He..hehe... It's been over a year since I've looked at this thing. I mean, as I was writing this, I was so very proud of myself! So happy that I was finally getting feedback on the stories I slaved hours, and hours over. Ah, that puerile attitude I held, always trying to make myself the best, even though I was constantly being belittled for my work; and now, a year later, I finally know why.


How anyone could have read all eight "chapters" of this piece of crap, is beyond me; I couldn't get through the first without slamming my forhead on my computer desk, and cracking up. No paragraphs, wrong grammar, awful spelling, terribly written; what was I thinking?! And then I go to all these reviews, "Wow, you're so good! Cliffie! Oh no!" Blad dee, and so on. I seriously... could not stop laughing. I'm still giggling about it. I don't know if it was just people being nice, or if it was something else... But if I was reading this, I would not have read past the first line. Inuyasha a punk. Kagome a prep. It doesn't even make sense! I think that most people- including myself - lose track of what fanfiction really is; a story about the characters, in your own story. I ended up changing their personalities completely! Kagome would not slap Kikyou; Kikyou really isn't a slut! And that whole Good Charlotte punk music thing... Snort The lyrics alone made me want to gouge my eyes out in a lame attempt at saving my mind from any more torture! It's so bad! I'm too scared to go and look at my other fics, I posted; Not That much was supposedly my best one. XD Fun stuff, yo!

So, to wrap this little thing up, I'll just start my closing. I didn't write this to make my fic go up on the update list. I didn't write this for reviews. I didn't write it to grab the attention of former readers; I wrote this, to laugh at myself, and to let all those "elite writers" know, that people change, and people progress. My writing skill has improved quite a bit from what it was a year ago; everything you write gives you a bit more experience. So, for anyone new to the fanfiction world: Don't get discouraged by flames, but don't let nice reviews go to your head, Keep in mind, that no matter how good you get, there is always room to improve! Don't ever settle for your "best"; always go further than you think you can.

...I still can't believe this was my pride and joy. XD

So, to anyone who made it this far in to reading... congrats; I give you my complete sympathy for your lost brain cells.

Mitsuo out!

                - Mitsuo "Kujikeru"

                November 9, 2004.