Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon.
Summary: Five months after both Tai and Mimi's parents got divorced, Mimi's dad and Tai's mom are planning to get married to each other. The problem is, Tai and Mimi are in love with each other. MICHI.
Chapter one
The white snow beneath her came few inches below her knees as Mimi stood outside alone, letting the cold wind play around with her long hair that rested on her back. She could feel the bottom of her feet slowing turning numb from having nothing on but simple socks as she watched the gray sky flowing down with more snow.
Mimi loved snow. It was what made her feel calm and relaxed despite how cold it would make her feel whenever she touched it with her bare hands. However, the snow did not make her feel calm today. It made her feel the loneliness and the sadness that she tried so hard to hide from her family, friends and herself.
It's been a little over a year since she had tried to hide those feelings from people around her as to not make them worried. Before than, she was always so happy, carefree, and outgoing and thought there was nothing more she could possibly ask for in her life. Her world seemed near perfect. That is until one year ago when her parents began to fight every night whenever her dad came home from work. Mimi knew the reason was because her dad came home drunk with lipstick marks on his cheeks and a scent of perfume that could only belong to another woman besides her mom.
Her dad would tell her mom the lipstick mark was just from one of his friends whom he had a simple dinner with. Her mom didn't believe him of course considering that he came home drunk with lipstick marks way more than she could count with her fingers. It continued on for few more weeks like that as Mimi's parents became distant and only spoke to each other when they fought, breaking glasses and such. They even broke the fish tank Mimi loved so much when she was a child and left the fishes in the broken fish tank to die in the most painful way. Mimi did try really hard for weeks to stop her mom and dad from fighting but they always seemed to push her away, telling her to go to her room or something.
As months passed by, Mimi realized that they no longer loved each other and the only reason they were still living in the same house was because of her. They wanted her to focus on school and not worry about them getting divorced or the fights they were having. But how could she possibly focus on school whenever her parents fought at late night, waking her up from her sleep or whenever she would hear her mom sobbing in the living room while trying to clean up broken glasses and topped over items? That's when she truly felt great sadness and depression for the first time in her whole life. After all, she was always her daddy's spoiled princess who was always surrounded by people.
"Mimi? What are you doing outside? Don't you have school?"
Mimi snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her dad standing in their house door way, his hair sticking out of all places. "School's closed from snow."
"Well than, come inside! You don't even have your jacket on! You don't want to catch a cold, do you?"
Mimi stood in silence and ignored her dad. She hated him. She hated him for causing so much pain to her mom and her. The only reason she acts as if she loves her dad is because he is simply her dad. Nothing more.
After few moments passed by, Mr. Tachikawa sighed and went out in his bear feet and dragged Mimi inside. She's been acting cold toward him ever since he got divorced with her mom five months ago. He was planning to let Mimi's mom take care of Mimi because he knew how much Mimi liked her mom but a week after their divorce, Mimi's mom moved far away to Europe without telling anyone which left him to take care of Mimi. He didn't mind or anything of course but he just thought Mimi would be far much better living with a mom than a dad.
Mimi hasn't noticed that her dad was dragging her inside until she felt a ting of warm air coming from inside of the house. Noticing what her dad was doing, she immediately shrugged her shoulders to lose the grip that her dad had on her arm, and walked the rest of the way on her own. She quietly brushed off the snow from her hair, shirt, pants and stomped her foot gently on the ground and let the snow fall from her socks before going inside the house.
Mimi sighed as she entered the messy house which haven't been cleaned for weeks. Her dad never had to clean the house when he lived with her mom but since she was no longer living with them, the whole house looked at if a strong wind had passed by. Mimi knew she should probably clean the whole house once in a while and not just her room but she didn't care much since she usually locked herself in her room when she wasn't going out anywhere. Her room was quite big and roomy and she had a computer, television, desk, telephone, bed and two book shelves along with other items. However, there were no posters on the wall, dolls sitting on her desk, or anything decorative items that she once had in her old room when there were three people in her family and not just two. She didn't and couldn't see any point of decorating her dull room.
"Do you want something for breakfast?" asked Mr. Tachikawa as he entered the kitchen after he closed the front door when Mimi had entered the house.
