For Eternity - Final For Eternity
By: Bellchan

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ/GT. The characters Aya, Kevin, Michael, Ryouji, Brenda, Julian and Galford were all created by Bellchan.

Author Notes: Hello!!! It took me an eternity, but here is the final chapter, I decided to anticipate it because I still have another fic to write. I hope you enjoy it.

. ~ .o. ~ .oOo. ~ .o. ~ .

"I had a bad dream... Please wake up..."

The first ray of sun and the chirp of the birds made Pan stir, waking up from her peaceful sleep. She slowly opened her eyes to find herself resting on Trunks' warm chest. She smiled, it was the first time she saw him sleeping. Enchanted and marveled by his beautiful features, her fingers gently traced his thick, relaxed eyebrows. And as softly as the touch of a feather, they slid down to his pinkish cheek, than to his chin, until her thumb started to caress his lower lip. She didn't intend to wake him up, but touching him made her be sure that he was for real, that she was not dreaming.

With his eyes still closed, Trunks' lips curved up in a soft smile and his hand reached hers, pressing it against his lips to kiss her palm.

"Good morning, pretty girl." he finally looked at her.

"Good morning, pretty boy." she chuckled.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Nothing. You look like a baby when you're sleeping." She informed.

"I know. My mom used to say that." He said, flashing an adorable confident smile.

"She was right..." Pan smirked. "Trunks... I'd love to stay in your arms a little more but my stomach is arguing with me..." she said, pouting her lower lip.

"Hmm, I forgive you, since my stomach is complaining too..." he replied. "Stay here Pan, I'll pick some food and I'll be back in while." Trunks stood up and rushed to start going down the cliff, but what he saw down ahead made him stop dead in his tracks. "Shit!!!" he yelled.

"What, Trunks?" asked Pan, as soon as she reached him. She followed his gaze and nearly passed out. Down the cliff there was... Julian! And his soldiers. They were certainly after her, but she didn't expect they'd find her so easily.

"H-How? How did they..." Pan tried to speak.

"It doesn't matter Pan, we have to get out of here now!" Trunks quickly grabbed Pan's hand and ran to the opposite side. Going through that path wouldn't be easy, though. He didn't know exactly where it would lead, but it would be their only chance to escape.

"Trunks, it's me the one they're looking for. Leave me here and save your life! I don't want anything to happen with you." said Pan, as they continued running.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Come on!" he ordered, speeding up his pace.

It took some hours until tiredness begin taking over them, specially Pan, who wasn't used to make that amount of effort. Exhausted, her legs wouldn't obey.

"Come on, Pan, I'll carry you!" said Trunks, as he moved to take the girl in his arms.

"It's useless to run. This path won't lead anywhere." came a strong male voice. The fugitive couple felt their blood freeze as they knew whose voice it was.

"How did you find us... Julian!?" asked Pan, not turning around.

"It was quite easy my darling." the dark haired prince replied. Pan finally turned her head towards him and widened her eyes in shock as she recognized the slender figure standing by his side, along with an incredible number of soldiers.

"No... B-Brenda!!??" she gasped. "Why? Why did you do that?" asked Pan, refusing to believe she was betrayed by her best friend.

"It's for your own good, lady Pan. Please come back with us!" replied the other girl.

"Shut up! How could you? I trusted you blindly! I thought you were my best friend!" Pan shouted, completely astonished.

"Come on, Pan, I'll give you a second chance if you come with me. Despite your betrayal I still love you..." said the prince, with a smooth voice.

"I'll never do it Julian. Please leave us!" the girl implored.

"I'm sorry darling, but you have no choice." He said, smirking evilly.

It took a while, but Pan and Trunks finally realized they were cornered. Right behind them there was a precipice. And a fall from that height would be certainly fatal. They stared at the water down the precipice and the wild weaves that flowed against the rocks.

"There's no way to escape." The prince informed, victorious. "Listen, Pan. Let's make a deal. If you come with me I'll preserve his life. You don't want him to die, do you?" he asked. "I'll give you some minutes to think, Pan. I hope you take a smart decision."

