Sora and Riku chatted all about the fountain and contemplated all the possible meanings that it could have. Giggling silently to myself, I was thrilled that over all of this time they were still young at heart. They hadn't changed.

'They are still the boys I've grown to love.'

As we walked onward I heard the boys exclaiming a number of times over the architecture or the arched doorways. I almost felt like I was a tour guide and this was my group. I couldn't help but giggle again at this silly thought, however neither boy noticed.

It seems that ever since they've come back, I've been more at ease than I could ever imagine; which is true, I'm laughing at ridiculous things, but I don't mind. However, I do wonder what they've been up to this entire time, where were they? Were they in this castle – or maybe somewhere else?

I spoke for the first time when I realized that Sora and Riku had stopped chattering excitedly like squirrels and were on the ground staring rather intently.

"Sora, Riku, what are you looking at?"

They both looked up at me, still caked in dirt and leaves. I'm not entirely sure if you can be caked in leaves, however Sora still had them tangled in his hair. They both whispered to themselves and then pulled out the tiny trinket they had discovered. It was a small item, no bigger than a hand.

'A mirror?'

Looking at the item more closely, I noticed it was in fact my tiny little mirror which showed me so much. Lowering my eyes slightly it also reminded me of the time that Ansem showed me a picture of Sora and that girl. I knew in my heart now that that was not true, but it still hurt to remember it. Picking up the mirror, I kept it in my hands, although it was such a grievous item, I still had a slight passion for the tiny trinket.

"Hey! My mirror, I'll take that! Oh, I haven't seen this in absolute ages. I've missed it."

I've forgotten how beautiful it is; it still mystifies me; even now.

The boys had a slight look of shock that graced their faces over my sudden excited nature.

We were nearly at my room and Riku spoke up requesting that, "you know, we'll never get anything accomplished at this rate, how about we keep going? I think I know where we are. Come, come, follow me you two! But I don't want to hear any kissing or anything okay?"

I could feel my face turning deep rouge, glancing over at Sora; his face was doing very much the same thing. We are both easily embarrassed, Sora and I. I think that's what I like the most about him; that he is easy to read, and his feelings are on his sleeve at all times. Well, maybe that isn't what I like the most about him, but I really do like that trait about him.

The three of us walked in silence until we arrived at my room; when we entered something felt strange. The room lost its coldness, the room looked much smaller and much more solitary than I remember it. It was almost as though I was seeing it for the very first time.

The tiny mirror was still in my hands, walking over toward my chair, I placed the mirror down gently not wanting it to shatter into a million pieces; even now.

We all sat down in a circle, much like girls do when they are playing childish pre-teen games. Similarly to these games, we would be sharing the truth and would be more than likely daring when it came to our questions. It was inevitable, I wanted to know what happened to Sora and Riku; and they wanted to know why I did what I did. I knew it, and they knew it.

I'm not entirely sure how long we sat there, staring into our hands; sheepishly awaiting someone to say something, anything. It felt like forever, but then our natural leader, Riku, broke the silence. I think we were all grateful.

Taking a deep breath before he started, it almost seemed as though Riku was steadying himself for what he was about to say, "Look Kairi, we all deserve to be honest with each other, right?"

He paused, presumably for me to answer his question, so I gave him a slight nod and he continued. Glancing over at Sora, his face was almost . . . sad? Looking back at Riku, he looked frightened, almost worried to tell me what they've been through; but Riku was a person never to let his guard down, even now.

"Kairi, Sora and I, we've been through a lot. After the sealing of Kingdom Hearts, everything changed; and very rapidly at that. The worlds had become disconnected and from what I could see, the Light of Kingdom Hearts brightened to the point where it was almost blinding. But then, something happened. Something I'm still not sure how it happened. The Light began to fade. At first it was barely noticeable, the Light slightly less blinding, but as the days and months went by, the Light continued to diminish before Kingdom Hearts was once again shroud in the Darkness. "

He paused, allowing me to retain all of this information. I thought over the years that I was alone, as the slight depression and anxiety of missing my friends darkened my heart. Is that why the Light of Kingdom Hearts disappeared entirely? All the other Princesses of Heart were happy, their lives were restored as they once knew them, and however, I was the only one whose life was not a bushel of roses. Did I unknowingly bring upon the Darkness?

"Riku, go on, she needs to know." Sora spoke up for the first time since we visited the fountain. His voice was dripping with sadness. I couldn't begin to think why he would be disappointed in whatever Riku was about to tell me. He was happy now wasn't he? What happened in the past was the past right?

