Author's Note: Some of you guys want to kill me. Sorry for the tardiness.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or Vandread.

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By Northridge

Chapter 1


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It was thought that 2015 A.D. was to be the 'Year of Peace.'

Humanity had pulled itself from the devastation of Second Impact. Bit by bit, the Earth was being replenished from the desolation that came about fifteen years past. The cities were being rebuilt; technology was advancing; the ecosystem was coming back into balance. It seemed God was smiling upon humanity after His apocalypse nearly claimed its death. Yet humanity came under threat from His Angels.

Sachiel was the first to strike...

NERV was the organization charged to deal with this renewed threat. Though the powerful beings known as Angels began to reappear on the Earth, hope was with humanity through their creation known as Evangelion. NERV used these gigantic beings to fight the Angels with success.

Yet these monstrosities proved to just as dangerous to humanity as the Angels. In the wrong hands, Evangelions were exactly that. After the death of Tabris, the seventeenth Angel, the organization known as SEELE attempted to initiate their own version of Third Impact using the Eva Series.

NERV battled against SEELE…

The world plunged into another world war.

Sides were drawn. Alliances were formed.

N2 bombs were not uncommon weapons in this conflict. The Evangelions from both sides fought each other to stalemates each time. All the spiteful characteristics of war were present: pain, hunger, and most of all…death.

NERV was losing the war…

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March 19th 2019 A.D.

For the last four years, Tokyo-3 was a virtual fortress. The initial design of the city was to repel Angels. Evas could catapult through shafts from the Geofront to traffic intersections. Entire skyscrapers held massive weapons for Evas to access in emergencies. But since the inception of the Eva Wars, the enemy shifted from Angels to human invasion. While most of the shafts to the surface are still intended for Eva transport, the vast majority of them were modified to allow VTOL aircraft to descend to the surface. Before, Tokyo-3 could have passed for any metropolitan city. Now, the city was dotted with bunkers and people rarely graced the streets. Heavily armored tanks guarded the hills and roamed the road with authority. A complex array of silos ringed the city to form an almost impenetrable missile shield to protect against N2 weaponry coming in from the sky. This was the state of Tokyo-3, the home base of NERV. Safety would be a guarantee to any NERV soldier stationed in this fortress on any day.

Pity SEELE chose today for an attack.

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Private Yugi Togusa was a lone sentry manning a watchtower along the coast near Tokyo-3. He was a pudgy gnome of a man with a balding head and wearing a regulation NERV army uniform one size too small. His potbelly gut jutted out from his faded green windbreaker. His eyes were emotionless brown and looked out from an unshaven face. Before the Eva Wars, he was a salaryman working a desk job in Tokyo-2. Back then, Yugi was forty pounds lighter and exercised every morning; he worked 60 hours a week with Sundays off, went out to drink sake with co-workers, made 6,000,000 yen a year, and had a wife who was expecting a child. It was a comfortable life until the Eva Wars shattered it. When the fighting began, SEELE chose to bombard Tokyo-2 with N2 bombs, thus reducing the capital and his wife to ashes. At the time, Yugi was in Kyoto on a business trip. He watched the carnage on the TV in his hotel room. His whole world turned upside down that day. The next morning, Yugi enlisted into NERV at the recruitment center that sprang up in the hotel lobby.

Currently, Yugi was crouched in a rusted chair. His binoculars were on a nearby table along with a sake bottle that costed him a wedding ring and a porno rag. His unshaven face stared up towards the blue sky and thought of better days.

'I can't stand this crap.' Yugi thought as he bit into his meager ration of jerky. The higher-ups recently reduced rations to conserve resources. He crumpled the plastic wrapping in a ball and tossed it towards the trash bin with a drunk's aim. He took a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his uniform and lit one up with a lighter nearly depleted of fluid. He traded his Rolex for the cigarettes.

As Yugi lazily blew out smoke from his nostrils, he noticed several objects up in the sky.

'Those aren't patrol aircraft!' He mentally shouted. Yugi immediately stumbled out of his chair to reach for the radio.

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"Sir, Post 71 has reported several objects coming in towards Tokyo-3."

General Fuyutsuki looked up from his clipboard. "From where, lieutenant?"

"From the atmosphere."

"Alert Condition Red!" Fuyutsuki shouted as he quickly strolled over to his console.

Klaxons rang throughout Tokyo-3. Caught by surprise, soldiers ceased their idleness and manned their stations. The few civilians left in Tokyo-3 quickly ran into the many fallout shelters throughout the city. The anti-missile silos kicked into full gear. Back on the coast, Yugi kept his binoculars trained up towards the sky.

Back in the NERV command center, it was chaos. Fear and anxiety painted the faces of the command staff as they tried to ascertain the nature of the unknowns, which were quickly gaining momentum with their descent. General Fuyutsuki was rapidly becoming irritated with the lack of information on the incoming objects.

He questioned his lieutenant manning the communications station with an impatient scowl. "What the hell are they?"