"Pan, don't worry about me. I know he's lying but you can at least save your life." Trunks told her.

"Trunks, last night I told you I would never leave you. And I meant that." was Pan's determined answer. "And I'll repeat again. It doesn't matter what happens, I'll be always with you."

And for minutes they looked deeply in the eyes. As they could read each other's mind, each other's soul. None of them was willing to give up everything they've experienced together. There was no way things could ever be the same.

"Pan, trust me. I'll never let anything happen to you. I promise." He said.

"Don't say anything, my dear. I trust you. You're the only one I'll ever trust." She responded. Taking his hand with hers, she looked at the prince and smiled.

"I've made my decision, Lord Julian." She informed, emphasizing the treatment she gave him. She never called him 'Lord'. "Good bye."

The black haired man couldn't do anything, but stare as they both jumped down right in front of his eyes.

"No, Pan!!!" Brenda screamed in shock.

"How stupid!" the prince muttered, stepping forward to look for their bodies. But he didn't saw them. There was no sign of those two.

"Lord Julian, they're dead! You promised you would bring lady Pan with us alive!" complained the blue haired girl.

"It's not my fault. She chose this way, what could I do?" the man replied, coldly. With a single movement, he ordered his men to retreat.

* * * * *

"Pan, don't give up. I know we'll meet again. Remember our promise."

"Trunks? Trunks???" Pan shouted his name, as consciousness slowly came back to her. She looked around herself. No bruise, no scratch. And her sense of space was finally recovered, making her notice the environment around her. She heard the sound of water. Yes, it was a shore. She probably was carried by the water. "We fell from that precipice... But... Why am I still alive?" she asked herself. "And where is Trunks?"

She stood up and desperately scanned the area. But there was no sign of him. The purple haired boy. Her savior, for the second time.

* * * * *

"I don't know how long I've been here, looking for you, Trunks. How many years? But I vow before this ocean I'll find you." The young woman looked up to the sky. It was dark, she could see millions of stars. The same stars that witnessed her love, and her promise, the last night she was with Trunks. "You know what, my love? You were wrong. The angels also can love. And those stars are their tears of joy." and with a confident smile on her face, she walked away. She had a purple haired child waiting for her at home.

. ~ .oOo. ~ .

Trunks walked down the rushed avenue aiming for his girlfriend's apartment. The same path he took countless times. But why this time it seemed to be longer? Torturing? He was certainly anxious. He had made a decision, but first he would have to talk with Aya. To tell her the truth. To tell that he didn't love her, and that she didn't deserve to be hurt.

The young man raised his hand to press the doorbell button, but hesitated. It definitely wasn't the first time he broke up with a girl, then why was it being so hard? Maybe because she was different from other girls. Otherwise it wouldn't have lasted that long. In a short, fast movement he finally pressed the button.

"Trunks?" the short haired girl opened the door and looked at him, surprised.

"Hello, Aya. Are you too busy?" asked Trunks, his voice sounding a bit nervous.

"Oh no, but you don't look fine. Come on in." she stepped back and motioned for him to enter.

"Well, I can't stay for too long, I... have..." he began.

"Sit down, please." Aya sat on the couch and offered a place by her side.

"Well, I'd like to talk... about us." Trunks' eyes seemed to avoid her green, expectant ones, as he kept his gaze anywhere, but away from the girl.

"About... us?" she asked, staring at him.

"I... I really like you Aya, you're a very special girl for me but..."

"But you don't love me." She spat. He finally looked at her in the eyes.

"I can't lie to you. I never... I thought I could love you but I can't. I'm sorry, Aya." He looked down again.

"Trunks, I won't say it's fine with me because it's not. But I don't want a man that keeps his head on another woman during all the time. You aren't even able to hide. And you don't make any effort to hide. Everybody knew, right Trunks? Everybody knew. Your sister, your father, your friends... I was the only one who didn't... until the day she arrived. But if you came here to clarify the things, then... Well, at least you had the guts to do it." The young woman told him, not as calmly as she used to be.