Sighing to himself, Riku's face twisted and contorted in a strange fashion, he continued, "Well, eventually all of Kingdom Hearts became inflamed in the Darkness. Ansem had long left my body and I was left there to recuperate. Although I was somewhat stronger than what I had been, it was hard as the Darkness was all around me. There was nothing I could do to escape it; however I refused to allow it to take over my body.

"The very thought of maybe someday getting out of that Hellhole alive kept me going from day to day, until I found another. Whist I was searching through the endless abyss of Darkness there he was; the one who saved me: Sora. When we found each other, we stayed with each other. We hunted the Heartless and scavenged for any food we could possibly find. As the days passed, I knew something was happening to Sora's heart, I knew he wasn't used to the Darkness."

I knew something happened to Sora. Something. Riku's voice wavered ever so slightly on the word 'knew' but my question was what?

"Riku, go on, I need to know." I ushered him on.

"Anyhow, as time passed, Sora's personality began to change, and not for the better. One day when I least expected it," sighing to himself, I noticed him look towards Sora, who just nodded, "he stabbed me with the Keyblade for the food he thought I was hording from him. When I awoke, we were in the prison cells of the castle. Sora will have to tell you how we got here, as, well, I just don't know."

I felt like my whole world was spinning. I could taste the wicked bile that was slowly rising to my throat; I tried to focus my attention on my folded hands, only to notice how much they were shaking. That can't be true! Sora would never do that to anyone; let alone one of his best friends!

Looking up at Sora, I could read the sadness and despair all over his face; when I saw this façade, I knew in my heart it was true.

'I don't want to believe this. Oh God, I don't want to believe this!' Those words were the only thing I could think of.

They must have noticed my sad expression because they both hugged me tightly; although it was an awkward hug as we were all sitting on the floor.

Sora broke the silence, after an incredible silence, "Kairi, look, I don't know what came over me. When I was there, I wasn't myself. I'm healed, I've been brought back to the Light, and I will never be consumed again."

I felt tears flowing over my cheeks, I couldn't help it; this was just all too shocking. I felt Sora's rather calloused thumb gently wipe the falling tears from my face. I knew in my heart that it wasn't his fault. The Darkness does not allow those who experience it to act themselves. I should know that firsthand. I took the life of another human being. Although Ansem was a monster, I will still regret that day for the rest of my life.

Looking up at Sora; his face was filled with concern. Smiling sadly; I nodded to him, "I know Sora. I know. I know that you'd never hurt another individual. That's not you; that's not the man I fell in love with."

Gasping slightly, I was shocked that I just put my heart on my sleeve and so openly admitted my feelings for him.

Smiling to himself, Sora just looked at me with an accepting face and visibly relaxed. The moment was ruined by Riku making fake retching noises. Sighing to myself, I knew Riku was upset, but these actions did show that he was accepting of us.

Sighing happily to myself, I love saying that; of us.

Riku's face turned grim and serious and soon the aura of the room changed significantly. It seemed to me that with Riku doing all the talking, I knew what topic was coming; it was easier for all of us to get everything right in the open.

"Kairi, I think you need to tell us why." Riku said simply. He didn't need to say anymore, we all knew what he meant.

"It's only fair to explain to you both what happened." I started. This was going to be incredibly hard. Probably one of the most difficult things I would have to endure, but I knew I had to; for all of our sakes.

I went on, "after Kingdom Hearts all I could think about is how much I missed you; both of you. As the long months passed all I could think of is how wonderful it would be to see you once more; no matter what condition I had to be in to see you. One day, Ansem came into my home, and everything changed."

I explained to the two of them the horrible stomach pains I would endure and the Inner Voice. I went through my story in great detail. Neither of them interrupted me as I spoke. I told them everything from the first moment I entered Hallow Bastion until I found the two of them in the prison cellars.

What had confused the three of us was the person who was my savior back in the Destiny Islands. I remember his voice so vividly. He promised that no one could hurt me. We thought that maybe the King had been watching out for me all these longs years in Spirit. Unfortunately Sora told me that he had died in a long and tiring battle a year prior to this date.

That made sense since I hadn't started hearing the Inner Voice until about a year ago. Sora also told me that soon after the incident with Riku that one day both he and Riku were transported against their will into enslavement. They were tortured for endless hours in those cellars. However, they refused to give up, and both hoped that one day they would both see the light of day and myself.

The three of us caught up on everything. Sora mentioned he still had the Keyblade. He allowed it to materialize and there sitting in his hand was the one he named, Oathkeeper. It was the Keyblade which Sora and I had created together in the underground waterway of Traverse Town so many years ago.

Once Sora had brought out the Keyblade, although it was hard not to look at its beauty and stunning design; what attracted us all was a shining light coming from the tiny armchair by the window. It appeared that the mirror was almost attracted to the positive energy seeping from the Keyblade.

