Chapter 10

'Estel?' whispered Legolas. The human on the bed had his eyes shut tightly as the elf treated his left arm.

'Legolas?' he asked when the elf paused. The prince grinned and stepped forward. 'Mae govannen mellon.' he said with a forced smile. Legolas looked at him up and down.

'You look terrible.' he said. Estel laughed.

'How's Gildaen?' he asked.

'He's doing quite well.' said Legolas with a twinge of heartbreak in his voice. 'Anlamras was buried just outside the fort alongside the rest.' Estel nodded.

'Did you find out what the explosion was?' he asked. Legolas nodded.

'The Orcs had set fire to the armory and closed the doors. The smoke burst the tree apart. Few were hurt though.' Legolas sat down and watched as a new bandage was wrapped around the ghastly gash on Estel's left arm. 'You're going to make a full recovery.' Estel smiled.

'Could you excuse us, please?' Legolas asked the healer. The elf bowed and left the room quietly. Legolas sighed and looked down at his sweating thumbs.

'What's wrong?' asked Estel. Legolas looked up at him. It was amazing. The human had been tortured, mutilated, and was still concerned about him.

'I'm sorry.' he said. 'I gave up on you and you paid a terrible price for my actions.' Estel shook his head.


'Just listen.' he said, shifting in his chair. 'When I first asked you to join us here in Mirkwood, I was hoping to get to know you. I never thought you'd actually get hurt. You've almost lost the use of your arm... or worse.' he paused. 'When you were dying, I went to the forest and prayed. I knew this was my fault and that if I hadn't asked you to come you wouldn't have ever been in such a state. However, I knew that I couldn't blame myself like I had with my mother and sister. It would only drive me into the ground, like you said.' Estel smiled.

'What made you come last night?' he asked. 'I thought you gave up.'

'I did.' he said. 'Until I actually listened to what you were saying. Then when you leapt into the corridor to fight, I realized you would give so much just for one to realize his mistakes. I have, and am ready to start again.' Estel smiled.

'Thank Valar.' he said. 'I don't think I could go through that kind of counseling again anytime in my life!' Legolas laughed.


Estel returned home with Legolas a month later when he was fully healed. Five of the company remained excluding the human and prince. Elrond was gravely concerned for his adopted son and embraced him when they arrived. Estel blushed when he received a kiss from Arwen and Legolas laughed.

The elf prince stayed for three days in Rivendell before taking leave once more. Estel waved him off on the bridge. Legolas smiled at waved back before kicking the flanks of his horse and starting his solo trip home. Estel watched him ride around the mountain.

Arwen walked by behind him, talking exuberantly with a close friend. Estel watched her walk off the bridge with a smirk. To his surprise, Arwen looked back at him and smiled.

Blushing, Estel turned away and Arwen gave a short laugh.



There! Hope u guys liked it! Sorry about that dry spell from when I was at camp for five days! I'm planning to write another fic about Estel with Arwen and the twins. Not sure when it will come up though.

I've put up some responses to reviews before I reach the boring author's notes about my story.

To: Wild Iris,

Thanks for the information about Betas! I'm not that really good at
grammar so I'll check it out!

To: Daw the Minstrel,

WOW! It was really a lucky guess. I didn't want him to be too old when
he met Legolas or too young. Thanks for the information! All small
facts and tidbits are always very useful in writing!

To: Leggylover03

Sorry that I didn't put much about Elrond and the twins in! Don't
worry though, they'll all have a part in my next fic!

To: Ryoko: the Welsh Elf,

Sorry about your lip! Hope it gets better soon! ;)

To: Elizabeth Goode,

It will NEVER be easy for Estel as long as you're reading MY stories!
*evil laugh*

To everyone else: Thank you SOO much for ur reviews! I love reading them and appreciate every single little bit of information and praise! U all made me feel GREAT about my first story and I'm sooo happy everyone liked it! Seriously, I'm smiling and dancing around in little circles!

On to the author's notes... YaY! -_-

I tried to get a lot of character development and action in this story to make it actually good to read. Hope I did a good job! With my stories I just try to start writing and that's how they end up! I hope the description wasn't too boring! That's basically all I have to say. Until next time y'all!