"Where's Ginny?" asked Ron, realizing the unusual absence of his younger sister. "I thought she was going to come with us".

"Oh, she had a change of heart." said Hermione casually as they walked into the main street of Hogsmeade. "She didn't feel much like coming this morning."

"Bizarre" he said with a shrug. "Well, at least Harry won't be all." Ron stopped walking. "Hermione!" he exclaimed with realization. "Did Ginny stay because of Harry? I told her not to get involved."

"Oh Ron" Luna said, with her eyes wandering. "You can't tell someone not to get involved with their own destiny." she trailed off dreamily. Ron gave Hermione a questioning look; she shrugged, but smiled.

"Yeah Ron" Neville piped in. "Remember what Trelawny said to you last week?" Ron dismissed the question by shaking his head slowly.

"Sure you do! You thought it was funny, right? When she pointed out the heart in your tea? The leaf.it made that shape. Remember?" Neville quizzed. Ron shook his head steadily.

"Yes!" Neville insisted. "And she said 'Friendship and compassion will emerge as love before the full moon sets! You thought it was funny then, but now Harry and Ginny's friendship."

"Ron" Hermione interrupted bitterly. "You thought it was funny did you?" He was shocked by her sudden aggressiveness.

"I . I don't really remember!" he replied, stumbling on his words. "Besides, Trelawny is always wrong. If I laughed, maybe I was just laughing at the stupidity of it!"

"So it was stupid of her to suggest that friends might become more? Impossible that compassion could lead to something else?" she demanded. Neville and Luna stared at her, as she realized that her reaction was baffling them. "I mean." she stammered. "I mean, you should support your sister's choices!" she concluded. Neville and Luna now reacted with comprehending sighs.

"It's not that I don't support her 'Mione. It's a little weird but I really do, I just never expected it. All along I've been hoping she'd fancy Harry again, and now.well, does she?" he asked pointedly.

"I believe so" she resolved. The four continued walking in silence. Ron and Hermione each stared at the ground, both deep in thought. Neville glanced at Luna and gestured with his head towards the nearby 'Fantastic Herbs & Fungi' shop. She nodded.

"Uh, we'll meet you two later" Neville said to Ron. "They've got a fabulous supply of cackling cactus seeds, and we're running out up at the school" he explained, blushing as Luna grabbed his arm and began dragging him toward to the store. Hermione and Ron continued to walk in silence.

"So" Hermione eventually muttered. "Where do you want to go?"

"Doesn't matter" Ron replied indifferently.

"Well, pick somewhere!" she snapped.

"You know, sometimes you astonish me" he revolted. "Everything will be just grand and we'll be having a lovely time until something sets you off. And something as stupid as me not supporting Ginny? Astounding." he rambled bravely. He finished with a disheveled sigh, regretting the argument instantly when he saw the look on her face. She had stopped walking and was staring at him nearly in tears. "Oh 'Mione, I'm sorry. I never meant to upset you, I just meant that you shouldn't."

"I'm sorry" she said genuinely. "I wasn't really mad about that."

"Are you alright? You're shaking!" he noticed, truly worried by her sudden behavior.

"I'm so confused" she said vaguely. "I need to be alone now" she added, and ran off through the busy crowd.

"Hermione!" he called after her. "Wait, where are you going!?" he yelled, but she had already vanished between people. Nothing made sense with girls.


Harry sat in the Great Hall eating breakfast alone. Most of the Gryffindors were in Hogsmeade, and the others had already finished breakfast. It was nearly noon, and he'd only just come down to eat. He stared intensely at his bacon, pondering events from the morning.

"Harry" a familiar voice said from behind him.

"Ginny" he said, startled. "I didn't think you'd ever get here".

"Sorry" she said with that magic smile. "I am a girl you know, getting ready takes time and dedication." He grinned back at her. He was bewildered by how everything could suddenly seem so perfect. He knew how quickly it could be swept away, and decided to appreciate every second.

