Part 1

" Ellie. Look what I found." Jack said walking up to her with a picture in his hand. They had been make there way to the mall from the farm, but they were so far out in the felds that they took a rest by the river.

" What is it?" Ellie said looking at him.

" A picture...of you." Jack handed it to her. It was a picture of here before the virus. " It was in the river." He said and sat down next to her. " You don't think it's Alice's do you?" That question was enough to make Ellie want to slap him. It hurt her too much to think about her missing sister.

" Why would Alice leave a picture of me floating in a river?" Ellie asked trying not to show she was angry, but Jack knew her better than that.

" Please don't get mad, I just mean who else could of had a picture of you before the virus."

" Do you want a list?" Ellie asked Jack didn't answer. " Cory, Shawn, Gel, Jacob, Mike, Chris, Eric, Jason, Melissa.... Should I keep going?"

" No, I get your point." Jack walked down to the river and picked up a lot of pictures. " Whoever had all these pictures must of really liked you." He said trying to contain his jealousy. Ellie walked over and smiled at him.

" It wouldn't matter. It'd be far too late for them." Ellie told him, then another picture washed up to her feet. It was a picture of her from when she was a baby. " How did my pictures end up in the river?" She was confused now. She didn't know who took them either. The pictures look far away like she was being watched, not a picture was she was smiling to the camera for. Jack looked out down the river, and it was swamped with pictures. They went around and got all the pictures they could find. After they looked through them all the conceived that they were all of Ellie.

" Every single one of them. All distance shots, non of which I've ever known were taken." Ellie said to Pride confused. " Why would someone want pictures of me?" Ellie had the pictures all separated in piles on the table of what age she was. There were even pictures of her and Jack out on the farm from when they first got together, and pictures of her when she had the virus. There were some more pictures of after that, and a whole lot more pictures from when she was a baby up until before she had the virus.

" Looks like you have a fan Ellie." Pride said trying to figure everything out in his head. " Don't worry about it. Me, you and Jack go to the river tomorrow and check things out." Then he left to his and Salene's bedroom. Ellie sat in the café for a few more moments, then went off to Jack's bedroom.

Part 2

Ellie sat on her bed. She was confused and hurt. They had found some old letters that she was trying to read, but the ink was smeared. Jack was just sitting, watching her.

" My family didn't even have a camera. We couldn't afford one." Ellie said falling on to her pillow. " Why would anyone want pictures of me in the first place? I'm sure there are much better things to look at on this planet than me." Jack smiled at her comment. He walked over to her and rapped her in his arms.

" I like looking at you." He said with a smile right before kissing the top of her head.

" That's only because you love me. Your not some sick crazy freak that's been stocking me my whole life."

" Maybe not. Let's just go to bed. Try not to worry about it. No one can hurt you. I wont let them." Jack said and Ellie leaned up and kissed him.


Alice walked up to the river. It had been a long walk from the Techno camp she was sent to. She was close to the farm now. She was about to go all the way to the mall, but it was getting dark, so she thought she'd stay at the farm house. Then a picture washed up to her feet. It was covered in dirt, and looked really old. She picked it up and turned it over. It should a picture of her and Ellie when they were younger. She looked around and began to panic. Soon figures jumped out from behind the bushes, circling her from all around.

" I wont let you hurt her." She yelled. " She can't know."


( Morning )

" Where are you going?" Jack asked just waking up. He saw Ellie getting dressed.

" I'm going to the farm." She answered him. That woke Jack up quicker than Coffee.

" You can't go. It's not safe." He got up and started to get dressed himself.

" Then come with me." Not seeming to have any emotion at all. Just as they were both finished putting their clothes on, Pride walked in.

" Where are you going?" He asked. He too was worried about Ellie.

" I'm going to the farm. If you have a problem with that then come with me." Ellie said as she walked out of the room. Both Jack and Pride fallowed.

They were walking out in to the field that left to the river. Right before Ellie stopped dead in her tracks. She fell but Jack caught her just in time.

" What's wrong?" Jack asked worried out of his mind. Ellie tried to answer him, but she could barely breath. Pride and Jack looked ahead and saw Alice covered in blood.