Early Morning Musings

Category: Fill in the blank, the morning after Maria's return The Captain's POV!

Summary: Max and Georg have an early morning conversation about life, love, and…Maria.


Chapter 1: Musings

The moon has disappeared in the summer sky, but the sun has yet to begin its daily rise up over the mountains. The plants are still damp, and air still smells of fresh morning dew.

I lean my elbows against the terrace railing as I look out over the lake, the peaceful silence of the early morning allowing me to be alone with my thoughts for the first time in weeks.

I close my eyes, trying to fight off the one thought I can't get out of my mind. The thoughts of the one person who I shouldn't be thinking about…the only person I want to think about…

The silence of the morning is suddenly interrupted by the footsteps I hear behind me, I know instantly that they belong to Max.

" Georg?" Max says quietly as he comes to stand at my side. " Having trouble sleeping?"

I shake my head, but don't bother to look at him. " I needed to think some things over."

" I see. Did you get things figured out?"

I laugh dryly, as I realize the irony of it all. " I'm afraid I'm more confused then I was."

" Perhaps I could be of some help?" Max offers quietly, trying in vain to hide the curiosity in his voice.

I take a deep breath and finally turn to face him, " Thank you, Max, but this is something I need to work out alone."

He nods understandably, " Well if you decide that you want to talk, I'm here."

I cast him a smile, truly thankful to have a friend like him. " You know that I'm not much for deep thought and pondering, Georg, so what I have to say may not be of much help, but I have heard that it's best to follow your heart, because the heart never lies."

I say nothing as I try to decide what to say, " The heart may never lie, but it's often conflicted." I say, my voice starting to reflect the conflict raging inside of me.

He casts me a confused glance, but says nothing.

I turn back to the lake, and look up into the sky. " I've heard that God has a master plan for each of us, that nothing is random. That people don't just happen into your life, but that they are sent to us from God."

" That's a comforting thought, to feel that no matter what decision you make, God is going to guide you through it, protect you. " He says quietly, his eyes focused on the lake.

" I guess, then the question would be, what choice is the right one? The one we feel in our hearts, or the one we know in our minds?"

His eyes shift to me, " Georg, I get the feeling that this has something to do with you and Elsa?"

" Elsa…" I mumble quietly, " No, things are just fine." As soon as I finish my sentence I feel my stomach turn in the face of the lie I've just told.

An uncomfortable silence falls over us, neither of us knowing how to continue.

" Georg…" Max says quietly, " I'm sure things will become more clear in time, once you find a new governess, get the wedding planned."

" Yes…a new governess." The words don't even leave my mouth and visions of Maria start dancing in my head. I smile at my thoughts of her, forgetting all about Max.

I feel his eyes on me again, " She's just a governess, Georg. She's going to be replaced, and then forgotten."

" I don't want to forget her, Max." I practically whisper.

He nods slowly, as he figures out how to respond. " If that's the case, then I think your heart just made it's choice." He says knowingly. He nods to me, before he starts walking back into the house.

The back door closes, and I take a deep breath…a feeling of peace coming over me as I close my eyes. This time I don't fight my thoughts of her, this time I let myself get lost in them.

To be continued...