The three of us instinctively walked towards the radiantly glimmering mirror; it's golden light basking all throughout the room. As I neared the object, I picked it up, half-expecting it to burn me, however it was quite cool. Once I was looking into the glass there was the picture of our Islands. I looked at my two friends; who both wore the same confused, yet excited expression and smiled. As we looked into the mirror, we could see that it was nighttime, the entire Island asleep oblivious to this intrusion of privacy.

From all of the corners of the room, it seemed like there was something, or someone watching. I could feel something's presence in the room, the hairs on my neck standing on end.

Hearing a soft murmur, I turned around to see the silhouette of the beloved Mouse King. Bowing lowly to show my respect to him, he shook his head to stop me. Hearing tiny gasps, I could tell that both Riku and Sora had now realized what had taken my attention away from the mirror.

"My friends, do not look so frightened. I have come to put your hearts at ease. You had all gone through amazing journeys, some regretful," he looked at both I and Riku, "and some heroic," here he looked at Sora, "I've come for a short time to answer your questions. These are questions I feel that you need answering. Kairi, as you and your friends have expected I was there so many nights protecting you as best I could. Keeping Ansem at bay. The Darkness he was trying to feed into your heart is what made you fall unconscious so many times."

That makes sense; it often felt as though I was going through an internal war, when apparently that wasn't far from the truth.

The fallen ruler continued, "This will bring solidarity and peace to your hearts my warriors," this comment was directed toward Sora and Riku; "You were both, although it seems that it was the work of destiny, it was I who made sure you crossed paths. I knew in my heart once the two of you would find Kairi and save her heart from being destroyed if you two were able to meet."

The King stopped here, allowing this information to sink in. It was a lot to swallow, all the information we were telling each other, and were being told. Silence enveloped the room for several minutes until the King continued.

"It was I who created this mirror as well," The ruler said, holding up the mirror for all of us to see, "and it is this same mirror which will allow you to return home. Your home as you remember it is only an arms length away. I assume you all want to return to your home, correct?" Obviously surprised by the numerous different responses that only three people could make the King smiled.

Walking over towards us, the spirit of King Mickey positioned us so we were all facing each other, in sort of a triangular shape. We were all to hold hands, and it slightly reminded me of playing 'Ring-a-round-a-rosy' as a child. The King had placed the mirror in front of us. While it was still glowing though not as brightly as before, it appeared to be levitating as if by magic, every now and then bobbing and swaying by an unfelt wind.

"There is one thing I want to ask you, you are positive you all want to go home? I know this must sound silly, however, things might not be completely as you of all people, Kairi, will remember them." We all agreed, yet begged to be transported home, and the King continued his speech, "then my friends, close your eyes and imagine your homeland. Remember, to the best of your ability, the feeling of the sand between your toes and the salty wind on your face. Remember the things you took for granted."

I closed my eyes tightly as the King instructed and imagined myself as a child writing on the walls of the Secret Place. I remember drawing the picture of Sora and I sharing a Paopu Fruit. I remember loving the sound of the seagulls in the morning squawking hungrily at the boats of the fishermen.

As I imagined these times passed, I could no longer hear the voice of the Mouse King ushering us all on. Opening my eyes, I found that the three of us had in fact returned home. There we were, in the Secret Place, standing in our tripod-looking position, the mirror losing its radiance; fading into time and space.

The air was cold, but I was happier than words can even begin to express. Sora and Riku were both looking equally exhausted; I could only imagine I looked the very same way. The three of us sat down on the sandy floor.

"Should we just sleep here tonight before we find everyone?" This was my suggestion, because, sand or no sand, I wanted to sleep. I realized I hadn't had a decent night's sleep since the day the Heartless first attacked so long ago.

The boys nodded their agreement and we all found ourselves in the land of dreams.

I awoke the next morning hearing the ocean crashing up upon the shoreline. Smiling to myself, I sat up, quietly noting the gritty sand taste in my mouth. From far away I could hear someone calling our names.

As I looked toward Sora and Riku, who were still sleeping; oblivious to the person, or maybe even people calling our names, I stretched my legs, walking out of the Secret Place.

'Strange,' I thought silently to myself, 'I feel smaller, when I was here last, I was nearly bumping my head on the tunnel out, now I can barely reach the ceiling.'

I walked out of the Secret Place only to find my childhood friends Wakka, Selphie and Tidus running up towards me, worried expressions adorning their youthful faces.

Wakka sprinted up towards me looking rather furious, "Kairi! Where were you three? Your parents have been calling every other parent on the Island! They were worried sick about you ---" Wakka was interrupted by Selphie.

