Cherry Blossomed Lives

Disclaimer: Contains yaoi. Boy/boy, yaoi sex and profanity. I just might change the pairing to Seto and Marik because I don't see a lot of those. Pairings are Yami Yugi and Marik (not the yami). Takes place in Egypt back when Yami was
pharaoh. So read and Please review.


Marik leisurely roamed around the halls of the palace. The Egyptian hadn't seen the pharaoh in days. He could track this back to when he woke up after the Bakura incident. He was sent to the harem which was fairly occupied. Women filled the place, and every night the pharaoh had called for one for them. Marik couldn't help but feel rejected. He didn't know what he had done to deserve this.

Marik easily could have told Yami he loved him. Yami made him feel loved. Always introducing him to some new things. Let him live his life. Bakura and Seto on the other hand were just others. They could stand up to what he felt to Yami. Even if it was premature.

Marik brushed his hair back before falling to the ground. Closing his eyes quickly to try and hold back the tears that wanted to fall. Marik had grown so dependent on Yami in such a short amount of time. Sleeping in the harem, alone never came into his mind. Marik would do anything to make this better. Getting back up, Marik brushed himself off and headed out to the court yard.

Yami watched from afar as Marik collapsed, then get back up and continue on. This had to end. Bakura and Seto both steered clear of the teen. They both sensed that Marik was off limits. Yami had laid down the rules. Seto might decide to overstep the boundary later, but he knew that Yami had to fix this. Grunting he pushed it aside and moved onto learning more spells and such.

Yami stood and the harem gypsies bowed down to the pharaoh. He spoke to the guards and a maid before leaving the room. The gypsies giggled once they sat back up. The guards sighed unpleasantly and the maids left the room quickly.

The sun just set behind the endless sands of Egypt. By the time Marik returned to the harem space he found that the room was empty. Groaning at the thought of why everyone was gone. Finding his way with a candle stick, he lights all the wicks that he could find. The violet eyed teen slowly made his way up to his bed or rather what he'd been using as one.

Upon walking up to it Marik discovered a pile of sand sitting on the lounge cushion. Sighing angrily he moved around to find another spot. Turning around slowly, he was greeted to a pair of arms wrapping themselves around his waist. Marik could barely see with the light being given off by the candles, though he could tell that hair anywhere.

His capture grunted lightly and tugged him over with him into a different part of the space that Marik feared to tread. The man removed his arms from Marik, moving to the back of his head and his waist. Laying him down gently against a massive group of laid out pillows. He kissed Marik and the teen hesitantly kissed back.

"I can't even begin to consider getting rid of you."

Marik shivered gently as Yami pulled away from him for a moment. Freeing one of his hands, Yami brushed Marik's hair from his face. The red tinting on Marik's face was visible even in the dim lighting. Yami moved against him and rested his head in the crook of Marik's neck. Breathing out heavily, Yami's hand slithers over Marik's clothed crotch. The other boy quickly moaned leaning his head against the pillows.

"I tried my damdest to forget you, but no concubine could replace this blonde hair…" Yami inhales the scent of the blonde's hair. "Your beautiful skin." He begins nibbling on his neck eliciting more sounds from Marik. "And your voice when I touch you." His hand moves to massage his inner thigh.

Marik wasn't sure how to respond to everything going on. What was Yami doing here in this place with him? Wasn't the pharaoh mad at him? He wasn't sure anymore. So he said the first thing he knew to say.

"I need my pharaoh."

Yami smiled gently though Marik couldn't see it. Pulling back he kissed Marik fully. Devouring Marik's mouth as his fingers roamed over him. Fingers sliding under the smooth cloth over Marik's hips, his fingertips whisper across his thighs before moving to his inner thighs. Marik made a sound close to a whimper as his hands came up to Yami's back grazing him. Yami remembered those small nails and he wouldn't mind those markings.

Marik moved away from Yami's lips and moved to his neck, sucking on it and licking it while making pleasurable sounds. Yami's hand tickled Marik's growing length. Marik instinctively thrust foreword. Yami moved his hand and pulled back from the blonde and removed his clothing. The pharaoh took in the site before him. Marik's face literally turned red as he noticed that Yami was just looking at him.

