Disclaimer: Don't own the show, the ship, Edna, or anything else
Pairing: Harper/Tyr of course!
Soundtrack: "Pretend" ~Socialburn
Series/Companions: Yours, Mine, and Hours (yeah I know I'm a dork!)
AN: This one's for Connie who wanted to wake up Tyr (and liked Shiny) and Glitter Puff-here's your happy ending. It's time to get into Tyr's kind of thinking. There's more dialogue than usual for me. It changes POV and tense so if it gets cloudy, sorry ahead of time. But if you really don't like it-flame me. Go ahead, I can take it! Now…on with the fic!!!
Where you used to be, there's a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling into at night. I miss you like hell.
~Edna St. Vincent Millay
Tyr strode purposefully towards a familiar door. It had been a week, 168 hours. He shouldn't have let this wait. He'd let the boy off too easy; he'd let himself off too easy. He should have stopped Harper that morning. He had known the moment Harper had woken up; he'd heard the boy's strangled 'I love you,' and he still let Harper leave.
Tyr didn't even bother knocking. He marched in and grabbed the young engineer by the arm. Harper was caught by surprise and had a nanowelder halfway to Tyr's head before he realized what he was doing.
"Geez Tyr, don't sneak up on me like that!"
"We need to talk…"
"Ummm… can we do this later?" Harper was trying to edge his way past Tyr and escape into the corridor. Tyr saw this and moved slightly, blocking his getaway. The Nietzschean shoved a small, narrow box into the engineer's hands.
"Wha…?" Harper opened the box a fraction and caught a glimmer of crimson. He looked up at Tyr. "What's this?"
"For the one I broke."
Harper looked confused. "Tyr…you didn't have to-it was just a piece of junk I picked up on shoreleave."
"It was yours…and I don't want to see any part of you broken."
Harper refused to look Tyr in the eye. "Well, okay…thanks. I've got to get back to work now."
Tyr gently cupped Harper's face in his hands. "Harper, I know what you think. But I assure you that if I wanted someone else, say your Capt. Valentine, then I would be with her. But I'm with you. I don't want anyone else; and I don't settle for second best." A warm feeling spread through Harper's chest.
"And," Tyr continued "I love you."
Harper was speechless. Tyr saying the "L" word? To him? This had to be a dream. Harper pinched himself to make sure. "Ow!" the engineer let out a yelp.
Tyr looked amused. "What was that for?" he asked.
"I have to make sure I'm not asleep."
"Trust me, you're not asleep" And to prove it, Tyr leaned down and kissed his lover gently.
Harper broke away. "Tyr, I'm sor…"
"There's nothing to be sorry for."
The End