"Wait Aya, I didn't want to hurt you..." was all he managed to say.

"It's too late, Trunks. But I'll survive." She smiled sardonically. "Don't worry I won't get on your way. You can go now." not waiting for him to say anything, Aya rushed to the door and turned it open.

"Aya, I hope we can be friends..." said Trunks, apologetically.

"Maybe." Was her short reply. She let him give a short kiss on her lips before walking out of her... life.

* * * * *

"Sorry, Pan, I can't... We can't..."

Meanwhile, Trunks' last words still played on Pan's mind as she took her bath. Letting the water flow through her skin felt so good, so purifying... But on the other hand it made her have a million thoughts. So many thoughts about one single person. In fact, her mind was so far away, that all her movements were practically mechanical. She turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around her hair and put her white bathrobe. And to complete her daily routine, she grabbed her body lotion and headed to the bed.

"A woman must always keep her skin smooth and hydrated". Pan smiled as she remembered her friend's words. A friend she met when she went to London. They both shared the same apartment, that's why they were so close.

Still deep on her thoughts, the Saiyan girl sat down on her bed and began spreading the cream along her legs, until she realized the chilly breeze coming from the window.

"Strange... I'm sure I didn't let it open." She muttered to herself.

"So that's the secret of your beauty." Said a male voice. No, it was not just a male voice, it was HIS voice.

"T-Trunks?" she quickly stood up, in a defensive stance, after all she was practically wearing no clothes. "This is a bad habit of yours, coming inside people's room by the window!" the girl scolded.

"No, it's not a habit of mine." He affirmed, matter-of-factly. "That's because I wanted to see you badly." He told her, stepping forward.

"Don't! I'm not dressed properly." She protested, only to be ignored, since he continued advancing until his arms were around her waist. Although he held her firmly, she could escape easily, if she wanted. But all she did was stand in front of him, paralyzed, feeling his scent, his breath, his lips approaching her ear.

"What would have happened to us if I didn't have stopped that day, in my bed?" he whispered. Purposely or not, he caused all her senses to be stimulated intensely, making her drop all defenses down.

"I don't know..." she said, closing her eyes to feel the warmth of his body.

"Pan... I'm here because... Because I love you."

Yet, it was more painful than any other pain could be. What was that man saying? That he loved her? So, this is how it is. "Trunks, do you know what you're saying?" Pan pulled out from his embrace, making him stare at her dumbfoundly. "You broke my heart a million times and now you come and say you love me?" she burst into tears.

"Pan... I..." spoke the speechless demi-Saiyan, resting his hand gently on her shoulder. Or at least trying to, since she pushed it off violently.

"Don't touch me!" she yelled. Both remained silent for a while. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed her red face, her chest panting hard. "Do you know why I ran away from here, four years ago?" she asked him, as soon as she managed to calm down. "I ran away from you!" the girl finally blurted out. "Because I couldn't stand seeing you with those girls! I loved you since then, you can't tell how painful it was for me!"

"I... didn't know you..." he widened his eyes in surprise.

"How could you know? You saw nothing in me but another sister of yours."

"No, it's not..." he tried to say, but she didn't let him finish his sentence.

"Those girls were beautiful, graceful and I... What could I offer to you? I was just a tomboy who dared to dream about being with you." She told him, in a low voice.

"No, don't talk like that..." he reached her again, feeling uncomfortable for seeing her tears falling down her face. "Listen, I..."

"Trunks, please go away." She spat.

"Pan..." he said, with a serious expression. "Shut the hell up."