Acting before thinking, Marik moved foreword and moved into Yami's lap. Leaving a small amount of space the blonde reached between them and fondled Yami's length. The pharaoh groaned loudly taken aback by Marik. Wrapping his arms around him again, Yami began to massage Marik's behind. Kissing his neck and marking him as his own. Marik gladly moved against the tri-colored hair man.

Gently and with ease Yami slipped and un-lubricated finger in his renewed lover. Marik groaned loudly as he shivered in the others arms. He knew that meant it was good. The delectable squeeze Marik was giving his finger made his lick down the rest of his fingers before using them upon Marik. Moving the finger carefully made Marik mewl softly.

Forgetting about his job Marik wrapped his arms around Yami's neck, hands going through his hair. Marik kissed him quickly before Yami began moving the finger faster and then adding a second. Marik whimpered as began unconsciously rubbing himself against Yami's length. The pharaoh groaned loudly and held a possible moan in his mouth. He wouldn't give in until he was back where he wanted to be.

Two more fingers were added and Marik was turning into a heated, panting ball of passion. He was more urgently rubbing against the pharaoh. A crimson flush heavily painted upon his body as he felt Yami nibble on his neck then his shoulder blades.

Pulling his fingers out of Marik, Yami placed his hands on Marik's hips stilling the teen immediately. Marik looked at Yami through glossed over hazy eyes. Yami smiled and leaned his forehead against Marik's. Marik didn't understand what was going on but, he held Yami a little closer, so their chests touched.

"You're more intoxicating than any wine. By far they don't even come close."

Marik's blush somehow got brighter as Yami moved the other teen out of his lap and back onto the pillows. Marik made a sound of disapproval, and then a low moan as Yami kissed the inside of his thigh. His hand traced over the other leg quickly and left goose bumps behind them. Yami continued to kiss his inner thigh as he got closer and closer to Marik's core. The blonde had moved his hand against his mouth as he tried to hold in his pleading sounds.

Yami's fingers then grasped Marik's length. The boy went stiff and then back to relax in less than a half of second. Yami began playing with the tip of the member, blowing on it from time to time. Marik was so close to writhing about that Yami ended his torment upon the boy, moving in between his legs. Marik felt the tip of Yami's length come in contact with his opening. Ra, they both missed this.

Yami's hands moved to Marik's hips holding the wiggling boy in place. Gently thrusting his hips forward, his length pushed into Marik, passing through the tight barrier. The two both moaned loudly and Marik felt the large warmth smoothly move into his center, Yami feeling the incredible heat and hold that only Marik could give. Both of them stilled just taking pleasure in the long awaited reuniting.


Malik cried out loudly as Yami began thrusting into him. The blond teen grabbed the headboard with one hand and wrapped the other around Yami's neck pulling into the once pharaoh for a kiss. Yami eagerly replied and kissed Malik back with full force. Moving his hands to both sides of Malik's head, Yami began thrusting harder and longer into his just recently turned lover. Malik giggled quietly as he moved against Yami. Yami knew that meant he was truly enjoying himself.

The tri-color haired teen moved one hand, cupping Malik's length and thrusting his hand with the same rhythm. Malik started to meet every thrust Yami maid eliciting groans from Yami and sweet keening sounds from Malik. They had been at it for what seemed like hours and the sweat beads and soaked comforter sheet on their just cleaned bed said so.

Yami chuckled, 'Malik always has a thing for clean sheets.'

Returning his attention to Malik, the flushed tan boy below him, Yami leaned into him and sucked on his collarbone. Malik giggled again and then whispered out something inaudible. Yami quickly made his thrusts faster, lifting the other teen off of the bed and into his lap. Picking up the pace Malik straddled Yami, quickly moving up and down on his cock. Yami's hands guided him as the teen moved, impaling himself perfectly. Then without warning Malik thrust down and came on himself and Yami. Moaning loudly he ceased movement as he began shivering. Yami smiled and wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm not finished yet."