"No. I already ate," lied Mimi as she sat down on the edge of the couch before taking her wet socks off and rubbing her numb foot with a clean towel she found next to a flower base that contained dead roses which have been there for over a month now. Even though she hasn't eaten anything, she really didn't feel like eating any thing this morning especially if her dad was cooking. Her dad had never been good at cooking so she was the one who usually did the cooking unless her dad bought a box of pizza or something on his way home from work.
"Ok. Well, I should go to work now. I probably can't take the car out with this much snow. If I walk to my office, I should get there in half an hour or so, unless the side walk hasn't been cleaned out yet which will take me longer..."
Mimi just sat there on the couch, trying to warm herself while she pretended as if she was listening to her dad who now was walking around the living room, looking for his watch. It'd take practically hours to find something as small as a watch considering how messy the living room was. Piles of clothes was sitting on the corner next to the television and there were few dirty dishes laid out on the coffee table. An empty pizza box was right next to where Mimi was sitting and papers were just everywhere. She never touched the papers because they belonged to her dad for his office but it seemed her dad was a little too lazy to organized them. He was so unlike her mom...
"Damn! I can't find it! Oh well," said Mr. Tachikawa and he stormed into his bed room to get dressed.
Mimi snorted as she scanned around the room once and found her dad's watch next to the same table with the dead roses. It was right there the whole time and yet her dad had failed to see it. He was definitely unlike her mom.
"Kari? I know you're in there! Open up!" Tai banged on his sister's door over and over again until his hand had turned dark red and began to hurt like it had just been hit by a hammer. Usually, his first class should be starting right now in school but due to snow, the same school he went with Mimi and his few other friends had been canceled. Good thing too because he was in no mood to be in school, surrounded by his class mates and teachers. "Kari! Please, you got to eat something."
Tai quietly waited for a responds but when none came, he sighed and leaned against the wall. Kari had been in her room ever since yesterday after school when she got a letter in their mail box and hasn't come out since except once during midnight to use the bath room. He could tell Kari had been losing weight lately from skipping lunch in school and often dinner and he was starting to get worried.
Tai turned his head and looked at the his mom's door at the end of the hall way and sighed once again. His mother was probably sleeping from coming home so late from work. She had three jobs now and never really got a good amount of sleep since five months ago when his mom and dad got divorced. Tai never knew why they got divorced but he guessed it had something to do with his dad. Tai frowned at the thought of his dad. Just three weeks after his mom and dad got divorced, he remarried to another woman and moved to the other side of Japan, giving both him and Kari the look of regret before leaving. After that, Tai often wondered if he ever loved him and Kari in the first place or if he was just pretending to love them because part of his blood was in theirs.
With a low creaking sound, his mom's door flung open. "Tai, I'm going to work now. Take care of your sister."
"Mom? Why are you leaving so early?" asked Tai to his mother who just came out of her room fully dressed with a lot of make up on her face. He knew the only reason she wore make up was to hide her tiredness that he often saw when she came home late at night with her make up worn off. She had also lost a lot of weight and whenever she smiled, it looked like she was forcing it. The happiness he once saw in his mom's eyes was no longer there. They were gone.
"There's too much snow out. It'd be best if I leave early," said Mrs. Hinamori who once used to be Mrs. Kamiya. Tai nodded even though he knew his mother wouldn't be able to see him as she passed by him and left their apartment without eating any breakfast. He wished she had eaten at least an apple but he knew his mom thought her jobs were more important than her health. It was the only choice she had unless she wanted both her son and daughter to live in the streets or get sent to a foster home. However, Tai wanted nothing but his mother and Kari to be happy. But it was just so hard. Kari would just push him away whenever he tried to talk to her and he never really get any time to sit and have a talk with his mother.
Tai closed his eyes shut and knew that he had to keep trying no matter what. Even if he had to give his life for it. With that in mind, Tai gently spoke through Kari's door, hoping that Kari would listen to him this time and open the door. "Kari, listen to me. I don't know what was written in the letter you got yesterday but you got to eat something. I know mom's very worried about you and I'm worried too. I know this is hard for you but you got to keep on going. Kari... please. Open the door."