She sat down across from him, and a plate of food appeared in front of her. "Looks good" she said. "I hope everyone is having a good time in Hogsmeade"

"I'm sure they are" he replied confidently. "There's nothing you couldn't like about Butterbeer and great shops". Their conversation continued and they discussed everything that came to mind. Harry loved how easy it was to talk to Ginny, they had more in common than he'd ever imagined. They finished up, and decided to play a game of chess in the common room. Passing Mrs. Norris, they climbed the stairs laughing genuinely.


Hermione poked insistently at the sugar cube floating in her tea. "Stupid.just melt for goodness sakes" she mumbled grumpily. She envisioned the reaction her mother would have if she were to grab the sugar cube and eat it whole. If it wasn't going to melt, she'd just chuck it at the ridiculously happy couples throughout the teashop.

She'd never been to Mme. Puddifoot's before, but the colorful door had caught her eye and she'd rushed in unsuspectingly. How was I supposed to know this was the local hot spot for couples she thought. Oh well. At least Ron wouldn't ever come looking for me in here.

"Hello Hermione" said a dazed voice behind her. She spun around to see Luna standing alone and smiling kindly. "Mind if I join you?" she asked.

"Sit down" Hermione invited with a sniffle. "Where's Neville?"

"Oh, you know" she replied. "About". Hermione knew there was no point in questioning Luna further. Her vague responses weren't bound to get any clearer. She looked back to her now melted sugar cube and smiled at its defeat. Luna was glancing around the room, her eyes darting from couples to the ceiling.

"What brings you here?" Hermione finally enquired.

"You" Luna replied directly.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Ron told me. He asked me to come in and talk to you."

"How did he.why? Why are you supposed to talk to me?"

"He's worried about you. Thinks he's done something terribly wrong; he's quite distraught about it. But I'd like to know what's really going on." Luna said, and her eyes suddenly bore into Hermione's. It wasn't a usual occurrence for Luna to look straight at her and Hermione felt extremely centered out.

"I was just so embarrassed for acting the way I did!" Hermione professed. "I got so emotional about what he said, and he's completely oblivious about my feelings! It wasn't his fault, and I got all mad at him. I was mortified."

"Well he hardly even noticed. He's a boy 'Mione. You've got to tell 'em just exactly what you mean" Luna said waving her hands as she spoke.

"But how?" Hermione pleaded.

"Well, you tell him what your feelings are. Just like that"

"But." she started, distracted by a kissing couple. "That's the problem. How do you say what you feel, if you don't know. I don't want to get upset, it just happens".

"Then you'll have to wait. Give it time to make sense."

"But it's been like this for years. I can't keep acting like this."

"Well, maybe it'll make sense to him before it makes sense to you?" Luna suggested.

"I.I never thought of that. You don't think he feels."

"He's distraught Hermione. Very, very distraught."

"Okay?" she said, lacking any comprehension. But things were suddenly looking brighter. "Luna, thanks. You've made me feel better."

"No problem mate" Luna said, getting up and unexpectedly exiting the shop. Hermione sat staring at the table. She liked Ron. She'd liked him since their third year. She knew it, and she had to stop ignoring it. I've gotten myself confused by trying to block out my feelings she thought. If I just accept it, maybe it can start to make sense. She smiled and reached toward her teacup.

"Want me to take that for you?" Ron said abruptly. "Up to the counter I mean".

"Ron!" she said, startled. "No, sit down for a minute". He hesitantly took the seat across from her, looking - as Luna had said- distraught.

"Ron, I'm sorry I acted so ridiculous earlier. I'm not mad at you at all; none of this was ever your fault. I was just confused about some things, but I think I've got them all figured out now" she quickly concluded and smiled at him. He stared back at her and attempted to take in everything she'd said. Finally, he smiled back.

"Well, I say we put this behind us and enjoy the rest of our day" he said.

"Good thinking" she agreed. "Zonko's?"

"Of Course" he nodded. They both stood up and reached for her teacup, their hands brushing accidentally. Ron took his hand off, but Hermione recognized a distinct shade of pink glowing on his ears. She smiled and brought the cup toward the counter. Things weren't going to be so bad after all.