Authors Note: This is my first fic, I hope you all like it! I will try to update it as fast as possible. R+R Words in stars ** are peoples' inner selves. ^_-

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Leave me alone

Chapter 1: Beach Party

"He's ALWAYS late!!!" Naruto groaned, as he and the rest of team 7 sat and waited for their faithfully late Sensei to arrive for training that day. Sasuke sat quietly, not bothering to speak to anyone, and Sakura took this time to stare at him.

"This is stupid." Naruto continued to complain.

"Oh, be quiet Naruto!" Sakura yelled, trying to focus harder on Sasuke

"Hi!" Kakashi said, as he appeared in front of the three of them in a puff of smoke.

"I had to go to the grocery store to buy more popcorn."

"You lie!!!" Sakura and Naruto screamed back at him.

Kakashi shrugged and continued speaking.

"Were not having class today."

"WHA?!?!" The three members of team 7 said in unison.

"Instead, I'm going to invite you and the other teams to a beach party!!! Be there at 1:00 sharp, ok?" Kakashi said.

Naruto and Sakura stared at Kakashi blankly with their mouths open like he had just asked them if they wanted to go swim in a volcano. Sasuke grunted and paid no further attention to any of them.

*This is just great. I have to spend a day at a beach party with these people.*

"I'm not going" Sasuke said flatly.

At hearing this, Sakura almost died. She was starting to really look forward to the beach party, since she realized that she would be able to see Sasuke in a swimsuit.

"Sasuke-kun! You have to go!!!" She said, in a desperate sort of manner.

"No." Sasuke flatly replied

"Yes, you are going." Kakashi said.

"Or I will tell all the girls in the teams where you live."

Not wanting to be harassed by all the girls who seemed to worship him, Sasuke replied in a hurried voice. "I changed my mind, I'm going."

Sakura smiled from ear to ear.

*Yes!!! This is going to be great!!!*

Sakura then began to think of cheesy factices with her and Sasuke running along the beach toghter.

"Well, I'm off to go invite people!" Kakashi said, and disappeared in another puff of smoke.

"This is going to be great! Come on, lets go get ready!" Sakura said, as she ran off enthusiastically to go get ready for the party.

"I'm doomed, aren't I." Sasuke said flatly.

"I'll help cook!!!" Naruto Exclaimed with enthusiasm, and ran off after Sakura.

Meanwhile, Ino had gotten Kakashi's invitation, and had started to call up all the members of her Sasuke fan club, telling them that Kakashi was having a beach party that day, and that they should all come, and ask why later because there was no time to explain.

"Sasuke may be on your stupid team Sakura," Ino said out loud to herself, "but he's not yours! I'll get him to love me!!! Just watch big forehead! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Ino then broke off into maniacal laughter as she proceeded to get ready for the party.

Authors Note: So what do you think so far? I'll update it as soon as possible. Don't forget to R+R. ^^ I know this was short, the next one will be longer, I promise!!!