Of the Blood

Disclaimer: see Chapter 1

For a background note: in White Wolf's Vampire: the Masquerade, the First Vampire is actually Caine who killed his brother Abel, and for that got cursed by God (with sunlight allergy and a whole lot of superpowers, obviously).

In this chapter, I have left out that detail, as it would cause severe problems for whoever intended to kill him (Genesis 4:15, if you really want to know).

Chapter 12


Many, many years later...

...It came to pass that snows blanketed the lands with a silent shroud. The moon rose red in the sky like a bloody eye. Blackness consumed the stars, and animals sniffed the air and howled for mercy.

It was the night of Gehenna. The Final Night, when, according to age-old prophecies, the mighty vampires from yore would rise and feast upon their progeny – and the hapless masses of humanity. Stormclouds boiled over the earth, and it was as if time itself was already drawing the curtains of the theatre of Earth, for surely the end had come.

It was on the banks of the Euphrates, near the First City of Ur, that they rose. Ancient vampires, creatures that had witnessed the dawn of civilisation and lived like gods among the terrified humans. Their long slumber had finally come to an end, and hungrily they rose, crawled up from the earth, shook the dust from their pale hides, bathed their wrinkly skin in the reddish moonlight and bit their lips in ravenous anticipation. But first, they gathered in the marketplace of that ruined city around the solitary creature that would lead them to their rightful place as rulers over earth and sky:

The first vampire.

"Children and grandchildren," the vampire spoke, and though he didn't raise his voice, he could be heard many miles away, "the time has come. The circle has drawn to a close. Tonight, we will swarm out and retake the earth! Tonight is the night that both man and beast will tremble before us! Tonight the old world will die!"

"No it won't," a clear woman's voice cut him off.

A deady silence settled over the assembled vampires. Slowly, their Father turned his head towards the girl-vampire, clad all in black, that regarded him with a friendly smile. "Who dares to interrupt me?" he demanded in a low growl. Several creatures of the night inched backwards, expanding the circle around Father and girl.

"I am Nadine," she said. "And I carry your doom." The girl held up a playing card. From the card stepped a tall, dour, thin man, who regarded the first vampire with something like professional interest. A long sword hung in its scabbard at his belt.

"You look just like one of my brothers," he said.

The first vampire sneered at Nadine. "The time that I feared living warriors is long since past," he spoke in a dark voice. "After I have slain your protector, I will drink your heart's blood. You will be the first to fall before my..."

"Yes, yes, I've heard that before," Nadine said. "Cut the crap, will you?" The assembled horde cringed before her blasphemy. Rage blossomed in the eyes of their Father, and he seemed to grow as he advanced, baring feral claws, fangs protruding, exuding the aura of a vengeful god. Even Nadine winced as her mighty ancestor leapt forward and slashed, lightning-quick, a blow that would have felled a boar at the thin human.

There was the tiniest chink! of metal against metal. In an instant, Benedict seemed to have shifted his pose: he now had one hand on the hilt of his sword, that stuck just a little out of its scabbard. The first vampire had frozen in mid-leap.

Then, with a delay that was almost dramatically appropriate, the vampire's head toppled from his shoulders. Only now did Nadine notice the tiny droplets of blood on Benedicts leather jerkin.

"Perfect," she said.

"No," Benedict replied. "I took a slice off the fourth vertebra, while I should just have severed the nerves between the third and the fourth." Nadine realized that the man was actually annoyed: the detail would probably nag at him for years to come.

"Never mind. Anyone else want some?" she called out to the assembled undead.

The mighty vampires, who had in their time ruled as lords unopposed, now hesitated, torn between fear and the lust for blood and vengeance.

At that moment, the cavalry charged from behind the ruins.