There was a small sob on the other side of the door and few minutes later, the door was unlocked and Kari flung out with tears streaming down her eyes. Tai looked down at his sister in surprise and hugged her tightly while he tried hard not to cry himself. He needed to be strong for Kari.
They stood in that same position for few moments without any words until Kari's tears came to a stop and she parted away from her brother. "T-tai... Our grandmother... Sh-she's planning to take me a-awy..."
"What?" said Tai in disbelief. "Who told you that?" He was definitely not expecting this.
Kari walked into her room and picked up the same letter she had gotten yesterday from her bed and handed it to Tai. With out hesitation, Tai quickly read the letter twice before he crumpled it in his hands. It was from his grandmother wanting to take Kari away because she thought it would be better if she lived with her instead of their mom who has barely enough money to pay for the cost of the apartment they were currently living in. Tai knew their grandmother was fairly rich and apparently, their grandmother had thought Kari living with her would make things much easier for everyone.
Tai was beyond mad. How could his grand mother possibly think about taking Kari away with out even discussing any thing with them? If his mom found out about what their grand mother was planning to do, he knew she would definitely be just as mad as him. She loved Kari too much to just give her up.
"Tai? She's not going to take me away, is she?" asked Kari in a quiet voice. Kari wanted to stay here with her brother and mom even though she never really got anytime to see her anymore. But Kari understood perfectly what her mom was going through and wanted to stay with her and Tai no matter what may happen.
"No... Of course not. Don't worry. We wont let her," whispered Tai, dropping the letter on to the floor before he hugged her tightly, afraid of losing her.
"Please don't tell mom about what our grandmother's planning to do," whispered Kari and Tai looked down at Kari in surprise. "I don't want mom to worry... She has enough things to worry about and... t-the letter was actually for m-mom. I knew grandmother wanted to take me away so I read it instead so mom won't have to... "
Tai understood what Kari was saying and nodded his head. It'd be best if their mom don't find about the letter or she would get very upset which is something neither him or Kari wants. He would some how find a way to change his grand mother's mind. He had to.
Summary: Five months after both Tai and Mimi's parents got divorced, Mimi's dad and Tai's mom are planning to get married to each other. The problem is, Tai and Mimi are in love with each other. MICHI.
Chapter one
The white snow beneath her came few inches below her knees as Mimi stood outside alone, letting the cold wind play around with her long hair that rested on her back. She could feel the bottom of her feet slowing turning numb from having nothing on but simple socks as she watched the gray sky flowing down with more snow.
Mimi loved snow. It was what made her feel calm and relaxed despite how cold it would make her feel whenever she touched it with her bare hands. However, the snow did not make her feel calm today. It made her feel the loneliness and the sadness that she tried so hard to hide from her family, friends and herself.
It's been a little over a year since she had tried to hide those feelings from people around her as to not make them worried. Before than, she was always so happy, carefree, and outgoing and thought there was nothing more she could possibly ask for in her life. Her world seemed near perfect. That is until one year ago when her parents began to fight every night whenever her dad came home from work. Mimi knew the reason was because her dad came home drunk with lipstick marks on his cheeks and a scent of perfume that could only belong to another woman besides her mom.
Her dad would tell her mom the lipstick mark was just from one of his friends whom he had a simple dinner with. Her mom didn't believe him of course considering that he came home drunk with lipstick marks way more than she could count with her fingers. It continued on for few more weeks like that as Mimi's parents became distant and only spoke to each other when they fought, breaking glasses and such. They even broke the fish tank Mimi loved so much when she was a child and left the fishes in the broken fish tank to die in the most painful way. Mimi did try really hard for weeks to stop her mom and dad from fighting but they always seemed to push her away, telling her to go to her room or something.
As months passed by, Mimi realized that they no longer loved each other and the only reason they were still living in the same house was because of her. They wanted her to focus on school and not worry about them getting divorced or the fights they were having. But how could she possibly focus on school whenever her parents fought at late night, waking her up from her sleep or whenever she would hear her mom sobbing in the living room while trying to clean up broken glasses and topped over items? That's when she truly felt great sadness and depression for the first time in her whole life. After all, she was always her daddy's spoiled princess who was always surrounded by people.