"Still unknown! But the intelligence section thinks they're coated with radar-absorbing paint! AMS Command doesn't think they can lock onto them until they get closer!"

"How soon until a lock?"

"20 seconds max!"

As the seconds ticked down, it felt like an eternity to the command crew. Sweat trickled down faces and hands were clenched into fists.

"15, 14, 13…"

Every NERV soldier on the ground was on standby, waiting for an invasion. Except for those who took the time to look up in the sky, everyone was unaware of the threat above.

"10, 9, 8, 7…"

Entire lives were being replayed in many of the minds in the command center. Some people thought of their first kiss; others thought about their most recent birthday party. One was thinking about the leaky faucet in his bathroom.

"3, 2, 1…LOCK!"

A barrage of missiles shot out from the AMS silos surrounding Tokyo-3. The exhaust lines traced lines towards their intended targets. However, right before explosions were expected by Fuyutsuki, the objects exploded themselves into dozens of smaller objects that quickly scattered to cover a larger area of descent.

"They were MMVs!" The lieutenant shouted.

'Shit!' was the collective thought of many people in the command center.

"Can we get a lock on all of them?" Fuyutsuki asked quickly.

"AMS say no!"

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Yugi Togusa dropped his binoculars and grabbed his sake bottle. He wanted every drop.

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Asuka Sohryu's fractured and scarred body laid peacefully in the coma ward of the hospital. She was oblivious to the people stumbling about her.

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Floating right above the ocean at a safe distance, a little boy watched as the harbingers of destruction fell to the earth. His face was impassive as stone.

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Ready to launch, Toji and Hikari sat in their Evas. They were waiting for a command.

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General Fuyutsuki sat down his chair as the others around him dove for cover, not caring about the futility of their actions.

"Yui, I'm coming."

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All in all, 89 N2 bombs made it through the missile shield. The surface of Tokyo-3 and the surrounding areas became a sea of fire. As far away as Alaska, people felt the tremors in the ground. As far away as a cargo ship in the Pacific, the crew saw the shapeless mass of smoke and debris originating from Japan.

Everything was wiped out. Everything.

The head of NERV was severed. The rest would soon follow.

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Preparations were made in the event of an Alert Condition Red at Tokyo-3. Every NERV base was signaled about the invasion. When communication with Tokyo-3 ceased, the preparations went into effect. One of those preparations was being carried out right now.

On the 29th sub-level of a storage facility were two people lock in an argument. Wooden crates were stacked to form walls that stretched and snaked throughout the entire level to create a maze difficult to navigate without a map.

Which was why Misato Katsuragi chose this place.

"Misato, I won't leave!"

"Shinji, they musn't find you or Unit-01!"

"But we still have to save them!"

"There's nothing we can do now! Get in!"


She knocked him into unconsciousness with the butt of her gun and shoved him inside the stasis capsule.

"Goodbye…Shinji."Misato whispered with a tear sliding down her left cheek.

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Several centuries later…

"Captain, I'm reading a large derelict object several thousand kilometers ahead."

'Well this is exciting.' The captain thought with moderate interest.

Recently, the double-hulled space vessel fought and won against a task force of relentless drone ships intent on their destruction. Since then, the crew went through their daily routines and suffered the occasional nuttiness of the Nirvana's pilot; other than that, things have been quiet aboard the ship. The many women and few men on board were on their way home to their respective planets of Mejere and Tarak. The lone pirate ship currently is the only force standing between home and a fleet that meant destruction for their worlds. An Earth Harvest armada was heading the same way as the crew of the Nirvana. This was an armada that sprung from their original homeworld of Earth that meant to 'harvest' the descendants of the colonists it sent into space long ago. Many human colonies had already been wiped out for the "betterment" of Earth. The Nirvana and her crew were the only ones to stand up against them and live so far.

"Let's have a look. Full magnification." The captain ordered.

The view screen instantly displayed the derelict object. It was clear to the captain that the object was a cargo ship from the colonial era.

"I haven't seen one of those since I was a girl." the captain remarked with nostalgia.

BC, the second in command of the Nirvana hunched over her control panel to analyze the relic. "The database shows that it is a Behemoth-class cargo ship, very old...registered as the U.E.F. Shitamachi."

On the view screen, the functionless ship appeared about three times the size and length of the Nirvana, but it lacked the sleekness of the latter. Its bulky grey design was unappealing to the eye; yet it was an unknown that might contain supplies the Nirvana desperately needed.

"Send a team to open our present up." The captain replied with a smile.

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"Mr. Alien! Wait for me!"

"Hurry your ass up! I don't have any time to waste for an idiot like you!"

"Will you two keep it down! We have a mission to complete!" Meia shouted in agitation at the dissimilar pair. The Dread leader continued to walk through the dimly light corridor, while the rest of the away team listened dispassionately to the unwanted attention Dita showered on Hibiki.

"But Mr. Alien doesn't want to be with me, Meia!"

"Because you're annoying!"