She looked at him surprised at the change in his tone. His voice was firm and his eyes showed, somehow, a more mature side of him. "Shut the hell up. Who do you think I am? What do you think I expect in a woman? Beauty? Grace? Those things go away with time. They lose their enchant when there's nothing more to be left." The lavender haired man turned her around, making her be face to face with her own reflex in the mirror. "Look at you. A splendid woman. The only woman that really used to understand me. I wasn't that fast to realize." He confessed. "But I did miss you when you left. Unconsciously, I looked for a little of you in each girl I met. That was how I found out I was in love with you, the little girl I used to baby-sit. Do you think it was easy to me? But fortunately I opened up my eyes in time."


"I don't care about anything. I just want to be happy with you, Pan. And when your youth is gone, I'll still have more then a woman. I'll have a partner, a warrior, a person that cares for her family and friends. This is the woman I want."

"So, you're saying..." she said, finally turning to look at his brilliant azure eyes. Trunks, who was not interested in hearing whatever she was going to say, but in kissing her rosy lips, just covered them gently with his fingers. His pleading eyes were showing her what he wanted, and her soft smile was the answer he got.

Their first kiss, that is to say, their first real kiss felt like it was more then a physical contact. It was like their souls were being touched mutually. A mixture of joy, pain, desire, tenderness and complicity all together. They could not tell what was their strongest feeling in that precious moment, causing the sublime kiss to be interrupted by a surprising reaction from them both. Leaned on each other's forehead, they laughed. They laughed in a sudden explosion of happiness, coming from the bottom of their hearts.

"What are we laughing about?" he asked, letting a single tear escape from the corner of his eyes.

"I don't know. But you are crying too." She told him, as she was also crying.

"Am I? I don't think so..." he quickly wiped his tear, making a confident expression. A hard expression that didn't last more then two seconds, as he collapsed on her shoulder, completely overcome by emotion.

Amazed and surprised at how a powerful and proud Saiyajin like him could ever cry like that, Pan just rubbed the back of his head soothingly, hearing his sobs.

"Oh, come on, let's get out of here." He said, changing his mood again.

"Where are we going?" asked the girl.

"To anywhere people can't find us." He informed, scooping her up in his arms.

"Wait, let me put some clothes first!" she exclaimed, finally remembering she was only in her bathrobe.

"Why? We won't need clothes." The man affirmed, with a mischievous smile printed on his face.

Before the Saiyan girl could process what he meant, they were off to the deep blue sky, heading to a place that only Trunks could picture in his mind.

In a couple of minutes, the two of them were flying over a small, exotic island in the middle of the ocean. If they were expecting an isolated area to enjoy a little time together that seemed to be a perfect choice.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" asked Trunks, landing over a stone on the top of an abnormally huge waterfall.

"Sure..." she murmured, impressed with the ferocity of the water draining down. Looking back at her partner, she raised her eyebrows in surprise as she watched him taking off his clothes. "Trunks? What are you doing?"

"Look down there Pan... Isn't it amazing?" he said, pointing to the bottom of the waterfall.

"Yes. And extremely high!" she remarked, staring at him like he was insane. "You're not thinking what I'm thinking, are you?" the girl asked, suspiciously. Yes, he was, she concluded that by the smirk on his face as he got rid of her bathrobe. "Oh... No, no, no... I won't jump, Trunks, I won't..."

"Where is the courageous Son Pan of the old times?" he chanted. "Don't you trust me? Do you think I'll let you get hurt?" he whispered against her lips. "Come on, darling, give a deep breath and don't you dare trying to float in the air..." was the last understandable words she heard from him before they hit the water down there.

Pan emerged to the surface gasping for air, and having the strange, inexplicable sensation of having already done that before. "Trunks? Trunks, where are you?" she shouted, since there didn't seem to be any sign of him. But she finally got her response when she felt someone kissing her belly under the water. And this same someone began kissing her lower and lower... until her knee connected to his chin.

"OUCH, Pan!" protested Trunks, being forced to come to the surface. "Do you think my face is made of iron?"

"Sorry... You took me by surprise..." she said, as innocently as an angel would be.

"It's hurting..." he whined, just like a little boy.

Smiling at his funny face, the girl placed both her hands on his cheeks and kissed the red spot. "Naughty boy..." she whispered, teasingly.