"Mimi? What are you doing outside? Don't you have school?"
Mimi snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her dad standing in their house door way, his hair sticking out of all places. "School's closed from snow."
"Well than, come inside! You don't even have your jacket on! You don't want to catch a cold, do you?"
Mimi stood in silence and ignored her dad. She hated him. She hated him for causing so much pain to her mom and her. The only reason she acts as if she loves her dad is because he is simply her dad. Nothing more.
After few moments passed by, Mr. Tachikawa sighed and went out in his bear feet and dragged Mimi inside. She's been acting cold toward him ever since he got divorced with her mom five months ago. He was planning to let Mimi's mom take care of Mimi because he knew how much Mimi liked her mom but a week after their divorce, Mimi's mom moved far away to Europe without telling anyone which left him to take care of Mimi. He didn't mind or anything of course but he just thought Mimi would be far much better living with a mom than a dad.
Mimi hasn't noticed that her dad was dragging her inside until she felt a ting of warm air coming from inside of the house. Noticing what her dad was doing, she immediately shrugged her shoulders to lose the grip that her dad had on her arm, and walked the rest of the way on her own. She quietly brushed off the snow from her hair, shirt, pants and stomped her foot gently on the ground and let the snow fall from her socks before going inside the house.
Mimi sighed as she entered the messy house which haven't been cleaned for weeks. Her dad never had to clean the house when he lived with her mom but since she was no longer living with them, the whole house looked at if a strong wind had passed by. Mimi knew she should probably clean the whole house once in a while and not just her room but she didn't care much since she usually locked herself in her room when she wasn't going out anywhere. Her room was quite big and roomy and she had a computer, television, desk, telephone, bed and two book shelves along with other items. However, there were no posters on the wall, dolls sitting on her desk, or anything decorative items that she once had in her old room when there were three people in her family and not just two. She didn't and couldn't see any point of decorating her dull room.
"Do you want something for breakfast?" asked Mr. Tachikawa as he entered the kitchen after he closed the front door when Mimi had entered the house.
"No. I already ate," lied Mimi as she sat down on the edge of the couch before taking her wet socks off and rubbing her numb foot with a clean towel she found next to a flower base that contained dead roses which have been there for over a month now. Even though she hasn't eaten anything, she really didn't feel like eating any thing this morning especially if her dad was cooking. Her dad had never been good at cooking so she was the one who usually did the cooking unless her dad bought a box of pizza or something on his way home from work.
"Ok. Well, I should go to work now. I probably can't take the car out with this much snow. If I walk to my office, I should get there in half an hour or so, unless the side walk hasn't been cleaned out yet which will take me longer..."
Mimi just sat there on the couch, trying to warm herself while she pretended as if she was listening to her dad who now was walking around the living room, looking for his watch. It'd take practically hours to find something as small as a watch considering how messy the living room was. Piles of clothes was sitting on the corner next to the television and there were few dirty dishes laid out on the coffee table. An empty pizza box was right next to where Mimi was sitting and papers were just everywhere. She never touched the papers because they belonged to her dad for his office but it seemed her dad was a little too lazy to organized them. He was so unlike her mom...
"Damn! I can't find it! Oh well," said Mr. Tachikawa and he stormed into his bed room to get dressed.
Mimi snorted as she scanned around the room once and found her dad's watch next to the same table with the dead roses. It was right there the whole time and yet her dad had failed to see it. He was definitely unlike her mom.
"Kari? I know you're in there! Open up!" Tai banged on his sister's door over and over again until his hand had turned dark red and began to hurt like it had just been hit by a hammer. Usually, his first class should be starting right now in school but due to snow, the same school he went with Mimi and his few other friends had been canceled. Good thing too because he was in no mood to be in school, surrounded by his class mates and teachers. "Kari! Please, you got to eat something."
Tai quietly waited for a responds but when none came, he sighed and leaned against the wall. Kari had been in her room ever since yesterday after school when she got a letter in their mail box and hasn't come out since except once during midnight to use the bath room. He could tell Kari had been losing weight lately from skipping lunch in school and often dinner and he was starting to get worried.