"And so were we you know! How could you guys brave such a scary storm! And for what, to save your raft? Have you no brains in there?"

Tidus just nodded the entire time, until Selphie finished, "Well, let's go guys, we'll tell everyone we found you guys sleeping in the Secret Place. It's a wonder that you three aren't sick! At least, you don't look sick."

And with that the three turned around running towards their boats.

Walking back towards the Secret Place, I found the boys were just waking up from their night's rest.

"Good morning you two; you'll never believe what I just heard. Apparently, the storm which happened here before Kingdom Hearts, well, by the sounds of it, this is the day after."

That news certainly woke them up; just as it had me.

It was Sora who summed up all our thoughts in one sentence, "So this is what King Mickey meant, Kingdom Hearts, although it did happen, in a sense it didn't happen, we've been transported to the day after what should have been Kingdom Hearts right?"

We had all decided that although Sora had saved the Universe from certain destruction, we were given an even greater gift; the gift to live our lives once and for all as children, the way children should. However, it felt almost strange, to think that although our adventures did happen we weren't in need to redo them. I thought about this fact several times throughout the day, but it still seemed strange to me.

Later that day, Sora, Riku and I all shared a Paopu Fruit, so we would, no matter what, be united forever. Although we were certain that no matter what our souls and hearts all would be intertwined forever, we had a bond that nothing could break; we were meant to be children again; we were playing it safe by eating a Paopu.

After we shared the Paopu Fruit, Riku left Sora and I to go on his Island like old times, and it was just the two of us in the Secret Place. The day passed quickly and soon enough, it was night once more. From what we saw, no one on the Islands acted as though we never left, that technically we had literally gone through space and time and Sora had saved the universe from destruction. It was nice.

Sora pulled two items out of his pocket, another Paopu Fruit and a jar filled with fireflies. Pulling the top of the fireflies off, they danced around the Secret Place, and around Sora and I.

"Kairi, I would be honoured if you would share a Paopu with me." Sora said to me, looking directly into my eyes.

I could feel my eyes wanting to brim over with tears of joy; however I didn't want to cry. This was beautiful; everything was perfect. The fireflies' light made the shadows dance in a ballet of light and shadow, the shadows moving gracefully about the room.

"Sora, this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. But I'm curious, where did you get the fireflies from?" I couldn't hold my curiosity in much longer.

Sora just laughed lightly, "Oh Kairi, Riku gave them to me, he said, 'you never know when you want to sweep a girl off her feet you know.' I wasn't entirely sure what he meant, but I think this is just what he was hinting at."

I couldn't help but giggle at his naivity, even now. Everything in my life at this exact moment was perfect. I was with my two best friends in my home and with the boy I love more than anything.

"Sora, I would love more than anything to share a Paopu Fruit with you."

So there we sat, two lovers in the sand sharing a mystical fruit which would be the beginning into a new chapter in my life; a life I could never dream of. This new life of mine was the fairy tale I had always secretly wanted, and the one person I love more than life itself would be there beside me to share it with me until the end of time.

The End.

Final Authors Note:

Ahhhhhhhhhh! (cries) It's over! How can it be over? I loved writing this story so much, but I'm happy for all of you that I have in fact completed it. I'm not sure how crazy my year is going to be this year, so at least you have some closure right? I've decided against making an epilogue unfortunately, because everything I would have said was pretty much in those last two sentences. I felt as though it might feel a little redundant, which is why I decided against it.

I know this wasn't one of those epic fictions which became over one-hundred thousand words and had hundreds and hundreds of reviews, but you guys made this fic what it is; although short compared to the long fics, you guys are the ones who inspired me to make it how you see it.

I've said it at least forty times yet I can't even begin to express how thankful I am that you all made this story a success. Words cannot explain the pure happiness I felt every single time I read one of your inspiring reviews. I want to make one special shout out before I go onto a long spiel:

Annie, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would have quit long ago and wouldn't have met such wonderful friends from the world of fanfiction (dot) net. If there is anyone who likes this story, thank Annie (Lithe) because for a while, she was my only reviewer, and I didn't want to disappoint her, so I updated the fic for her. I don't know how to thank you enough. I'll put my all into the fic we are writing together, I know it isn't much, but maybe this can go as a certain repayment for my unending gratitude. This isn't to say I'm more thankful towards Annie than anyone else, it was her though that kept me working on this fic that's all, I hope no one falls under that impression or anything. =)

I will continue writing, but most likely one-shots for a long while. I'm not sure how much work I'll have ahead of me next year, so I don't want to leave anyone hanging.

Thank you again, I love you all (hugs)

Candace xoxoxo

Oh, thanks for proofing this once again Brody (hugs)