Meia stopped walking, turned around to face the two, and pointed her flashlight up to illuminate her face. In the light, her head ornament snaked across her head to nearly cover her currently twitching left blue eye. Meia spoke not with the stressed manner in which she addressed Dita and Hibiki before; rather, she spoke like the proverbial 'calm before the storm.'

"Stop bickering and move along."

Dita, the youngest Dread pilot and Hibiki the only Vanguard pilot immediately hurried along.

The team had docked the shuttle to one of the exit ports of the Shitamachi and proceeded through the cargo ship in search of supplies. At the moment, the team was in search of the bridge.

Parfet, the Nirvana's chief engineer marveled at her surroundings with interest. "Wow, I have never seen such antiqued designs! They don't make them like these anymore!"

Her traveling companion, a mature-looking blond with ample cleavage remarked at her friend's comment. "Parfet, I don't care about any designs. Just find something useful." Jura replied while inspecting her recently manicured nails. "Also, I hope we find some beauty supplies! We're running out of conditioner in the spa!"

The group came upon a set of doors that appeared to lead to a cargo hold.

"Parfet, see if you can open the doors." Meia ordered quietly.

"Yes ma'am!" replied the bespectled brunette. Parfet immediately went over to the access panel and proceeded to press buttons.

After a minute, Parfet stood straight with joy. "Meia, I got it."

The cargo doors swished open with a slow hissing sound. The group cautiously entered the dark hold with Meia's beam ring at the ready in one hand and a flashlight in the other. The light barely made out the objects in the darkness.

"Parfet, the lights." Meia stated.

The chief engineer pointed her flashlight around to find the light switch. After a few seconds, her light trained on a panel besides the exit.

"Got it!"

The ceiling lights flickered on to reveal the hold's contents. The cargo hold was big and filled with pods. A lot of pods. Row by row there were large grey oval pods, large enough to fit people.

The group continued their cautious search.

"Wow! There must be at least a thousand of those things in here!" Parfet remarked with glee.


Everyone turned to Dita, who was now clinging to Hibiki as if her life was at stake.

"Ahhh! Let me go, idiot!"

"Dita what is it?" Meia asked.

"The pods! Look inside the pods!" Dita screamed with fear.

Everyone else peered through a pod's glass window. A mummified face stared back at them.

"Eww! That's disgusting!" Jura remarked with obvious repulsion.

Parfet examined the pod closely.

"Hmm. It seems these pods are used for stasis. But the life support failed a long time ago."

"Are any of them still fuctional?" Meia asked.

Parfet took a quick look around.

"Not likely. All of the pods seem to be wired to a central power source. I'm guessing if that power source failed, then all of the pods shut down."

"I see." Meia replied.

"Hey! How about this one?"

Everyone turned to over where Hibiki was standing by the far wall. The pod he pointed to was different from the rest. While the other pods were uniform in size and appearance, this particular one was larger and black in color. The others made their way to the unique pod and peered through the still frosted glass window.

"He's still alive." Jura commented with interest.

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In the Nirvana's Infirmary…

"So what's the verdict, doctor?"

Duero, the ship's male doctor turned towards the captain and BC.

The away team had brought the unique pod back the Nirvana. At the moment, everyone and a few dozen other crew members were jam-packed into the infirmary to see the source of interest. The pod was placed in the center of the room and Parfet was hunched over the controls.

"From what I can see, the occupant of the pod appears to be a nineteen-year old male." Duero stated.

"I'm asking if he can be revived." The captain restated.

"We'll soon find out."

"I think it!" Parfet shouted with a victory sign to everyone else.

The pod opened and a cool mist was released. Everyone leaned in to get a closer look.

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Shinji opened his eyes slightly, but instantly closed them when they had contact with light for the first time in centuries. He was cold. The air felt like a cold blanket. Shinji released a soft moan of grogginess and shifted his body slightly.

He could hear voices.

"He's conscious." A man's voice stated.

"Hey, he looks even more cute up close." a woman said.

Shinji didn't recognize them and slowly opened his eyes again.

"Lower the lights." The man's voice stated to someone.

The lights were now dimmed to accommodate his eyes and Shinji opened them with enough strength. He was in a room with a lot of people. Shinji saw an old woman standing next to a younger woman with baggy pants and curly hair. A redhead in a strange miniskirt was standing next to a young boy with a headband. Shinji turned his head over to where he heard the man's voice and saw a tall muscular guy with his long hair covering one of his eyes.

'Must be a doctor.' Shinji thought as he observed the white coat the man was wearing.

Though Shinji could see, everything was still blurry to him. He turned his head over to a blue-haired woman in a white jumpsuit.

Shinji eyes went wide with attraction.

"Rei..." He whispered. It came out hoarse and weak.

The figure shifted slightly.

"No." She said.

His eyes closed with disappointment.

Shinji looked around more and strained his eyes to look at everyone else.

'More women?' Shinji thought. 'Where the hell am I?'

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To be continued...

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MMV- Multiple Missile Vehicle

AMS- Anti-Missile Systlem

U.E.F. -United Earth Federation