In the eyes of a child, the crowded hallways of a wrestling arena seem endless, especially if you have never been there before. Looking up at the huge men that make up the business is terrifying when you don't know who they are and they tower over you like mountains. Standing in the middle of the hall with a group of greasy muscle men, your first instinct is to run. However, running down one hallway quickly brings you to a corridor branching off into more hallways. It is noisy and you are confused. Looking around frightens you even more. All the faces around you are of strangers. Tears well up in your eyes as you realize the frightening men are all around you. It is then you realize you must seek shelter, find anything that will possibly comfort you. Lost, scared, and confused, you use your instinct and run to the friendliest face in the room for help. For 5 year old Danielle, that face belonged to Mandy McCarthy.

-Mandy's POV

As I took a sip from my water bottle, I felt something pulling at my leg. Looking down, I saw the face of a little girl who couldn't be more than five or six years old. She was crying and rubbing her eyes. I got down on my knees to put myself at her level and spoke gently.

"Hey there, what's wrong?" I asked her. She looked into my eyes and hesitated momentarily as if she was deciding if she could trust me or not.

"I'm lost." She managed to say through her sobs. I really didn't know what to think. My sister and I had only been in the WWE for about a year and I had never run into this problem before.

"Are your parents around here somewhere?" I questioned as I looked around the lobby searching for any adult that looked like they may be searching for a lost child.

"I don't know?" the little girl cried obviously getting more upset by the second. I scratched my head and sat down on the floor.

"Why don't you come with me and I will help sort this whole thing out?" I proposed. She shook her head and grabbed my hand as I began to stand up. "Don't worry, we'll find them." I stated as I began walking her back to my locker room. "So what's your name?" I asked her as she squeezed my hand.

"Danny," She replied, "Danny Copeland."

My eyes widened. Adam Copeland a.k.a. Edge was one of the wrestlers I had not known very well since arriving to the WWE. I had been introduced to him, talked to him several times and informed about him by other wrestlers backstage, but I wouldn't exactly say that we were friends. I looked down at the little girl and immediately saw the resemblance. Blonde hair, blue eyes, adorable long face, yep this was in fact his kid. It seemed a bit strange that I had never been informed of the fact that he had a daughter. Not that it was any of my business of course, but the WWE was like one big family and we all knew about each other's spouses, siblings and children. Hell, most of the people with children brought them along to hang out backstage during televised matches. At least that's how I thought it always was. Apparently I was wrong. I had never seen this little girl before at a show and I knew most of the "WWE kids" from playing backstage babysitter on more than one occasion.

Looking down at her I smiled and said, "Copeland huh? I know who you belong to!"