"Oh Ra…"

Looking into Malik's eyes Yami thrust into his knowing lover and emptied himself. Malik moaned loudly, feeling the essence of Yami inside him, as he placed butterfly kisses on his neck. Both teens fell back onto the bed slowly after removing the comforter. Yami remained inside Malik like he usually did after frantic love making. The blond groped idle for something on the nightstand, almost knocking over the alarm clock. Yami reached over and grabbed the towel that Malik had been grabbing for, and began wiping the both of them off.

Malik giggled again, as Yami threw the towel off into a corner of their bedroom. Kissing his blond quickly Yami glanced at the alarm clock groaning loudly.

"You are so damn lucky I don't have work tomorrow."

"Why…?" Malik asked curiously.

"Because tomorrow we are gonna buy some new bed sheets."

"Is that all?" Malik pouted moving away from Yami.

Yami groaned and Malik moved, causing him to almost slip out. "Oh of course not, but we just got this apartment and if we keep 'christening' things we wont have any money left."

Malik smiled gently as Yami got comfortable. The two fell asleep soon after, tired from the events that they just could give up.


Yami woke up alone, as he knew to expect. Malik always woke up early; even he only got 45 minutes of sleep. Throwing on some sweat pants, he left the bedroom and waltz into the kitchen. There he was greeted to a very irritated Bakura and a sore Malik. How could he gather that? The amethyst eyed teen wasn't sitting down. He stood eating at the island, next to Bakura who was sitting down on the tall bar chair.

Walking up to Malik giving him a quick kiss and a firm but grab, yami greeted his roommate and lover with the usual manner. Malik moaned sorely, and Bakura cringed slightly.

The tall albino with smooth mocha brown eyes stood and placed his plate in the sink. Leaning against the counter, he watched as Malik slowly made his was over to the stove and fixed yami a plate for breakfast. Bakura groaned loudly before looking at Yami.

"You won't share him, but you rub it in my face continually. People do try to sleep at five in the morning." Bakura stated.

Malik walked by him to put his plate in the sink. Before he could leave the kitchen Bakura rubbed his behind gently winking at the Egyptian as he left. Malik ignored it and flipped him off as he walked out.

"You just can't seem to keep your hands off of him. Can you?" Yami asked already aware of what Bakura had done.

"Yah and…"

"You're his ex… I asked you to live here for rent. I can ask you to leave. Would you like that?"

"You used to share back then…" Bakura smirked angrily remembering that taste.

"He doesn't remember that, and even so we all know that's why you started sleeping with him."

"Are you trying to say that you to are fated to be? Fuck off."

Yami shrugged it off quickly. "You're not to touch him."

"Whatever Malik wants he gets." With that said Bakura left leaving a weird taste in Yami's mouth.

Finishing his breakfast, Yami left and joined Malik for a 'quickie' in the shower. They shouldn't even leave the apartment.


Malik pulled his hair back into a ponytail, wrapping a small rubber band around the hair. He threw on some skinny pants, and a small shirt with a scarf. Doing what he normally does but putting on his jewelry. He could never but explain why, but he felt so special when he wore it. Slowly fixing his bangs, and putting on some eyeliner to cover the scars under his eyes. (I know they actually aren't but I want them to be for this.)

Yami exited the bathroom wearing a similar ensemble. His hair was a tad moist in the tips, and tousled from drying it with the towel. Malik giggled, before walking up to him and kissing him.

"Do you ever feel like we were destined to be together? I mean even after all those things I did during our dueling days…" Malik's eyes always seemed to captivate him.

"I think fate could have acted a little faster." Malik giggled at his response.

"What? Being with Bakura and that fling with Seto made us a better couple."

"Fling with Kaiba?"

"Oh yah that was really short lived but, I finally noticed you after that, well during that time."

"Hmm," maybe some things will repeat themselves.

A.N: Did you notice the change in times. I hade to. If I continue this story I will start stitching back and forth. I hope the lemon scene was satisfactory. Hope you will tell me what you think.

Sorry for taking way long. Forgive me/// Hoped you like. Please review for comments and flames. I'm always up for those
things people have to say.

I have to thank Mittzy. I had to write this. I really appreciate that someone would message me and ask me about that. I might not be able to return to this fic for another while. I'm writing a few other stories, and starting another Yu-Gi-Oh story of my favorite couple ever. Malik and Joey. So watch for that please. And continue to praise my stories with love and even a little hate.