Lovers, finally lovers, the couple just seemed to worry about pleasing each other. This time those kisses were burning like fire, those touches were devastating like a storm. An intimate contact that was growing to be... complete.

"Pan, I don't know if I should..." he said against her lips, with a hint of mischievousness behind his husky voice.

"If you stop I'll kill you!" she threatened, sweetly.

"All right, forget what I said..."

And a dream was coming to an end to become as real and pure as that crystalline water. It didn't pay to live a life of uncertainties. That feeling was extraordinary and nothing would stop them from running to the arms of unconditional love.

. ~ .oOo. ~ .

"It took me a while, Trunks, but now I know what was the strongest barrier between us. It was ourselves. Our conflicting feelings. They were keeping me away from you, but we finally realized it was useless to deny what we felt for each other."

. ~ .oOo. ~ .

* Remembrances *

"They're right. You look gorgeous."

"Would you give me the honor?"

"I'm sorry... You're indeed a little... full... to be a child..."
"You pervert, idiot, jerk!"

"Trunks, tell me about your girlfriend. How does she look?
"Hmm... I wish I had one. Just like you."

"I was just worried with you, is there anything wrong about caring for a friend?"
"Of course not. Then just not to make you worried, Mr. Trunks, I'll be sure to ask your permission to talk with someone the next

"But you should watch out, though... I can see your panties!"
"Trunks, you pervert! Stop looking at my butt and take those damn apples!!!"

"Woo-hoo!!! Cheers to the great guitarist Trunks Briefs!
"Hmm... I'm not used to reading romances, but since it's your favorite I'll give it a try. Thank you, Pan..."

"Do you see those stars? They are the angels tears. They cry... because they don't know how it feels like falling in love..."

"He was like an angel standing in the rain."

. ~ .oOo. ~ .

"Finally... Finally the barrier was broken. I found you."

. ~ .oOo. ~ .

~ (short) EPILOGUE ~

10 years later (present timeline)...

"I told you." Said the woman, in a disapproving tone.

"I admit it. I should have listened to my little wife." He stated, sighing.

"It's okay, darling, it's raining and I love to sleep when it rains." She smiled, turning off the video. The movie her husband had picked out was indeed extremely boring. But the couple didn't seem to care about it, since they were very comfortable in each other's arms. Pan and Trunks were married for ten years now, and harmony was something people would always see reflected on their faces. Even in a stormy night like that...

"Ahhh!!!" she hid her head under the covers and grabbed his protective arms, as soon as she heard the loud sound of a thunder.

"Still afraid of thunder? You don't change." He teased, noticing her eyes were tightly shut. Suddenly, his sensitive ears caught the slight noise of the door cracking open. He turned his head at that direction and smiled as he recognized the small figure standing with a little doll on her arms.

"Mommy! Daddy! Can I sleep here? I'm afraid of thunder!" said the eight years old girl, her brilliant blue eyes staring at him expectantly.

"Sure, honey. It seems that you're not the only one here..." Trunks smirked, turning his gaze to the woman at his side. She glared at him but then motioned to her daughter to come in. The little girl squealed with joy and quickly joined her parents in the comfortable king size bed.

"I used to do that when I was your age..." Pan commented, playing with the girl's silky black hair.

Another thunder, stronger that the last one was heard again, causing Trunks' wife and daughter reflexively hold into his arms. 'I love to sleep when it rains too...' he thought.


. ~ .o. ~ .oOo. ~ .o. ~ .

Comments: Thank you a lot for reading this fic! ^_^ It was all dedicated to the two protagonists of GT series, Trunks and Pan. The experience of writing a more dramatic plot was great, but it was completely different from all the stuff I've written, so I don't know how disastrous it was. And there was that fantasy/reality thing intertwining along the story, so I hope it didn't bothered you that much. And for those who are reading "Stray Cats", well, I'm still deciding if I'll continue it... (I think I'll start it all over again with small changes in the plot...) Well, see ya!