Mighty warhorses galloped in, their riders clad in strong yet supple plate mail, brandishing swords and torches as they thundered closer. Leading them, grinning fiercely, was a knight clad all in black and silver, spurring his horse on with scaled silver gloves. Although he wore a black helmet, Nadine recognized Corwin immediately. Even though she had never seen him fight, his carefully measured recklessness, dirty tricks and backstabs seemed somehow familiar. The vampires hardly had time to turn around or bare their fangs as he cut into them, driving them before him with a large torch, then skewering them one-handed with a sword that was almost as long as Nadine. Smoke and the spicy smell of burnt flesh filled the air as several vampires ignited and rolled screaming over the ground, setting fire to their bone-dry comrades.

"Too low," Benedict muttered, apparently oblivious to the battle that raged all around him. Nadine felt the urge to pat his shoulder. He must really be annoyed.

The ancient vampires put up quite a fight, but they never recovered from their initial surprise, and were relentlessly cut down by some of the finest horseman Shadow had to offer. In the end, the last monsters, seeing that they were surrounded, dove into their old hiding places in the ground, frightened of the new world's legions and anxious to return to their slumber and dreams of times long gone. Within half an hour, Nadine was the only vampire left standing on the ruined market square of Ur.

Corwin rode up to her through the mass of blackened bodies, most of which had already turned into ash, and saluted her. While his gloves and black riding boots bore numerous rips and scratches, none of the vampires had managed to cling on long enough to drink his blood – the only possibility Nadine had actually feared.

"So, my lady Nadine," Corwin said, "your little favour has been repaid. Is everything according to your wishes now?"

"Quite," Nadine smiled. "Thank you."

"It was nothing," Corwin said. "Well," he mused as he dismounted, "of course it was a tough fight, testing both my skill and courage, but it was not really dangerous."

"Of course," Nadine said, and kissed him on the cheek. "What will you do now? Return to Amber?"

"Probably," Corwin said. "There's always a lot to do in Amber." He hesitated. "Say, you could join us if you like," he added. "Visit the castle, stay with us for a while..."

"Sticking my nose into that hornet's nest again?" Nadine laughed. "No, thank you: I've walked one pattern too many already!"

Corwin shrugged. "Whatever. But if you ever change your mind... What will you do now?"

"I will go home, to Utrecht," Nadine said. "Seek out my friends in their hiding places and tell them it's safe to come out. The other vampires will probably remain hidden for quite some time. Which means the world will be a good place to live in for the coming years. But first..."


"First I'm going to pick up my friend Janus and some bottles of booze, and we'll celebrate and drink ourselves into a merry stupor."

"You're a vampire with the potent blood of Amber in your veins," Corwin said incredulously. "Do you know what amount of alcohol we have to drink to get tipsy, let alone drunk?"

"No problem," Nadine grinned as she turned to walk away through Shadow. "I've spoken to Gérard after I'd returned with Brands body, and he told me exactly where to find the best pan-galactic gargle blasters the multiverse has to offer!"


Well, that's it: the end of a story that started nearly half a year ago, and has become one of the longest short stories I've ever written. I hope you've enjoyed it: thank you for reading, and also my thanks to everyone who has bothered to review 'Of the Blood:' I remain a sucker for reviews, after all. Special thanks go to my girlfriend Marijke for proofreading everything (and also for being cute), my friend Marieke for borrowing me everything she had from Amber, my friend Donijs for borrowing me everything he had from Vampire, and PrincessEilonwy, faithful commentator who has never been long in reviewing each chapter as it appeared on FanFiction, even though the story didn't turn into a Nadine/Corwin romance...

Next, I will probably start on some Dutch writing projects that have been gathering dust for some time (including my master's thesis, *ahem*). I already have a plan for returning to FanFiction some day, however, be it not in the Amber section, but, being such a sucker for reviews, in the fast-paced and high-paying world of Harry Potter. Here, I planned to test my writing skills on a 'romance' story involving Snape and Hermione. Of course, there are dozens of those stories already, but I will do my best to make mine stand out, using such plot elements as a huge bowl of chocolate pudding and an interesting new mythical creature called a succubog, that possesses rather disturbing properties...