The Third Law
Motionless Resolve
The rain pleated against the window pane, as if demanding for acknowledgement. The falling rain, along with its accompanying darkness and gloom, was a perfect metaphor for Rain's own inner emotions. Yet even with her internal downpour, Rain sat on the edge of the bed prepared to start the new day with her partner.
She had been ready for a while now, having followed her normal morning rituals. Her hair was in place, her snug pink dress and short blue jacket on, her large earrings in, and her feet inside her awkward white boots. Just as they always were. She looked just as she did the day before and the day before that. Yes she was ready to start another day with Domon.
"Another day just like any other," she wishfully thought.
I want you. No, I need you.
The woman's hands fisted as her eyes shut tight. The impossibility of it being just another day with her partner settled in the pit of her stomach.
With an unexpected and solitary crash of thunder and flash of light Rain was jerked out of her clenching and self loathing disposition. Her tear streaked cheeks glistened as the room illuminated with the next lightening bolt and in its afterglow Rain attention caught a glimpse of violent red.
"Domon's cape."
Its redness sliced through the darkness towards her. Calling her, beckoning her, like an enchanted omen. She crossed the room towards where it laid forgotten.
A tentative hand reached out towards it. Only pausing a second before allowing her fingertips to gently slid across the draped cloth. She remembered what if felt like against her arm when Domon had been so protectively close. Her fingers ran over an unaccounted for stiffness in the fabrics texture. She ran her fingers over the blemish twice before she realized what she was feeling. It was dried and now stained blood. Her blood. Rain remembered how Domon had so tenderly cared for her knee.
The woman picked up her partner's cape, carefully folded it, and moved to the one chair the room had to offer. As the exceptional mechanic sat there, faithfully awaiting her absent partner, her fingers gently caressed the softness of the worn material in her lap. Rain closed her tired eyes. Memories of yesterday, of being caught as she fell out of the corlander, of helped being supported to the hotel by a strong arm, of being saved, of passionate kisses, flashed like the lightening out the window through her mind, and Rain decided that she would not forget yesterday.
A noise from outside once again jolted Rain from her stupor, but this time it came from the door.
Domon slowly made is decent up the stairs. Slight perspiration mixed with the rain on his brow. Amazing, he could go fearlessly into any battle and had courageously accepted his fate, but facing his female partner had caused him to begin to sweat.
"I need you"
Domon feared things could never go back the way they were. Though he wasn't sure if he truly wanted their fragile relationship of shy glances and denial to return, he knew it was for the best. The fighter did however, decide to never forget last night's experience, to remember as much of it as he possibly could; the smooth skin, her taste, the warmth, and dare say the love. He didn't have enough resolve to forget any of it.
Having reached the door, Domon was soon becoming increasingly annoyed with the door lock. The little light kept flickering an aggravating red acknowledging the fact that the key was not working and the door was still locked. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath the King of Hearts tried to find his zen. He couldn't let his partner see him like this, couldn't let Rain know how much he himself was affected. .
"I need you"
Opening his eyes Domon was presented with rusty gold numbers. "They seem to be mocking me." More annoyed with his irrationality then the actually metal numbers, he growled as he fisted the card into the lock. A rather lovely shade of green showed.
Rain was shocked when the room was suddenly basked in artificial light.
Light blue eyes looked up questioning.
"I was by the door," Domon simply shrugged.
Rain's anxiety was briefly replaced with annoyance; she had never found the light switch. However, this change was unfortunately shortly lived and the woman found she could not as much as look at her partner's feet. It hurt her too much to look at him, "I need you", and yet she still felt drawn to him. She cursed her weakness.
Domon looked down at his partner in the room's one chair. She looked just as she did everyday, the same exact hair, the same arousingly tight outfit, and the same obnoxiously large earrings. And she was just as beautiful as ever. In the back of his head Domon gave his thanks to whomever, that she was sitting on the hard wooden chair instead of the bed. The man didn't think he could with stand it if she was still on the bed.
Silence penetrated through the room. Was the other thinking about the mistakes of last night each being silently thought.
"I want you, no I need you." "Does she now know how much I truly do need her," Domon worried.
Rain lightly closed her eyes, a blocker for the tears. "I want you, no I need you." It hurt her to simply be used, even more so because it was done by one she cared for.
After an extended lapse of uncomfortable silence, the young man shook his head of his thoughts and step forward. "Just another day," he ranted to himself in his head.
"Are you ready," he asked.
Rain looked up, "yes." Domon's partner had been faithfully prepared to leave. As she stood, she held out the red fabric that she had been caressing only seconds before. "You forgot this."
Domon looked down at Rain's offering had. He was surprised to find his red cape carefully folded in her delicate hands. Amazingly he had not noticed his brilliantly red possession in Rain's lap. He reached for the cape.
The offering hand rose to meet the receiving one. The man's calloused fingers come in gentle contact with the much softer ones of a woman. Both simultaneously paused and slowly lifted their eyes.
As lightens of the sky melted with intensified darkness, a solution was agreed upon. During that moment the two partners had wordlessly agreed to a truth of silence. Why Domon had offered his Gundam head for Rain would remain a mystery, the deep feelings they had both felt would remain hidden, their actions would remain unspoken of, and the doubt they shared would remain unresolved. As each longingly stared into one another's eyes, they agreed to never speak of what happened. It would be as if….
"Let's go," came Domon's command, and of course Rain followed.
….it would be as if nothing had ever happened.
Author's Notes:
I know I know, I am sooooo bad. It took me what, a year to update. I am very, very sorry. School is more then just a thorn in my side, it the whole freaken forest. And what excuse do I have for summer? Well none. I am also sorry for I rushed this last chapter. Thanks to all those who patiently stayed with me
Was the end not what you were hoping for? I did it because I wanted it to be able to fit in with the anime. That and I simply adore angst.
Some might have noticed I got rid of the dirty chapter four, I did that on request and tips of some reviewers. Sorry if I offended anyone. If I ever build my own fanfiction website I will post it there (knowing me that can be a very long wait).
I don't own G Gundam
The Candy Shop:
Alright guys this is where you get to choice the next story. When I actually write it ….who knows. Hopefully within a year (I am thinking over winter). Oh yeah I promised a fan no Lemons or anything slightly citrus so this is just good clean sugary fun.
A. Tootsie Roll Pop- a hard sweet candy shell surrounding chocolate bliss. And as it takes three licks to get to the center according to the owl, this will be a three chapter fic. Not very descriptive is it? I'll give you a hint Seite is in it, I am however only a D/R fan ( I actually have this one almost finished) P.S. If you want this one tell me how to spell his name.
B. Cotton Candy- pure fluff and sweetness. Most likely one shot (kinda started)
C. Peas and Carrots- I suck and you don't want me to continue writing. I feel really guilty about my obscenely long delays and I don't think it is fair to you the readers. And though I know this I don't expect to change.
Sorry again and thank all of you.