Tai turned his head and looked at the his mom's door at the end of the hall way and sighed once again. His mother was probably sleeping from coming home so late from work. She had three jobs now and never really got a good amount of sleep since five months ago when his mom and dad got divorced. Tai never knew why they got divorced but he guessed it had something to do with his dad. Tai frowned at the thought of his dad. Just three weeks after his mom and dad got divorced, he remarried to another woman and moved to the other side of Japan, giving both him and Kari the look of regret before leaving. After that, Tai often wondered if he ever loved him and Kari in the first place or if he was just pretending to love them because part of his blood was in theirs.
With a low creaking sound, his mom's door flung open. "Tai, I'm going to work now. Take care of your sister."
"Mom? Why are you leaving so early?" asked Tai to his mother who just came out of her room fully dressed with a lot of make up on her face. He knew the only reason she wore make up was to hide her tiredness that he often saw when she came home late at night with her make up worn off. She had also lost a lot of weight and whenever she smiled, it looked like she was forcing it. The happiness he once saw in his mom's eyes was no longer there. They were gone.
"There's too much snow out. It'd be best if I leave early," said Mrs. Hinamori who once used to be Mrs. Kamiya. Tai nodded even though he knew his mother wouldn't be able to see him as she passed by him and left their apartment without eating any breakfast. He wished she had eaten at least an apple but he knew his mom thought her jobs were more important than her health. It was the only choice she had unless she wanted both her son and daughter to live in the streets or get sent to a foster home. However, Tai wanted nothing but his mother and Kari to be happy. But it was just so hard. Kari would just push him away whenever he tried to talk to her and he never really get any time to sit and have a talk with his mother.
Tai closed his eyes shut and knew that he had to keep trying no matter what. Even if he had to give his life for it. With that in mind, Tai gently spoke through Kari's door, hoping that Kari would listen to him this time and open the door. "Kari, listen to me. I don't know what was written in the letter you got yesterday but you got to eat something. I know mom's very worried about you and I'm worried too. I know this is hard for you but you got to keep on going. Kari... please. Open the door."
There was a small sob on the other side of the door and few minutes later, the door was unlocked and Kari flung out with tears streaming down her eyes. Tai looked down at his sister in surprise and hugged her tightly while he tried hard not to cry himself. He needed to be strong for Kari.
They stood in that same position for few moments without any words until Kari's tears came to a stop and she parted away from her brother. "T-tai... Our grandmother... Sh-she's planning to take me a-awy..."
"What?" said Tai in disbelief. "Who told you that?" He was definitely not expecting this.
Kari walked into her room and picked up the same letter she had gotten yesterday from her bed and handed it to Tai. With out hesitation, Tai quickly read the letter twice before he crumpled it in his hands. It was from his grandmother wanting to take Kari away because she thought it would be better if she lived with her instead of their mom who has barely enough money to pay for the cost of the apartment they were currently living in. Tai knew their grandmother was fairly rich and apparently, their grandmother had thought Kari living with her would make things much easier for everyone.
Tai was beyond mad. How could his grand mother possibly think about taking Kari away with out even discussing any thing with them? If his mom found out about what their grand mother was planning to do, he knew she would definitely be just as mad as him. She loved Kari too much to just give her up.
"Tai? She's not going to take me away, is she?" asked Kari in a quiet voice. Kari wanted to stay here with her brother and mom even though she never really got anytime to see her anymore. But Kari understood perfectly what her mom was going through and wanted to stay with her and Tai no matter what may happen.
"No... Of course not. Don't worry. We wont let her," whispered Tai, dropping the letter on to the floor before he hugged her tightly, afraid of losing her.
"Please don't tell mom about what our grandmother's planning to do," whispered Kari and Tai looked down at Kari in surprise. "I don't want mom to worry... She has enough things to worry about and... t-the letter was actually for m-mom. I knew grandmother wanted to take me away so I read it instead so mom won't have to... "
Tai understood what Kari was saying and nodded his head. It'd be best if their mom don't find about the letter or she would get very upset which is something neither him or Kari wants. He would some how find a way to change his grand mother's mind. He had to.