I never had even thought of writing fanfiction, on the contrary in fact. But here I am. It's my very first -and more than too likely my very last- fic and I have absolutely no idea what genre it's going to be. Gomenne! ^_^' If there is going to be romance -that would be the plan- it will be T/Y.

I have seen the whole anime, and some 25 chapters of manga. To my great regret I have also read some spoilers at the Internet. I might be mixing some of the manga into this (like perhaps the boy with the cap) but I'll try to stick to the anime. Anyway, this might turn out a bit AUish.

Oh, of course, the Disclaimer: I don't own FuruBa or any of the characters. I don't really need them as long as no one minds too much if I borrow them a bit. I would like to get the manga, though. But the plot is mine, don't steal, or I'll sue you! (if I find you...)

Anyway, on with it:


Chapter 1: BAD NEWS

The bell rang and lesson was over. The pupils in the class 2-D of Kaibara High began putting their things away while the teacher announced, or well, shouted the homework over the low murmur that had filled the class.

Honda Tohru had just put her books to her bag when their homeroom teacher showed up at the door. "Honda-san, would you please come to teacher's office. There's a call for you."

She was vaguely aware that Yuki and Kyou Souma's heads shot up along with Hanajima Saki's and Uotani Arisa's. Only Yuki and Saki were fast enough to catch the flash of very un-Tohru-like expression flashing over the girls eyes but all of them knew what kind of memory this woke up in her.

'No need to worry' Tohru thought to herself. 'Grandfather called me once to school when he told that the renovation was over.' That time they weren't at least supposed to be bad news. But now Grandfather did know the number to Shigure's house. Then who and why...?

She followed the teacher to the office wondering of different possibilities. If someone from the Sohma's main house wanted to speak with her privately, would they try something like this? Or... A really nasty thought came to her mind. But no. What could have happened to her Grandfather? No matter her relatives were a bit nasty now and then, they wouldn't let anything happen to him. It had to be something else.

But when the phone was pointed to her there was a nasty feeling in the bottom of her stomach. She lifted the receiver to her ear and felt her heart sink when she heard her aunt's voice...


Tohru walked slowly through the sliding door of the office, eyes on the ground. She was deep in her own world, looking worried. She closed the door behind herself and was abruptly snatched back to reality by the sudden surge of worried questions, all hitting her at the same second.

"Waa, Tohru!" Began Arisa, who was half a second faster than the others. "What was it? You don't look yourself at all! Is there anything we can do? If someone needs to be put back to order you can leave that to me!"

"Yes, Tohru-kun, what is it? We'll do anything," Saki added in her usual colourless voice, but deep worry could be seen in her eyes.

"Tohru, hey, Tohru! Why do you look like that?" demanded Momiji's childish voice, all the usual joyfulness gone.

"Is it something bad, Honda-san? We really want to be there for you if we can," said Yuki, deep concern in his soft, kind voice.

Tohru looked hastily up to see her two best friends and all four Soumas that went to the same school. Yuki was standing right behind Arisa and Saki, looking extremely worried, Hatsuharu clinging in his usual way to Yuki's jacket but also looking at her. Momiji was jumping up and down on her side, not daring to hang to her arm just in case and Kyou stood a bit farther trying to hide his anxious expression with a scowl and failing miserably.

"No, it's just- you see, my Grandfather got hospitalized but it should be all right..." Tohru did her best not to sound awfully worried about it. "It should... that's what my aunt said. But I'm going to skip my part-time job and see him right after school. Oh, I'll have to let them know I'm not going tonight..." she tried to add hastily.

But her friends' expressions just grew more and more worried.

"Don't worry about your work, I'll let them know!" Momiji said at once. "Just leave it to me!"

"Okay, thank you so much!" Tohru answered a bright smile suddenly flashing to her face.

"Take your time with your Grandfather. You don't need to make dinner today, we'll take care of ourselves. And if you stay late just call, and I'll come to walk you home," Yuki told her. His soothing voice made her feel a bit more at easy.

"Are you absolutely sure? I don't think that's needed..."

"Oh, it's no problem, really," Yuki assured her gently.


"Cut out with that crap already!" Kyou snapped. "I'll make the dinner if those two idiots really can't take care of themselves. Even if I don't really care. You just go and don't try to think of everyone at the same time!"

Tohru blinked in surprise but then smiled like a little sun. "Yes!"

But when the bell ring and they turned back towards their class rooms, the worried look returned to her face. There was something she hadn't told them yet, namely why exactly had her Grandfather been hospitalized... Should she still leave right away just in case...

"So there really still is something more, isn't there? I thought there might have," whispered someone softly at her ear. She swirled her head to look at Yuki's violet eyes that were looking at her closely.

"No, it's all right. Really, don't worry!" she sweatdropped trying to laugh.

But she knew she hadn't convinced Yuki at all and a glimpse of Kyou's face told her that Yuki wasn't only one who had seen through her. They were beginning to know her far too well for that.


The remaining two lessons seemed to drag on for at least a week each. Tohru couldn't concentrate att all, but at last the bell rang. She grabbed her bag waving to her friends in passing and was off.

She had to take the train to get to the hospital. It was a big white and clean building, but somehow very dull looking. She ran up the stairs to the main entrance and stopped right before it, out of breath. Exhaling deeply she stepped in.

She walked nervously through the hall to the elevators. The journey to the right floor seemed endless. Then the doors slide open and she stepped out. The white, clean corridor was almost empty and almost quiet. She winced at the sound of her own steps.

Two more doors... Yes, this was it. Very cautiously she knocked on the door and heard her aunt's voice calling her in.

Tsuzuku... (AN: means "to be continued..." You better get used to this.)

Well, what did you like it? Was the chapter too short? I don't know what they will be in the future... ^_^' R&R, please. I'm sorry if someone was OOC, always tell me who and why, and I'll see what I can do.

And does anybody know how the play "Fruits Basket" really goes? Or was it only created for the manga? I would love to know for I might need it later in the story - and just for fun, too. :)

Mata ne!